We have tried to the Sun's influence on life but does that star is the only influence Health and organic life? Obviously not, but is the principal.
Astrologers we specify the influence of each in relation to its position, would lead us too far into these details, but I do not even notice the influence of the moon.
You have all heard of the lunatic fringe, a kind of sick humor change their character or full moon, or even of sleepwalkers who walk roofs in the state of the moon. We know the influence of the satellite at certain events in the lives of women, etc. You know
men's field, pruned during the new moon, they say so out better outbreaks, because the same happens with the hair is an ornament of women, as well tab it long and curly, because instead of increasing the promontory with the hair of corpses, with the latest fashions are scarce in hospitals in Europe, cut the tip of the hair and eyelashes, for some time, new moon, and see what results.
I will say that I am wrong claim (the author is bald). Returning to the subject seriously and leaving established that the life force emanating from the stars we can use this, we must find a way to achieve this,
The planet Mercury is far from the Sun 14,300.000 leagues, the mercury has a specific gravity of 14.3. The aphelion note
69.4 million miles, and Mercury, as metal is 6.94 times heavier than air. If we take as unity the diameter of Earth, the planet Mercury corresponds to 0.38 and the metal freezes at 0.38 degrees.
planet density is 1.37 same as the liquid mercury 1.37. in other words, try to get in touch with her and that we do by way of breathing.
So the bridge between universal life and individual life is breathing, and the main points where they contact these elements are on the free surface of the vesicles lung and gastrointestinal mucosa.
We have repeated that the atom is a huge capacitor amount of energy, therefore the oxygen atoms contained in the air, penetrated by osmosis through the lung epithelium to introduce into the body is not only a particle or chemical material, but a certain proportion of the force that holds.
The atmosphere and the ether, we are immersed are, as we understood, a vast ocean of cosmic forces which took the ratio required by the breath.
This breathing life brings us closest to the laboratories of the body to form the protoplasm, which analyze and that is the basis of the organic cell, and as this cell has the inherent strength- to develop the germ of another cell with equal rights to own, is that the secret of prolonging life, is to put the cells in such conditions, to produce the like under the same conditions. This secret reveals
India with Hatha Yoga or the science of breathing. The Hatha-Yoga is a branch of science Yoga, known as the Raja-Yoga, Karma-Yoga and Yoga Gnani, but they will be the subject of another conference, since the margin of this is small for such an important issue.
travelers who have visited India are in line to have seen fakirs and yogis and amazing evidence by authorities, that Westerners are inexplicable, are paralyzed by the moments they want, the pulsation of the heart, and I myself have considered one in Paris, coming up at will push up to 120 per minute. It is very fashionable
novel Nostradamus, real character and not just fictional, who lived in the court of Catherine de Medici and, as his son Michael, has left written works.
For this character, or same as Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, in his old age kept the look of a man at age 40, his secrets were based on respiration, which is taught in the ancient initiations. There are now a variety of secret methods of breath, I know several, and I is given only to provide the public, are largely pointing Ramacharaka Yogi in his work.
have copied all would be a reading of four hours, would not be for the benefit of my beloved listeners, and practice has taught me that, as Yogi us involved, should not and can follow them around the world. Either to cure diseases or to develop the powers latent in man, it is necessary to take into account the constitution of each person, their background and status, living environment, etc. One of the breaths that he can use around the world, and that no-exception will result, is the purifying, which consists of inhaling through the nose slowly in three stages, focusing first on the bass: belly soon after the diaphragm and the lung retain air for a few seconds and then expel it through your mouth slowly, putting the lips in the act of whistling. This exercise ventilate and clean the lungs, mathematically stimulating cells, tones the respiratory system by stimulating the entire body. Another breath, is the same, combined with gymnastic exercises, tones the nerves and is excellent for intellectual men, but the basis of all is the one published by Mr. Capdevila and Dr. Rama Prasad Indian, which I have experienced for ten years.
