To understand the disease, its purpose, its essence and healing, we must understand partially the reason for our being and the laws of our Creator in relation to us.
is very important to recognize that the human being has two aspects: a spiritual and a physical being of both the physical which is infinitely less important.
Under the direction of our Real Inner Self, our immortal life, man is born to accumulate knowledge and experience and refined as a physical being.
The physical body alone, without connection to the spiritual dimension is an empty shell, a cork on water. But when it is unified with the spiritual, then life is a joy, an adventure that fully captures our interest, a journey that brings us luck, health and knowledge.
Our evolution begins as newborns without the knowledge, whose interests are directed toward oneself. Our needs are limited to our welfare, food and heat. With the adult appears then the desire for power and, therefore, remain for a while yet submitted ourselves, considering our own benefit and terrestrial targets.
Then comes the turning point: the birth of the desire to be of service to our neighbors, starting from the time the fight, because in the course
of our continued development we must transform our selfishness to altruism, the separation unit and gather all the knowledge and experiences that we can teach the world, must transform all human qualities in their opposite virtues.
However, we learn slowly, always a lesson only once, but we must learn the lesson that our own particular spiritual self imposed on us if we are lucky and stay healthy.
not we all learn the same lesson at the same time. One overcomes his pride, the other fear, your hate somewhere else, etc., but essential to the health factor is that we learn the lesson that is determined us.
our progress Stadium plays no role. In connection with our health, it is irrelevant that we are at the level of a newborn or young. But it has great importance as living in harmony with our soul. Whether it is to achieve well-being or lead the life of a martyr sacrificed, health depends on whether we follow the orders of our Real Inner Self, and whether we live in harmony with them.
our soul puts us in situations and gives us life-work is already shining shoes or lord, prince or beggar, which is most suitable for our evolution and we can best learn the necessary lesson. No matter the position we have always had, the only lies need to meet the particular work assigned to us and everything will become good.
disease is the result of a personality conflict when he refuses to obey the commandments of the soul, where there is disharmony, disease, between the higher and spiritual self and personality, the lower, we call ourselves.
None of us are going to entrust something we can not perform, nor are we going to require more than what we have in our possession.
During our journey in search of perfection is different stages. The transformation from selfishness to altruism, discontent in satisfaction of the division in unity, can not happen in a short time, but through a gradual and constant evolution, must overcome one step after another as we go. Some steps are the easiest to overcome, others extremely difficult, and, then, might appear the disease, because at that time we failed to follow our spirit, and the conflict appears to cause the disease again.
Similar to the development phase where we commit the errors is performed on a physical level a mindset that has its own effect on both the patient and also in people who are related to him. It is this particular provision of encouragement from the doctor discovers the true and fundamental cause of the problem and providing a key to successful treatment.
From here you can see the effort that the patient should do when you get lost, thus able to infer the correct treatment for their welfare.
Hahnemann taught that just as it heals well. This is correct to a certain extent, but the word priest driving a little error. More correct would be: same as expelled.
disease itself: it is as healthy as, or better, as well as rejects.
The cause of the disease intended to cause us to end up with an erroneous how to proceed. is the most effective method to put our personality into harmony with our soul. Without the pain, how could we know then that cruelty hurts? If you never suffered a loss, how could we ever recognize the suffering that occurs with the theft? In fact, we should learn our lessons on a spiritual level to, well, save the suffering body, but many of us it would be impossible. It is for this reason that we have been given the disease to accelerate our evolution. Although superficially considering the disease, it may seem cruel, it is essentially beneficial. Is the method used by our own souls to lead the way fraternal understanding.
addition, we must remember that the condition (although we should be so smart to avoid it), is a privilege that indicates that personality has reached a certain stage of development, where correction is needed. Small babies are rarely punished.
It follows quickly how to avoid disease. If we could hear only the voice of our inner being Real, if only we remained in harmony with our soul, then it would take a lesson so hard and live without disease
For this reason, the physician's work lies in helping patients to achieve this goal by connecting you to support spiritual, intellectual and physical.
Hahnemann's genius recognized the nature and causes of disease, used similar remedies that by strengthening the disease temporarily, accelerated that goal. He used poisons like to remove poisons from the body.
