By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (V:. M:. Huiracocha)
What is life?
Answering that question would reveal the riddle of the Sphinx, to give a final and accurate sujo this problem so intractable: it would mean the cancellation of all the sciences known to date, with a view speculative and the overthrow of all mysteries of religion.
What they have done all schools so far and what we can do the same co
n our limited senses and intelligence, is to study the manifestations of that life in its various aspects and, beyond doubt, if this study interesting and helpful in the aspect or cosmic sense, much more should be interested in the vital work in the human body is in its organic sense.
Science, in general, defines life as follows: "Being all manifestations in the body and also the constant change between elements of the organism and the environment."
''Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in his "School pneumatic" (pneuma, the Greek root meaning breath), gives precisely the foundation to his theories, life took its origin in the breath, or breathing. Later see how far the ancient sage was right.
After him, Galen, two centuries after Christ with an emphasis on the same theories, establishing a school that says life in a more metaphysical. In the seventeenth century took shape the idea of \u200b\u200blife was the result of physiological functions and chemical theory that prevails in much of today under the banner of the positivist school or in the form in the eighteenth century the French introduced saying vitalism, life force or force hipérmecánica is the result of physical and chemical action of organic substances.
On the other hand, it has become fashionable, search turns to the appearance of wisdom, flatly deny this same life force.
Biology teaches us that life is the functioning of protoplasm or as the chemical and physical processes in the same protoplasm.
Let us explain first what is the protoplasm. I need not go into great detail, the intelligent public can not hear me listening for the first time this term, we know that plasma or sarcode is what they say physical basis of life, its structure is very varied and Hyaloplasma first noted in as transparent, foam spongioplasma when, after Ectoplasm differ when divided by the peripheral structure of the endoplasm. Chemical constituents are: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, phosphate, sodium, iron, etc. Just open an encyclopedia
last year to ascertain how even men of science, discuss the formation of this enigma, but his existence is a fact, just need to clarify and agree on the privacy of their chemical and physical processes.
The science that deals with this difficult task is Biology, and Biology that shows the components identified and intends to see in themselves, life.
I said, gentlemen, that the "Biology teaches us," but unfortunately as you see, in Biology passed as in other sciences: Dark, assumptions and if some biologists accept the above, others say different things : Vernow says the liquid protoplasm consists of a mixture of chemicals that are characterized him, having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ban orderly arrangement of its constituent elements. These chemicals, albumin alive Von Pfluger distinguished from ours, and called "biogenic", destroying and rebuilding on nutrition, give rise to all the energies of life. In the modern age
Bacon, Gasendi, Buffon, Youfíroy, Ahreus, Peiss, Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Leveque, Bonchut, Garran, Laisset, Ubaghs, Gunter, Baitz and, in a special way, the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, and particularly the famous Barthez, dean of the same, followed the doctrines of Hippocrates and also argued that the soul exists in man a vital principle distinct from it, and time, of matter whose principle operations produce sensitive and vegetative life.
In the present state of our knowledge, "said Barthez, the various movements that take place in the living body, must refer to two different principles" whose action is not mechanical, and whose nature is hidden, one of which is the soul that thinks and the other is the principle of life.
Claude Bernard says "plasma is a kind of chaos of life, which has not yet been modeled, and which is all confused, disorganized and faculty to organize, ability to react in the interests of moving.
In total respect to this issue, science is divided into two main schools: organic and vital.
For organismic, as well said Farrell, the mere suspicion that proves amorphous protoplasm and therefore, that the organismic mechanistic explanation of life would defeated in its strongest bastions, has caused many researchers who feel horror organigénica force, feed the chimerical hope of finding the chemical composition of protoplasm, the primary cause of life to be, in this case, a simple diversion structure.