Everything that exists in the universe is composed of five Tattwas. The human body or microcosm as well as the macrocosm, in our body alternately them influence, and perfectly regular time intervals.
Therefore, the health of body and spirit of the game depends entirely on the regular and harmonious, the more or less stable balance of these five forces. One of the overt signs of the presence of any of them, in this or that place the body, is its color, the seer or the sensitive looks, with eyes closed, and perceives it in the space environment.
the Prithvi Tattva, is yellow, it's exciting, enardeciente by nature, his specialty in the human body is working in the nutrition of the muscles in the food substance nervous.
Prithvi is one which is the cell in general to be played in perfect condition, works mainly in the lungs in the act of breathing, the digestion of air, which requires 60 hours to be carried out, during which the lungs work in shifts.
experiencing breathing five changes, ie that certain events take place for some time, in such a place of organs and for another period of time, at such other place. Occultists call
solar breath that drives on the right nostril and breathing lunar which is made by the left nostril.
the right side, Hindus have called sun is positive side, representing the male principle or active.
The left side is called the moon and Shakti, which represents the female principle, female or passive. The five Tattwas work alternately in the two sides.
dive into details:
in perfect health, the breath or breathing follows the movements of the moon. The lunar month as we know is 30 days.
For 15 days and our nights are illuminated for a further 15 are in the shade. During these two fortnights the moon through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and remains then, 60 hours each.
When the moon enters the sign Aries, breathe through your right nostril, and the same is true for each odd sign of the Zodiac.
When the moon enters a sign pair, respiration is carried out by the left nostril.
During the 60 hours that the moon remains in the sign, the breath changes 31 times. 60, divided by 31, 1 hour, 56 minutes, 7 seconds, 7 alternative work times for each lung.
If the sun rises, we notice one or other breathing (breathing lunar, left nostril, solar breathing, right nostril), we are confident that for three days we will have the same breath as the sun rises.
is necessary, then, suppose you just breathe the day before a period of 3 days.
According to the estimate made within 24 hours during which they are made 12 changes and 2 / 5 one is always true that the 13 ° change will be like the first, then comes the sign change, and with it, the change of respiration. If we are in a period of 15 days of clear nights in the first, second and third day we found that we have sunrise lunar breathing, left side.
's count one hour 56 minutes, 7 seconds and see what the rest of the day the alternate breathing during that time, either right or left.
I. "The first, second and third days, breathing lunar sunrise.
II.-The fourth, fifth and sixth days, breathing solar output sun.
III.-Seventh, eighth and ninth days, lunar time.
IV.-The tenth, eleventh and twelfth days, back to the site.
V. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days, becomes the moon.
During the dark nights, we have:
I. "First, second and third days, solar breath sunrise.
II: Fourth, fifth and sixth days, lunar breath, and continues alternating so that the thirteenth is like the first.
This exercise is performed by closing the hole with a finger right or left, depending on the case, forcing the breathing to be free from the pit. This method
Breathing is a secret initiation that I knew many years ago saved my life when I was a victim of the Black Death. Now I've seen posted already, so I have no objection to offer to my listeners.
Ensayadlo those who want to live long and die not from disease, physical exhaustion Syrian and you can judge success in this important matter.
Almost all the old men speak in an evening of it. Well
Ennemoser says the sage, the various symbolic myths that give us the tradition or the old books, previously considered as mere meaningless fictions, are now being more resourceful, and the same time the most profound expressions of a strict and scientifically defined truth of nature, for example
Scripture or the Bible is one book, for anyone who understands its meaning hidden or esoteric, more important than known, we are told in Genesis, Chapter II, verse 7. "for the Lord God formed the man of dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was the man living soul."
it is seen that the Bible identifies as the principle of life, the breath coming in through the nose.
The Bhagavad Gita and the Bible have other appointments curious in this regard, that you can search. Carbonel
hygienist believes that the vital force is the cause and no effect of organic functionalism, and being active force, differs from the latent force be polarized or bisexual, gender not being anything but a particular manifestation of polarity.
