Ether, air, land and water, the five basic elements are manifested in the human body as three basic principles or humors, known as the tirdosha. From the ether and air manifests bodily air principle called vata. (In Sanskrit terminology, this principle is known as vata-dosha). Fire and water elements are expressed together in the body as the principle of fire called pitta. The land and water are expressed as the water called kapha humor.
These three elements - Vata, Pitta and Kapha - govern all biological functions, psychological and pathological body, mind and consciousness. They act as basic constituents and protective barriers of the body in its normal physiological condition. When unbalanced, contribute to the disease process.
The tirdosha is responsible for the "natural needs and preferences
Individual s at each meal: taste, temperature and others. She rules the creation, maintenance and destruction of tissues, the elimination of body wastes. It is also responsible for the psychological behavior, so it includes emotions such as fear, anger, greed and the highest as understanding, compassion and love. Ie tirdosha the psychosomatic basis of the existence of man.
The basic constitution of each individual is determined at conception. At the time of fertilization, the male unit, the sperm joins with the female unit, the egg. It is in this union, the constitution of the individual is determined because wings permutations and combinations of air, fire, water and earth in the body of the parent.
In general, there are seven types of constitutions: 1) VATA, 2) PITTA, 3) KAPHA, 4) vata-pitta, 5) pitta-kapha, 6) Vata-Kapha, 7) vata-pitta-kapha.
Among these seven general types, there are many subtle variations that depend on the proportion of vata, pitta and kapha that exists in the constitution.
prakruti in Sanskrit is called the constitution, a term that means "nature", "creativity" or "the first creation." In the body, the first expression of the five elements is the constitution. The basic constitution of the individual remains fixed throughout life, as it is genetically determined. The combination of the elements is present at birth is constant, but the combination of the continuous governing body pathological changes, it changes in response to environmental changes.
During life, there is an ongoing interaction between the internal environment and external. The external environment comprises the cosmic forces (macrocosm), while the principles of vata, pitta and kapha governs the internal forces (microcosm). A basic tenet of Ayurveda is that it can balance the internal forces operating in the individual, changing diet and habits, as necessary, to counteract the changes in its external environment.
Understanding Tirdosha
According to Ayurveda, the first requirement for self-healing and healing others is the understanding of the three doshas. The concept of vata, pitta and kapha in Ayurveda is unique and has the power to revolutionize Western healing systems. However, the concept of these three principles and the Sanskrit words vata, pitta and kapha are difficult to translate into Western terms.
Vata is the principle of movement. What moves is called vata and thus can be translated as the principle AIR corporeal. But the air element of atmosphere is not the same as the body. Air corporeal or vata is characterized by the subtle energy that governs biological motion. This principle of biological motion generates all the subtle changes in metabolism. Vata is composed of ether and air elements. Vata governs breathing, blinking, moving muscles and tissues, pulsations of the heart, all expansion and contraction, the movements of cytoplasm and cell membranes, and the simple movement of nerve impulses. Vata also governs feelings such as nervousness, fear, anxiety, pain, tremors and spasms. Vata is seated in the large intestine, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears and thighs. If the body develops vata in excess will accumulate in these areas. PITTA
results FIRE as though the term literally has not this meaning. The fire of a candle or fireplace can be seen, but the heat-energy of the body, pitta-dosha, which manifests as metabolism is not visible. Pitta governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin color, the luster of the eyes, the intelligence and understanding. Psychologically, pitta arouses anger, anger, hatred and jealousy. Places of pitta are the small intestine, sweat glands, stomach, blood, adipose tissue, eyes and skin. Pitta is formed by the elements fire and water. Translating
BIOLOGICAL WATER KAPHA is . This principle is formed by two elements: water and land. Kapha consolidates the substance of the body generating the elements of their physical structure. This dosha maintains body resistance. Water is the main constituent of kapha and is responsible for biological strength and natural resistance of body tissues. Kapha lubricates the joints, provides moisture to the skin, helps heal wounds, fills the spaces of the body, giving strength, vigor and stability, support memory retention, gives energy to the heart and lung lungs and keeps
immunity. Kapha is present in the chest, throat, head, sinuses, nose, mouth, stomach, joints, cytoplasm, plasma and body secretions seromucous. Psychologically, kapha is responsible for emotions of attachment, greed and envy, is also expressed in tendencies toward calmness, love and forgiveness. The breast is the site of kapha.
