Everywhere in the world has been entrusted to care for our health to doctors, which are divided into different schools that are fighting each other, and as a natural result the passion leads to extremes, accepting each only own sympathies and fighting anything that does not agree with these sympathy. As in general we should not confuse people with the idea, not to be confused with medical doctors. I argue: "the doctor is born, not made."
The medicine should be a priest and not a business, in addition, it should be less scholarly and more popular, that every patient can hear and adjudicate any disease and direct healing only the medium that creates more logical. is, gentlemen, that we prepare people for each one is a Samaritan.
The practical study of medicine should be part of education, in order to remove the air of mystery and hidden which makes it the exclusive property of a privileged class comparable to a priestly caste.
Any practice that is not based on ideas accessible to the public, it seems entirely irrational.
is therefore necessary thing to spread, to analyze and discuss all that is new in the art of healing and above all hygienic principles into the reach of the masses, to invite all world attention to the study of Nature, that heard his speech, sometimes simple, sometimes veiled, what that source is accepted as the most suitable and rich in information, and also, to the extent possible, be removed in medical education popular Latin-Greek terms whenever there are expressions that can translate Castilian.
come to the world since our bodies are full of drugs, even before taking milk for the first time. Indeed, since the brain contain phosphates; lecithin, and other products, the blood contains iron, the liver glycogen, bone phosphates, carbonates, and the stomach pepsin, hydrochloric acid and others, the pancreas, pancreatin, diastase and salivary glands in most of the rest of the body are salts of lime, soda, magnesia, iron and parts to arsenic, phosphorus and other thousand.
This proves that the human body is a large chemical laboratory that will do that without ingesting those drugs are developed food.
why I support the implementation of food chemistry and no chemotherapy.
In normal life constantly ingest drugs:
the air that we breathe the oxygen in the cafe took the caffeine in chocolate, theobromine, in chile, capsaicin, in mustard, sinapicina; in milk, lactose and other drugs in the water itself chlorides and other salts which are essential for living, in fruit, organic acids (citric, malic, tácnico), etc., in tomatoes, oxalic acid. So
chemical processes, inspired by the life or Prana, made all these food substances but when you notice the lack of them impose replace them with those made by a pharmacist and that, once processed chemically and physiologically by the gastric juice is not treated as people think.
Certainly there are drugs that deserve respect, who can deny? For example, morphine in man after an accident is inevitably doomed to die, is there something bigger than a shot of morphine to ease the unbearable pain and take away their troubles in the last hours of life?
But that does not mean that even a small asthma attack to inject the poison and constructed so addicted to morphine, and the use of some drugs are not allowed to degenerate humanity abusing mercury injections, in cases exaggerated, are a thousand times worse than the disease to be cured.
Neither the success of a specific, which components are not known, but can be simple and harmless, is reason for authorization to bring to market thousands of junk with which exploits ignorance. Unfortunately
is a fact that the mysterious seductive glare is a kind of mental that gives charm to Medicine, and people seem to like that fool you.
as extensive use of patent medicines and minerals, vegetables, herbs unfamiliar, little pill, is truly amazing. I visited a factory in Germany where he had a warehouse full of some tablets and the employee said, is for English America. I stood amazed, surprised, Oh I said is an excellent market. I believe him, I answered.
But anyway, if only they were those big factories, but in the neighborhoods there are many drug manufacturers or inventors. The public purchase without consulting the doctor, do not care itself that sells such drugs in question are entirely ignorant of anatomy and physiology, or do not know anything about the body's needs, enough to guarantee him a cure, merely fact take a number of knobs, packages or boxes.
worst thing there is a number of doctors who have no qualms in giving testimony to the specific manufacturers, and those they name in print.
In this case urges reform, urges humanity revolt against the cruel injustice of scientific appearances, supported by the sensuality of our species, degraded by vice and folly covered by the voluntary and ever.
Believe it, gentlemen, our system of drug to cure our descendants will laugh in a hundred years, as we scoff of Chinese refractory or ridicule indentation and other therapeutic methods of the Middle Ages.
"The medical profession has the legal father's love man by man and science, she can not be fought with all ambition bastard who prostitute makes her take as low as one in which the regions today are idolaters, who have made the cult and dogmas of the vilest from shops to devote the man who still retains the attributes of reason voice of conscience saving.
Medicine, or the art of curing disease and tend to the moral perfection of man, is incompatible with any feeling, inspiration, which does not harmonize with altruism, because you can not love this science without feeling love for men , since its purpose is to soothe their pain and wipe away the tears of those to whom the threat inexorable Fate starting a loved one.