A neutral state power is unmanifested, to sensitize operating a phenomenon of disintegration.
Life is the one resulting from their mutual influence by closing a circuit energy in every living being. Health is the balance of both energies, and the disease, its imbalance. Taken biological material respect these energies are entificadas in microbes or host cells, units life that can be bio-bio-positive or negative. The latter
modern science called bacilli, infectious microbes and all fluid resuscitation and treatment of toxic aspire only to destruction.
Here is where the method differs Yoga and Physiotherapy of the allopathic school, as the natural means of restoring health is through encouraging the positive bio-organic elements, strengthening the body and stimulates vital energy.
let's call this life force or physical force is no longer a myth since the eminent physician, Dr. Joiro, has invented a device to specify and measure, with the advancement of science enters the life force the domain of experimental science positive and accurate.
The instrument designed and built by Joiro is placed on a pedestal whose summit is a disc divided as the unit-Paraduc Fortin, at 360 degrees. In the center of the base unit there was found a shaft of glass.
a needle, usually made of straw, refers to the degrees on the disc, this indicator is pierced with a wire tip down to the bottom.
One arm of the needle, shorter than the other, is loaded with a slight counterweight, is almost always used cotton, which hangs down.
The plate forming the bottom is trimmed by a glass wall to protect the needle influences air.
The subject with which it purports to measure the life force, your arm should rest on a cushion placed near the needle without touching it.
a few minutes to check that is drawn 15, 20, to 50 degrees. In the submission by Joiro is proven beyond all doubt that the results can not be attributed in any manner to sound, heat, light or electricity.
Experiments have been made so far, usually in hospitals in France and Joiro reads: "Des manífesíations that suddenly forced her exteriorisée nerveiuse relativement a l'état de santé des sujets" and indeed find that a patient while will worsen, the indicator drops, and the progress of convalescence up. The strange thing is that the neurasthenic, and especially those who suffer from stomach, do not leave the unit, then a colleague, a great diffuser of Hatha-Yoga and physical therapy, does follow a regimen, and only the breathing exercises acting on the instrument. So (I am writing to you endless phalanx of neurasthenic) and you have a magic bullet, but it has a serious drawback for you: not sold in the pharmacy, and the neurotic need to spend, what is so abundant, so cheap how will you serve? but try it and let you doctor and pharmacy, start exercising breathing and see how wonderful you derive healing yourselves.
you have already heard the on the secret of breathing, but that is not enough when we are sick.
Let us explain in a way that is quite popular disease and causes of the disease. Health, we know, is, in general terms, the proper functioning of each and every one of the parts that compose our bodies. Nature has endowed us with its own organs for the assimilation of both solid food, liquid, and gaseous. Therefore, all those scholars who have compared the human body with a chemical laboratory, told a the great truths that can include all the intelligences.
However, when any cause such as temperature or improper food, is run either side of the body with an abnormal work, the effort to produce this baby body to conduct an unusual task results in fatigue , pain or other disorder, which breaks the regularity of its physiological actions used, and this is what is called disease.
Overall, it is clear that when the residue of food has not been expelled, having assimilated and today the body what it needs for your regular life, internal disorders and silt occur in the process of waste natural, so indisputable, results in disease.
died some time ago a wise French doctor who had written many medical works: When you open your will to see who left his manuscripts and publishing rights, which could produce large amounts found the following clause: "Burn, of all the I have written, keeping only the top of my works and make print what I have written to reverse it. Eager to see what was there, they seek cover and here's what he said:''
keep your head cool, free belly, warm feet and flee for drugs " .
! Tableau They said the heirs, but this statement is very wise: the first concept is achieved through the breath and pointed out, the second is true trying to avoid at all costs, silt, or agglomeration or slag left in our body assimilation and combustion. To expel four major lines of relief that our body or are: kidneys and skin for liquids, solids intestines and mouth to the gas.