tridosha balancing the need for health. For example, the principle of air can ignite the fire of the body, but water is needed to control the fire. Otherwise, the fire burned body tissues. Vata pitta and kapha moves as this are immobile. The tri-dosha governs the activities of metabolism: anabolism (kapha), catabolism (vata) and metabolism (pitta). When vata is unbalanced, the metabolism is disturbed, resulting in excessive catabolism, causing the deterioration of the body. When anabolism is greater than catabolism, there is an increase in the growth and repair of organs and tissues. Kapha excess increases the rate of anabolism and excess vata creates emaciation (catabolism).
In childhood, anabolism and kapha are predominant element, it is the time of physical growth. In adulthood, the element metabolism and pitta are the most important because this time the body is mature and stable. During old age, catabolism and vata are more obvious: the body begins to deteriorate.
How to determine the individual
The following chart will help the reader to determine your individual constitution. To which also find a detailed description of the three types of constitution.
is important to remember that these descriptions reflect the pure aspect of each constitutional element, however, no human constitution is made of a single element. Instead, each person is a combination of the three doshas, \u200b\u200bwith a predominant tendency towards one or more.
reader is advised to draw definitive conclusions himself, based on these basic descriptions. The selection of the particular type of constitution, after using this table should be used to raise awareness of various aspects of life such as diet, or support a regime that promotes personal health. VATA CONSTITUTION
People vata constitution are generally physically underdeveloped. Her breasts are flat and their veins and visible tendons. Are dark, cool skin, rough, dry and cracked. They usually have a few spots that are often obscure.
vata people is neither very high nor very low, thin frame and prominent bones due to poor physical development. His hair is curly and scanty, the eyelashes are thin and dull. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, active and conjunctiva is dry and cloudy. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is usually twisted and crooked.
Physiologically, the appetite and digestion are variable. Vata people feel like sweet, sour and salty and like hot drinks. The production of urine is scanty and the feces were dry, hard and low. Tend to breathe less than any other constitution. They have a light sleep and sleep less than other types. His feet and hands are often cold.
These people are creative, active, alert and restless. Talk and walk quickly but easily fatigued. Psychologically are characterized by rapid understanding but do not have a good memory. They have little willpower, tend toward mental instability, have little tolerance, confidence and boldness. Their reasoning power is weak, are nervous, fearful and afflicted with excessive anxiety.
Each constitutional type also expresses certain patterns of interaction with the environment. Vata people tend to make money quickly and spend it with the same speed. Pitta constitution
These people are of average height, thin and delicate constitution. Her breasts are not as flat as those of vata and show a half prominence in the veins and tendons. With many moles and freckles bluish or reddish brown. The bones are not as prominent as vata constitution. Muscle development is moderate.
The pitta complexion is tanned, red or blonde. The skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata. The hair is thin,
silky, red or yellow, tend to gray prematurely and lose hair. The eyes may be gray, green or brown and sharp eyes, are of medium size. The conjunctiva is moist and copper. The nails are soft. The shape of the nose is sharp and the tips tend to be reddish.
Physiologically, these people have a good metabolism, good digestion and therefore, a good appetite. People with a pitta eat and drink in large quantities. Crave sweet, bitter and astringent; like cold drinks. His dream is of medium duration but uninterrupted. Produce large volumes of urine and feces yellowish liquid, soft and plentiful. Tend to sweat profusely. Body temperature may rise a little, feet and hands are warm. Pitta people will not tolerate intense sunlight, heat or hard work.
