no doubt that the regular doctor of our time usually takes a much more elevated occupied by the regular physician of the past centuries when the ancient wisdom of the truth had become forgotten, and was in its infancy of modern science. Although there was still the Middle Ages physicians who had great insight and deep knowledge of the mysteries of nature, insight and knowledge that the modern profession in its slow evolution can reach or get in some future century, folk medicine in those days was a mixture of ignorance and charlatanism, of which there are still many examples. Concerning
or physicians of this class says Paracelsus: "There are many who have no object to satisfy their greed, so it makes one ashamed to belong or a profession in which so many frauds occur. Speculate on the ignorance of people, and that achieves the most money, deceiving the public, is considered the primary physician. And not known mutual love or charity, and the practice of medicine is degraded to the rank of an ordinary profession, in which the only object is to get as much money as possible, and those who know fool and put more noise, have better success in defrauding the world, because while the world is full of fools, the eldest, necessarily dominate or others, if it can be remarkable " ("Defensio", V.).
fault is not medical science if this state of affairs, because it is one of the attributes of the animal nature of man, and let the intelligent observer to judge this nature has changed much since the time of Paracelsus, or if There are still a host of charlatans, authorized or not, who have written on their banner the motto Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. It is true that science has advanced in the course of this century [1], but merely intellectual advances
not necessarily make you wise: the greatest villains are very intellectual people without spirituality. Wisdom is the self-recognition truth, and there are many who "are always learning and never able to acknowledge the truth" (2).
This spiritual knowledge does not belong or intellectual faculties of man's lower nature, but nature or higher only, and is therefore of utmost importance that the development of this nature receive more attention than it receives today. For this purpose, is wholly insufficient merely moral or ethical advance. Morality is the result of reasoning, the superior power Spirituality is due or the manifestation of self-consciousness on a higher plane of existence, the illumination of the mind and body of man power and light spirit that fills the soul. When spirituality becomes substantiality in man, only then will their knowledge of substantial species.
This spiritual substantiality, or, in other words, the realization of the highest ideal is the work of the gradual evolution of mankind, which, as said the ancient alchemists, "may need to be thousands of centuries, but can also be returned or held at a time. " It is a product of human labor, but the decline in the light of divine truth, the "grace of God" arrives or anyone who is prepared to receive it. Does not depend on both the one you want or run (3), but action of the spirit of true divine Self that is always trying to manifest in man.
This inner development is not the result of the acquisition of any theories about the nature or the constitution of man, but made beating the lower elements of his nature, through which can manifest his higher nature. But theoretically you should know your own constitution and nature of the higher powers that exist in it, in order to have an interest and ability to use them intelligently, pursuing the aim of overcoming his lower nature (the whole psychological aggregates). These elements
of that science than the doctor of the future will have to learn, first theoretically and then practical application. Without the spiritual recognition of the fundamental principles of nature, attempting to discover the mysteries of being from a superficial standpoint, is like wandering in a fog. Equals or search from the periphery of an area of \u200b\u200bunknown extent, a center whose status is unknown, but if we have a correct concept about the status of that bright center, his light will act like a star to guide us in our travels or adventure through the mists that fill the domain of phenomena.
Science from the man; wisdom or God belongs. There are many sciences, wisdom is unique. Must cultivate the science, but we should not overlook the wisdom, because without it there can be no true science. "Nothing (true) is ours, not our own, but belong to, or God.
Therefore we must try to find in us what is of God. It's yours and not ours. Has made a body for us, and has given us life and wisdom as well, and they are all things. We should seek to know the object of our existence and the reason why man has a soul, and know what God wants. The study of man (earth) never reveal the secret and object of its existence, or reason why you are in the world, but once you know them or their creator, we will also know the qualities of his son, for he who knows the child's father also knows, because the son inherits the father's nature . Every man has the same amount of truth that God has given, but does not recognize that each has received. He who sleeps does not know anything that has a life of leisure does not know the power that is in it and wasting their time. The man is so great and noble bearing the image of God, and is heir to the kingdom of God. God is the supreme truth, and the devil supreme falsehood. Falsehood can not know or the truth. Therefore, if the man wants to take possession of the truth, it is necessary who knows the wisdom he has received from God. The ability to own or animal nature, and respect or many scientific acquisitions, animals are superior to man, but the understanding is an awakening that can not be taught by man.