In most diseases it is reduced simply to help them work.
Many who hear me expect something higher, more scientific, then I'm sorry, if this is not scientific, it is true. Tried to follow, the sick, and get health.
Astrologers we specify the influence of each in relation to its position, would lead us too far into these details, but I do not even notice the influence of the moon.
You have all heard of the lunatic fringe, a kind of sick humor change their character or full moon, or even of sleepwalkers who walk roofs in the state of the moon. We know the influence of the satellite at certain events in the lives of women, etc. You know

I will say that I am wrong claim (the author is bald). Returning to the subject seriously and leaving established that the life force emanating from the stars we can use this, we must find a way to achieve this,
The planet Mercury is far from the Sun 14,300.000 leagues, the mercury has a specific gravity of 14.3. The aphelion note
69.4 million miles, and Mercury, as metal is 6.94 times heavier than air. If we take as unity the diameter of Earth, the planet Mercury corresponds to 0.38 and the metal freezes at 0.38 degrees.
planet density is 1.37 same as the liquid mercury 1.37. in other words, try to get in touch with her and that we do by way of breathing.
So the bridge between universal life and individual life is breathing, and the main points where they contact these elements are on the free surface of the vesicles lung and gastrointestinal mucosa.
We have repeated that the atom is a huge capacitor amount of energy, therefore the oxygen atoms contained in the air, penetrated by osmosis through the lung epithelium to introduce into the body is not only a particle or chemical material, but a certain proportion of the force that holds.
The atmosphere and the ether, we are immersed are, as we understood, a vast ocean of cosmic forces which took the ratio required by the breath.
This breathing life brings us closest to the laboratories of the body to form the protoplasm, which analyze and that is the basis of the organic cell, and as this cell has the inherent strength- to develop the germ of another cell with equal rights to own, is that the secret of prolonging life, is to put the cells in such conditions, to produce the like under the same conditions. This secret reveals
India with Hatha Yoga or the science of breathing. The Hatha-Yoga is a branch of science Yoga, known as the Raja-Yoga, Karma-Yoga and Yoga Gnani, but they will be the subject of another conference, since the margin of this is small for such an important issue.
travelers who have visited India are in line to have seen fakirs and yogis and amazing evidence by authorities, that Westerners are inexplicable, are paralyzed by the moments they want, the pulsation of the heart, and I myself have considered one in Paris, coming up at will push up to 120 per minute. It is very fashionable
novel Nostradamus, real character and not just fictional, who lived in the court of Catherine de Medici and, as his son Michael, has left written works.
For this character, or same as Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, in his old age kept the look of a man at age 40, his secrets were based on respiration, which is taught in the ancient initiations. There are now a variety of secret methods of breath, I know several, and I is given only to provide the public, are largely pointing Ramacharaka Yogi in his work.
have copied all would be a reading of four hours, would not be for the benefit of my beloved listeners, and practice has taught me that, as Yogi us involved, should not and can follow them around the world. Either to cure diseases or to develop the powers latent in man, it is necessary to take into account the constitution of each person, their background and status, living environment, etc. One of the breaths that he can use around the world, and that no-exception will result, is the purifying, which consists of inhaling through the nose slowly in three stages, focusing first on the bass: belly soon after the diaphragm and the lung retain air for a few seconds and then expel it through your mouth slowly, putting the lips in the act of whistling. This exercise ventilate and clean the lungs, mathematically stimulating cells, tones the respiratory system by stimulating the entire body. Another breath, is the same, combined with gymnastic exercises, tones the nerves and is excellent for intellectual men, but the basis of all is the one published by Mr. Capdevila and Dr. Rama Prasad Indian, which I have experienced for ten years.
Everything that exists in the universe is composed of five Tattwas. The human body or microcosm as well as the macrocosm, in our body alternately them influence, and perfectly regular time intervals.