Psychologically, pitta individuals have great power of understanding, are very intelligent, sharp and good speakers. Emotionally tend to hatred, anger, and jealousy. They are ambitious and like to be leaders. Pitta people appreciate material prosperity and tends to have an economic position. Kapha constitution
kapha constitution The individual has a well developed body, but also tends to overweight. Her breasts are large and wide. The veins and tendons are not visible because they are well developed muscles, bones are not as prominent.
Her complexion is clear and bright. Your skin soft, oily and shiny, it is also cold and pale. His hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. Her eyelashes are thick and black or blue eyes. The retina is usually very white, large and attractive. The conjunctiva does not tend to get red.
Physiologically, kapha have a regular appetite, digestive function is relatively slow, consume less food, crave flavors spicy, bitter and astringent. His stools are soft, pale and evacuation is slow transpiration is accelerated. Sleep is deep and prolonged. They are very vital capacity, evidenced by his great strength, kapha people are generally healthy, happy and peaceful. Psychologically
tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving, they are also greedy, clinging, jealous and possessive. His understanding is slow but definite once understand something. Kapha people tend to be rich. Earn money and save.
mental constitutions
The mental and astral plane, the three attributes or gunas correspond to the three humors that make up the constitution. The medical system of India, these three attributes are the basis for distinctions in human temperament and individual differences in psychological and moral rules. The basic attributes are Satwa, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva
expresses the essence, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion and love. Rajas
involves movement, aggressiveness and extroversion. The mind operates at the level slits sensual. TAMAS
manifest ignorance, inertia, heaviness and boredom. People with temperament
sátwico have healthy body, behavior and consciousness are very pure. Believe in the existence of God, are religious and are often very holy people.
Individuals temperament slits are interested in business
, prosperity, power, prestige and status. Enjoy wealth and generally outgoing. Can you believe in God, but also may have sudden changes in their beliefs. They are very political.
tamasic People are lazy, selfish and capable of destroying others. They generally have little respect for others and not very religious. All activities are selfish.
The sátwico tempered person achieves self-realization without much effort, while types thamasic rajasic and must work harder to achieve.
These three subtle and mental energies are responsible for patterns of behavior can be changed and improved through practical and spiritual disciplines such as yoga. The Ayurvedic physician (vaidya) can help with behavior modification. He is familiar with the operation of these three attributes, sattva, rajas, tamas, and can also determine which prevails in the individual, observing their behavior and diet. Using these key practices, the patient can be guided toward a better way of life, both physically and mentally. Vasant Lad
These three elements - Vata, Pitta and Kapha - govern all biological functions, psychological and pathological body, mind and consciousness. They act as basic constituents and protective barriers of the body in its normal physiological condition. When unbalanced, contribute to the disease process.
The tirdosha is responsible for the "natural needs and preferences

The basic constitution of each individual is determined at conception. At the time of fertilization, the male unit, the sperm joins with the female unit, the egg. It is in this union, the constitution of the individual is determined because wings permutations and combinations of air, fire, water and earth in the body of the parent.
In general, there are seven types of constitutions: 1) VATA, 2) PITTA, 3) KAPHA, 4) vata-pitta, 5) pitta-kapha, 6) Vata-Kapha, 7) vata-pitta-kapha.
Among these seven general types, there are many subtle variations that depend on the proportion of vata, pitta and kapha that exists in the constitution.
prakruti in Sanskrit is called the constitution, a term that means "nature", "creativity" or "the first creation." In the body, the first expression of the five elements is the constitution. The basic constitution of the individual remains fixed throughout life, as it is genetically determined. The combination of the elements is present at birth is constant, but the combination of the continuous governing body pathological changes, it changes in response to environmental changes.