But let's cheaper than the chemistry and biology come to see that the component of the activity resides protoplasm and hence derive all the other manifestations of organic life, do we give to that key background who presided at the formation of the same? A wise acquaintance, which I deserve deep respect in their biology gives us the following mechanical law.
atoms in the ether compare to areas of wood of different sizes immersed in a liquid. The largest
formed by sinking a vortex that attracts smaller, just as a boat dive boats attracts are close.
chemical atoms composing the protoplasm, rush upon each other under the formation of ethereal ramps, which are those that can be compared with the liquid vortices just talk, but do we meet that definition of organismic biologists? I say, No. What is life itself, is so far a hypothesis, beside the biological hypothesis that life is change between elements of the organism and the environment or chemical and physiological processes in the protoplasm occultists argue that life is the inner essence and the cause of this change indicated or that chemical or physical process.
But these are two hypotheses. Consider what is more valuable or more justified.
Eliphas Levi says: "there are several kinds of hypotheses: the hypothesis necessary, reasonable assumptions, the dubious and absurd." For my dear listeners can understand me I will give a graphic example:
I listen to this conference and say that I've written, this is a reasonable hypothesis, then you can deduce from criticizing it, study it, you can say that I inspired by this or that work which I have copied data from this or that author, or already said Papus, etc., etc., everything is a logical consequence of a reasonable hypothesis, but you can also say that it was not me but another person who I wrote, but suddenly you are wrong because it is not the first time I talk, and often improvised, and you make a dubious assumption, and assuming the case, since it is possible to hide behind a secretary me incognito lacking moral strength to appear in person, or a master astral, you must always agree that someone, either I or another, has made it, right? That is a necessary assumption, inevitably, but it seems you say this paper and the ink is the conference, and also that these ideas are combined together, alone or all of this I fell from the sky, you make the same assumption as absurd as biologists say the protoplasm (ink and paper) is life.
And so natural and logical as we impose the assumption that someone wrote this, is that of the occult: believe and try to analyze a force, which animates and directs the composition and functioning of protoplasm.
Now, admitting the law alluded Professor Mechanical and knowing that any mechanical law does not apply but a manifestation of cosmic force, and that force, cosmic energy is said, and this energy is divine wave that you can call God or god, the protoplasm problem would be solved in these terms. Some atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, were conglomerates that wave pulse or wave of divine life, says Papus, or as I say later, the intra-ionic strength in acting in physical plane, and then formuláis the same reasonable assumptions which assume that someone or something, made the conference.
trying to Hatha-Yoga, we must consider the following principle, or Prana, which I defined as a magnetic body, the vegetative soul, which according to our school, move the physical body and encourages or directs chemical and physiological processes, as well, in order to further this principle we should repeat something about the atom, we saw that is composed of ions and decomposable in Asniones and Cateónos, these ions are linked together by a force called cohesion.
Faraday, the famous English physicist, says, " atoms never touch one another, each one of them is the center of a molecule on ethereal and their sizes are separated from each other as the distance between the stars of heaven itself " . The same happens between the ions, so that not only can speak of interatomic force, but force or intra-ionic energy, so that for us the force of cohesion and repulsion or rather, the balance resulting from this phenomenon we call intra-ion energy and this term, if not define life itself, at least, more intimate expression that could be reached.
But let us keep even the atom. When, through mathematical calculation interatomic force is investigated, is that each atom is a huge collector or accumulator of these forces or energies.
If for some physical or chemical could dissociate cohesion, only a few atoms, we would release a number of forces such that would stir the continents, and even the planet.
In small, the experiences made with the explosive materials give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthis. Pyroxylin, one of the weakest explosives that are known to transform from the combustion of solid to gas, 500 times its volume increases, developing an expansive force proportional to the square of the increase, and it is to be noted that in these experiments have not been detached or a single atom, we can say that it is an experiment microscopic comparison of force that would be obtained if we could release the interatomic energy.
atom These studies have enriched by the remarks of Dr. Spring, of Liege.
That teacher, preparing a dilution of fluorescein 0.0023 grams in 230 grams of water and noting that even the daylight was a remarkable phosphorescence, continued to increase the dilution to 0,, 003gr. that disappeared with hydrogen, we have the weight of a positive electron is 0,, 000.018, or are 1.000 million million million electrons are gram negative.