What a person learns from another is not nothing or less than the arrival of the wake. A teacher can not instill knowledge into his disciple, can only help in the development of knowledge already in him "(" De Sapientiae basis, I). Wisdom is recognizing
or God. God is truth, the knowledge of the true self of self is divine wisdom. He who knows his true self, know the divine powers own or their God.
"God's Wisdom. It is not a wise or an artist, is itself absolute, but all wisdom and all art from him. If you know or God, we also know his wisdom and his art. In God all is one and no parties. The unit is the one in all things.
A science that deals with only a part of everything, and lose sight of the whole to which it belongs, it is useless and has no truth. That which sees in God nothing but truth and justice, see correctly. All wisdom belongs to God what is God is not illegitimate. Therefore fall kingdoms of this world, changed scientific systems, die laws made by men, but the recognition of truth is eternal. One who is not an illegitimate child of wisdom, but a legitimate child of the father has the wisdom. This is where we live for each other as living angels, and if we live like angels, they will come and be our own self, so that nothing will divide them, but the physical form, and all wisdom and all art is with the angels, and will happen to us. Angels are the powers through which runs the will of God. If the will of God runs through us, we ourselves will be angels. God's will can not run through us, or unless we are at the will of God. A silly, stupid or greedy, not the will of God: How could run through them this will? Of very little use to believe that Solomon was wise, if we are wise ourselves. We were not in order to live in ignorance, but we should be like the Father, so that the Father is recognized in his son. We have to dominate or nature, not nature or us. This is said in the cherubic man (Buddhi) in which we live and through which we see that God is all our actions and stop acting, all our wisdom, all our art. " ("De Basis of Wisdom, II").
All this, however, will be incomprehensible to him, or who Paracelsus rightly called "dumb Scientist", which the censor's absurd, because the wisdom of Paracelsus speaks here is not the intellect of the terrestrial mind, but the understanding of heavenly mind. That power is rare spiritual self can not be taught in words, but is the result of internal development of the faculties of the soul. The real doctor is not a product of scientific schools, and he came through and be the light of divine wisdom itself.
"Man has two minds: reason and the reason angelic animal. Understanding angel is eternal is God and God remains. The animal intellect has its origin in God and in ourselves, but not eternal, as the animal body perishes and dies with him his reason. No animal power remains after death, but death is just dying animal that is not what is eternal. " ("De Basis Sapientiae", II.).
The word "wisdom" (wisdom) (4) is derived from vid, view, and Sun, trial. It thus refers, or what is seen and understood, not theories or opinions or inference derived from or based on the assertions of others. It is not the product of observation and speculation, memory or calculation, but resulting from internal growth, all growth is nutrition. And expands the intellect through intellectual acquisitions, so the divine wisdom in man grows by absorbing the nourishment it receives from the Divine Wisdom.
"Everything is of the same nature as that of which it has proceeded. The animal in man is fed by the feed, the angel in him by the food of angels. The animal spirit belongs the animal mind, animal and human mind are the potential that different kinds of animals have separately. It can develop in a man the character of a dog, a monkey, a snake, or any other animal, for in his animal nature is nothing more than an animal and animals are their instructors and exceed it in many ways, the birds singing, fish swimming, etc. He who knows many arts animals is not yet more than an animal or a menagerie, his virtues, as well as its vices, owned or animal nature. Whether you have the dog's loyalty, affection, marriage of the dove, the gentleness of the lamb, the ability of the beaver, the brutality of the ox, the voracity of the bear, the greed of the wolf, etc.., All owned or animal nature but it is a higher nature of angelic nature and animals do not have this angelic being required the food that comes from above and corresponds or nature. Hidden animal by the spirit of nature, growing animal intellect, for the mysterious angelic spirit man grows above - land, because the man has a father who is forever and he has to live. This father has put him in an animal body, not only alive and stay in it, but it or to master to live in it. " ("De Fundam.Sap." III.).
