The Great Initiates of the East and West-depth knowledge of human anatomy. A formal anatomy texts lack the anatomy of the inner bodies of man, which is sevenfold in its organic constitution. Each organ is, therefore, sevenfold in its internal constitution. Here are the seven bodies of man
1 - Physical body.
2 - 3
vital body - astral body.
4 - mental body.
5 - Body of the will.
6 - Main of consciousness.
7 - SPIRITUS (the Innermost).
The celebrated master Paracelsus are determined as follows:
1 - Limbus.
2 - The "Mumia."
3 - Archeous.
4 - Sidereal Body.
5 - Adech (the inner man or mental body, made from the flesh of Adam.)
6 - Aluech.
7 - Intimate Body.
These are seven agencies in various subjects or degrees of subtlety, that any professor of medicine would be entitled if the foresight to develop procedures that take place within Gnostic Medical Science.
A study of anatomy to be complete must include all in all the seven bodies of man in all his relationships.
Emmanuel Kant, the great German philosopher, he admits that "Nissus formativus" astral body "Lingam Sarir" to the Theosophists.
These various internal bodies of men, acting upon our glands and our endogenous hormones. And you can not be a doctor without knowing fully that "Nisus formativus"
that Kant speaks. Dr. Krisch
concluded that the smell, sight, hearing and other senses of man, work by electromagnetic oscillations.
Lakosky, the great Russian scientist, founder of the theory emanationist, concluded that everything shines and everything is energy.
is absolutely impossible to be a doctor in the fullest sense without being clairvoyant and without having studied anatomy, biology and pathology of all the seven bodies of humans.
Master Paracelsus says: "There are two kinds of meat, Adam (the physical body) is ground meat, gross. Meat that is not derived from Adam is a subtle kind. It is not made of gross matter, and goes on all the walls without doors or holes, however, both species of meat have their blood and bones and they differ also the spirit. " (Paracelsus - Of Nymphis).
These internal energy bodies of man are material bodies, the doctor must know thoroughly for diseases without fail, without making blunders.
is useless to know the official chemical unless you know the "occult chemistry." There would be little known outside biology if you do not know the internal biology of the seven bodies of man. The same would happen to know only the Anatomy "external" if unknown Anatomy "internal." Vacant be the theoretical study of the bacteriology laboratory with a microscope.
is absurd to study medicine without have developed a positive vision, allowing us to see and feel the seven bodies of man.
media diagnosis of official science are inadequate and for this reason, the majority of patients die and nobody knows what disease. Jerome
The Indian placed a glass ball at the nape of the patient, and through her body looked better than X-rays And when they needed to diagnose a patient away, moisten the area Bastabales glass with rum and wrap it in clothes of the sick. In this singular way he knew the disease and diagnosed with certainty.
Once, two skeptics I took the hat of a dead Jerome the Indian Say to whom it belonged. He took his hat in his hands and invited the two skeptics to come into his office. Then with loud voice said, "Here is the owner of the hat." The two men fell faint to see sitting in a chair at the same late in the experiment.
Lamáico copy of a prayer the following prayer, mentioned by Krum Heller: "Flores sublime strings of flowers chosen, ointments music and delicious fragrance, glittering lights and the best perfumes I bring to the victors (the Buddhas), superb robes and superfine perfumes, bags filled with joss sticks parties equal in number to the mountains of "Miru" and all the most beautiful creations, to bring victory. "
Frhr. Von Perckammer painted a picture referred to by Dr. Krumm Heller, which appears in the courtyard of Lama Kung Yungho in the temple of eternal peace, heralding with a censer.
Lama in the monastery of a hundred thousand images of "Maitreya" never missing perfumes. Dr. Rudolf Steiner argues that the use of perfumes for the cure of disease had a very remote past and a splendid future. Leadbater says our sins and faults affect the astral body and can be removed by the action of certain perfumes. Each service has its larvae which adhere to the Astral body, and only those larvae breaking through certain perfumes achieved complete healing of such defects.
Buddha statues made of fragrant wood of sandalwood, are in Beijing, Tibet and the Mongolian faculty Erdoni "Dsu." These statues are called Dscho "(written" je ") by an abbreviation of" rubber "this is the Lord or Master. The capital is in Tibet Lassa.
"Tsschima-Purma" is the name of a certain ball of cloth filled with herbs that Tibetans and Mongolians hang from the ceilings of their temples for healing purposes.
Krumm Heller tells us in one of his books Rintschen Lama, who practiced in Berlin. Tibet brought their essences and never even bought a drug. Its mission was to ensure the health of the Mongols resident, tells us Huiracocha.
The severe medical studies Himalayas and Trans-Himalaya, including ELEMENTOTERAPIA, osmotherapy, the anatomy of the seven bodies and astrology and occult chemistry. All physicians Lama is clairvoyant and can not really be a doctor without being clairvoyant. Hear him official drug lords.
diagnosis by percussion and auscultation, and gait and a blind move, they are similar. Be able to use touch to guide a diagnosis, is quite insecure and childish. Arhuacos doctors and lamas do not need to anything about these outdated methods of official medical diagnosis, typical for the blind. They have developed a sixth sense, clairvoyance, and can see directly the causes of the disease and its effects on the inner bodies.
deep in the jungles of the Amazon is an underground city where they dwell some Western Yogis. In this mysterious city zealously await
sacred treasures of the submerged Atlantis. These medical wise Yogis are the jealous guardians of ancient wisdom care.
thick forests in California, there is another mysterious city, which may not ever be discovered by the civilized twentieth century. Here dwells a race old survivor of Lemuria. This race is the oldest depository of the precious treasure of medical wisdom.