Therefore, the health of body and spirit of the game depends entirely on the regular and harmonious, the more or less stable balance of these five forces. One of the overt signs of the presence of any of them, in this or that place the body, is its color, the seer or the sensitive looks, with eyes closed, and perceives it in the space environment.
the Prithvi Tattva, is yellow, it's exciting, enardeciente by nature, his specialty in the human body is working in the nutrition of the muscles in the food substance nervous.
Prithvi is one which is the cell in general to be played in perfect condition, works mainly in the lungs in the act of breathing, the digestion of air, which requires 60 hours to be carried out, during which the lungs work in shifts.
experiencing breathing five changes, ie that certain events take place for some time, in such a place of organs and for another period of time, at such other place. Occultists call
solar breath that drives on the right nostril and breathing lunar which is made by the left nostril.
the right side, Hindus have called sun is positive side, representing the male principle or active.
The left side is called the moon and Shakti, which represents the female principle, female or passive. The five Tattwas work alternately in the two sides.
dive into details:
in perfect health, the breath or breathing follows the movements of the moon. The lunar month as we know is 30 days.
For 15 days and our nights are illuminated for a further 15 are in the shade. During these two fortnights the moon through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and remains then, 60 hours each.
When the moon enters the sign Aries, breathe through your right nostril, and the same is true for each odd sign of the Zodiac.
When the moon enters a sign pair, respiration is carried out by the left nostril.
During the 60 hours that the moon remains in the sign, the breath changes 31 times. 60, divided by 31, 1 hour, 56 minutes, 7 seconds, 7 alternative work times for each lung.
If the sun rises, we notice one or other breathing (breathing lunar, left nostril, solar breathing, right nostril), we are confident that for three days we will have the same breath as the sun rises.
is necessary, then, suppose you just breathe the day before a period of 3 days.
According to the estimate made within 24 hours during which they are made 12 changes and 2 / 5 one is always true that the 13 ° change will be like the first, then comes the sign change, and with it, the change of respiration. If we are in a period of 15 days of clear nights in the first, second and third day we found that we have sunrise lunar breathing, left side.
's count one hour 56 minutes, 7 seconds and see what the rest of the day the alternate breathing during that time, either right or left.
I. "The first, second and third days, breathing lunar sunrise.
II.-The fourth, fifth and sixth days, breathing solar output sun.
III.-Seventh, eighth and ninth days, lunar time.
IV.-The tenth, eleventh and twelfth days, back to the site.
V. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days, becomes the moon.
During the dark nights, we have:
I. "First, second and third days, solar breath sunrise.
II: Fourth, fifth and sixth days, lunar breath, and continues alternating so that the thirteenth is like the first.
This exercise is performed by closing the hole with a finger right or left, depending on the case, forcing the breathing to be free from the pit. This method
Breathing is a secret initiation that I knew many years ago saved my life when I was a victim of the Black Death. Now I've seen posted already, so I have no objection to offer to my listeners.
Ensayadlo those who want to live long and die not from disease, physical exhaustion Syrian and you can judge success in this important matter.
Almost all the old men speak in an evening of it. Well
Ennemoser says the sage, the various symbolic myths that give us the tradition or the old books, previously considered as mere meaningless fictions, are now being more resourceful, and the same time the most profound expressions of a strict and scientifically defined truth of nature, for example
Scripture or the Bible is one book, for anyone who understands its meaning hidden or esoteric, more important than known, we are told in Genesis, Chapter II, verse 7. "for the Lord God formed the man of dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was the man living soul."
it is seen that the Bible identifies as the principle of life, the breath coming in through the nose.
The Bhagavad Gita and the Bible have other appointments curious in this regard, that you can search. Carbonel
hygienist believes that the vital force is the cause and no effect of organic functionalism, and being active force, differs from the latent force be polarized or bisexual, gender not being anything but a particular manifestation of polarity.
A neutral state power is unmanifested, to sensitize operating a phenomenon of disintegration.