But now after we have reflected on where his genius has brought us, we go one step further and discover that there is a new and even better way.
When a patient makes a mistake spiritual, this triggered a conflict between the spiritual self and physical The final result disease. The error can be corrected, the poison can be removed from the body, but remains a gap, there remains a disruptive force, but where the force was located remains a dead space.
The perfect way away is not so much bad influence, but much longer to own a virtue that opposes it, and can correct errors through these virtues. That is the law of opposites, positive and negative.
Consider the following example: A patient has pain because her being there is cruelty. He can delete that constantly sets conditions: No Want To Be Cruel, but that is a long and exhausting struggle, and if they succeed in eliminating cruelty, would remain a pond, a dead space. If, however, the patient should concentrate on the positive side, ie to develop compassion and to endorse this virtue, cruelty is replaced without additional effort becomes impossible (for that person).
Therefore, the perfect science of healing teaches and helps the patient develop the virtue that will, once and for all, immune to harmful qualities. This form of cure is not under the maxim "should not", but "You are blessed."
also bear in mind another great principle arose from the genius of Hahnemann, ie the teaching of healing from the inside. First
spirit must be healed, then the body will follow . Healing the body and spirit can not have serious consequences for the patient, as the body gains at the expense of the soul. It would be better to lose a body to miss the lesson.
For this reason, the physician's work consists of two aspects: helping the patient to correct their mistakes spiritual and prescribe those medicines that act on a physical level, so that the spirit, now more healthy, encourage recovery of the body .
For the latter, it is vital that remedies chosen are revitalizing and constructive vibrations being carriers have a uplifting effect.
In the election of that remedy, we must consider the evolutionary state of the same in relation to the person.
metals are at a level below the man. The use of animal cruelty and would, in the divine art of healing, not allowed to display a trace of cruelty. It is for this reason that we have only the plant kingdom.
The first group is, as far as evolution is concerned, at a level slightly lower than that of humans. Among these are the primitive types, cactus, seagrasses, the Cuscat, etc. This group also have been used for wrong purposes, some of which are poisonous henbane, belladonna and orchids are some examples.
A second category, which is in the same level as humans and are harmless, can be used as food.
But there is still a third group that is evolving at a relatively high or higher than the average human. Between these plants is that we must choose our remedies as they have the power to heal and bring the blessing.
addition, these plants do not need cruelty, because, to reside in them the desire to be useful to human nature, are b
Endeca while serving men.
Because the first group of plants decreases body vibration, make the body is not suitable as a residence of the spiritual self can lead, for this reason, death.
But the last group has the power to raise our vibrations, giving, therefore, the spiritual force that purifies and heals the body and spirit.
Therefore our work as physicians can be represented roughly as follows: study human nature so that we are in a position to help our patients gain knowledge about themselves and advise on how to align your personality with your soul, prescribe, beneficial remedies that raise the vibrations of personality. This will develop the virtue necessary to restore harmony between self higher and the lower, which results in full health.
Now, we consider the practical aspects regarding the diagnosis and treatment. First, There are seven major subdivisions in which we classify our patient.
According to the special lesson to be learned, a person can be wrong in one of the following principles: 1. Power. 2. Knowledge. 3. Love 4. Balance. 5. Service. 6. Wisdom. 7. Spiritual perfection.
Before proceeding, we must again draw attention to the fact that the existence of disease is an indication that the personality is in conflict with the soul.
qualities and virtues are relative. One man is a virtue may be for other defects. Aspiring to be powerful may be right for a young soul without having why trigger a conflict between the personality and spiritual self. But what is right in this case does not fit into a more developed stage of youth, resulting, therefore, wrong when the soul has decided to personality to give rather than take.
is for this reason that a quality in itself can not be judged right or wrong regardless of the developmental level of the individual. What we call evil is simply a good thing that is not in the right place.
But the existence of disease indicates that there is anchored in the personality qualities that the soul strives to remove because such qualities are found below the developmental level of that person.
addition, the patient strongly refused to hear the voice of conscience, to gather experiences on a spiritual level, so there is the need for a more difficult lesson, which is given to it disease.
We recognize, through the minds of our patients, the error that has made the character fails to maintain fails to keep pace with the evolving standard that the soul desires.