So here comes the calculation of Spring, which probably is still far from the truth. Now, that atom is composed of a positive electron and a negative, that is a million times smaller still, it's easy to imagine how many forces we inhale with each breath, and breathing in this phenomenon we find the secret of life.
Well, we have seen that in the end, these electrons are the vortices of force that act on the visible matter, these forces are those that create, encourage and guide the Macrocosm or universe, and its role in our body or the Microcosmos called Hindus, Prana and the first, Jiva. We have studied and related to psychic phenomena, psychic force, with the cosmos, cosmic force, and in the human body we know as physical strength, we have also said that science will prove that heat, light, electricity, thought, will, are but one thing that comes to the vibrations of the ether, we must also believe that psychic force, cosmic, or physical things are different: no are but different names for the same thing, we noted differently according to the middle of the plane where they work or as the relationship in the study.
Speaking of the second principle of Bessant septenary have quoted Paracelsus defining the ethereal substance, astral, consisting of ether emanating from the sun and the stars, called stellar strength and Jiva occultists, and to act on our body, Prana, so that the problem of life would first draw the breath through everything we can to make Jiva and Prana, this first analysis is subtlety in us forming the living body. The ancient sages recognized
to the sun, when every morning feeling bathe our hemisphere with their streams of light and life, as the personification of a huge universal magnetizer, like Flammarion in his book "The End of the world," says "Life on earth depends on sunlight, again, is only a transformation of heat from the sun."
This placement keeps the water in liquid and air in a gaseous state without him everything would be solid and dead, it vaporizes the water in the sea, lakes, rivers, moist soil, it is he who forms the cloud, giving rise to the winds, rains directs, governs the circulation of irrigation fertility it is, thanks to that light and warmth, that plants assimilate carbon in the carbon dioxide from the air to separate oxygen and retain, the plants, with that, made a huge job.
The freshness of the forests, in combination with the shade of its leaves, which form a receptacle each heat, gives us the wood product that warms our rooms, and then does nothing to make us the heat that has captured the Sun: when we burn gas or coal, we release the trapped rays for millions of years in the forests of the time or primary period.
The same power is only a transformation of solar power. The sun is the source of all, it is he who whispers in the stream, blowing in the wind, who moans in the storm, which blooms in the rose and the nightingale sings, he shines and sparkles in the beam, which produced the storm and finally, it is the origin of man and of peoples, singing throughout the symphony of nature.
And our incomparable poet in his Faust, who holds the key to the high mysteries, but that only the initiated find, referring to the Sun says:
Sounds in the harmony
old pace in the celestial sphere the sun serene,
and precisely follow the prescribed path with powerful impetus
the angel gives her flare
force but can not penetrate it:
as Smiley leaving nothing
God's work is still sublime and beautiful.
And the land of beauty explendente
tour with inconceivable rapidity, and light
dark night soon bartered, cycle expires.
And in his sparkling bedrock
stir crazy deep sea waters,
and the eternal circle
incessant rolling waters go to the couple and rock.
the storm from the sea to the land runs
land and sea roaring back;
and fatal orbit
world holds with fierce desire and chained noise. Grief and desolation
announce the lightning forecast gloomy
but your faithful messenger, oh God, loves the sweet
up in your beautiful day.
Who agrees not to attribute to the sun throughout the paternity of the earth and all that is in it?, Hence some people, like the Incas of Peru, brought their zealotry, quite justified, to greet him prayer and worship as the primary manifestation of God.
Yes, gentlemen, pays tribute to the sun from the snow on the mountain to the metal hidden in the bowels of the earth, from the great whale to the tiny polyp of the seas, from the humble to the leafy oak moss adorning the vegetation, and from the huge elephant to the smallest ant on the earth Because
the sun is the center around which the planets and the response is
animated: the sun is life, is the regenerator of all that exists!