Life is the one resulting from their mutual influence by closing a circuit energy in every living being. Health is the balance of both energies, and the disease, its imbalance. Taken biological material respect these energies are entificadas in microbes or host cells, units life that can be bio-bio-positive or negative. The latter
modern science called bacilli, infectious microbes and all fluid resuscitation and treatment of toxic aspire only to destruction.
Here is where the method differs Yoga and Physiotherapy of the allopathic school, as the natural means of restoring health is through encouraging the positive bio-organic elements, strengthening the body and stimulates vital energy.
let's call this life force or physical force is no longer a myth since the eminent physician, Dr. Joiro, has invented a device to specify and measure, with the advancement of science enters the life force the domain of experimental science positive and accurate.
The instrument designed and built by Joiro is placed on a pedestal whose summit is a disc divided as the unit-Paraduc Fortin, at 360 degrees. In the center of the base unit there was found a shaft of glass.
a needle, usually made of straw, refers to the degrees on the disc, this indicator is pierced with a wire tip down to the bottom.

One arm of the needle, shorter than the other, is loaded with a slight counterweight, is almost always used cotton, which hangs down.
The plate forming the bottom is trimmed by a glass wall to protect the needle influences air.
The subject with which it purports to measure the life force, your arm should rest on a cushion placed near the needle without touching it.
a few minutes to check that is drawn 15, 20, to 50 degrees. In the submission by Joiro is proven beyond all doubt that the results can not be attributed in any manner to sound, heat, light or electricity.
Experiments have been made so far, usually in hospitals in France and Joiro reads: "Des manífesíations that suddenly forced her exteriorisée nerveiuse relativement a l'état de santé des sujets" and indeed find that a patient while will worsen, the indicator drops, and the progress of convalescence up. The strange thing is that the neurasthenic, and especially those who suffer from stomach, do not leave the unit, then a colleague, a great diffuser of Hatha-Yoga and physical therapy, does follow a regimen, and only the breathing exercises acting on the instrument. So (I am writing to you endless phalanx of neurasthenic) and you have a magic bullet, but it has a serious drawback for you: not sold in the pharmacy, and the neurotic need to spend, what is so abundant, so cheap how will you serve? but try it and let you doctor and pharmacy, start exercising breathing and see how wonderful you derive healing yourselves.
you have already heard the on the secret of breathing, but that is not enough when we are sick.
Let us explain in a way that is quite popular disease and causes of the disease. Health, we know, is, in general terms, the proper functioning of each and every one of the parts that compose our bodies. Nature has endowed us with its own organs for the assimilation of both solid food, liquid, and gaseous. Therefore, all those scholars who have compared the human body with a chemical laboratory, told a the great truths that can include all the intelligences.
However, when any cause such as temperature or improper food, is run either side of the body with an abnormal work, the effort to produce this baby body to conduct an unusual task results in fatigue , pain or other disorder, which breaks the regularity of its physiological actions used, and this is what is called disease.
Overall, it is clear that when the residue of food has not been expelled, having assimilated and today the body what it needs for your regular life, internal disorders and silt occur in the process of waste natural, so indisputable, results in disease.
died some time ago a wise French doctor who had written many medical works: When you open your will to see who left his manuscripts and publishing rights, which could produce large amounts found the following clause: "Burn, of all the I have written, keeping only the top of my works and make print what I have written to reverse it. Eager to see what was there, they seek cover and here's what he said:''
keep your head cool, free belly, warm feet and flee for drugs " .
! Tableau They said the heirs, but this statement is very wise: the first concept is achieved through the breath and pointed out, the second is true trying to avoid at all costs, silt, or agglomeration or slag left in our body assimilation and combustion. To expel four major lines of relief that our body or are: kidneys and skin for liquids, solids intestines and mouth to the gas.
In most diseases it is reduced simply to help them work.
Many who hear me expect something higher, more scientific, then I'm sorry, if this is not scientific, it is true. Tried to follow, the sick, and get health.
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