Of the mistakes made in each of the seven principles are the following types:
1. Power: tyrant, autocrat, a desire for notoriety.
2. Intellect: magician, destroyer, satyr.
3. Love: Inquisitor, hate, anger.
4. Balance: static vane, hysterical.
5. Service: vain, selfish, flirt.
6. Wisdom: agnostic, crazy clown.
7. Spiritual perfection: enthusiastic, puritanical monk.
not play any important role in our patient suffering from disease. Much more important is to understand which of the above types belongs.
However, it is expected that personality traits are always so clearly manifest, as in many cases with which we are only a small remnant of the harmful qualities. However, it is essential to accurately understand the basic mistake to ensure successful treatment.
addition, the personality of many patients who consult us is usually marked by the influence of a family member or dominant friend, resulting in many cases easier to diagnose the dominant person, and it will belong to the same group as the patient. Also here applies the principle of like repelling like, and here we are with those who possess our own faults, but in a much clearer, so that we can recognize the condition that triggers harmful attitude.
Before considering in detail the types described above, and in that research has found and the remedies associated with them, we mention the methods of dosing.
Here again, it is still Hahnemann law, that is, need not be repeated while producing an improvement in the patient.
remedies described below are, in their ways, beneficial and not cause deterioration or no reaction, because its function is to raise. These are prepared in the third, fourth and seventh power.
the start of treatment can be administered a dose of the third power two or three times a day until there is a noticeable improvement, then stops. While progress has been achieved, it becomes to provide the remedy. But as soon as the patient revealed a decline are prescribed three or four more doses. Every time should be required a smaller dose. Only be done use of power to the fourth or the seventh when the lowest power does not yield any positive effect.
If you have a friend who had suffered a great loss in the first place you have visited often to encourage and comfort him but once he had recovered again, probably reduce the number of visits.
In the same way we use that power. These represent a blessing for a friend who suffers, but as Hahnemann anticipated, the patient even has to carry only the weight of the fight and should not be dependent on certain beneficial remedies. When the patient is better off, we must continue the fight alone, as far as possible, without asking for new aid until it is really necessary.
course, the more you want the patient to correct errors that hide behind their disease, the more they give the same power.
Now we come to a description of some of the types linked to diseases and remedies that were given to cure those ills.
is very important to recognize that the human being has two aspects: a spiritual and a physical being of both the physical which is infinitely less important.
Under the direction of our Real Inner Self, our immortal life, man is born to accumulate knowledge and experience and refined as a physical being.
The physical body alone, without connection to the spiritual dimension is an empty shell, a cork on water. But when it is unified with the spiritual, then life is a joy, an adventure that fully captures our interest, a journey that brings us luck, health and knowledge.
Our evolution begins as newborns without the knowledge, whose interests are directed toward oneself. Our needs are limited to our welfare, food and heat. With the adult appears then the desire for power and, therefore, remain for a while yet submitted ourselves, considering our own benefit and terrestrial targets.
Then comes the turning point: the birth of the desire to be of service to our neighbors, starting from the time the fight, because in the course

However, we learn slowly, always a lesson only once, but we must learn the lesson that our own particular spiritual self imposed on us if we are lucky and stay healthy.
not we all learn the same lesson at the same time. One overcomes his pride, the other fear, your hate somewhere else, etc., but essential to the health factor is that we learn the lesson that is determined us.
our progress Stadium plays no role. In connection with our health, it is irrelevant that we are at the level of a newborn or young. But it has great importance as living in harmony with our soul. Whether it is to achieve well-being or lead the life of a martyr sacrificed, health depends on whether we follow the orders of our Real Inner Self, and whether we live in harmony with them.
our soul puts us in situations and gives us life-work is already shining shoes or lord, prince or beggar, which is most suitable for our evolution and we can best learn the necessary lesson. No matter the position we have always had, the only lies need to meet the particular work assigned to us and everything will become good.
disease is the result of a personality conflict when he refuses to obey the commandments of the soul, where there is disharmony, disease, between the higher and spiritual self and personality, the lower, we call ourselves.
None of us are going to entrust something we can not perform, nor are we going to require more than what we have in our possession.