Men under a degree, do not adjust their conduct to the principles that leave exposed, are the gender of those who are dressed in sheepskins and inwardly are ravening wolves.
Among doctors, the case becomes less unfortunately, are physical therapists or those which instead of using chemical agents, make use of natural or physical means to cure (1).
Physiotherapy, gentlemen, as all scientific methods of healing has its cradle and therefore suffer from the disorder and natural appeal of the ignorant, or the propagators of other schools, but after test time, it shines and looks today teaching our instincts, not as an essentially empirical, but real, deep, scientific and highly practical results.
It is, today, physical therapy, a method so effective, it is not acquired merely with the desire, not improvised at clinics. Certainly under such laws and liberal Democrats like Germany and Mexico, have entered the name of hydropathist, etc., Encyclopaedically ignorant individuals who exploit the public under the title of specialists maintain a bombastic force notices.
The therapist called formal education has and we have the intimate conviction that we represent the unknown field of rational medicine and the results are obvious. Our
factors include physical agents such as light, air, water, heat, cold, movement and rest, electricity, magnetism, diet, massage, etc., And all the factors that nature gives us, and not pretend to cure those a single disease.
For us, nature is the only physician, which only help to achieve its purpose, and hereby surprised the world with miraculous cures. Our flag is
hygiene; us about our system, in terms of propaganda and its results, as the sailors: when they go to sea, Captain does not know when and how to arrive at the port, but knows that the rudder is due, that the compass points and when he takes his hand to his chest is a manly heart, who is not afraid.
Previously, allopathic medical school we watched in horror today no longer: hundreds of them are with us, one of the bravest was the court physician of Germany and Bismarck's personal physician of . Schweninger , was one of our most courageous apostles, and many others have posted their opinions. Dr. Stevens, Professor, School of Medicine and Surgery in New York, notes that all physicians in general, as the years of practice that are, increasingly turn to drugs and rely more on the efforts of Nature, and it's really something noticed by everyone that the young doctor prescribed more than the graying in the profession. According
says Professor Rush, Philadelphia at all times and places most eminent physicians are those who have best freed from the tyranny of official surveys.
Building on its long experience and in their mature reflection, that there would be fewer patients and mortality is lower in the world if we did not have drugs, confesses Hecker, and all widely recognized, many drugs we know today as deadly, had to be very effective.
could go on citing a few more, but they are very harsh in their judgments and I do not want to hurt anyone more sorry, my notes record books even a paragraph from Dr. Chauvet former doctor at the Hospital de Bourgueil, which reads: "A little less of what we call science, but it is not, and a little more than restore the medical philosophy on its true basis, the chemical and drugstore have killed the art of healing, it will be necessary to revive it , simple return to the good old days, and bow to the empiricism. "
agree that this is humiliating ... but what you want! required by the suffering humanity.
A good newspaper is of genuine popular medicine would be harmful as helpful as are all science journals disoriented, which floods every day to Paris and the departments. We need many reforms, but with calm and prudence will get everything, and how eloquent are the words of Schopenhauer :
"When following an investigation by a false path, (leaving, therefore, true) can not be at the end rather than later disappointments. " Let
value! Let us seek the truth, without being misled by biases chimeric; take to nature for guidance!
And then the same Schopenhauer said:''There are errors we maintain a lifetime and keep us to peer ever, only because we fear, in spite of ourselves, to discover that we have faith in a lie and we have often stated for a long time. " Finsen
in Scandinavia, to their great priests of the "lupus" using sunlight and the smallpox, with the red light.
The colorful radiation condensation in the water, makes getting to the therapeutic properties; this is like water, exposed for 6 hours to radiation, have emetic effect and the same item, if you received a concentration of amber rays, produces, when ingested, laxative effects, and mixing the light beams two colors identified certain dramatic effect. While in the former
Lutecia an eminent popularizer, Dr. Fovea of \u200b\u200bCommells , advocated ultraviolet light in Fabes, Professor Kellogg of Michigan, announced the surprising results achieved in curing obesity through baths radiant heat lamp.
The end of the Quimiátrica nearby. Every day is greater skepticism, both the provider group and the general public about the value of the ag
chemical entities (physical states) used in therapy. infidelity of these, their affinities and the alterations they encounter in their journey through the body, many medications have made waste. Physical therapy will
extraordinary development and emerged from empiricism and to enter fully into the scientific period, using precision equipment and accurate measurements, through which it is easy to investigate, relatively, that kind of intimate reactions aroused by physical agents in various areas of the body; operation more recoil, more active energy, nutrition and more complex.
