First Biological Law
The Iron Rule of Cancer
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
The first criterion
All cancer or cancer-equivalent disease originates from a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), which is a serious crash , sharp, highly dramatic and lived in solitude, taking the individual in a completely unexpected . The shock of conflict occurring simultaneously in the psyche, brain and organ.
A DHS can be triggered, for example, by the unexpected loss of a loved one, separation was not intended for diagnosis or prognosis for which you are not prepared for a sudden-death panic, anger or concern for an unexpected, a sudden feeling of abandonment (emotional, mental or physical), or a fear or unexpected threat.
immediately, the conflict shock disrupts the body's normal biological functions. To handle the event, the brain activates instantly and Significant Biological Special Program created to contend with exactly that situation.
When the SDH happens the whole body is busy.
Psychic level: Psychologically experience emotional and mental stress.
Brain Level: On cue a conflict SDH shock strikes a specific area in the brain, causing an injury that is clearly visible on a CT scan of the brain (CT) as a set of sharp concentric rings. Such an annular lesion is called Hamer Focus (German: Herd Hamerschen
- HH, in fact, the term was coined by the opponents of Dr. Hamer who derisively of those ring formations called "the dubious Hamer Foci) .
Before Dr. Hamer identified annular lesions in the brain, radiologists considered them as artifacts created by a fault in the machine. But Siemens, a manufacturer of computerized tomography objective certified that these lesions can not be artifacts because even when the scan is repeated and taken from different angles, the same ring formation always appears in the same place.
The exact location of Hamer Focus is determined by the nature of conflict.
Example: a separation conflict always hits the sensory cortex (see picture above). The lesion size is determined by the intensity and duration of the conflict.
why specific conflicts impact always a defined area in the brain?
In the course of brain evolution, each brain area was programmed with a particular biological response, allowing a body to fight an unexpected emergency situation. We can imagine such a site as a cluster of brain neurons that are receivers and transmitters at the same time. At the time of the conflict shock occurs, the neurons receive confirmation from the content of the conflict for which they are scheduled and then transmit a biochemical signal to the corresponding body cells. The relationship between the shock of conflict, the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain and the body is always unambiguous.
Body Level: The body responds to the shock of conflict in the form of cell division (growth), cell decrease (osteolysis, necrosis, ulceration) or functional breakdown (called cancer-equivalent diseases such as diabetes , motor paralysis, visual or auditory damage) depends on which brain layer receives the shock and the type of tissue involved (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm).
For each type of conflict there is a specific type of disease and a specific brain area from which the processes are controlled.
The second criterion
In the time of an SDH, the (the) content (s) of the conflict determines (n) the location of the Hamer Focus (HH) in the brain and the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
The content of the conflict is determined at the time the conflict shock occurs. At the precise moment of the incident, our subconscious associates a biological point of conflict such as territory, hunger, death and panic to the event. Then, it is our subjective feeling behind the conflict that determines what part of the brain gets the shock of conflict and consequently what organ or tissue is affected.
What a person may experience a conflict of separation, can be experienced very differently by someone else. Even for a third person the event may be totally irrelevant. Moreover, a single SDH may impact more than one brain area, resulting in multiple manifestations of disease associated with lesions in parts of the brain (metastases).
Example: If a man loses his business in an unexpected way and the bank takes all his property, may develop angina pectoris (as a result of a conflict of loss of territory), liver cancer (as a result of a conflict of die hunger) and bone cancer (as a result of a conflict self-devaluation), all at the same time.
Biological conflicts are very different from psychological problems or stressful situations every day. Psychological problems for which we have time to prepare (even if only for a few seconds) leave no mark on the brain and therefore do not cause disease.
course, a psychological problem may predispose a person to be more susceptible to a particular type of conflict shock.
The third criterion
The development of the conflict determines the exact development of the Hamer Focus (HH) in the brain and the exact development of cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
development at three levels - the psyche, brain and body - is performed always in sync. As the conflict progresses, both the brain injury and alterations in the body such as a tumor growth progresses. As soon as there is stagnation in the level, developments in the other two levels down.
Because the brain plays such a crucial role in each situation, laterality must always be taken into account. Our handedness determines which side of the brain impacts the conflict and what body part be affected. Therefore in the LMC therapy, determine the laterality of the patient is very important. A person skilled
responds to a conflict with her mother or son to the left side of the body and a conflict with a partner (all except the mother or child) with the right side. This is reversed in left-handed people.
Example: If a right-handed woman suddenly concerned about the health of your child, her left breast was affected. In a brain scan, the corresponding lesion (Hamer Focus) will be in the right hemisphere in the brain that controls the glandular tissue of the left breast.
There is always a cross-correlation brain to the body.
These rules only apply to the cerebellum and brain (diagram). In the brainstem, the oldest part of the brain laterality is negligible.
Handedness can be easily established with proof of applause. The hand above is the main hand and reveals whether the person is right-handed or left-handed.
The Second Biological Law Law of the Two Phases of all Diseases
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
Each disease develops in two stages whenever there is conflict resolution.
normotonia is the state of our normal day-night rhythm. As shown in the figure above, the "sympathicotonia" alternates with "vagotonia" (could translate vagotonia exhaustion or continuous rest). The terms refer to our autonomic nervous system (ANS) which controls the vegetative functions such as heart rate or digestion.
During the day our body is in a sympathetic tone tonic stress ("fight or flight"), while in the dream is in a vague tone tonic rest ("rest and digest").
An unexpected conflict disrupts or SDH immediately the normal day-night rhythm and initiates the active phase of conflict. The crash triggered the start of a Significant Biological Special Program and allowing the body (psyche, brain and body) to increase the daily operation and focus entirely on to contend with the unexpected situation.
Psychic level:
The active phase of the conflict is experienced as emotional stress and mental occupation continued on the conflict. Vegetative
During the active phase of the conflict the nervous system is in constant sympathicotonia an extension of the rhythm of the day. Insomnia, poor appetite, loss weight, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, decreased blood sugar, or nausea are typical symptoms of the AC phase.
This phase is also called cold phase during stress because the blood vessels constrict, resulting in cold hands and feet, tremors, chills, skin and sweats. From a biological standpoint, the tone of prolonged stress, particularly in overtime in wakefulness and concern for the conflict, create ideal conditions for solving it.
Brain Level:
The brain injury or Hamer Focus appears on a brain scan as a ring group defined objectives. The location of the lesion is determined by the exact nature of the conflict, the size, intensity and duration of conflict (conflict mass).
body Level:
bodies led by the old brain (brainstem and cerebellum), such as colon, lung, liver, or mammary glands show cell multiplication (growth), the organs that are targeted from the brain (cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex), such as bone, lymph nodes, bronchi, or cervix, show cell decrease as osteolysis, necrosis or ulceration (↓ diagram below).
If no solution of the conflict the individual remains in the first phase of the conflict active stress. If the activity of conflict is very intense and stays for a very long time, the condition can be fatal. Since then, the individual dies from a tumor, but depletion as a result of energy lost weight and sleep. Fully
stressed, the individual is completely worn and eventually die out of weakness. ONGOING CONFLICT
If we are unable to resolve the conflict or if unable to reach a viable solution, ie we can not leave our work or a sad relationship, we have the opportunity to deliberately degrade the conflict either intellectually, psychological or spiritual. Degrading the current conflict and consequently decrease their symptoms both in the brain as the organ.
We can live with that conflict reduced to an advanced age, for example, a tumor in the colon, provided they do not cause any mechanical obstruction or that does not involve an organ producing hormones such as thyroid. But we must keep in mind that transform a conflict into an outstanding dispute can only represent a second best alternative because the cure can only be achieved when the conflict is resolved completely.
Goal of Therapy in the New Medicine is to identify the original SDH and find a solution to the conflict that is as real and practical as possible. For example, a man who loses his business and suffers a loss of territory must find a new job, the shock of an unexpected early retirement and work can be resolved by establishing a new domain like joining a club or take a neglected hobby. As soon as the conflict is resolved, healing follows its natural course.
CL - conflictolysis - the solution of the conflict is the crucial point that initiates the healing phase. As the active phase of conflict, progress healing phase occurs synchronously in all three levels.
the healing phase (Phase-pcl, pcl = pos-conflictolysis)
Psychic level:
Resolving the conflict is accompanied by a feeling of great relief. Vegetative
vegetative tone instantly changes to a prolonged vagotonia an extension of the pace at night. Fatigue, weakness and a good appetite are typical symptoms. The healing phase is also called Phase TIBIA, because during the vagotonia blood vessels are dilated, resulting in warm hands and skin, and possibly fever. From a biological standpoint, the tone of extended rest, especially the fatigue and good appetite help the process of repair and restoration of health.