If we admit the universal life and if we think, given this wonderful harmony, a universal consciousness, why should we deny it to manifest in people encouraged to call conscious life aware, capable, and that leads us from cure of our diseases?
If we admit to the old one on top of which prevails septenary Atina, which is the particle of God that is within us, around which revolve the chemical, physiological and radiating cosmic whole, we expect, as the colleague Carbonel the day that science knows all the properties of sunlight, and empirically not tell us that life is a particular production of each agency, or that is an intrinsic property of the organic cell, but necessarily have to accept that Light is living and, in short, the solar influence and vital force are fully convertible terms.
has said repeatedly that the book more interesting, sometimes hard to read, but sometimes we talk to one syllable clearly, is the great book of nature: let us note on your page regarding the microcosm or the human body.
One patient abandoned there in the field, without resources-physicians, as are the happy animals healthy disease itself: who can heal? The nature of the life force or consciousness, healing and body's own . Walking down the street
we introduce a foreign body irritates the nose and the mucosa occurs instantly and expels a sneeze.
A piece of coal takes us into the eye immediately gland EYE tear floods to wash and to throw out the foreign body that bothers you. A chip inserted into a finger is thrown by the pus. A boy who smokes
first receives his punishment in the form of vomiting and dizziness, for the stomach to receive nicotine is not tolerated is thrown away. Balas
received in the field of battle, through surgical operations could not be learned, have been found, after many years, wrapped by a capsule of fibrous tissue in prison, completely harmless, but the best of our amazement at its height and where we see a clearly evident and vital reaction force is on site of phagocytosis, we noted name property with white blood cells to destroy large numbers of microbes, such as streptococcus Auria and albus and a huge variety of germs. Those things seem aware, because as an army touch attack to launch a fierce battle, as driven by a cry: win or die, and are winners or losers, depending on the power of life or chemo-táxico Cell. Read
Gentlemen, anatomical and physiological notions of my illustrious friend, Dr. John N. Arriaga, to see what a wonderful city is the human body, this correlation so sublime and wonderful that we could be showcased to promote universal solidarity damaged organs or disabled are helped by others of the same or similar functions: the lung that is responsible for introducing the oxygen in the blood and expel carbon dioxide and nitrogen, when for any cause the blood does not get that element of azo materials for roads digestive, lung delivers.
A kidney's work is replaced by another, in order the agency seeking all appropriate means of defense and healing reaction. This is seen in all animated beings and the animals are provided with such means, much more so must be the man, as he imposes his privilege, but is it preferred? No, unfortunately. If rigorous
rise in the zoological scale we look for in proportion to the duration of life and the age at which reaches its highest development, we found that this ratio is as 1 to 10, for example:
The cat reaches its highest development a year and lives 15, the horse at 4 and 30 lives, the sheep live at 2 and 20, the parrot at 2 and live more than 100 years, so that animals are 10 times more than the time they have needed for their development. Deductible under this background, man, king of creation or intellectual animal should live 200 years, since its improvement is purchased at age 20.
Hippocrates lived 109 years, José Surrigton, as cited Ballestero, who died in Bergen in 1798 at the age of 160 years, full of mental and physical vigor, leaving a number of children of whom the eldest, alive, had 103 and the lower 9 years. The English Are lived 152; a Frenchwoman, Marie Piou, who died in 1837, reached 158 years, Cristian Graukeuber 146. A few years ago the French chemist Crevreul died at 103 years with their intellectual and physical faculties all good.
In the Church of Cairo, Glasgow County, a headstone that reads: "Here lie the remains of William Edwards, a native of Cairo, who died at the age of 168 years." My countryman, German Thomas Cams, lived to the age of 207 years, and I met a Peruvian monastery lay 110 years and looks more like 80. Sage Heler
collected data from more than 1,000 people who spent 110 years, of whom 29 died at 120, 19 to 130, 6 to 140 and some 140 to 150, plus the daily "The Fair" a few days ago, we noticed a man who lives in one of the states of North and reaches the 139 years. Perchance
laws of nature, prior to the longevity of these people can not be repeated, and if we study the manifestations of life at its most intimate and methodize rules if imposed, can not generalized?
probably yes.