The uncertainties of medicine, the contradictions of the most illustrious teachers, errors of dogmatism, is sufficient to ensure the success of physiotherapy.
physiotherapy treatments are giving us every day truly wonderful results, only the ignorant, stubborn, and men of bad faith, harmlessness can deny, on par with its amazing effectiveness.
The improvement of equipment and procedures, the use of physical agents will respond fully to the therapy of the future by the disideratum a good recovery, he had long coveted Celsus : Cito, Tuto in incunde (soon soft and durable.)
(1) Here, now, concise statement of principles or fundamental truths on which rests the physiatry or "true science of healing", sent by the Naturist Society of Buenos Aires, and signed by the famous Antonio B. hygienist Massioti, the Latin-American Medical Congress met some years ago in the Capital Argentina.
1. "The universe is a harmonious whole coeternal encouraged by two factors: force and motion, not having any detectable substance that escapes this fundamental law.
2. -All material phenomena, organic and inorganic, obey the same principle of pre-existing reality (substance resulting motion animated its innermost quality: strength.)
3. "The material existence, in any form, tends to conserve its energy (preponderance of force).
4. "The energy is manifested in two diametrically opposed, that is, positive and negative,
5. "In the inorganic life, the first direction of the force together (cohesion, affinity), the second scattering (disintegration, global expansion, molecular and atomic).
6. "In organic life, the principle of conservation of energy (5th power) is transformed, but is fundamentally the same, ie that makes the resultant of the two directions of force (the positive and negative).
7. "For the first (positive direction of the force), the self tends to be preserved (assimilation, nutrition), for the second, is becoming (dissimilation, wear, decay).
is so undeniable that the power of assimilation and dissimilation is the same, positive and negative-transformed to determine the state of inorganic bodies, which at the borders of both types are mixed kingdom, being supporters of evolutionary theory , article of faith, the insensitivity of the passage of inorganic bodies organized beings, as is also, plants animals, and why, when we speak of organized bodies, we refer to the two kingdoms.
8. "The overriding determinant of force-the positive or negative, what are the natural agents that standardizes the environment, light, heat, liquid substances, solid and gaseous.
9. "The energy lifetime of organic beings, animals and plants, have a maximum of aggressive-growth-escensión, after which the decline begins.
10. "In the first period dominates. energy the positive direction, the second negative power, strength.
11 - In a harmonious relationship be-animal or plant, with its atmosphere of vitality, normal-state determines their health, "the abnormal state of disharmony-the disease.
12. "In the fullness of life and health-maximum growth. the balance of forces, both positive and negative-assimilation and wear, is perfect.
13. "The organized beings have to serve the two forces-rather, a sense of power-specific organs function: some tend to the conservation of energy, others for processing.
14. "The normal organ activity, positive and negative. is set by the environment - light, heat, electricity, environment, food,
15. "Normal activity" disharmony, can be total or partial, in the first case the result is death violently against his life essentially, in the second, disease.
16 ^-La-sickness in animals and the planet-does not end after the start, yeah. Disharmony prevails impartial between the self and its environment.
17. -For the purpose, healthy and unhealthy-normal and abnormal, or harmonic and inharmonic, of being with their environment, " no hay diferencia esencial, ninguna, entre vegetales y animales.
18. —Todo organismo, como todo cuerpo, que ha perdido la dirección normal o la evolución de su determinante coexistente, la recupera con mayor o menor lentitud —si no está esencialmente destruido—, colocado 'en armonía con su medio vital— luz, calórico, substancias sólidas, líquidas o gaseosas, indispensables a su vitalidad.
19. —Cuando un organismo—, como cualquier otro cuerpo del universo—, colocado en condiciones de desarrollar su fuerza positiva, no lo hace por sí no hay artificio capaz de conseguir el predominio del sentido negativo de la fuerza
20. —La vida orgánica is a form of universal motion, subject to the same principles of harmony that govern the matter.
21. "The emotion, such as motility, are themselves, rather transformations of the initial force that underlies the great theory of the unity and correlation of the physical elements that organic beings can not and should avoid.
22.-The principles of harmony of man with his own half-life as any other animal or plant, "the determined, with perfect clarity, his natural state, related to their physical-chemical environment;
as that of inorganic bodies are determined by the actual action of the agents who act on them.
23. "All the science of health, applies and explains the nature, from man to infusoria, knowing, as such, both the infusoria-it-as Hippocrates and Virchow.