Brain Level:
parallel to the psyche and the body, brain injury also begins to heal. During the first part of the healing phase (pcl-phase A) are drawn to the area water and serous fluid, creating a brain edema to protect the brain tissue during the repair process. It is this increase in volume of cerebral edema that produces the typical symptoms of brain healing as headaches, dizziness or double vision. In a brain scan, rings defined objectives that underlie the edema appear blurred, indistinct and dark in the solution phase.
the seizure or epileptoid (EK) is initiated at the lowest point of the healing phase. With the onset of the crisis, the individual is instantly drawn into the conflict active phase with typical symptoms of stress such as tremors, night sweats, or nausea. What is the purpose of this sudden relapse into conflict? At the height of vagotonic phase, the increased volume of cerebral edema has reached its maximum size.
At this precise moment, the brain activates a pressure stress and potentially severe short press of the edema out. This is followed by a urinary phase during which the body excretes any excess fluid that was stored during the first part of the healing pcl-phase A. Each type of conflict and type of disease is a specific type of crisis epileptoid. Heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks, migraine attacks and epileptic seizures are just some examples of this healing crisis. After epileptoid crisis, the patient gradually regains strength and is in direct path to normalization.
After cerebral edema has been expelled, begins the second part of the healing phase (Pcl-phase B). Now the neuroglia, connective tissue that is present in the brain, is installed on site to complete the repair of brain injury caused by impact of SDH. The mass accumulation of glia cells is determined by the intensity and duration of the previous active phase of conflict.
neuroglia is this storage of what is commonly called a brain tumor.
Body Level:
During the healing phase, tumors led by the old brain (brainstem and cerebellum) and the colon, lung, liver or mammary glands, which were developed during the conflict active phase (diagram) are degraded by specialized fungi and mycobacteria. If you do not have the required microbes, the tumor remains in place and encapsulated without further cell division.
directed cell loss in the brain (cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex) and osteoporosis, ovarian necrosis or ulceration in the stomach, which occurred during the active phase of conflict (plot) is filled, restored and reconstructed with the help of specialized bacteria or virus.
In general, the healing phase is considerably more dangerous than the active phase of conflict. Because the repair phase is often accompanied by increased volume, inflammation, infections, fever and pain, most of these diseases are detected when they are healing.
The duration and severity of the healing phase is determined by the intensity and duration of the previous active phase of conflict, the seriousness of the crisis epileptoid, and complications or recurrence of conflict during the healing phase (tracks) .
Because conventional medicine fails to recognize the biphasic pattern of each disease, conventional doctors only see one of the two phases. They see a patient either stressed with a growing tumor (active phase of the conflict) without knowing that there is a healing phase below, or see a patient with fever, infection, swelling, discharge, headaches or other (healing phase), ignoring the previous active phase of conflict. Reviewing
only one of the two phases, the symptoms that belong to only one stage is seen as a disease itself, such as osteoporosis or angina occur only during the active phase of the conflict, or arthritis lymphoma and cervical cancer occur only in the healing phase.
This lack is particularly tragic when a patient attends the healing phase is diagnosed with a malignant cancer but in fact this Healing is a tumor that naturally degrades over the course of the healing process. If conventional medicine would take into account the brain as the site from where it originated and controlled the disease, recognize that the two phases are a single disease, verifiable by a brain scan in which the
Hamer Focus be in the same place in two phases, indicating whether the patient is still in active conflict (defined concentric rings) or is already healing (edematous rings). SKIING
conflict shock (SDH), the mind is in a state of acute attention. Highly alert, our subconscious picks up all the components surrounding the conflict, such as sounds, smells, people and objects, and stores them until the conflict is completely resolved. The traces are as a result of SDH are called tracks.
If we are in the healing phase and then suddenly activate one of the tracks, either by direct contact or by association, the conflict is reactivated and instantly we are led to the active phase of conflict. This conflict relapse is commonly called allergy. or allergic reaction. The allergen may be a substance in food, some pollen, animal hair, some perfume, the ex-wife, a colleague, whoever or whatever who had been involved when the crash occurred in the conflict. Usually
conflict relapse activity is short. What we call flow nasal allergy, asthma, or are flushing and, in fact, signs of healing. The biological purpose of the allergy is to serve as a warning, so as to avoid experiencing the same dangerous situation for the second time. In nature, these alarm systems are vital for survival.
Example: An allergy to animal hair can be expressed as eczema if the person in question was holding a pet when I experience a separation conflict. The animal hair is used as a track leading repeated episodes of eczema until the dispute is not resolved. When exposure to animal hair coughing or other bronchial disorders then we can conclude that the pet was involved (possibly as a shelter) when a conflict of territorial fear took place, for example, when a child is afraid of losing a parents because these are divorced.
tracks must always be considered when we are dealing with recurring conditions such as migraine headaches, seizures, hemorrhoids, bladder infections or recurrent colds. Any recurrence of cancer has to be viewed from this perspective.
tracks also play a major role in a "chronic" as atherosclerosis, arthritis, Parkinson's or Multiple Sclerosis.
Healing yet
a conflict that is continually repeated relapses resolution because it is called a cure slope. So in the New Medicine, reconstructing the event of SDH with all your tracks is a significant therapeutic measure.
Upon completion of the normotonia healing phase and normal day-night rhythm is restored. After the healing phase, tissues and organs involved are stronger than before. This is indeed the biological purpose. Because the particular conflict is now a vulnerable point, the tissue fortified places the individual at a much better position in case of any repetition of another SDH of that nature.
A brain CT scan of the scar of a healed brain injury appears as a small ring that disappears with time.
The Third Biological Law
Ontogenetic System of Tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
's Third Law
Biological New Medicine ® combines the findings the first two laws in the context of embryology and evolution of man. Illustrates the biological correlation between the psyche, brain and organ from an evolutionary standpoint.
The diagram below shows the division of the brain in three germ layers (see also diagram below).
three germ layers: For the science of Embryology know that within the first seventeen days of embryonic develop three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm) from which they originate all tissues and organs.
When a fetus develops during the embryonic stage (ontogenesis), the body growing passes through all stages of the evolution to a very fast speed (phylogenesis). During this journey through the evolution - from single-celled creature to a complete human being - the three germ layers go step by step development of the whole organism.
Most of our organs, notably the colon, came just one of the three germ layers, others such as the heart, liver, pancreas or bladder are made of different parts derived from different germ layers (Theory of Metastasis .) Today these parties, which emerged in time for functional reasons are considered as a body yet often have their center of control in widely separated areas of the brain.
other hand there are other bodies that are very distant from each other in the body such as the rectum, larynx, and the coronary veins but are controlled from areas very close to the brain.
The standard theory of metastases suggests that cancer cells from a primary tumor travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body where they produce a cancerous growth on the new site (theoretically, this assumption would imply a potential risk of cancer through blood transfusion).
The New Medicine ® does not dispute the fact that secondary and tertiary cancers. Since then, according to the five biological laws, secondary and tertiary cancers are not the result of cancer cells that migrate, but a second or third SDH, often initiated by a shock at diagnosis or prognosis that puts the individual in a total state of panic, causing a new conflict or, indeed, many new conflicts, leading him to submit additional cancers. For example, a shock of cancer diagnosis can trigger a "conflict of terror to die" leading to the development of lung cancer.
We also know from the science of histology that cancer cells can not mutate into another cell type, never cross your threshold may germinal layer or change its histological structure. Cancer cells grow in the colon and belong to the endoderm (directed from the brain stem) can not under any circumstances become bone cells originating from the mesoderm of the new brain (cerebral spinal-directed). In other words: colon cancer can not "spread" to the bone.
course, a cancer patient who suddenly feel devalued because they are sick ("I am worthless", "no good"), you may experience a conflict of self-devaluation resulting bone cancer. If the self-devaluation is less severe, the lymph nodes are the most likely to be affected. Then, a woman experiencing a shock from the diagnosis of breast cancer or suffering a loss of self-devaluation after amputation of the breast often develops a lymphoma near where she had the tumor.
Thanks to the New Medicine ®, we begin to understand because statistically women with breast cancer often have this type of secondary cancer.
endoderm (Germinal Layer Internal)
Developed during the early developmental period, a time when the baby alive in an aqueous environment. Naturally, the endoderm is also the first germ layer of the embryonic period. As the first layer, the endoderm forms the oldest organs. This gives rise to the submucosa of the entire alimentary canal from mouth to rectum, the lining of the prostate, uterus (no cervix) and the oviducts. The nuclei of the acoustic nerve, thyroid, kidney collecting ducts, alveoli lung and liver also derived from the endoderm.
older organs derived from the most ancient germ layer are controlled from the oldest part of the brain, brain stem (diagram), and consequently respond to the oldest conflicts. In the brain stem laterality is negligible.