The human mind, full of presumption and pride in their possessions fleeting, is utterly incapable of conceiving the nature of the angelic mind, or get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe extent of its powers can not understand the true meaning of language that deals with things that belong to or superior nature, and believes that is only illusion and dream.
"The vanity of scholars does not come from heaven, but they learn from each other, and on this basis build their church." ("De Fundam, Sap." Fragm.)
"Faith without works is dead" and as we talk about spiritual things, the "work" requires that true faith is spiritual in nature, ie, action, spiritual growth and development. A faith without substacialidad is just a delusion, a science without true knowledge is an illusion, a mere sentimental desire, without any active exercise to reach the truth, it is useless. Those who live in such delusions and fantasies about the ideal that never tries to perform, only dream of treasures that do not possess. It is like one who wasted time studying the map of a country that could travel, but never sets on the road. A purely religious ideal that is never done and not substantially feeds the soul, is just imaginary and only serves to entertain, a science that is used practically nothing more than a theory fails, or serving as to satisfy the curious animal.
Faith The work requires a continuous sacrifice of Himself, which means a continuous effort to dominate the selfish animal nature, and this victory of less than what is made by what is low, but can not take place only through the power of divine love, that is by recognizing the superior nature in man and its practical application in everyday life. This kind of love speaks the great mystic of the seventeenth century, John Scheffler, who says:
"Very noisy is faith without love, sounds more like the barrel if it is empty."
no practical application, all virtues are not are more than madness, and not become a substantial powers, or used as such.
Shakespeare says: "Good theologian is that who practices what he teaches. "(" The Merchant of Venice ").
But today such people are rare, because the world now live only in delusions. There are "theologians" who know nothing about God, "doctors" who are ignorant of medicine, "anthropologists" who are unaware of the nature of man, "lawyers" who have no sense of justice, "philanthropists" who reduce their employees or begging; "Christians" who do not know or Christ.
In every sphere of life is taken by the external internal, the illusion of reality to the passage of reality remains unrealized and therefore unknown.
A surface science can not address more than the superficial causes and effects, by penetrating deeper into the details of such superficialities. The mysterious powers of nature, forces intelligent men, are now almost entirely unknown, and no other means to penetrate the deepest secrets of nature by developing the higher nature of man.
In ancient times the doctor was considered sacred and belonged to the priesthood - a priesthood or not established only by men but a priesthood or consecrated by strong and true God. The doctor of the future will also be a king and a priest, because only one which is divine in name only, but may in fact possess divine powers. It consists of the triangular pyramid science, religion and art, culminating in a point, called Self - knowledge or Divine Wisdom, which identifies the man in that light and superior intelligence - the real you, your Real Self - beam whose personality is the vehicle, image and symbol.
Before humanity can reach, or the summit of perfection, has to travel a long and heavy, and the goal is so remote that few are able to see it, while for others it will be a seemingly impossible to achieve ideal , like a mountain that top inconceivable lost in the clouds, but there is ideal and the clouds are preventing us from seeing our own mistakes and misconceptions. To us to dispel.
For the degree of perception that we have already received and the amount of truth which we have taken is in our power to dominate the dark and open our minds or the light itself, we can not create or manufacture it, not the product of our calculations, influence and theories. The truth itself exists and is eternal, it can be seen, but can not be done.
The reason why so few understand the meaning of "self" is that the knowledge gained in our schools is entirely artificial. Read what other men have believed and known, and we imagine that we know. We fill the mind with thoughts of others and we need time to think for ourselves. We try to reach or convince us of the existence of this or that object by argument and inference, as we refuse to open their eyes and see for ourselves that thing about whose existence we argue. Therefore, under a theosophical point of view, we look or a higher being, as a nation of people who, with his eyes closed arguyesen about the existence of the sun and could not or do not wish to see for themselves.