24. -Physiatry is a part of the Great Theory anity and correlation of physical forces, and aims to explain the phenomena of organic life, in relationships and health eating by motion sickness
you can not object to this definition scientifically where we set the basis for the New Science, because to do so, you have to start by denying the fundamentals of light corollary of Newton's universal gravitation of matter, and on which rests the whole rational and irrefutable theory that explains, as the phenomena of gravity, the heat, light, electromagnetic. etc., etc., in the same way as those of interplanetary and intermolecular activity that fall under the domain of your senses. ,
And if you can not deny that great revelation, fundamental to human knowledge, how can you subtract the miserable events occurring in organized beings from the tiny planet we inhabit, the influence factor, essential to the grand conception of genius? Is it because among organized beings is included the mentioned King of Creation, with its picturesque flow theological and medical-surgical? ...
Only at one point you could challenge the grandiose conception, founded on the laws of Kepler and Newton corollary, and is the childish way to explain the action of the sun and other stars and planets visible universe, in relation to our nervous system . The sun, the main star of a planetary system, permanently ignited to heat and light the miserable beings on Earth! The colossal stars radiating light that invests thousands of years to reach Earth, to the delight of the human eye! No, that's absurd. Do not end the human mind. to find more rational than the Sun impress, I act, physically, on or in Earth's atmosphere, producing the phenomena heat, light and electro-magnetic, which vitalize the organisms on this planet? Does the moon and the stars do not conduct themselves in a similar manner in: relationship to the light phenomena that impress our miserable retina?
25.-The maximum healing resources can aspire to the human creature, in case of illness, natural-tone resuscitation. reconfortíficación-bodies of the balance of forces opposed to the positive development of the organism and able to restore the dominance of one-health-to the extent possible, within its life cycle.
26.-The new science of healing has already identified, more or less precisely, the general rules to follow to arrive at this result, all related to the environment.
However, these are the foundations of our new science of healing without doctors or medicines, or operations, or miracles, or necromancy, or holy hand.
For Physiatry are unquestionable principles, essential and easy to check, in respect of human beings have physical therapy and horn extraordinary development of all organisms, animals and plants-the following, and that you, congressional scholars, I corresponding reply, but never do it, because you can not do, because they are within the natural sciences. as axiomatic mathematics to them, that underlie all of science par excellence, the science of number and calculation:
"The whole is greater than its part".
"Two things equal to one third, are equal" ,
"The shortest distance between two points is a straight line." Axioms of Physiatry
a. "The body is a harmonic function;
b." All disease is an effect of functional impairment of the whole , particularized in a particular individual organic;
c. "The main cause of the abnormalities unhealthy organic generation is inadequate food, or made in proportions and conditions other than those determined by the harmony of being helped by instinct and the natural order;
d. "All disease affects the digestive system, root of life, if not start there. E.
"The wounds, bruises, etc.., Are not diseases, but the nervous action initiated by his immediate reflection on the digestive system. F.
"Any healthy relationship starts normalizing the digestive functions;
g. "While the injury is not deep, digestive remade by their own means of defensive action;
h. "The organic standards final cure or the complement skin and lung conditions placed on natural hygiene-
Official Medicine and Hygiene Machine have been and remain deeply wrong, about how to act outside actors, especially atmosphere, on the body. In conjunction with the atmospheric environment, there is no reason, fundamental, which allows to differentiate the man from any plant from which they arise and grow in the open air, aided by the direct action of heat and sunlight. And as any plant in conditions of normal living environment is sick from the atmospheric influence, not man is sick animal or one of the Creation. I.
"There is more than a disease in humans, as in the rest of organized beings, animals and plants-and cured in the same way: fortifying their own media, natural, following the life and placing the whole being in the best hygienic conditions with their natural environment, "light, heat, air and food substances or nutrients;
j. "The only disease of man, like all organized beings, animals and plants-is manifested in two ways: with undetermined effect malaise, or with a fixed effect-illness-specific property, pain, nervous shock, circulatory, ventral, cancer, tuber, etc.., etc .- The first is chronic, general, latent, and the second acute local. There may be a premium without the second, but never the latter without the former;
k. "The patients are not cured conditions placed on their natural food hygiene and environment, does not cure anything or anyone
1. "It is wrong to have incurable disease: just irrecomponibles agencies, for the destruction of vital organs to the overall life of each, animals or plants.