Biological conflicts brain stem are related to basic survival issues such as breathing, playing and eating. The alimentary canal is for the conflict called "bite", referring to real food snack or piece of food. The "inability to get a piece of bite" is linked to the mouth and throat, the "conflict of not being able to swallow the bit" for the esophagus (bottom), the "inability to digest the morsel" corresponds to the digestive organs including the stomach (except lesser curvature), the small and large intestines, and pancreas. Animals experience such conflicts of "bite" in real terms, ie When a piece of food stuck in the gut.
Because human beings are capable of interacting with the world in a more abstract through language and symbols, we humans often experience these conflicts of "bite" a figurative way. This snack figured
can result in a contract that we could not "catching" a major offense that could not "digest", "snacks" that we possess, "snacks" that we hold, "bites" that were taken from us , or "snacks" of which we can not undo.
The middle ear is linked to conflicts of listening. The conflict of "not being able to get a piece of information, eg missing an important message, affects the right ear, while the conflict of" not being able to get rid of some information, eg an uncomfortable message , affecting the left ear.
lungs and kidneys have the most archaic survival programs. While collecting tubules of the kidney is associated with a "profound conflict of abandonment" (feeling isolated, excluded, to be suddenly taken from our "group", eg, be hospitalized or placed in a nursing home), the pulmonary alveoli respond instantly a "conflict of terror to die", often operated through an unexpected diagnosis of cancer. The liver responds to a "conflict of starvation", ie driven by vomiting during chemotherapy.
The uterus and prostate are associated with genital half a conflict, which refers to a nasty conflict with the opposite sex.
histological formations:
all organs and tissues derived from endoderm and are directed by the brain stem show increased cell adenocarcinoma as an active phase of the conflict. Thereupon colon cancer, liver, lung, kidney, uterine or prostate cancer, originate in the brainstem and are caused by their conflict shocks.
The Iron Rule of Cancer
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
The first criterion
All cancer or cancer-equivalent disease originates from a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), which is a serious crash , sharp, highly dramatic and lived in solitude, taking the individual in a completely unexpected . The shock of conflict occurring simultaneously in the psyche, brain and organ.
A DHS can be triggered, for example, by the unexpected loss of a loved one, separation was not intended for diagnosis or prognosis for which you are not prepared for a sudden-death panic, anger or concern for an unexpected, a sudden feeling of abandonment (emotional, mental or physical), or a fear or unexpected threat.
immediately, the conflict shock disrupts the body's normal biological functions. To handle the event, the brain activates instantly and Significant Biological Special Program created to contend with exactly that situation.
When the SDH happens the whole body is busy.
Psychic level: Psychologically experience emotional and mental stress.
Brain Level: On cue a conflict SDH shock strikes a specific area in the brain, causing an injury that is clearly visible on a CT scan of the brain (CT) as a set of sharp concentric rings. Such an annular lesion is called Hamer Focus (German: Herd Hamerschen

Before Dr. Hamer identified annular lesions in the brain, radiologists considered them as artifacts created by a fault in the machine. But Siemens, a manufacturer of computerized tomography objective certified that these lesions can not be artifacts because even when the scan is repeated and taken from different angles, the same ring formation always appears in the same place.
The exact location of Hamer Focus is determined by the nature of conflict.
Example: a separation conflict always hits the sensory cortex (see picture above). The lesion size is determined by the intensity and duration of the conflict.
why specific conflicts impact always a defined area in the brain?
In the course of brain evolution, each brain area was programmed with a particular biological response, allowing a body to fight an unexpected emergency situation. We can imagine such a site as a cluster of brain neurons that are receivers and transmitters at the same time. At the time of the conflict shock occurs, the neurons receive confirmation from the content of the conflict for which they are scheduled and then transmit a biochemical signal to the corresponding body cells. The relationship between the shock of conflict, the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain and the body is always unambiguous.
Body Level: The body responds to the shock of conflict in the form of cell division (growth), cell decrease (osteolysis, necrosis, ulceration) or functional breakdown (called cancer-equivalent diseases such as diabetes , motor paralysis, visual or auditory damage) depends on which brain layer receives the shock and the type of tissue involved (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm).
For each type of conflict there is a specific type of disease and a specific brain area from which the processes are controlled.
The second criterion
In the time of an SDH, the (the) content (s) of the conflict determines (n) the location of the Hamer Focus (HH) in the brain and the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
The content of the conflict is determined at the time the conflict shock occurs. At the precise moment of the incident, our subconscious associates a biological point of conflict such as territory, hunger, death and panic to the event. Then, it is our subjective feeling behind the conflict that determines what part of the brain gets the shock of conflict and consequently what organ or tissue is affected.
What a person may experience a conflict of separation, can be experienced very differently by someone else. Even for a third person the event may be totally irrelevant. Moreover, a single SDH may impact more than one brain area, resulting in multiple manifestations of disease associated with lesions in parts of the brain (metastases).
Example: If a man loses his business in an unexpected way and the bank takes all his property, may develop angina pectoris (as a result of a conflict of loss of territory), liver cancer (as a result of a conflict of die hunger) and bone cancer (as a result of a conflict self-devaluation), all at the same time.
Biological conflicts are very different from psychological problems or stressful situations every day. Psychological problems for which we have time to prepare (even if only for a few seconds) leave no mark on the brain and therefore do not cause disease.
course, a psychological problem may predispose a person to be more susceptible to a particular type of conflict shock.
The third criterion
The development of the conflict determines the exact development of the Hamer Focus (HH) in the brain and the exact development of cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
development at three levels - the psyche, brain and body - is performed always in sync. As the conflict progresses, both the brain injury and alterations in the body such as a tumor growth progresses. As soon as there is stagnation in the level, developments in the other two levels down.
Because the brain plays such a crucial role in each situation, laterality must always be taken into account. Our handedness determines which side of the brain impacts the conflict and what body part be affected. Therefore in the LMC therapy, determine the laterality of the patient is very important. A person skilled
responds to a conflict with her mother or son to the left side of the body and a conflict with a partner (all except the mother or child) with the right side. This is reversed in left-handed people.
Example: If a right-handed woman suddenly concerned about the health of your child, her left breast was affected. In a brain scan, the corresponding lesion (Hamer Focus) will be in the right hemisphere in the brain that controls the glandular tissue of the left breast.
There is always a cross-correlation brain to the body.
These rules only apply to the cerebellum and brain (diagram). In the brainstem, the oldest part of the brain laterality is negligible.
Handedness can be easily established with proof of applause. The hand above is the main hand and reveals whether the person is right-handed or left-handed.
The Second Biological Law Law of the Two Phases of all Diseases
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
Each disease develops in two stages whenever there is conflict resolution.
normotonia is the state of our normal day-night rhythm. As shown in the figure above, the "sympathicotonia" alternates with "vagotonia" (could translate vagotonia exhaustion or continuous rest). The terms refer to our autonomic nervous system (ANS) which controls the vegetative functions such as heart rate or digestion.
During the day our body is in a sympathetic tone tonic stress ("fight or flight"), while in the dream is in a vague tone tonic rest ("rest and digest").
An unexpected conflict disrupts or SDH immediately the normal day-night rhythm and initiates the active phase of conflict. The crash triggered the start of a Significant Biological Special Program and allowing the body (psyche, brain and body) to increase the daily operation and focus entirely on to contend with the unexpected situation.
Psychic level:
The active phase of the conflict is experienced as emotional stress and mental occupation continued on the conflict. Vegetative
During the active phase of the conflict the nervous system is in constant sympathicotonia an extension of the rhythm of the day. Insomnia, poor appetite, loss weight, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, decreased blood sugar, or nausea are typical symptoms of the AC phase.
This phase is also called cold phase during stress because the blood vessels constrict, resulting in cold hands and feet, tremors, chills, skin and sweats. From a biological standpoint, the tone of prolonged stress, particularly in overtime in wakefulness and concern for the conflict, create ideal conditions for solving it.
Brain Level:
The brain injury or Hamer Focus appears on a brain scan as a ring group defined objectives. The location of the lesion is determined by the exact nature of the conflict, the size, intensity and duration of conflict (conflict mass).
body Level:
bodies led by the old brain (brainstem and cerebellum), such as colon, lung, liver, or mammary glands show cell multiplication (growth), the organs that are targeted from the brain (cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex), such as bone, lymph nodes, bronchi, or cervix, show cell decrease as osteolysis, necrosis or ulceration (↓ diagram below).
If no solution of the conflict the individual remains in the first phase of the conflict active stress. If the activity of conflict is very intense and stays for a very long time, the condition can be fatal. Since then, the individual dies from a tumor, but depletion as a result of energy lost weight and sleep. Fully
stressed, the individual is completely worn and eventually die out of weakness. ONGOING CONFLICT
If we are unable to resolve the conflict or if unable to reach a viable solution, ie we can not leave our work or a sad relationship, we have the opportunity to deliberately degrade the conflict either intellectually, psychological or spiritual. Degrading the current conflict and consequently decrease their symptoms both in the brain as the organ.