What is life?
Answering that question would reveal the riddle of the Sphinx, to give a final and accurate sujo this problem so intractable: it would mean the cancellation of all the sciences known to date, with a view speculative and the overthrow of all mysteries of religion.
What they have done all schools so far and what we can do the same co

Science, in general, defines life as follows: "Being all manifestations in the body and also the constant change between elements of the organism and the environment."
''Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in his "School pneumatic" (pneuma, the Greek root meaning breath), gives precisely the foundation to his theories, life took its origin in the breath, or breathing. Later see how far the ancient sage was right.
After him, Galen, two centuries after Christ with an emphasis on the same theories, establishing a school that says life in a more metaphysical. In the seventeenth century took shape the idea of \u200b\u200blife was the result of physiological functions and chemical theory that prevails in much of today under the banner of the positivist school or in the form in the eighteenth century the French introduced saying vitalism, life force or force hipérmecánica is the result of physical and chemical action of organic substances.
On the other hand, it has become fashionable, search turns to the appearance of wisdom, flatly deny this same life force.
Biology teaches us that life is the functioning of protoplasm or as the chemical and physical processes in the same protoplasm.
Let us explain first what is the protoplasm. I need not go into great detail, the intelligent public can not hear me listening for the first time this term, we know that plasma or sarcode is what they say physical basis of life, its structure is very varied and Hyaloplasma first noted in as transparent, foam spongioplasma when, after Ectoplasm differ when divided by the peripheral structure of the endoplasm. Chemical constituents are: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, phosphate, sodium, iron, etc. Just open an encyclopedia
last year to ascertain how even men of science, discuss the formation of this enigma, but his existence is a fact, just need to clarify and agree on the privacy of their chemical and physical processes.
The science that deals with this difficult task is Biology, and Biology that shows the components identified and intends to see in themselves, life.
I said, gentlemen, that the "Biology teaches us," but unfortunately as you see, in Biology passed as in other sciences: Dark, assumptions and if some biologists accept the above, others say different things : Vernow says the liquid protoplasm consists of a mixture of chemicals that are characterized him, having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ban orderly arrangement of its constituent elements. These chemicals, albumin alive Von Pfluger distinguished from ours, and called "biogenic", destroying and rebuilding on nutrition, give rise to all the energies of life. In the modern age
Bacon, Gasendi, Buffon, Youfíroy, Ahreus, Peiss, Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Leveque, Bonchut, Garran, Laisset, Ubaghs, Gunter, Baitz and, in a special way, the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, and particularly the famous Barthez, dean of the same, followed the doctrines of Hippocrates and also argued that the soul exists in man a vital principle distinct from it, and time, of matter whose principle operations produce sensitive and vegetative life.
In the present state of our knowledge, "said Barthez, the various movements that take place in the living body, must refer to two different principles" whose action is not mechanical, and whose nature is hidden, one of which is the soul that thinks and the other is the principle of life.
Claude Bernard says "plasma is a kind of chaos of life, which has not yet been modeled, and which is all confused, disorganized and faculty to organize, ability to react in the interests of moving.
In total respect to this issue, science is divided into two main schools: organic and vital.
For organismic, as well said Farrell, the mere suspicion that proves amorphous protoplasm and therefore, that the organismic mechanistic explanation of life would defeated in its strongest bastions, has caused many researchers who feel horror organigénica force, feed the chimerical hope of finding the chemical composition of protoplasm, the primary cause of life to be, in this case, a simple diversion structure.