During life, there is an ongoing interaction between the internal environment and external. The external environment comprises the cosmic forces (macrocosm), while the principles of vata, pitta and kapha governs the internal forces (microcosm). A basic tenet of Ayurveda is that it can balance the internal forces operating in the individual, changing diet and habits, as necessary, to counteract the changes in its external environment.
Understanding Tirdosha
According to Ayurveda, the first requirement for self-healing and healing others is the understanding of the three doshas. The concept of vata, pitta and kapha in Ayurveda is unique and has the power to revolutionize Western healing systems. However, the concept of these three principles and the Sanskrit words vata, pitta and kapha are difficult to translate into Western terms.
Vata is the principle of movement. What moves is called vata and thus can be translated as the principle AIR corporeal. But the air element of atmosphere is not the same as the body. Air corporeal or vata is characterized by the subtle energy that governs biological motion. This principle of biological motion generates all the subtle changes in metabolism. Vata is composed of ether and air elements. Vata governs breathing, blinking, moving muscles and tissues, pulsations of the heart, all expansion and contraction, the movements of cytoplasm and cell membranes, and the simple movement of nerve impulses. Vata also governs feelings such as nervousness, fear, anxiety, pain, tremors and spasms. Vata is seated in the large intestine, pelvic cavity, bones, skin, ears and thighs. If the body develops vata in excess will accumulate in these areas. PITTA
results FIRE as though the term literally has not this meaning. The fire of a candle or fireplace can be seen, but the heat-energy of the body, pitta-dosha, which manifests as metabolism is not visible. Pitta governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin color, the luster of the eyes, the intelligence and understanding. Psychologically, pitta arouses anger, anger, hatred and jealousy. Places of pitta are the small intestine, sweat glands, stomach, blood, adipose tissue, eyes and skin. Pitta is formed by the elements fire and water. Translating
BIOLOGICAL WATER KAPHA is . This principle is formed by two elements: water and land. Kapha consolidates the substance of the body generating the elements of their physical structure. This dosha maintains body resistance. Water is the main constituent of kapha and is responsible for biological strength and natural resistance of body tissues. Kapha lubricates the joints, provides moisture to the skin, helps heal wounds, fills the spaces of the body, giving strength, vigor and stability, support memory retention, gives energy to the heart and lung lungs and keeps

tridosha balancing the need for health. For example, the principle of air can ignite the fire of the body, but water is needed to control the fire. Otherwise, the fire burned body tissues. Vata pitta and kapha moves as this are immobile. The tri-dosha governs the activities of metabolism: anabolism (kapha), catabolism (vata) and metabolism (pitta). When vata is unbalanced, the metabolism is disturbed, resulting in excessive catabolism, causing the deterioration of the body. When anabolism is greater than catabolism, there is an increase in the growth and repair of organs and tissues. Kapha excess increases the rate of anabolism and excess vata creates emaciation (catabolism).
In childhood, anabolism and kapha are predominant element, it is the time of physical growth. In adulthood, the element metabolism and pitta are the most important because this time the body is mature and stable. During old age, catabolism and vata are more obvious: the body begins to deteriorate.
How to determine the individual
The following chart will help the reader to determine your individual constitution. To which also find a detailed description of the three types of constitution.
is important to remember that these descriptions reflect the pure aspect of each constitutional element, however, no human constitution is made of a single element. Instead, each person is a combination of the three doshas, \u200b\u200bwith a predominant tendency towards one or more.
reader is advised to draw definitive conclusions himself, based on these basic descriptions. The selection of the particular type of constitution, after using this table should be used to raise awareness of various aspects of life such as diet, or support a regime that promotes personal health. VATA CONSTITUTION
People vata constitution are generally physically underdeveloped. Her breasts are flat and their veins and visible tendons. Are dark, cool skin, rough, dry and cracked. They usually have a few spots that are often obscure.
vata people is neither very high nor very low, thin frame and prominent bones due to poor physical development. His hair is curly and scanty, the eyelashes are thin and dull. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, active and conjunctiva is dry and cloudy. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is usually twisted and crooked.