We can live with that conflict reduced to an advanced age, for example, a tumor in the colon, provided they do not cause any mechanical obstruction or that does not involve an organ producing hormones such as thyroid. But we must keep in mind that transform a conflict into an outstanding dispute can only represent a second best alternative because the cure can only be achieved when the conflict is resolved completely.
Goal of Therapy in the New Medicine is to identify the original SDH and find a solution to the conflict that is as real and practical as possible. For example, a man who loses his business and suffers a loss of territory must find a new job, the shock of an unexpected early retirement and work can be resolved by establishing a new domain like joining a club or take a neglected hobby. As soon as the conflict is resolved, healing follows its natural course.
CL - conflictolysis - the solution of the conflict is the crucial point that initiates the healing phase. As the active phase of conflict, progress healing phase occurs synchronously in all three levels.
the healing phase (Phase-pcl, pcl = pos-conflictolysis)
Psychic level:
Resolving the conflict is accompanied by a feeling of great relief. Vegetative

vegetative tone instantly changes to a prolonged vagotonia an extension of the pace at night. Fatigue, weakness and a good appetite are typical symptoms. The healing phase is also called Phase TIBIA, because during the vagotonia blood vessels are dilated, resulting in warm hands and skin, and possibly fever. From a biological standpoint, the tone of extended rest, especially the fatigue and good appetite help the process of repair and restoration of health.
Brain Level:
parallel to the psyche and the body, brain injury also begins to heal. During the first part of the healing phase (pcl-phase A) are drawn to the area water and serous fluid, creating a brain edema to protect the brain tissue during the repair process. It is this increase in volume of cerebral edema that produces the typical symptoms of brain healing as headaches, dizziness or double vision. In a brain scan, rings defined objectives that underlie the edema appear blurred, indistinct and dark in the solution phase.
the seizure or epileptoid (EK) is initiated at the lowest point of the healing phase. With the onset of the crisis, the individual is instantly drawn into the conflict active phase with typical symptoms of stress such as tremors, night sweats, or nausea. What is the purpose of this sudden relapse into conflict? At the height of vagotonic phase, the increased volume of cerebral edema has reached its maximum size.
At this precise moment, the brain activates a pressure stress and potentially severe short press of the edema out. This is followed by a urinary phase during which the body excretes any excess fluid that was stored during the first part of the healing pcl-phase A. Each type of conflict and type of disease is a specific type of crisis epileptoid. Heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks, migraine attacks and epileptic seizures are just some examples of this healing crisis. After epileptoid crisis, the patient gradually regains strength and is in direct path to normalization.
After cerebral edema has been expelled, begins the second part of the healing phase (Pcl-phase B). Now the neuroglia, connective tissue that is present in the brain, is installed on site to complete the repair of brain injury caused by impact of SDH. The mass accumulation of glia cells is determined by the intensity and duration of the previous active phase of conflict.
neuroglia is this storage of what is commonly called a brain tumor.
Body Level:
During the healing phase, tumors led by the old brain (brainstem and cerebellum) and the colon, lung, liver or mammary glands, which were developed during the conflict active phase (diagram) are degraded by specialized fungi and mycobacteria. If you do not have the required microbes, the tumor remains in place and encapsulated without further cell division.
directed cell loss in the brain (cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex) and osteoporosis, ovarian necrosis or ulceration in the stomach, which occurred during the active phase of conflict (plot) is filled, restored and reconstructed with the help of specialized bacteria or virus.
In general, the healing phase is considerably more dangerous than the active phase of conflict. Because the repair phase is often accompanied by increased volume, inflammation, infections, fever and pain, most of these diseases are detected when they are healing.
The duration and severity of the healing phase is determined by the intensity and duration of the previous active phase of conflict, the seriousness of the crisis epileptoid, and complications or recurrence of conflict during the healing phase (tracks) .
Because conventional medicine fails to recognize the biphasic pattern of each disease, conventional doctors only see one of the two phases. They see a patient either stressed with a growing tumor (active phase of the conflict) without knowing that there is a healing phase below, or see a patient with fever, infection, swelling, discharge, headaches or other (healing phase), ignoring the previous active phase of conflict. Reviewing
only one of the two phases, the symptoms that belong to only one stage is seen as a disease itself, such as osteoporosis or angina occur only during the active phase of the conflict, or arthritis lymphoma and cervical cancer occur only in the healing phase.
This lack is particularly tragic when a patient attends the healing phase is diagnosed with a malignant cancer but in fact this Healing is a tumor that naturally degrades over the course of the healing process. If conventional medicine would take into account the brain as the site from where it originated and controlled the disease, recognize that the two phases are a single disease, verifiable by a brain scan in which the

Hamer Focus be in the same place in two phases, indicating whether the patient is still in active conflict (defined concentric rings) or is already healing (edematous rings). SKIING
conflict shock (SDH), the mind is in a state of acute attention. Highly alert, our subconscious picks up all the components surrounding the conflict, such as sounds, smells, people and objects, and stores them until the conflict is completely resolved. The traces are as a result of SDH are called tracks.
If we are in the healing phase and then suddenly activate one of the tracks, either by direct contact or by association, the conflict is reactivated and instantly we are led to the active phase of conflict. This conflict relapse is commonly called allergy. or allergic reaction. The allergen may be a substance in food, some pollen, animal hair, some perfume, the ex-wife, a colleague, whoever or whatever who had been involved when the crash occurred in the conflict. Usually
conflict relapse activity is short. What we call flow nasal allergy, asthma, or are flushing and, in fact, signs of healing. The biological purpose of the allergy is to serve as a warning, so as to avoid experiencing the same dangerous situation for the second time. In nature, these alarm systems are vital for survival.
Example: An allergy to animal hair can be expressed as eczema if the person in question was holding a pet when I experience a separation conflict. The animal hair is used as a track leading repeated episodes of eczema until the dispute is not resolved. When exposure to animal hair coughing or other bronchial disorders then we can conclude that the pet was involved (possibly as a shelter) when a conflict of territorial fear took place, for example, when a child is afraid of losing a parents because these are divorced.
tracks must always be considered when we are dealing with recurring conditions such as migraine headaches, seizures, hemorrhoids, bladder infections or recurrent colds. Any recurrence of cancer has to be viewed from this perspective.
tracks also play a major role in a "chronic" as atherosclerosis, arthritis, Parkinson's or Multiple Sclerosis.
Healing yet
a conflict that is continually repeated relapses resolution because it is called a cure slope. So in the New Medicine, reconstructing the event of SDH with all your tracks is a significant therapeutic measure.
Upon completion of the normotonia healing phase and normal day-night rhythm is restored. After the healing phase, tissues and organs involved are stronger than before. This is indeed the biological purpose. Because the particular conflict is now a vulnerable point, the tissue fortified places the individual at a much better position in case of any repetition of another SDH of that nature.
A brain CT scan of the scar of a healed brain injury appears as a small ring that disappears with time.
The Third Biological Law
Ontogenetic System of Tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
's Third Law
Biological New Medicine ® combines the findings the first two laws in the context of embryology and evolution of man. Illustrates the biological correlation between the psyche, brain and organ from an evolutionary standpoint.
The diagram below shows the division of the brain in three germ layers (see also diagram below).
three germ layers: For the science of Embryology know that within the first seventeen days of embryonic develop three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm) from which they originate all tissues and organs.
When a fetus develops during the embryonic stage (ontogenesis), the body growing passes through all stages of the evolution to a very fast speed (phylogenesis). During this journey through the evolution - from single-celled creature to a complete human being - the three germ layers go step by step development of the whole organism.
Most of our organs, notably the colon, came just one of the three germ layers, others such as the heart, liver, pancreas or bladder are made of different parts derived from different germ layers (Theory of Metastasis .) Today these parties, which emerged in time for functional reasons are considered as a body yet often have their center of control in widely separated areas of the brain.
other hand there are other bodies that are very distant from each other in the body such as the rectum, larynx, and the coronary veins but are controlled from areas very close to the brain.
The standard theory of metastases suggests that cancer cells from a primary tumor travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body where they produce a cancerous growth on the new site (theoretically, this assumption would imply a potential risk of cancer through blood transfusion).
The New Medicine ® does not dispute the fact that secondary and tertiary cancers. Since then, according to the five biological laws, secondary and tertiary cancers are not the result of cancer cells that migrate, but a second or third SDH, often initiated by a shock at diagnosis or prognosis that puts the individual in a total state of panic, causing a new conflict or, indeed, many new conflicts, leading him to submit additional cancers. For example, a shock of cancer diagnosis can trigger a "conflict of terror to die" leading to the development of lung cancer.