In this case those that do not succumb, not because they prevent the drugs, but because the agency offers increased resistance resulting from the "negative force" of the disease, remedies and operations;
m. "From a natural way, ie business and rightly placing the body in direct relation to their natural physical agents, light, heat, electro-magnetic environment," can cause stronger reactions, healing crises, or efforts exponential phase dead quick fermenting substances, "to all cases of illness, absolutely all.
The medicine should be a priest and not a business, in addition, it should be less scholarly and more popular, that every patient can hear and adjudicate any disease and direct healing only the medium that creates more logical. is, gentlemen, that we prepare people for each one is a Samaritan.
The practical study of medicine should be part of education, in order to remove the air of mystery and hidden which makes it the exclusive property of a privileged class comparable to a priestly caste.
Any practice that is not based on ideas accessible to the public, it seems entirely irrational.
is therefore necessary thing to spread, to analyze and discuss all that is new in the art of healing and above all hygienic principles into the reach of the masses, to invite all world attention to the study of Nature, that heard his speech, sometimes simple, sometimes veiled, what that source is accepted as the most suitable and rich in information, and also, to the extent possible, be removed in medical education popular Latin-Greek terms whenever there are expressions that can translate Castilian.
come to the world since our bodies are full of drugs, even before taking milk for the first time. Indeed, since the brain contain phosphates; lecithin, and other products, the blood contains iron, the liver glycogen, bone phosphates, carbonates, and the stomach pepsin, hydrochloric acid and others, the pancreas, pancreatin, diastase and salivary glands in most of the rest of the body are salts of lime, soda, magnesia, iron and parts to arsenic, phosphorus and other thousand.
This proves that the human body is a large chemical laboratory that will do that without ingesting those drugs are developed food.
why I support the implementation of food chemistry and no chemotherapy.
In normal life constantly ingest drugs:
the air that we breathe the oxygen in the cafe took the caffeine in chocolate, theobromine, in chile, capsaicin, in mustard, sinapicina; in milk, lactose and other drugs in the water itself chlorides and other salts which are essential for living, in fruit, organic acids (citric, malic, tácnico), etc., in tomatoes, oxalic acid. So
chemical processes, inspired by the life or Prana, made all these food substances but when you notice the lack of them impose replace them with those made by a pharmacist and that, once processed chemically and physiologically by the gastric juice is not treated as people think.
Certainly there are drugs that deserve respect, who can deny? For example, morphine in man after an accident is inevitably doomed to die, is there something bigger than a shot of morphine to ease the unbearable pain and take away their troubles in the last hours of life?
But that does not mean that even a small asthma attack to inject the poison and constructed so addicted to morphine, and the use of some drugs are not allowed to degenerate humanity abusing mercury injections, in cases exaggerated, are a thousand times worse than the disease to be cured.
Neither the success of a specific, which components are not known, but can be simple and harmless, is reason for authorization to bring to market thousands of junk with which exploits ignorance. Unfortunately
is a fact that the mysterious seductive glare is a kind of mental that gives charm to Medicine, and people seem to like that fool you.
as extensive use of patent medicines and minerals, vegetables, herbs unfamiliar, little pill, is truly amazing. I visited a factory in Germany where he had a warehouse full of some tablets and the employee said, is for English America. I stood amazed, surprised, Oh I said is an excellent market. I believe him, I answered.
But anyway, if only they were those big factories, but in the neighborhoods there are many drug manufacturers or inventors. The public purchase without consulting the doctor, do not care itself that sells such drugs in question are entirely ignorant of anatomy and physiology, or do not know anything about the body's needs, enough to guarantee him a cure, merely fact take a number of knobs, packages or boxes.
worst thing there is a number of doctors who have no qualms in giving testimony to the specific manufacturers, and those they name in print.
In this case urges reform, urges humanity revolt against the cruel injustice of scientific appearances, supported by the sensuality of our species, degraded by vice and folly covered by the voluntary and ever.
Believe it, gentlemen, our system of drug to cure our descendants will laugh in a hundred years, as we scoff of Chinese refractory or ridicule indentation and other therapeutic methods of the Middle Ages.
"The medical profession has the legal father's love man by man and science, she can not be fought with all ambition bastard who prostitute makes her take as low as one in which the regions today are idolaters, who have made the cult and dogmas of the vilest from shops to devote the man who still retains the attributes of reason voice of conscience saving.
Medicine, or the art of curing disease and tend to the moral perfection of man, is incompatible with any feeling, inspiration, which does not harmonize with altruism, because you can not love this science without feeling love for men , since its purpose is to soothe their pain and wipe away the tears of those to whom the threat inexorable Fate starting a loved one.