There is only one way to get to self-knowledge, and is the Experience. Reached by external experience awareness of external circumstances, for the experience of inner powers reach the inner awareness of them. BE REALLY DOES KNOW. To become materials learn the laws governing the matter, to become spiritual learn the laws of the spirit, our will is free to guide us toward one or the other direction. We can not know the truth other than becoming truth or wisdom, but by becoming wise.
We are aware of any internal or external power, either heat or light, love or justice, only through experiencing the effects of its action on one's self or within it.
In its present condition, man's life is like or a dream, and dreams of humanity as a whole, not less than those of each individual, are repeated again and again.
Van and come and go, perhaps appearing in different forms, such as when moving clouds in the sky take different forms, but representing the old illusions, while above them, unseen and unknown, shine the light of eternal truth é immutable, whose presence can be felt, as well as the hot rays of the sun penetrates the clouds, but we must see it to know. The temple of nature is open and anyone may enter it, its light is free to anyone who could see, all things are manifestations of truth, but to perceive it is necessary to be present in us. What prevents us from entering the temple of nature, to see the light and see the truth, are the shadows that we ourselves have created. The real purpose of the lights on science, not revealing the truth - which need not be any artificial light, with its own light quite sufficient for this purpose - but to destroy the darkness that prevents us from seeing the truth. No one would ever consider the sun to light a candle, but the candle can guide us in the dark labyrinth of the matter to the door that opens on the surface, where, seeing the sunlight, no longer needed any artificial aid. But just mod
or, to find our way through an underground tunnel, the best guide is the light that shines or the distance at the entrance, so the perception of truth in the heart, is the only guide that we trust in the maze of ever-changing dreams.
For bright lights are all scientific which is not reflected in the light of eternal truth, are only so many false lights to mislead travelers. All scientific theories and hypotheses that are not based on the recognition of the inner constitution of men and deny their origin supraterrestrial, are grounded in a misconception of the truth. Such views are continually subject or change, and today there is no new theory of this kind that has not existed before in a similar manner. But truth itself is independent of these views, has always existed and has always been some who were able to recognize it, and others who, unwilling or unable to see it, based their knowledge on misconceptions and superstitious beliefs based on assertions other men.
Medical science, with all their assistance and modern equipment, has achieved only achieve a more detailed understanding of some phenomena of less importance in the realm of matter, while they have forgotten many more important things the ancients knew. As the power of the soul over the body, whose vital importance is undeniable, no one knows almost nothing about him, because they are asleep or unconscious souls of those who live entirely in the realm of speculation evolved in their brains. A conscious soul, like an unconscious body, can not exercise any power, their movements are, or more, instinctive, because they lack the light of intelligence. IS WITH MUCH MORE IMPORTANT FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE TRUE THAT THE SOUL WAKE UP AND RECOGNIZE YOUR own higher nature, not that the treasures of science that deals with illusions of life are enriched with any new theory that there is no recognition of the sole basis of truth. All you can do either well-founded theory or any book worthy of trust, is to remove a false theory that prevents man from seeing correctly, but the truth itself can not be taught or disclosed by any man or any theory, it can be seen only by through the eye of true understanding, when it reveals its own light.
has been said that it is not possible or science into the domain of noumena underlying all phenomena, and by which they manifest themselves, but without recognition of noumena from which all phenomena so impossible a true science (from scio, know) as it would be a system of mathematics at the neglect of the existence of number one, from whom all other numbers, without which there is no number. The soul in us is essentially identical with the One from whom all phenomena. The soul is, can know what is, to step on us that which merely seems, belongs to the realm of appearances, and only has to do with himself.