We also know from the science of histology that cancer cells can not mutate into another cell type, never cross your threshold may germinal layer or change its histological structure. Cancer cells grow in the colon and belong to the endoderm (directed from the brain stem) can not under any circumstances become bone cells originating from the mesoderm of the new brain (cerebral spinal-directed). In other words: colon cancer can not "spread" to the bone.
course, a cancer patient who suddenly feel devalued because they are sick ("I am worthless", "no good"), you may experience a conflict of self-devaluation resulting bone cancer. If the self-devaluation is less severe, the lymph nodes are the most likely to be affected. Then, a woman experiencing a shock from the diagnosis of breast cancer or suffering a loss of self-devaluation after amputation of the breast often develops a lymphoma near where she had the tumor.
Thanks to the New Medicine ®, we begin to understand because statistically women with breast cancer often have this type of secondary cancer.
endoderm (Germinal Layer Internal)
Developed during the early developmental period, a time when the baby alive in an aqueous environment. Naturally, the endoderm is also the first germ layer of the embryonic period. As the first layer, the endoderm forms the oldest organs. This gives rise to the submucosa of the entire alimentary canal from mouth to rectum, the lining of the prostate, uterus (no cervix) and the oviducts. The nuclei of the acoustic nerve, thyroid, kidney collecting ducts, alveoli lung and liver also derived from the endoderm.
older organs derived from the most ancient germ layer are controlled from the oldest part of the brain, brain stem (diagram), and consequently respond to the oldest conflicts. In the brain stem laterality is negligible.
Biological conflicts brain stem are related to basic survival issues such as breathing, playing and eating. The alimentary canal is for the conflict called "bite", referring to real food snack or piece of food. The "inability to get a piece of bite" is linked to the mouth and throat, the "conflict of not being able to swallow the bit" for the esophagus (bottom), the "inability to digest the morsel" corresponds to the digestive organs including the stomach (except lesser curvature), the small and large intestines, and pancreas. Animals experience such conflicts of "bite" in real terms, ie When a piece of food stuck in the gut.
Because human beings are capable of interacting with the world in a more abstract through language and symbols, we humans often experience these conflicts of "bite" a figurative way. This snack figured
can result in a contract that we could not "catching" a major offense that could not "digest", "snacks" that we possess, "snacks" that we hold, "bites" that were taken from us , or "snacks" of which we can not undo.
The middle ear is linked to conflicts of listening. The conflict of "not being able to get a piece of information, eg missing an important message, affects the right ear, while the conflict of" not being able to get rid of some information, eg an uncomfortable message , affecting the left ear.
lungs and kidneys have the most archaic survival programs. While collecting tubules of the kidney is associated with a "profound conflict of abandonment" (feeling isolated, excluded, to be suddenly taken from our "group", eg, be hospitalized or placed in a nursing home), the pulmonary alveoli respond instantly a "conflict of terror to die", often operated through an unexpected diagnosis of cancer. The liver responds to a "conflict of starvation", ie driven by vomiting during chemotherapy.
The uterus and prostate are associated with genital half a conflict, which refers to a nasty conflict with the opposite sex.
histological formations:
all organs and tissues derived from endoderm and are directed by the brain stem show increased cell adenocarcinoma as an active phase of the conflict. Thereupon colon cancer, liver, lung, kidney, uterine or prostate cancer, originate in the brainstem and are caused by their conflict shocks.
With the resolution of conflict the tumor stops growing immediately. During the healing phase, the extra cells, which are no longer needed, are degraded with the help of specialized microbes (diagram, fungi and mycobacteria).
While there is increased cell (tumor growth) during the active phase of conflict, there are cell decrease (degradation of the tumor) during the healing phase. If microbes are not available, perhaps due to vaccination, the tumor stays in place without further proliferation.
While the tumor does not cause any mechanical obstruction or tissue is involved in hormone production, the tumor is regarded as completely harmless. Mesoderm
(Germinal Layer Media)
is divided into an older group and one younger. The old brain mesoderm, which is part of the brain center, is led from the cerebellum, the new brain mesoderm is directed from the cerebral spinal already belongs to the brain (diagram below ↓).
After our evolutionary ancestors left the aqueous environment, it required a skin to protect from excessive solar radiation and dehydration. The first skin was also designed to provide protection against attacks. The organs and tissues derived from mesoderm are old cerebral corium skin (skin deep), pleura (skin in the chest), peritoneum (skin into the stomach cavity) and pericardium (the skin around the heart).
While there is increased cell (tumor growth) during the active phase of conflict, there are cell decrease (degradation of the tumor) during the healing phase. If microbes are not available, perhaps due to vaccination, the tumor stays in place without further proliferation.

While the tumor does not cause any mechanical obstruction or tissue is involved in hormone production, the tumor is regarded as completely harmless. Mesoderm
(Germinal Layer Media)
is divided into an older group and one younger. The old brain mesoderm, which is part of the brain center, is led from the cerebellum, the new brain mesoderm is directed from the cerebral spinal already belongs to the brain (diagram below ↓).
After our evolutionary ancestors left the aqueous environment, it required a skin to protect from excessive solar radiation and dehydration. The first skin was also designed to provide protection against attacks. The organs and tissues derived from mesoderm are old cerebral corium skin (skin deep), pleura (skin in the chest), peritoneum (skin into the stomach cavity) and pericardium (the skin around the heart).
With the evolution of mammals develop mammary glands from the deep skin, the nipple which can suction pumping, is also a protrusion of the skin deep (compared to the epidermis and the lining of the ducts lactiferous, these were developed at a much later stage in evolution and are therefore controlled from the youngest part of the brain).
All organs derived from mesoderm are controlled ancient brain from the cerebellum (cerebellum and brain stem are referred to as "Old Brain". The lateral cerebellum rules apply.
Biological conflicts of the cerebellum are related to the so-called "conflict of attack" (both in a real sense and figuratively), reflecting the skin's protective function of the cerebellum. For example, an "attack against the abdomen" figure can be triggered by an unexpected diagnosis of a tumor in the colon, a symbolic "attack on his chest" can be caused by Breast amputation or a severe asthma attack, a "heart attack" figuratively, with the unexpected announcement bypass surgery or with a heart attack.
mammary glands, synonyms care and nutrition, based on "conflicts of nest" or "conflicts of concern and argument."
All organs derived from mesoderm are controlled ancient brain from the cerebellum (cerebellum and brain stem are referred to as "Old Brain". The lateral cerebellum rules apply.
Biological conflicts of the cerebellum are related to the so-called "conflict of attack" (both in a real sense and figuratively), reflecting the skin's protective function of the cerebellum. For example, an "attack against the abdomen" figure can be triggered by an unexpected diagnosis of a tumor in the colon, a symbolic "attack on his chest" can be caused by Breast amputation or a severe asthma attack, a "heart attack" figuratively, with the unexpected announcement bypass surgery or with a heart attack.
mammary glands, synonyms care and nutrition, based on "conflicts of nest" or "conflicts of concern and argument."
histological formations: All organs and tissues derived from mesoderm Viejo brain and controlled by the cerebellum show multiplication as a tumor cell during the active phase of the conflict. Thus, melanoma, mammary gland tumors or tumors of the peritoneum, pleura and pericardium (the so-called mesothelioma), all originating from conflicts that affect the brain area corresponding in the cerebellum. With the resolution of conflict, the tumor stops growing.
During the healing phase the now superfluous cells are degraded by specialized microbes (diagram, bacteria). All controlled by the cerebellum tumors potentially create excess fluid in the healing phase, causing pleural effusion, peritoneal or pericardial.
While there is increased cell (growth) during the active phase of conflict, there are cell decrease (degradation of the tumor) during the healing phase. If you do not have the required microbes, perhaps due to vaccination, the tumor remains in place without further cell growth.
The next step in evolution was the development of muscular and skeletal structure that would allow the creature to move, crawl, walk, run. Organs and tissues from the mesoderm developed new brain are the bones, cartilage, tendons, connective tissue, striated muscles, the muscles of the uterus, bladder and rectum, the smooth muscle of the intestines, myocardium, the parenchyma of the kidney, adrenal cortex, ovaries and testes, lymphatic system, complete with lymphatic vessels, spleen and arteries and veins (except the coronary vessels).
All organs and tissues derived from mesoderm new brain, are controlled from the cerebral medulla, which is the inner part of the brain (diagram). In the cerebral spinal lateral rules apply.
Biological conflicts of cerebral spinal having to do mainly with "self-devaluation conflict." A sudden loss of self-worth can be initiated by an unfair observation, being demoted for failing at work, in sports or school, or when we feel unsupported. The transition to retirement, aging or disease ("I'm useless") provides endless situations that can trigger a loss of self-confidence.