During our journey in search of perfection is different stages. The transformation from selfishness to altruism, discontent in satisfaction of the division in unity, can not happen in a short time, but through a gradual and constant evolution, must overcome one step after another as we go. Some steps are the easiest to overcome, others extremely difficult, and, then, might appear the disease, because at that time we failed to follow our spirit, and the conflict appears to cause the disease again.
Similar to the development phase where we commit the errors is performed on a physical level a mindset that has its own effect on both the patient and also in people who are related to him. It is this particular provision of encouragement from the doctor discovers the true and fundamental cause of the problem and providing a key to successful treatment.
From here you can see the effort that the patient should do when you get lost, thus able to infer the correct treatment for their welfare.
Hahnemann taught that just as it heals well. This is correct to a certain extent, but the word priest driving a little error. More correct would be: same as expelled.
disease itself: it is as healthy as, or better, as well as rejects.
The cause of the disease intended to cause us to end up with an erroneous how to proceed. is the most effective method to put our personality into harmony with our soul. Without the pain, how could we know then that cruelty hurts? If you never suffered a loss, how could we ever recognize the suffering that occurs with the theft? In fact, we should learn our lessons on a spiritual level to, well, save the suffering body, but many of us it would be impossible. It is for this reason that we have been given the disease to accelerate our evolution. Although superficially considering the disease, it may seem cruel, it is essentially beneficial. Is the method used by our own souls to lead the way fraternal understanding.
addition, we must remember that the condition (although we should be so smart to avoid it), is a privilege that indicates that personality has reached a certain stage of development, where correction is needed. Small babies are rarely punished.
It follows quickly how to avoid disease. If we could hear only the voice of our inner being Real, if only we remained in harmony with our soul, then it would take a lesson so hard and live without disease
For this reason, the physician's work lies in helping patients to achieve this goal by connecting you to support spiritual, intellectual and physical.
Hahnemann's genius recognized the nature and causes of disease, used similar remedies that by strengthening the disease temporarily, accelerated that goal. He used poisons like to remove poisons from the body.
But now after we have reflected on where his genius has brought us, we go one step further and discover that there is a new and even better way.
When a patient makes a mistake spiritual, this triggered a conflict between the spiritual self and physical The final result disease. The error can be corrected, the poison can be removed from the body, but remains a gap, there remains a disruptive force, but where the force was located remains a dead space.
The perfect way away is not so much bad influence, but much longer to own a virtue that opposes it, and can correct errors through these virtues. That is the law of opposites, positive and negative.
Consider the following example: A patient has pain because her being there is cruelty. He can delete that constantly sets conditions: No Want To Be Cruel, but that is a long and exhausting struggle, and if they succeed in eliminating cruelty, would remain a pond, a dead space. If, however, the patient should concentrate on the positive side, ie to develop compassion and to endorse this virtue, cruelty is replaced without additional effort becomes impossible (for that person).
Therefore, the perfect science of healing teaches and helps the patient develop the virtue that will, once and for all, immune to harmful qualities. This form of cure is not under the maxim "should not", but "You are blessed."
also bear in mind another great principle arose from the genius of Hahnemann, ie the teaching of healing from the inside. First
spirit must be healed, then the body will follow . Healing the body and spirit can not have serious consequences for the patient, as the body gains at the expense of the soul. It would be better to lose a body to miss the lesson.
For this reason, the physician's work consists of two aspects: helping the patient to correct their mistakes spiritual and prescribe those medicines that act on a physical level, so that the spirit, now more healthy, encourage recovery of the body .
For the latter, it is vital that remedies chosen are revitalizing and constructive vibrations being carriers have a uplifting effect.
In the election of that remedy, we must consider the evolutionary state of the same in relation to the person.
metals are at a level below the man. The use of animal cruelty and would, in the divine art of healing, not allowed to display a trace of cruelty. It is for this reason that we have only the plant kingdom.
The first group is, as far as evolution is concerned, at a level slightly lower than that of humans. Among these are the primitive types, cactus, seagrasses, the Cuscat, etc. This group also have been used for wrong purposes, some of which are poisonous henbane, belladonna and orchids are some examples.
A second category, which is in the same level as humans and are harmless, can be used as food.