The acquisition of this superior science thus requires the awakening of the soul, rather than the efforts of the speculative powers of the brain, it gets less from an evolution of thinking of various kinds, that development of the inner man is the thinker and causes the evolution of thoughts, because if what that man is capable of knowing, not known or himself, all thoughts and ideas that are in the mind man, will not the rightful owner, but there will exist only as reflections of the thoughts of others gathered around an illusion that is called the personal self. The more looks
one thought and into the smallest details, the more easily lose sight of the whole, the more is divided into many parts of man's attention, the more out of his unit and becomes complicated. Only a great and strong spirit can stay within your own consciousness, and as the sun that is reflected in many things without being absorbed by them, can he examine the smallest details of events, without losing sight of the truth that includes everything. The simple truths are often the most difficult to understand for the scholars, because the perception of a simple truth requires a simple mind. In the kaleidoscope of ever-changing phenomena, can not be seen on the surface the truth which is its base. As the intellect goes deeply into the subject closes the eye of the spirit, Hans now forgotten truths that were formerly self-evident, and even the meaning of terms that represent spiritual powers have been steadily losing the human race to make use of these powers. Because or the assumption of our age of selfishness, which seeks to drag the spiritual truths to the level of the scientific conception of animal rationalism within reach, instead of rising to the level of these truths, it reveals the character of popular science modern in the degree of skill with which personal interests are protected and illusory, believed that "faith", the saving power of spiritual knowledge is superstitious, "benevolence" madness "love" means selfish desires, the "Hope" is now greed, "life" the creation of a mechanical process, the "soul" a term without meaning, the "spirit" a nothing "matter" a thing that nothing is known, and so on.
All the above has been written in vain, if we have failed to demonstrate that real progress in knowledge of human nature, is possible only through a higher development of the inner nature of the doctor himself. No one can reach no true knowledge of man's higher status, or less than, come to this state for purity of motive and nobility of character.
Only by recognizing your body as a vehicle for the development and manifestation of an intelligence higher, you can understand the words of Carlyle, which tells us that men in their intimate nature is a divine being, and that he who puts his hand on a human form, the whole sky.
Wisdom must be the master, the servant of science. Science is the handmaid of wisdom, wisdom the queen. Science is a product of man's imagination, wisdom spiritual knowledge of truth. Material science is a product of essentially selfish desire to know, wisdom does not recognize any separation of interests is self-recognition of the universal and eternal truth of man. Science, guided by wisdom, can penetrate the deepest mysteries of universal life into the Oneness of All, but if science attempts to use the knowledge to satisfy curiosity or other selfish ends, is opposed to wisdom and becomes insane. So a favorite motto of the ancient Rosicrucians (which was one Paracelsus), but that only few understand, said: "I know nothing, no desire, no love, no joy in heaven or on earth, but I Him crucified Jesus. " This does not, resolving to remain ignorant, or lost in pious ramblings and dreams of past events, as Paracelsus also said: "God wants us to be ignorant and dumb stupid dunces" - But it does mean that he had abandoned the illusion of self with all his knowledge, desires, attractions and pleasures necessarily illusory, and entered the consciousness of that divine intelligence in this life is as it were, crucified man, and with reach the higher spiritual state, had become one with Him who is Truth in man and the source of all knowledge in heaven and on earth.
The truth shines forever in the eternal kingdom of light, but the mental world that moves our earthly nature, has its laws of astrology, or comparable governing the visible world and are known to astronomy. Just as the earth away from the sun in winter and summer is approaching, so the evolution of man has its periods of enlightenment and mental darkness, and there are short periods in large periods and there are days and nights in the year.