That the self-devaluation affects the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons or lymph nodes depends on the degree of conflict, the exact location is determined by the specific type of self-devaluation conflict. For example, a "conflict of right-handed, often experienced with failure to perform a manual task such as typing or performing fine manual work, affecting the hand and fingers, a" self-devaluation conflict intellectual "(failing a test, miss a game, be degraded by a teacher or coach) affects the skull or cervical spine.
Ovaries and testes respond to a "profound conflict of loss" (the unexpected loss of a loved one, including a pet), the spleen is related to a "conflict of injury or bleeding (bleeding or, in a transposed sense , an unexpected result of a blood test), the kidney tissue responds to a "conflict of water or fluid" (eg an experience of almost drowning), the heart muscles are linked to "conflict of being completely overrun" (a highly stressful event), and adrenal cortex responds to the "conflict have gone in the wrong direction", eg find that was chosen incorrect therapy.
histological formations:
In the brain we have a new situation. All organs derived from mesoderm new brain that are controlled from the cerebral spinal cellular degradation shown in the active phase of the conflict (unlike what happens in bodies that are controlled by the old brain.) Tissue loss such as osteoporosis (Article Osteoporosis), bone cancer, muscular atrophy, necrosis of the spleen, ovary, testis or kidney tissue, all originate in the cerebral medulla.
With the resolution of conflict, the degeneration process stops. During the healing phase tissue loss is recovered and restored with the help of specialized microorganisms (diagram, bacteria). The repair process is often accompanied by increased volume, inflammation, infection, shock, fever and pain. Conditions such as Hodgkin lymphoma (metastasis), osteosarcoma, ovarian or testicular cancer, leukemia, enlargement of the spleen, or arthritis are symptoms of the healing phase.
While in the active phase of conflict has decreased cell (necrosis, osteolysis), there is cell growth in the healing phase. If necessary microbes are not available, the healing is done yet, but not in a biologically optimal level.
ECTODERM (External Germinal Layer) is the youngest germ layer
Over time the skin below was insufficient, therefore developed a second skin is more resistant to completely cover the skin of the corium. The new layer of skin is made up of squamous cells.
organs and tissues derived from ectoderm are the epidermis (outer skin), mucous membrane of the pharynx (including the mouth and nose), the pharyngeal duct, larynx, upper esophagus, bronchi, lining the milk ducts, the lesser curvature of stomach bile ducts in the liver, gallbladder, pancreatic ducts, urinary bladder, urethra and renal pelvis, cervix, and the most distal rectum. Squamous cells also cover the inner walls of coronary arteries and veins. Other tissues that belong to the ectoderm is the retina of the eye and tooth enamel.
All organs and tissues derived from the external germinal layer are controlled from the cerebral cortex (cerebral cortex and medulla are part of the brain diagram).
biological Conflict cerebral cortex:
With more advanced evolutionary development, conflict issues also evolved. In the cerebral cortex are issues such as territorial disputes (the fear of losing the territory or the current loss of it, anger within the territory, or the inability to mark the territory), "sexual conflicts (sexual rejection or sexual frustration ) or "identity conflicts" (not knowing where to belong).
Conflict of separation (an unexpected loss of physical contact with a "couple" or the "Group") correspond to the sensory cortex, while "other conflicts" (not being able to escape, eg initiated by a uncomfortable experience vaccination, or feel trapped, eg, initiated by the image of being tied to a wheelchair caused by an unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis) are programmed in the motor cortex.
frontal lobe receives "conflicts of fear front" (a sudden fear of entering a dangerous situation, often triggered by the shock of a cancer diagnosis), where the visual cortex is related to fears that threaten us from behind , ie being stalked.
Other conflicts of the cerebral cortex are "conflicts of disgust and revulsion" or "conflicts of fear and resistance."
histological formations:
All organs and tissues derived from ectoderm and are controlled from the cerebral cortex show cellular degradation in the form of ulceration during the active phase of the conflict, as we see, for example, stomach ulcers. With the resolution of conflict, the process stops ulceration.
During the healing phase tissue loss filled and restored with the help of specialized microbes (diagram, virus). The repair process usually presents with enlargement, inflammation, infection, shock, fever and pain. Breast cancer intra-ductal, bronchial or laryngeal cancer, bronchitis or pneumonia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical cancer, hemorrhoids, bladder infections or kidney, eczema and other skin disorders, or the common cold or flu are all symptoms of the healing phase.
While in the active phase of the cell decrease conflict exists (ulceration) in the healing phase is presented cell growth (commonly called "cancer"). If not available the necessary microbes, healing occurs anyway, but not in an optimal biological level.
cancer-equivalent diseases:
the organs controlled by the cerebral cortex and only these, may also have a functional disorder, or a loss of function, referred to as cancer-equivalent diseases. These diseases equivalents rather than decrease cancer cell, show functional limitation as hypoglycemia, diabetes, limitations of vision and hearing as well as sensory and motor paralysis, such as Multiple Sclerosis. Even after years of conflict, these cells appear to be functionally restored once there is resolution of the conflict.
In the cortex, in addition to laterality, sex and hormonal status must also be taken into account. The state hormone determines that the conflict is experienced in a male or female. If the state is unbalanced hormone (referred to as Dead Hormone) how at puberty, pregnancy or menopause, or if the level of estrogen or progesterone is suppressed by drugs such as contraceptives, estrogen-lowering drugs or testosterone or chemotherapy, biological identity and then then the feeling behind the conflict is colored differently, which consequently generates a different response at the organ.
therapy in MGN hormonal status must always be taken into account.
Example: A woman discovers that her husband's right hand having an affair. If the woman has a normal hormonal status and experience the event as a "conflict of sexual frustration, your cervix will be affected (ulceration during the active conflict phase.) If the estrogen level is low because the woman has entered menopause, she will experience the same incident in a more masculine. Now she will perceive the event, biologically speaking, as a territorial issue ("He left my territory") rather than sexual conflict ("He sleeps with her and not me.")
As a result of the conflict will impact the brain that controls relay coronary artery resulting angina pectoris as long as the conflict remains active. After the conflict has been resolved, eg, reconciling, or finding a new partner, postmenopausal women will notice the presence of irregular heartbeat or detect an elevation in their cholesterol levels, while women with normal hormonal state develop a tumor in the cervix, which is degraded during the second half of the healing phase.
disorders of mood and mental illness, seen by conventional medicine as only disorders of the mind, are also linked to brain and organ level as well as physical disorders.
The mood disorders like depression or mania is caused by a conflict shock that is experienced in a Dead Hormonal or sex hormone level is suppressed artificially. In regard to mood disorders, laterality, sex and hormonal status are critical factors.
For example: a woman skilled in postmenopausal be depressed when they experience an unexpected loss of their 'territory', eg your home through a divorce, a clever man being treated with drugs reduce testosterone levels will become manic when unexpectedly confronted the threat of dismissal. If two people were left handed, would respond to (the) conflict (s) with depression (left-handed woman) or mania (left-handed man) even if hormonal status is within normal ranges.
Mental illnesses are caused by a second SDH impacting the opposite cerebral hemisphere, leaving the individual in a schizophrenic constellation.
Analysis of a brain scan reveals why a person is, for example, manic-depressive, paranoid, disoriented, disappointed, overly aggressive, melancholic, suicidal, or why have a big ego.
Biological The Fourth Law
The Ontogenetic System of Microbes
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
The Fourth Law
Biological New Medicine ® emphasizes the role of microbes in the context of evolution and in relation to the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) from which they arise our bodies.
The diagram below illustrates the classification of microbes in relation to their ontogenetic age and the particularities of specific germ layer.
When our bodies are developed throughout the course of evolution, very specific types of microbes were developed with them. The biological purpose of the millions of microorganisms that live in our bodies is to keep all the different tissues and keep them in good condition.
Given the aim of coexistence of humans and microbes, the New Medicine ® identifies fungi, bacteria and viruses as loyal allies are essential to our survival.
is the discovery of the New Medicine ® germs become active without exception only in the healing phase.
normotonia In the phase as well as in the active phase of the conflict they are inactive and do not cause any infection. But at the time of settlement of the conflict CL, they receive a signal from the brain to start working on their assigned work. Pathogenic microbes (assets) are totally harmless to the rest of the organs.
Microbes are specialized with respect to the road and how they perform.
fungi and Mycobacteria (yellow group) are the oldest organisms. They work in organs and tissues that originate from the endoderm directed from the brain stem and in the old brain mesodermal organs directed from the cerebellum. Fungi such as Candida or tubercular mycobacteria such as bacteria break down tumors of the colon, lungs, kidneys, liver tumors, tumors of the mammary glands, or melanoma.
During the healing phase these cells degrade unneeded extra. Usually this decomposition process is accompanied by fever and night sweats. What makes remarkable to mycobacteria is tubercular bacteria begin to multiply immediately in the moment of impact of the conflict. These are multiplying at a pace with the growth of tumor. At the moment the conflict is resolved, the exact amount of tubercular bacteria needed to break down the tumor cells is available.