But there is still a third group that is evolving at a relatively high or higher than the average human. Between these plants is that we must choose our remedies as they have the power to heal and bring the blessing.
addition, these plants do not need cruelty, because, to reside in them the desire to be useful to human nature, are b

Because the first group of plants decreases body vibration, make the body is not suitable as a residence of the spiritual self can lead, for this reason, death.
But the last group has the power to raise our vibrations, giving, therefore, the spiritual force that purifies and heals the body and spirit.
Therefore our work as physicians can be represented roughly as follows: study human nature so that we are in a position to help our patients gain knowledge about themselves and advise on how to align your personality with your soul, prescribe, beneficial remedies that raise the vibrations of personality. This will develop the virtue necessary to restore harmony between self higher and the lower, which results in full health.
Now, we consider the practical aspects regarding the diagnosis and treatment. First, There are seven major subdivisions in which we classify our patient.
According to the special lesson to be learned, a person can be wrong in one of the following principles: 1. Power. 2. Knowledge. 3. Love 4. Balance. 5. Service. 6. Wisdom. 7. Spiritual perfection.
Before proceeding, we must again draw attention to the fact that the existence of disease is an indication that the personality is in conflict with the soul.
qualities and virtues are relative. One man is a virtue may be for other defects. Aspiring to be powerful may be right for a young soul without having why trigger a conflict between the personality and spiritual self. But what is right in this case does not fit into a more developed stage of youth, resulting, therefore, wrong when the soul has decided to personality to give rather than take.
is for this reason that a quality in itself can not be judged right or wrong regardless of the developmental level of the individual. What we call evil is simply a good thing that is not in the right place.
But the existence of disease indicates that there is anchored in the personality qualities that the soul strives to remove because such qualities are found below the developmental level of that person.
addition, the patient strongly refused to hear the voice of conscience, to gather experiences on a spiritual level, so there is the need for a more difficult lesson, which is given to it disease.
We recognize, through the minds of our patients, the error that has made the character fails to maintain fails to keep pace with the evolving standard that the soul desires.
Of the mistakes made in each of the seven principles are the following types:
1. Power: tyrant, autocrat, a desire for notoriety.
2. Intellect: magician, destroyer, satyr.
3. Love: Inquisitor, hate, anger.
4. Balance: static vane, hysterical.
5. Service: vain, selfish, flirt.
6. Wisdom: agnostic, crazy clown.
7. Spiritual perfection: enthusiastic, puritanical monk.
not play any important role in our patient suffering from disease. Much more important is to understand which of the above types belongs.
However, it is expected that personality traits are always so clearly manifest, as in many cases with which we are only a small remnant of the harmful qualities. However, it is essential to accurately understand the basic mistake to ensure successful treatment.
addition, the personality of many patients who consult us is usually marked by the influence of a family member or dominant friend, resulting in many cases easier to diagnose the dominant person, and it will belong to the same group as the patient. Also here applies the principle of like repelling like, and here we are with those who possess our own faults, but in a much clearer, so that we can recognize the condition that triggers harmful attitude.
Before considering in detail the types described above, and in that research has found and the remedies associated with them, we mention the methods of dosing.
Here again, it is still Hahnemann law, that is, need not be repeated while producing an improvement in the patient.
remedies described below are, in their ways, beneficial and not cause deterioration or no reaction, because its function is to raise. These are prepared in the third, fourth and seventh power.
the start of treatment can be administered a dose of the third power two or three times a day until there is a noticeable improvement, then stops. While progress has been achieved, it becomes to provide the remedy. But as soon as the patient revealed a decline are prescribed three or four more doses. Every time should be required a smaller dose. Only be done use of power to the fourth or the seventh when the lowest power does not yield any positive effect.
If you have a friend who had suffered a great loss in the first place you have visited often to encourage and comfort him but once he had recovered again, probably reduce the number of visits.
In the same way we use that power. These represent a blessing for a friend who suffers, but as Hahnemann anticipated, the patient even has to carry only the weight of the fight and should not be dependent on certain beneficial remedies. When the patient is better off, we must continue the fight alone, as far as possible, without asking for new aid until it is really necessary.
course, the more you want the patient to correct errors that hide behind their disease, the more they give the same power.
Now we come to a description of some of the types linked to diseases and remedies that were given to cure those ills.
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