Man is to be considered as representing or all mankind, a nation, a people, a family or individual, or looks like a planet spinning on its axis between the two poles of birth and death. What's up becomes down, and what is underneath or back up or the surface. The truths disappear and are forgotten or appear only to return incorporated in new ways and perhaps better. Civilizations, systems philosophy, science and religion come and go and reappear, the absurdities of fashion that our parents were proud that we have ridiculed and become an object of admiration for our children and the forgotten wisdom of the past will be the wisdom of generations future. Thus, the wheel would revolve forever in a circle, and there would be no progress, no purpose for life, if the presence of the Eternal Sun of Divine Wisdom, acting on the center of the wheel, not attracted to him and so Over the centuries gradually transform the spiral circular motion. At every turn of the big wheel, its axis is about imperceptibly or source of all life, although each period of evolution or start again at the bottom of the scale. The scale at which we are now climbing ground lies perhaps a little higher than that on which rested the ladder by which our ancestors reached, or which climbed ourselves in past lives, but there are many steps that our ancestors have up and that will be achieved. The science of medicine is not an exception or the rule, and we can safely say that the medical system of Theophrastus Paracelsus, for recognizing the fundamental laws of nature, nature is so high, you will need to grow medical science the future to reach or understand, and this progress not be possible without the corresponding development, which will open with a correct concept of man's constitution.
Modern medical science has almost degenerated into a mere traffic flourishes under the protection it receives from governments, while in contrast the medicine of ancient art was a saint who did not need any artificial protection, because relying on its own merit, had its own success. Doctors - followers of the past - made cures, when done today in an exceptional case, often called miraculous, and whose possibility is denied by most scientists, because they have no powers spiritual resources to perform these healings, and therefore can not conceive the existence of such powers. Where is the doctor today who knows the extent of willpower spiritually awakened and work or hundreds of miles away, or will power the human mind can exercise over the imagination of nature? Where is the science teacher can consciously transmit your soul or a distant place through the power of thinking and acting as if it were present there physically? The proof that such things have been done and still do, is so well established as any other fact that it rests on the observation and logic, however, is usually considered "scientific" to deny such facts and treat with contempt the theory that explains. The subtle forces of nature are so unknown to the rude minds and materials, mentioning its existence, causing laughter among those who, not knowing the extent of the hidden powers in the constitution of man, they need a sledgehammer to kill a fly or to shoot a gun or a bird. Over
material science leads the eye down, looking at the guts of the matter is not finding anything other than perishable treasures, the sentimental idealist insubstantial dreams are abandoned. Used or contemplation objective, the idealist does not achieve anything real, because to stay away from the object of his investigation to see it objectively, can not identify with that object or have personal knowledge of what is not himself. Nor can it have real knowledge the materialist who denies the existence of the Spirit of the universe, it just ignores what is real and deals with relationships between phenomena produced by the unknown spirit. All true science must be based on true knowledge, which does not come from mere knowledge, but of becoming. This is what makes this Theosophia o Auto-recognition of truth, which is the star that guides the doctor of the future as guided the doctor in the past.
V:. A:. Franz Hartmann
(1) The original of this work was published in 1893.
(2) II Timothy, III, 7.
(3) Romans, IX, 16.
(4) I have been forced or retain the original word does not correspond to the etymology of "wisdom" or the "wisdom". In "Wisdom" is certainly not the idea or opinion, nor in the Latin root Sapio, but is evident in the Greek root (of course, obvious) which was originally equivalent to (wise).
or physicians of this class says Paracelsus: "There are many who have no object to satisfy their greed, so it makes one ashamed to belong or a profession in which so many frauds occur. Speculate on the ignorance of people, and that achieves the most money, deceiving the public, is considered the primary physician. And not known mutual love or charity, and the practice of medicine is degraded to the rank of an ordinary profession, in which the only object is to get as much money as possible, and those who know fool and put more noise, have better success in defrauding the world, because while the world is full of fools, the eldest, necessarily dominate or others, if it can be remarkable " ("Defensio", V.).
fault is not medical science if this state of affairs, because it is one of the attributes of the animal nature of man, and let the intelligent observer to judge this nature has changed much since the time of Paracelsus, or if There are still a host of charlatans, authorized or not, who have written on their banner the motto Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. It is true that science has advanced in the course of this century [1], but merely intellectual advances

This spiritual knowledge does not belong or intellectual faculties of man's lower nature, but nature or higher only, and is therefore of utmost importance that the development of this nature receive more attention than it receives today. For this purpose, is wholly insufficient merely moral or ethical advance. Morality is the result of reasoning, the superior power Spirituality is due or the manifestation of self-consciousness on a higher plane of existence, the illumination of the mind and body of man power and light spirit that fills the soul. When spirituality becomes substantiality in man, only then will their knowledge of substantial species.