But let's cheaper than the chemistry and biology come to see that the component of the activity resides protoplasm and hence derive all the other manifestations of organic life, do we give to that key background who presided at the formation of the same? A wise acquaintance, which I deserve deep respect in their biology gives us the following mechanical law.
atoms in the ether compare to areas of wood of different sizes immersed in a liquid. The largest
formed by sinking a vortex that attracts smaller, just as a boat dive boats attracts are close.
chemical atoms composing the protoplasm, rush upon each other under the formation of ethereal ramps, which are those that can be compared with the liquid vortices just talk, but do we meet that definition of organismic biologists? I say, No. What is life itself, is so far a hypothesis, beside the biological hypothesis that life is change between elements of the organism and the environment or chemical and physiological processes in the protoplasm occultists argue that life is the inner essence and the cause of this change indicated or that chemical or physical process.
But these are two hypotheses. Consider what is more valuable or more justified.
Eliphas Levi says: "there are several kinds of hypotheses: the hypothesis necessary, reasonable assumptions, the dubious and absurd." For my dear listeners can understand me I will give a graphic example:
I listen to this conference and say that I've written, this is a reasonable hypothesis, then you can deduce from criticizing it, study it, you can say that I inspired by this or that work which I have copied data from this or that author, or already said Papus, etc., etc., everything is a logical consequence of a reasonable hypothesis, but you can also say that it was not me but another person who I wrote, but suddenly you are wrong because it is not the first time I talk, and often improvised, and you make a dubious assumption, and assuming the case, since it is possible to hide behind a secretary me incognito lacking moral strength to appear in person, or a master astral, you must always agree that someone, either I or another, has made it, right? That is a necessary assumption, inevitably, but it seems you say this paper and the ink is the conference, and also that these ideas are combined together, alone or all of this I fell from the sky, you make the same assumption as absurd as biologists say the protoplasm (ink and paper) is life.
And so natural and logical as we impose the assumption that someone wrote this, is that of the occult: believe and try to analyze a force, which animates and directs the composition and functioning of protoplasm.
Now, admitting the law alluded Professor Mechanical and knowing that any mechanical law does not apply but a manifestation of cosmic force, and that force, cosmic energy is said, and this energy is divine wave that you can call God or god, the protoplasm problem would be solved in these terms. Some atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, were conglomerates that wave pulse or wave of divine life, says Papus, or as I say later, the intra-ionic strength in acting in physical plane, and then formuláis the same reasonable assumptions which assume that someone or something, made the conference.
trying to Hatha-Yoga, we must consider the following principle, or Prana, which I defined as a magnetic body, the vegetative soul, which according to our school, move the physical body and encourages or directs chemical and physiological processes, as well, in order to further this principle we should repeat something about the atom, we saw that is composed of ions and decomposable in Asniones and Cateónos, these ions are linked together by a force called cohesion.
Faraday, the famous English physicist, says, " atoms never touch one another, each one of them is the center of a molecule on ethereal and their sizes are separated from each other as the distance between the stars of heaven itself " . The same happens between the ions, so that not only can speak of interatomic force, but force or intra-ionic energy, so that for us the force of cohesion and repulsion or rather, the balance resulting from this phenomenon we call intra-ion energy and this term, if not define life itself, at least, more intimate expression that could be reached.
But let us keep even the atom. When, through mathematical calculation interatomic force is investigated, is that each atom is a huge collector or accumulator of these forces or energies.
If for some physical or chemical could dissociate cohesion, only a few atoms, we would release a number of forces such that would stir the continents, and even the planet.
In small, the experiences made with the explosive materials give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthis. Pyroxylin, one of the weakest explosives that are known to transform from the combustion of solid to gas, 500 times its volume increases, developing an expansive force proportional to the square of the increase, and it is to be noted that in these experiments have not been detached or a single atom, we can say that it is an experiment microscopic comparison of force that would be obtained if we could release the interatomic energy.
atom These studies have enriched by the remarks of Dr. Spring, of Liege.
That teacher, preparing a dilution of fluorescein 0.0023 grams in 230 grams of water and noting that even the daylight was a remarkable phosphorescence, continued to increase the dilution to 0,, 003gr. that disappeared with hydrogen, we have the weight of a positive electron is 0,, 000.018, or are 1.000 million million million electrons are gram negative.