Physiologically, the appetite and digestion are variable. Vata people feel like sweet, sour and salty and like hot drinks. The production of urine is scanty and the feces were dry, hard and low. Tend to breathe less than any other constitution. They have a light sleep and sleep less than other types. His feet and hands are often cold.
These people are creative, active, alert and restless. Talk and walk quickly but easily fatigued. Psychologically are characterized by rapid understanding but do not have a good memory. They have little willpower, tend toward mental instability, have little tolerance, confidence and boldness. Their reasoning power is weak, are nervous, fearful and afflicted with excessive anxiety.
Each constitutional type also expresses certain patterns of interaction with the environment. Vata people tend to make money quickly and spend it with the same speed. Pitta constitution
These people are of average height, thin and delicate constitution. Her breasts are not as flat as those of vata and show a half prominence in the veins and tendons. With many moles and freckles bluish or reddish brown. The bones are not as prominent as vata constitution. Muscle development is moderate.
The pitta complexion is tanned, red or blonde. The skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata. The hair is thin,

Physiologically, these people have a good metabolism, good digestion and therefore, a good appetite. People with a pitta eat and drink in large quantities. Crave sweet, bitter and astringent; like cold drinks. His dream is of medium duration but uninterrupted. Produce large volumes of urine and feces yellowish liquid, soft and plentiful. Tend to sweat profusely. Body temperature may rise a little, feet and hands are warm. Pitta people will not tolerate intense sunlight, heat or hard work.
Psychologically, pitta individuals have great power of understanding, are very intelligent, sharp and good speakers. Emotionally tend to hatred, anger, and jealousy. They are ambitious and like to be leaders. Pitta people appreciate material prosperity and tends to have an economic position. Kapha constitution
kapha constitution The individual has a well developed body, but also tends to overweight. Her breasts are large and wide. The veins and tendons are not visible because they are well developed muscles, bones are not as prominent.
Her complexion is clear and bright. Your skin soft, oily and shiny, it is also cold and pale. His hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. Her eyelashes are thick and black or blue eyes. The retina is usually very white, large and attractive. The conjunctiva does not tend to get red.
Physiologically, kapha have a regular appetite, digestive function is relatively slow, consume less food, crave flavors spicy, bitter and astringent. His stools are soft, pale and evacuation is slow transpiration is accelerated. Sleep is deep and prolonged. They are very vital capacity, evidenced by his great strength, kapha people are generally healthy, happy and peaceful. Psychologically
tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving, they are also greedy, clinging, jealous and possessive. His understanding is slow but definite once understand something. Kapha people tend to be rich. Earn money and save.
mental constitutions
The mental and astral plane, the three attributes or gunas correspond to the three humors that make up the constitution. The medical system of India, these three attributes are the basis for distinctions in human temperament and individual differences in psychological and moral rules. The basic attributes are Satwa, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva
expresses the essence, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion and love. Rajas
involves movement, aggressiveness and extroversion. The mind operates at the level slits sensual. TAMAS
manifest ignorance, inertia, heaviness and boredom. People with temperament
sátwico have healthy body, behavior and consciousness are very pure. Believe in the existence of God, are religious and are often very holy people.
Individuals temperament slits are interested in business

tamasic People are lazy, selfish and capable of destroying others. They generally have little respect for others and not very religious. All activities are selfish.
The sátwico tempered person achieves self-realization without much effort, while types thamasic rajasic and must work harder to achieve.
These three subtle and mental energies are responsible for patterns of behavior can be changed and improved through practical and spiritual disciplines such as yoga. The Ayurvedic physician (vaidya) can help with behavior modification. He is familiar with the operation of these three attributes, sattva, rajas, tamas, and can also determine which prevails in the individual, observing their behavior and diet. Using these key practices, the patient can be guided toward a better way of life, both physically and mentally. Vasant Lad
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