Men under a degree, do not adjust their conduct to the principles that leave exposed, are the gender of those who are dressed in sheepskins and inwardly are ravening wolves.
Among doctors, the case becomes less unfortunately, are physical therapists or those which instead of using chemical agents, make use of natural or physical means to cure (1).
Physiotherapy, gentlemen, as all scientific methods of healing has its cradle and therefore suffer from the disorder and natural appeal of the ignorant, or the propagators of other schools, but after test time, it shines and looks today teaching our instincts, not as an essentially empirical, but real, deep, scientific and highly practical results.
It is, today, physical therapy, a method so effective, it is not acquired merely with the desire, not improvised at clinics. Certainly under such laws and liberal Democrats like Germany and Mexico, have entered the name of hydropathist, etc., Encyclopaedically ignorant individuals who exploit the public under the title of specialists maintain a bombastic force notices.
The therapist called formal education has and we have the intimate conviction that we represent the unknown field of rational medicine and the results are obvious. Our
factors include physical agents such as light, air, water, heat, cold, movement and rest, electricity, magnetism, diet, massage, etc., And all the factors that nature gives us, and not pretend to cure those a single disease.
For us, nature is the only physician, which only help to achieve its purpose, and hereby surprised the world with miraculous cures. Our flag is
hygiene; us about our system, in terms of propaganda and its results, as the sailors: when they go to sea, Captain does not know when and how to arrive at the port, but knows that the rudder is due, that the compass points and when he takes his hand to his chest is a manly heart, who is not afraid.
Previously, allopathic medical school we watched in horror today no longer: hundreds of them are with us, one of the bravest was the court physician of Germany and Bismarck's personal physician of . Schweninger , was one of our most courageous apostles, and many others have posted their opinions. Dr. Stevens, Professor, School of Medicine and Surgery in New York, notes that all physicians in general, as the years of practice that are, increasingly turn to drugs and rely more on the efforts of Nature, and it's really something noticed by everyone that the young doctor prescribed more than the graying in the profession. According
says Professor Rush, Philadelphia at all times and places most eminent physicians are those who have best freed from the tyranny of official surveys.
Building on its long experience and in their mature reflection, that there would be fewer patients and mortality is lower in the world if we did not have drugs, confesses Hecker, and all widely recognized, many drugs we know today as deadly, had to be very effective.
could go on citing a few more, but they are very harsh in their judgments and I do not want to hurt anyone more sorry, my notes record books even a paragraph from Dr. Chauvet former doctor at the Hospital de Bourgueil, which reads: "A little less of what we call science, but it is not, and a little more than restore the medical philosophy on its true basis, the chemical and drugstore have killed the art of healing, it will be necessary to revive it , simple return to the good old days, and bow to the empiricism. "
agree that this is humiliating ... but what you want! required by the suffering humanity.
A good newspaper is of genuine popular medicine would be harmful as helpful as are all science journals disoriented, which floods every day to Paris and the departments. We need many reforms, but with calm and prudence will get everything, and how eloquent are the words of Schopenhauer :
"When following an investigation by a false path, (leaving, therefore, true) can not be at the end rather than later disappointments. " Let
value! Let us seek the truth, without being misled by biases chimeric; take to nature for guidance!
And then the same Schopenhauer said:''There are errors we maintain a lifetime and keep us to peer ever, only because we fear, in spite of ourselves, to discover that we have faith in a lie and we have often stated for a long time. " Finsen
in Scandinavia, to their great priests of the "lupus" using sunlight and the smallpox, with the red light.
The colorful radiation condensation in the water, makes getting to the therapeutic properties; this is like water, exposed for 6 hours to radiation, have emetic effect and the same item, if you received a concentration of amber rays, produces, when ingested, laxative effects, and mixing the light beams two colors identified certain dramatic effect. While in the former
Lutecia an eminent popularizer, Dr. Fovea of \u200b\u200bCommells , advocated ultraviolet light in Fabes, Professor Kellogg of Michigan, announced the surprising results achieved in curing obesity through baths radiant heat lamp.
The end of the Quimiátrica nearby. Every day is greater skepticism, both the provider group and the general public about the value of the ag

extraordinary development and emerged from empiricism and to enter fully into the scientific period, using precision equipment and accurate measurements, through which it is easy to investigate, relatively, that kind of intimate reactions aroused by physical agents in various areas of the body; operation more recoil, more active energy, nutrition and more complex.