So here comes the calculation of Spring, which probably is still far from the truth. Now, that atom is composed of a positive electron and a negative, that is a million times smaller still, it's easy to imagine how many forces we inhale with each breath, and breathing in this phenomenon we find the secret of life.
Well, we have seen that in the end, these electrons are the vortices of force that act on the visible matter, these forces are those that create, encourage and guide the Macrocosm or universe, and its role in our body or the Microcosmos called Hindus, Prana and the first, Jiva. We have studied and related to psychic phenomena, psychic force, with the cosmos, cosmic force, and in the human body we know as physical strength, we have also said that science will prove that heat, light, electricity, thought, will, are but one thing that comes to the vibrations of the ether, we must also believe that psychic force, cosmic, or physical things are different: no are but different names for the same thing, we noted differently according to the middle of the plane where they work or as the relationship in the study.
Speaking of the second principle of Bessant septenary have quoted Paracelsus defining the ethereal substance, astral, consisting of ether emanating from the sun and the stars, called stellar strength and Jiva occultists, and to act on our body, Prana, so that the problem of life would first draw the breath through everything we can to make Jiva and Prana, this first analysis is subtlety in us forming the living body. The ancient sages recognized
to the sun, when every morning feeling bathe our hemisphere with their streams of light and life, as the personification of a huge universal magnetizer, like Flammarion in his book "The End of the world," says "Life on earth depends on sunlight, again, is only a transformation of heat from the sun."
This placement keeps the water in liquid and air in a gaseous state without him everything would be solid and dead, it vaporizes the water in the sea, lakes, rivers, moist soil, it is he who forms the cloud, giving rise to the winds, rains directs, governs the circulation of irrigation fertility it is, thanks to that light and warmth, that plants assimilate carbon in the carbon dioxide from the air to separate oxygen and retain, the plants, with that, made a huge job.
The freshness of the forests, in combination with the shade of its leaves, which form a receptacle each heat, gives us the wood product that warms our rooms, and then does nothing to make us the heat that has captured the Sun: when we burn gas or coal, we release the trapped rays for millions of years in the forests of the time or primary period.
The same power is only a transformation of solar power. The sun is the source of all, it is he who whispers in the stream, blowing in the wind, who moans in the storm, which blooms in the rose and the nightingale sings, he shines and sparkles in the beam, which produced the storm and finally, it is the origin of man and of peoples, singing throughout the symphony of nature.
And our incomparable poet in his Faust, who holds the key to the high mysteries, but that only the initiated find, referring to the Sun says:
Sounds in the harmony
old pace in the celestial sphere the sun serene,
and precisely follow the prescribed path with powerful impetus
the angel gives her flare
force but can not penetrate it:
as Smiley leaving nothing
God's work is still sublime and beautiful.
And the land of beauty explendente
tour with inconceivable rapidity, and light
dark night soon bartered, cycle expires.
And in his sparkling bedrock
stir crazy deep sea waters,
and the eternal circle
incessant rolling waters go to the couple and rock.
the storm from the sea to the land runs
land and sea roaring back;
and fatal orbit
world holds with fierce desire and chained noise. Grief and desolation
announce the lightning forecast gloomy
but your faithful messenger, oh God, loves the sweet
up in your beautiful day.
Who agrees not to attribute to the sun throughout the paternity of the earth and all that is in it?, Hence some people, like the Incas of Peru, brought their zealotry, quite justified, to greet him prayer and worship as the primary manifestation of God.
Yes, gentlemen, pays tribute to the sun from the snow on the mountain to the metal hidden in the bowels of the earth, from the great whale to the tiny polyp of the seas, from the humble to the leafy oak moss adorning the vegetation, and from the huge elephant to the smallest ant on the earth Because
the sun is the center around which the planets and the response is

If we admit the universal life and if we think, given this wonderful harmony, a universal consciousness, why should we deny it to manifest in people encouraged to call conscious life aware, capable, and that leads us from cure of our diseases?