If microbes are absent, for example, because they were eradicated by vaccination, the tumor is encapsulated in scar tissue and stays in place without further cell growth. In this case, the tumor will be viewed as benign.
BACTERIA living organs and tissues derived from mesoderm new cerebral spinal directed from the brain. Mesoderm in the new brain tissue, bacteria such as staphylococci fill the gaps in bone that were caused by the degradation of callus cells and reconstruct the bone with the formation of callus tissue granulation. The bacteria also help the repair process by forming scar tissue. During
the healing phase, bacteria also reconstruct the cell loss (necrosis) of testicular and ovarian tissue.
Regarding the role of "virus," Dr. Hamer prefers to speak of "virus hypothetical" because recently the existence of viruses has been questioned.
This is in accordance with the early findings of Dr. Hamer on the reconstruction process of ectodermal tissues controlled by the cerebral cortex, for example, the epidermis, cervix of the uterus, the lining of the intrahepatic bile ducts The epithelium of the lesser curvature of stomach, bronchial mucosa, and the membrane nasal mucosa, which is carried out even without the presence of virus, eg virus "herpes" in the "hepatitis" or "cold" common, etc.
The dilemma that is medical science is that by not recognizing the two stages of each disease (Second Biological Law), conventional medicine only sees the second phase, it is only in the healing phase during which microbes are active. And because the activities of microbes are often accompanied by increased volume, fever, swelling, pus formation, discharge and pain, microbes are considered evil and are seen as causing infectious diseases.
They are not the microbes that cause disease. By contrast, our body uses microbes to optimize the healing process.
La Quinta Biological Law
© Quintessence MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
Each call "disease" must be understood as a significant biological PROGRAMME OF NATURE created to meet unexpected biological conflict.
Example: A woman walking hand in hand with your child on the sidewalk. Suddenly the child ceases to hold her hand, runs into the street and is hit by a car. At the moment the mother sees her child injured she suffers, in biological terms, a conflict of mother-child concerns and at a fraction of a second special biological program for this particular conflict is on. A concern DHS always hits mother and child in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that controls the function of mammary glands.
Because, in biological terms, a baby hurt recovers faster when you get more milk, stimulates milk production immediately increasing the number of extra cells in the mammary glands. Even if the mother is not giving breastfeeding, the event triggers the onset of this response as it has been doing for millions of years.
While the woman is in the active phase of conflict, eg because the child is still in the hospital, breast cells continue dividing and multiplying, forming what is commonly called a mammary gland tumor. If the woman is right-handed, the tumor will be on your left breast, if she is left-handed your left breast will be affected (side).
As soon as the conflict is resolved (say, the child leaves the hospital), the tumor stops growing immediately. Because the child is out of danger, there is no need to produce extra cells of the glands breast. During the healing phase the now superfluous cells are degraded with the help of mycobacteria which have been trained to do exactly that.
If the repair phase is not interrupted, for example by activating a track, the tumor will be completely removed when the healing process is complete.
There is an almost spiritual for these simple truths ...
calls All diseases have a special biological significance. As we considered to Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that it constantly makes mistakes and caused breakdowns (cancerous growths degenerative, malignant and senseless etc.) now we can see, while our magnificent falls from our eyes, which were and are our ignorance and pride the only foolishness in our cosmos.
could not understand a whole as woven, and then brought to us this medicine brutal, senseless and soulless. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that nature is orderly (we already knew that) and everything that happens in nature has a meaning, even in the context of the whole, and that the events we call diseases are disorders that have to be repaired by sorcerers apprentice.
We can see that nothing is lacking in meaning, evil or sick.
During the healing phase the now superfluous cells are degraded by specialized microbes (diagram, bacteria). All controlled by the cerebellum tumors potentially create excess fluid in the healing phase, causing pleural effusion, peritoneal or pericardial.
While there is increased cell (growth) during the active phase of conflict, there are cell decrease (degradation of the tumor) during the healing phase. If you do not have the required microbes, perhaps due to vaccination, the tumor remains in place without further cell growth.
The next step in evolution was the development of muscular and skeletal structure that would allow the creature to move, crawl, walk, run. Organs and tissues from the mesoderm developed new brain are the bones, cartilage, tendons, connective tissue, striated muscles, the muscles of the uterus, bladder and rectum, the smooth muscle of the intestines, myocardium, the parenchyma of the kidney, adrenal cortex, ovaries and testes, lymphatic system, complete with lymphatic vessels, spleen and arteries and veins (except the coronary vessels).
All organs and tissues derived from mesoderm new brain, are controlled from the cerebral medulla, which is the inner part of the brain (diagram). In the cerebral spinal lateral rules apply.
Biological conflicts of cerebral spinal having to do mainly with "self-devaluation conflict." A sudden loss of self-worth can be initiated by an unfair observation, being demoted for failing at work, in sports or school, or when we feel unsupported. The transition to retirement, aging or disease ("I'm useless") provides endless situations that can trigger a loss of self-confidence.
That the self-devaluation affects the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons or lymph nodes depends on the degree of conflict, the exact location is determined by the specific type of self-devaluation conflict. For example, a "conflict of right-handed, often experienced with failure to perform a manual task such as typing or performing fine manual work, affecting the hand and fingers, a" self-devaluation conflict intellectual "(failing a test, miss a game, be degraded by a teacher or coach) affects the skull or cervical spine.
Ovaries and testes respond to a "profound conflict of loss" (the unexpected loss of a loved one, including a pet), the spleen is related to a "conflict of injury or bleeding (bleeding or, in a transposed sense , an unexpected result of a blood test), the kidney tissue responds to a "conflict of water or fluid" (eg an experience of almost drowning), the heart muscles are linked to "conflict of being completely overrun" (a highly stressful event), and adrenal cortex responds to the "conflict have gone in the wrong direction", eg find that was chosen incorrect therapy.
histological formations:
In the brain we have a new situation. All organs derived from mesoderm new brain that are controlled from the cerebral spinal cellular degradation shown in the active phase of the conflict (unlike what happens in bodies that are controlled by the old brain.) Tissue loss such as osteoporosis (Article Osteoporosis), bone cancer, muscular atrophy, necrosis of the spleen, ovary, testis or kidney tissue, all originate in the cerebral medulla.
With the resolution of conflict, the degeneration process stops. During the healing phase tissue loss is recovered and restored with the help of specialized microorganisms (diagram, bacteria). The repair process is often accompanied by increased volume, inflammation, infection, shock, fever and pain. Conditions such as Hodgkin lymphoma (metastasis), osteosarcoma, ovarian or testicular cancer, leukemia, enlargement of the spleen, or arthritis are symptoms of the healing phase.
While in the active phase of conflict has decreased cell (necrosis, osteolysis), there is cell growth in the healing phase. If necessary microbes are not available, the healing is done yet, but not in a biologically optimal level.
ECTODERM (External Germinal Layer) is the youngest germ layer
Over time the skin below was insufficient, therefore developed a second skin is more resistant to completely cover the skin of the corium. The new layer of skin is made up of squamous cells.
organs and tissues derived from ectoderm are the epidermis (outer skin), mucous membrane of the pharynx (including the mouth and nose), the pharyngeal duct, larynx, upper esophagus, bronchi, lining the milk ducts, the lesser curvature of stomach bile ducts in the liver, gallbladder, pancreatic ducts, urinary bladder, urethra and renal pelvis, cervix, and the most distal rectum. Squamous cells also cover the inner walls of coronary arteries and veins. Other tissues that belong to the ectoderm is the retina of the eye and tooth enamel.
All organs and tissues derived from the external germinal layer are controlled from the cerebral cortex (cerebral cortex and medulla are part of the brain diagram).
biological Conflict cerebral cortex:
With more advanced evolutionary development, conflict issues also evolved. In the cerebral cortex are issues such as territorial disputes (the fear of losing the territory or the current loss of it, anger within the territory, or the inability to mark the territory), "sexual conflicts (sexual rejection or sexual frustration ) or "identity conflicts" (not knowing where to belong).
Conflict of separation (an unexpected loss of physical contact with a "couple" or the "Group") correspond to the sensory cortex, while "other conflicts" (not being able to escape, eg initiated by a uncomfortable experience vaccination, or feel trapped, eg, initiated by the image of being tied to a wheelchair caused by an unexpected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis) are programmed in the motor cortex.
frontal lobe receives "conflicts of fear front" (a sudden fear of entering a dangerous situation, often triggered by the shock of a cancer diagnosis), where the visual cortex is related to fears that threaten us from behind , ie being stalked.