The uncertainties of medicine, the contradictions of the most illustrious teachers, errors of dogmatism, is sufficient to ensure the success of physiotherapy.
physiotherapy treatments are giving us every day truly wonderful results, only the ignorant, stubborn, and men of bad faith, harmlessness can deny, on par with its amazing effectiveness.
The improvement of equipment and procedures, the use of physical agents will respond fully to the therapy of the future by the disideratum a good recovery, he had long coveted Celsus : Cito, Tuto in incunde (soon soft and durable.)
(1) Here, now, concise statement of principles or fundamental truths on which rests the physiatry or "true science of healing", sent by the Naturist Society of Buenos Aires, and signed by the famous Antonio B. hygienist Massioti, the Latin-American Medical Congress met some years ago in the Capital Argentina.
1. "The universe is a harmonious whole coeternal encouraged by two factors: force and motion, not having any detectable substance that escapes this fundamental law.
2. -All material phenomena, organic and inorganic, obey the same principle of pre-existing reality (substance resulting motion animated its innermost quality: strength.)
3. "The material existence, in any form, tends to conserve its energy (preponderance of force).
4. "The energy is manifested in two diametrically opposed, that is, positive and negative,
5. "In the inorganic life, the first direction of the force together (cohesion, affinity), the second scattering (disintegration, global expansion, molecular and atomic).
6. "In organic life, the principle of conservation of energy (5th power) is transformed, but is fundamentally the same, ie that makes the resultant of the two directions of force (the positive and negative).
7. "For the first (positive direction of the force), the self tends to be preserved (assimilation, nutrition), for the second, is becoming (dissimilation, wear, decay).
is so undeniable that the power of assimilation and dissimilation is the same, positive and negative-transformed to determine the state of inorganic bodies, which at the borders of both types are mixed kingdom, being supporters of evolutionary theory , article of faith, the insensitivity of the passage of inorganic bodies organized beings, as is also, plants animals, and why, when we speak of organized bodies, we refer to the two kingdoms.
8. "The overriding determinant of force-the positive or negative, what are the natural agents that standardizes the environment, light, heat, liquid substances, solid and gaseous.
9. "The energy lifetime of organic beings, animals and plants, have a maximum of aggressive-growth-escensión, after which the decline begins.
10. "In the first period dominates. energy the positive direction, the second negative power, strength.
11 - In a harmonious relationship be-animal or plant, with its atmosphere of vitality, normal-state determines their health, "the abnormal state of disharmony-the disease.
12. "In the fullness of life and health-maximum growth. the balance of forces, both positive and negative-assimilation and wear, is perfect.
13. "The organized beings have to serve the two forces-rather, a sense of power-specific organs function: some tend to the conservation of energy, others for processing.
14. "The normal organ activity, positive and negative. is set by the environment - light, heat, electricity, environment, food,
15. "Normal activity" disharmony, can be total or partial, in the first case the result is death violently against his life essentially, in the second, disease.
16 ^-La-sickness in animals and the planet-does not end after the start, yeah. Disharmony prevails impartial between the self and its environment.
17. -For the purpose, healthy and unhealthy-normal and abnormal, or harmonic and inharmonic, of being with their environment, " no hay diferencia esencial, ninguna, entre vegetales y animales.
18. —Todo organismo, como todo cuerpo, que ha perdido la dirección normal o la evolución de su determinante coexistente, la recupera con mayor o menor lentitud —si no está esencialmente destruido—, colocado 'en armonía con su medio vital— luz, calórico, substancias sólidas, líquidas o gaseosas, indispensables a su vitalidad.
19. —Cuando un organismo—, como cualquier otro cuerpo del universo—, colocado en condiciones de desarrollar su fuerza positiva, no lo hace por sí no hay artificio capaz de conseguir el predominio del sentido negativo de la fuerza
20. —La vida orgánica is a form of universal motion, subject to the same principles of harmony that govern the matter.
21. "The emotion, such as motility, are themselves, rather transformations of the initial force that underlies the great theory of the unity and correlation of the physical elements that organic beings can not and should avoid.
22.-The principles of harmony of man with his own half-life as any other animal or plant, "the determined, with perfect clarity, his natural state, related to their physical-chemical environment;
as that of inorganic bodies are determined by the actual action of the agents who act on them.
23. "All the science of health, applies and explains the nature, from man to infusoria, knowing, as such, both the infusoria-it-as Hippocrates and Virchow.