If we admit to the old one on top of which prevails septenary Atina, which is the particle of God that is within us, around which revolve the chemical, physiological and radiating cosmic whole, we expect, as the colleague Carbonel the day that science knows all the properties of sunlight, and empirically not tell us that life is a particular production of each agency, or that is an intrinsic property of the organic cell, but necessarily have to accept that Light is living and, in short, the solar influence and vital force are fully convertible terms.
has said repeatedly that the book more interesting, sometimes hard to read, but sometimes we talk to one syllable clearly, is the great book of nature: let us note on your page regarding the microcosm or the human body.
One patient abandoned there in the field, without resources-physicians, as are the happy animals healthy disease itself: who can heal? The nature of the life force or consciousness, healing and body's own . Walking down the street
we introduce a foreign body irritates the nose and the mucosa occurs instantly and expels a sneeze.
A piece of coal takes us into the eye immediately gland EYE tear floods to wash and to throw out the foreign body that bothers you. A chip inserted into a finger is thrown by the pus. A boy who smokes
first receives his punishment in the form of vomiting and dizziness, for the stomach to receive nicotine is not tolerated is thrown away. Balas
received in the field of battle, through surgical operations could not be learned, have been found, after many years, wrapped by a capsule of fibrous tissue in prison, completely harmless, but the best of our amazement at its height and where we see a clearly evident and vital reaction force is on site of phagocytosis, we noted name property with white blood cells to destroy large numbers of microbes, such as streptococcus Auria and albus and a huge variety of germs. Those things seem aware, because as an army touch attack to launch a fierce battle, as driven by a cry: win or die, and are winners or losers, depending on the power of life or chemo-táxico Cell. Read
Gentlemen, anatomical and physiological notions of my illustrious friend, Dr. John N. Arriaga, to see what a wonderful city is the human body, this correlation so sublime and wonderful that we could be showcased to promote universal solidarity damaged organs or disabled are helped by others of the same or similar functions: the lung that is responsible for introducing the oxygen in the blood and expel carbon dioxide and nitrogen, when for any cause the blood does not get that element of azo materials for roads digestive, lung delivers.
A kidney's work is replaced by another, in order the agency seeking all appropriate means of defense and healing reaction. This is seen in all animated beings and the animals are provided with such means, much more so must be the man, as he imposes his privilege, but is it preferred? No, unfortunately. If rigorous
rise in the zoological scale we look for in proportion to the duration of life and the age at which reaches its highest development, we found that this ratio is as 1 to 10, for example:
The cat reaches its highest development a year and lives 15, the horse at 4 and 30 lives, the sheep live at 2 and 20, the parrot at 2 and live more than 100 years, so that animals are 10 times more than the time they have needed for their development. Deductible under this background, man, king of creation or intellectual animal should live 200 years, since its improvement is purchased at age 20.
Hippocrates lived 109 years, José Surrigton, as cited Ballestero, who died in Bergen in 1798 at the age of 160 years, full of mental and physical vigor, leaving a number of children of whom the eldest, alive, had 103 and the lower 9 years. The English Are lived 152; a Frenchwoman, Marie Piou, who died in 1837, reached 158 years, Cristian Graukeuber 146. A few years ago the French chemist Crevreul died at 103 years with their intellectual and physical faculties all good.
In the Church of Cairo, Glasgow County, a headstone that reads: "Here lie the remains of William Edwards, a native of Cairo, who died at the age of 168 years." My countryman, German Thomas Cams, lived to the age of 207 years, and I met a Peruvian monastery lay 110 years and looks more like 80. Sage Heler
collected data from more than 1,000 people who spent 110 years, of whom 29 died at 120, 19 to 130, 6 to 140 and some 140 to 150, plus the daily "The Fair" a few days ago, we noticed a man who lives in one of the states of North and reaches the 139 years. Perchance
laws of nature, prior to the longevity of these people can not be repeated, and if we study the manifestations of life at its most intimate and methodize rules if imposed, can not generalized?
probably yes.
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