In Central America the same way there are several shrines of medicine, based on the "royal art" of Nature. And no shortage in the world secret places where they study and cultivate medical wisdom, the man who once met while still acting outside the foul air of urban life.
1 - Physical body.
2 - 3
vital body - astral body.
4 - mental body.
5 - Body of the will.
6 - Main of consciousness.
7 - SPIRITUS (the Innermost).
The celebrated master Paracelsus are determined as follows:
1 - Limbus.
2 - The "Mumia."
3 - Archeous.
4 - Sidereal Body.
5 - Adech (the inner man or mental body, made from the flesh of Adam.)
6 - Aluech.
7 - Intimate Body.
These are seven agencies in various subjects or degrees of subtlety, that any professor of medicine would be entitled if the foresight to develop procedures that take place within Gnostic Medical Science.
A study of anatomy to be complete must include all in all the seven bodies of man in all his relationships.
Emmanuel Kant, the great German philosopher, he admits that "Nissus formativus" astral body "Lingam Sarir" to the Theosophists.
These various internal bodies of men, acting upon our glands and our endogenous hormones. And you can not be a doctor without knowing fully that "Nisus formativus"
concluded that the smell, sight, hearing and other senses of man, work by electromagnetic oscillations.
Lakosky, the great Russian scientist, founder of the theory emanationist, concluded that everything shines and everything is energy.
is absolutely impossible to be a doctor in the fullest sense without being clairvoyant and without having studied anatomy, biology and pathology of all the seven bodies of humans.
Master Paracelsus says: "There are two kinds of meat, Adam (the physical body) is ground meat, gross. Meat that is not derived from Adam is a subtle kind. It is not made of gross matter, and goes on all the walls without doors or holes, however, both species of meat have their blood and bones and they differ also the spirit. " (Paracelsus - Of Nymphis).
These internal energy bodies of man are material bodies, the doctor must know thoroughly for diseases without fail, without making blunders.
is useless to know the official chemical unless you know the "occult chemistry." There would be little known outside biology if you do not know the internal biology of the seven bodies of man. The same would happen to know only the Anatomy "external" if unknown Anatomy "internal." Vacant be the theoretical study of the bacteriology laboratory with a microscope.
is absurd to study medicine without have developed a positive vision, allowing us to see and feel the seven bodies of man.
media diagnosis of official science are inadequate and for this reason, the majority of patients die and nobody knows what disease. Jerome
The Indian placed a glass ball at the nape of the patient, and through her body looked better than X-rays And when they needed to diagnose a patient away, moisten the area Bastabales glass with rum and wrap it in clothes of the sick. In this singular way he knew the disease and diagnosed with certainty.
Once, two skeptics I took the hat of a dead Jerome the Indian Say to whom it belonged. He took his hat in his hands and invited the two skeptics to come into his office. Then with loud voice said, "Here is the owner of the hat." The two men fell faint to see sitting in a chair at the same late in the experiment.
Lamáico copy of a prayer the following prayer, mentioned by Krum Heller: "Flores sublime strings of flowers chosen, ointments music and delicious fragrance, glittering lights and the best perfumes I bring to the victors (the Buddhas), superb robes and superfine perfumes, bags filled with joss sticks parties equal in number to the mountains of "Miru" and all the most beautiful creations, to bring victory. "
Frhr. Von Perckammer painted a picture referred to by Dr. Krumm Heller, which appears in the courtyard of Lama Kung Yungho in the temple of eternal peace, heralding with a censer.
Lama in the monastery of a hundred thousand images of "Maitreya" never missing perfumes. Dr. Rudolf Steiner argues that the use of perfumes for the cure of disease had a very remote past and a splendid future. Leadbater says our sins and faults affect the astral body and can be removed by the action of certain perfumes. Each service has its larvae which adhere to the Astral body, and only those larvae breaking through certain perfumes achieved complete healing of such defects.
Buddha statues made of fragrant wood of sandalwood, are in Beijing, Tibet and the Mongolian faculty Erdoni "Dsu." These statues are called Dscho "(written" je ") by an abbreviation of" rubber "this is the Lord or Master. The capital is in Tibet Lassa.
"Tsschima-Purma" is the name of a certain ball of cloth filled with herbs that Tibetans and Mongolians hang from the ceilings of their temples for healing purposes.
Krumm Heller tells us in one of his books Rintschen Lama, who practiced in Berlin. Tibet brought their essences and never even bought a drug. Its mission was to ensure the health of the Mongols resident, tells us Huiracocha.
The severe medical studies Himalayas and Trans-Himalaya, including ELEMENTOTERAPIA, osmotherapy, the anatomy of the seven bodies and astrology and occult chemistry. All physicians Lama is clairvoyant and can not really be a doctor without being clairvoyant. Hear him official drug lords.
diagnosis by percussion and auscultation, and gait and a blind move, they are similar. Be able to use touch to guide a diagnosis, is quite insecure and childish. Arhuacos doctors and lamas do not need to anything about these outdated methods of official medical diagnosis, typical for the blind. They have developed a sixth sense, clairvoyance, and can see directly the causes of the disease and its effects on the inner bodies.
deep in the jungles of the Amazon is an underground city where they dwell some Western Yogis. In this mysterious city zealously await
thick forests in California, there is another mysterious city, which may not ever be discovered by the civilized twentieth century. Here dwells a race old survivor of Lemuria. This race is the oldest depository of the precious treasure of medical wisdom.
In Central America the same way there are several shrines of medicine, based on the "royal art" of Nature. And no shortage in the world secret places where they study and cultivate medical wisdom, the man who once met while still acting outside the foul air of urban life.
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