24. -Physiatry is a part of the Great Theory anity and correlation of physical forces, and aims to explain the phenomena of organic life, in relationships and health eating by motion sickness
you can not object to this definition scientifically where we set the basis for the New Science, because to do so, you have to start by denying the fundamentals of light corollary of Newton's universal gravitation of matter, and on which rests the whole rational and irrefutable theory that explains, as the phenomena of gravity, the heat, light, electromagnetic. etc., etc., in the same way as those of interplanetary and intermolecular activity that fall under the domain of your senses. ,
And if you can not deny that great revelation, fundamental to human knowledge, how can you subtract the miserable events occurring in organized beings from the tiny planet we inhabit, the influence factor, essential to the grand conception of genius? Is it because among organized beings is included the mentioned King of Creation, with its picturesque flow theological and medical-surgical? ...
Only at one point you could challenge the grandiose conception, founded on the laws of Kepler and Newton corollary, and is the childish way to explain the action of the sun and other stars and planets visible universe, in relation to our nervous system . The sun, the main star of a planetary system, permanently ignited to heat and light the miserable beings on Earth! The colossal stars radiating light that invests thousands of years to reach Earth, to the delight of the human eye! No, that's absurd. Do not end the human mind. to find more rational than the Sun impress, I act, physically, on or in Earth's atmosphere, producing the phenomena heat, light and electro-magnetic, which vitalize the organisms on this planet? Does the moon and the stars do not conduct themselves in a similar manner in: relationship to the light phenomena that impress our miserable retina?
25.-The maximum healing resources can aspire to the human creature, in case of illness, natural-tone resuscitation. reconfortíficación-bodies of the balance of forces opposed to the positive development of the organism and able to restore the dominance of one-health-to the extent possible, within its life cycle.
26.-The new science of healing has already identified, more or less precisely, the general rules to follow to arrive at this result, all related to the environment.
However, these are the foundations of our new science of healing without doctors or medicines, or operations, or miracles, or necromancy, or holy hand.
For Physiatry are unquestionable principles, essential and easy to check, in respect of human beings have physical therapy and horn extraordinary development of all organisms, animals and plants-the following, and that you, congressional scholars, I corresponding reply, but never do it, because you can not do, because they are within the natural sciences. as axiomatic mathematics to them, that underlie all of science par excellence, the science of number and calculation:
"The whole is greater than its part".
"Two things equal to one third, are equal" ,
"The shortest distance between two points is a straight line." Axioms of Physiatry
a. "The body is a harmonic function;
b." All disease is an effect of functional impairment of the whole , particularized in a particular individual organic;
c. "The main cause of the abnormalities unhealthy organic generation is inadequate food, or made in proportions and conditions other than those determined by the harmony of being helped by instinct and the natural order;
d. "All disease affects the digestive system, root of life, if not start there. E.
"The wounds, bruises, etc.., Are not diseases, but the nervous action initiated by his immediate reflection on the digestive system. F.
"Any healthy relationship starts normalizing the digestive functions;
g. "While the injury is not deep, digestive remade by their own means of defensive action;
h. "The organic standards final cure or the complement skin and lung conditions placed on natural hygiene-
Official Medicine and Hygiene Machine have been and remain deeply wrong, about how to act outside actors, especially atmosphere, on the body. In conjunction with the atmospheric environment, there is no reason, fundamental, which allows to differentiate the man from any plant from which they arise and grow in the open air, aided by the direct action of heat and sunlight. And as any plant in conditions of normal living environment is sick from the atmospheric influence, not man is sick animal or one of the Creation. I.
"There is more than a disease in humans, as in the rest of organized beings, animals and plants-and cured in the same way: fortifying their own media, natural, following the life and placing the whole being in the best hygienic conditions with their natural environment, "light, heat, air and food substances or nutrients;
j. "The only disease of man, like all organized beings, animals and plants-is manifested in two ways: with undetermined effect malaise, or with a fixed effect-illness-specific property, pain, nervous shock, circulatory, ventral, cancer, tuber, etc.., etc .- The first is chronic, general, latent, and the second acute local. There may be a premium without the second, but never the latter without the former;
k. "The patients are not cured conditions placed on their natural food hygiene and environment, does not cure anything or anyone
1. "It is wrong to have incurable disease: just irrecomponibles agencies, for the destruction of vital organs to the overall life of each, animals or plants.
In this case those that do not succumb, not because they prevent the drugs, but because the agency offers increased resistance resulting from the "negative force" of the disease, remedies and operations;
m. "From a natural way, ie business and rightly placing the body in direct relation to their natural physical agents, light, heat, electro-magnetic environment," can cause stronger reactions, healing crises, or efforts exponential phase dead quick fermenting substances, "to all cases of illness, absolutely all.
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