Other conflicts of the cerebral cortex are "conflicts of disgust and revulsion" or "conflicts of fear and resistance."
histological formations:
All organs and tissues derived from ectoderm and are controlled from the cerebral cortex show cellular degradation in the form of ulceration during the active phase of the conflict, as we see, for example, stomach ulcers. With the resolution of conflict, the process stops ulceration.
During the healing phase tissue loss filled and restored with the help of specialized microbes (diagram, virus). The repair process usually presents with enlargement, inflammation, infection, shock, fever and pain. Breast cancer intra-ductal, bronchial or laryngeal cancer, bronchitis or pneumonia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical cancer, hemorrhoids, bladder infections or kidney, eczema and other skin disorders, or the common cold or flu are all symptoms of the healing phase.
While in the active phase of the cell decrease conflict exists (ulceration) in the healing phase is presented cell growth (commonly called "cancer"). If not available the necessary microbes, healing occurs anyway, but not in an optimal biological level.
cancer-equivalent diseases:
the organs controlled by the cerebral cortex and only these, may also have a functional disorder, or a loss of function, referred to as cancer-equivalent diseases. These diseases equivalents rather than decrease cancer cell, show functional limitation as hypoglycemia, diabetes, limitations of vision and hearing as well as sensory and motor paralysis, such as Multiple Sclerosis. Even after years of conflict, these cells appear to be functionally restored once there is resolution of the conflict.
In the cortex, in addition to laterality, sex and hormonal status must also be taken into account. The state hormone determines that the conflict is experienced in a male or female. If the state is unbalanced hormone (referred to as Dead Hormone) how at puberty, pregnancy or menopause, or if the level of estrogen or progesterone is suppressed by drugs such as contraceptives, estrogen-lowering drugs or testosterone or chemotherapy, biological identity and then then the feeling behind the conflict is colored differently, which consequently generates a different response at the organ.
therapy in MGN hormonal status must always be taken into account.
Example: A woman discovers that her husband's right hand having an affair. If the woman has a normal hormonal status and experience the event as a "conflict of sexual frustration, your cervix will be affected (ulceration during the active conflict phase.) If the estrogen level is low because the woman has entered menopause, she will experience the same incident in a more masculine. Now she will perceive the event, biologically speaking, as a territorial issue ("He left my territory") rather than sexual conflict ("He sleeps with her and not me.")
As a result of the conflict will impact the brain that controls relay coronary artery resulting angina pectoris as long as the conflict remains active. After the conflict has been resolved, eg, reconciling, or finding a new partner, postmenopausal women will notice the presence of irregular heartbeat or detect an elevation in their cholesterol levels, while women with normal hormonal state develop a tumor in the cervix, which is degraded during the second half of the healing phase.
disorders of mood and mental illness, seen by conventional medicine as only disorders of the mind, are also linked to brain and organ level as well as physical disorders.
The mood disorders like depression or mania is caused by a conflict shock that is experienced in a Dead Hormonal or sex hormone level is suppressed artificially. In regard to mood disorders, laterality, sex and hormonal status are critical factors.
For example: a woman skilled in postmenopausal be depressed when they experience an unexpected loss of their 'territory', eg your home through a divorce, a clever man being treated with drugs reduce testosterone levels will become manic when unexpectedly confronted the threat of dismissal. If two people were left handed, would respond to (the) conflict (s) with depression (left-handed woman) or mania (left-handed man) even if hormonal status is within normal ranges.
Mental illnesses are caused by a second SDH impacting the opposite cerebral hemisphere, leaving the individual in a schizophrenic constellation.
Analysis of a brain scan reveals why a person is, for example, manic-depressive, paranoid, disoriented, disappointed, overly aggressive, melancholic, suicidal, or why have a big ego.
Biological The Fourth Law
The Ontogenetic System of Microbes
MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
The Fourth Law
Biological New Medicine ® emphasizes the role of microbes in the context of evolution and in relation to the three germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) from which they arise our bodies.
The diagram below illustrates the classification of microbes in relation to their ontogenetic age and the particularities of specific germ layer.
When our bodies are developed throughout the course of evolution, very specific types of microbes were developed with them. The biological purpose of the millions of microorganisms that live in our bodies is to keep all the different tissues and keep them in good condition.

is the discovery of the New Medicine ® germs become active without exception only in the healing phase.
normotonia In the phase as well as in the active phase of the conflict they are inactive and do not cause any infection. But at the time of settlement of the conflict CL, they receive a signal from the brain to start working on their assigned work. Pathogenic microbes (assets) are totally harmless to the rest of the organs.
Microbes are specialized with respect to the road and how they perform.
fungi and Mycobacteria (yellow group) are the oldest organisms. They work in organs and tissues that originate from the endoderm directed from the brain stem and in the old brain mesodermal organs directed from the cerebellum. Fungi such as Candida or tubercular mycobacteria such as bacteria break down tumors of the colon, lungs, kidneys, liver tumors, tumors of the mammary glands, or melanoma.
During the healing phase these cells degrade unneeded extra. Usually this decomposition process is accompanied by fever and night sweats. What makes remarkable to mycobacteria is tubercular bacteria begin to multiply immediately in the moment of impact of the conflict. These are multiplying at a pace with the growth of tumor. At the moment the conflict is resolved, the exact amount of tubercular bacteria needed to break down the tumor cells is available.
If microbes are absent, for example, because they were eradicated by vaccination, the tumor is encapsulated in scar tissue and stays in place without further cell growth. In this case, the tumor will be viewed as benign.
BACTERIA living organs and tissues derived from mesoderm new cerebral spinal directed from the brain. Mesoderm in the new brain tissue, bacteria such as staphylococci fill the gaps in bone that were caused by the degradation of callus cells and reconstruct the bone with the formation of callus tissue granulation. The bacteria also help the repair process by forming scar tissue. During
the healing phase, bacteria also reconstruct the cell loss (necrosis) of testicular and ovarian tissue.
Regarding the role of "virus," Dr. Hamer prefers to speak of "virus hypothetical" because recently the existence of viruses has been questioned.
This is in accordance with the early findings of Dr. Hamer on the reconstruction process of ectodermal tissues controlled by the cerebral cortex, for example, the epidermis, cervix of the uterus, the lining of the intrahepatic bile ducts The epithelium of the lesser curvature of stomach, bronchial mucosa, and the membrane nasal mucosa, which is carried out even without the presence of virus, eg virus "herpes" in the "hepatitis" or "cold" common, etc.
The dilemma that is medical science is that by not recognizing the two stages of each disease (Second Biological Law), conventional medicine only sees the second phase, it is only in the healing phase during which microbes are active. And because the activities of microbes are often accompanied by increased volume, fever, swelling, pus formation, discharge and pain, microbes are considered evil and are seen as causing infectious diseases.
They are not the microbes that cause disease. By contrast, our body uses microbes to optimize the healing process.
La Quinta Biological Law
© Quintessence MD. Master of Theology. Geerd Ryke Hamer
Each call "disease" must be understood as a significant biological PROGRAMME OF NATURE created to meet unexpected biological conflict.
Example: A woman walking hand in hand with your child on the sidewalk. Suddenly the child ceases to hold her hand, runs into the street and is hit by a car. At the moment the mother sees her child injured she suffers, in biological terms, a conflict of mother-child concerns and at a fraction of a second special biological program for this particular conflict is on. A concern DHS always hits mother and child in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that controls the function of mammary glands.
Because, in biological terms, a baby hurt recovers faster when you get more milk, stimulates milk production immediately increasing the number of extra cells in the mammary glands. Even if the mother is not giving breastfeeding, the event triggers the onset of this response as it has been doing for millions of years.
While the woman is in the active phase of conflict, eg because the child is still in the hospital, breast cells continue dividing and multiplying, forming what is commonly called a mammary gland tumor. If the woman is right-handed, the tumor will be on your left breast, if she is left-handed your left breast will be affected (side).
As soon as the conflict is resolved (say, the child leaves the hospital), the tumor stops growing immediately. Because the child is out of danger, there is no need to produce extra cells of the glands breast. During the healing phase the now superfluous cells are degraded with the help of mycobacteria which have been trained to do exactly that.
If the repair phase is not interrupted, for example by activating a track, the tumor will be completely removed when the healing process is complete.
There is an almost spiritual for these simple truths ...
calls All diseases have a special biological significance. As we considered to Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that it constantly makes mistakes and caused breakdowns (cancerous growths degenerative, malignant and senseless etc.) now we can see, while our magnificent falls from our eyes, which were and are our ignorance and pride the only foolishness in our cosmos.
could not understand a whole as woven, and then brought to us this medicine brutal, senseless and soulless. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that nature is orderly (we already knew that) and everything that happens in nature has a meaning, even in the context of the whole, and that the events we call diseases are disorders that have to be repaired by sorcerers apprentice.
We can see that nothing is lacking in meaning, evil or sick.
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