This spiritual substantiality, or, in other words, the realization of the highest ideal is the work of the gradual evolution of mankind, which, as said the ancient alchemists, "may need to be thousands of centuries, but can also be returned or held at a time. " It is a product of human labor, but the decline in the light of divine truth, the "grace of God" arrives or anyone who is prepared to receive it. Does not depend on both the one you want or run (3), but action of the spirit of true divine Self that is always trying to manifest in man.
This inner development is not the result of the acquisition of any theories about the nature or the constitution of man, but made beating the lower elements of his nature, through which can manifest his higher nature. But theoretically you should know your own constitution and nature of the higher powers that exist in it, in order to have an interest and ability to use them intelligently, pursuing the aim of overcoming his lower nature (the whole psychological aggregates). These elements
of that science than the doctor of the future will have to learn, first theoretically and then practical application. Without the spiritual recognition of the fundamental principles of nature, attempting to discover the mysteries of being from a superficial standpoint, is like wandering in a fog. Equals or search from the periphery of an area of \u200b\u200bunknown extent, a center whose status is unknown, but if we have a correct concept about the status of that bright center, his light will act like a star to guide us in our travels or adventure through the mists that fill the domain of phenomena.
Science from the man; wisdom or God belongs. There are many sciences, wisdom is unique. Must cultivate the science, but we should not overlook the wisdom, because without it there can be no true science. "Nothing (true) is ours, not our own, but belong to, or God.
Therefore we must try to find in us what is of God. It's yours and not ours. Has made a body for us, and has given us life and wisdom as well, and they are all things. We should seek to know the object of our existence and the reason why man has a soul, and know what God wants. The study of man (earth) never reveal the secret and object of its existence, or reason why you are in the world, but once you know them or their creator, we will also know the qualities of his son, for he who knows the child's father also knows, because the son inherits the father's nature . Every man has the same amount of truth that God has given, but does not recognize that each has received. He who sleeps does not know anything that has a life of leisure does not know the power that is in it and wasting their time. The man is so great and noble bearing the image of God, and is heir to the kingdom of God. God is the supreme truth, and the devil supreme falsehood. Falsehood can not know or the truth. Therefore, if the man wants to take possession of the truth, it is necessary who knows the wisdom he has received from God. The ability to own or animal nature, and respect or many scientific acquisitions, animals are superior to man, but the understanding is an awakening that can not be taught by man.
What a person learns from another is not nothing or less than the arrival of the wake. A teacher can not instill knowledge into his disciple, can only help in the development of knowledge already in him "(" De Sapientiae basis, I). Wisdom is recognizing
or God. God is truth, the knowledge of the true self of self is divine wisdom. He who knows his true self, know the divine powers own or their God.
"God's Wisdom. It is not a wise or an artist, is itself absolute, but all wisdom and all art from him. If you know or God, we also know his wisdom and his art. In God all is one and no parties. The unit is the one in all things.
A science that deals with only a part of everything, and lose sight of the whole to which it belongs, it is useless and has no truth. That which sees in God nothing but truth and justice, see correctly. All wisdom belongs to God what is God is not illegitimate. Therefore fall kingdoms of this world, changed scientific systems, die laws made by men, but the recognition of truth is eternal. One who is not an illegitimate child of wisdom, but a legitimate child of the father has the wisdom. This is where we live for each other as living angels, and if we live like angels, they will come and be our own self, so that nothing will divide them, but the physical form, and all wisdom and all art is with the angels, and will happen to us. Angels are the powers through which runs the will of God. If the will of God runs through us, we ourselves will be angels. God's will can not run through us, or unless we are at the will of God. A silly, stupid or greedy, not the will of God: How could run through them this will? Of very little use to believe that Solomon was wise, if we are wise ourselves. We were not in order to live in ignorance, but we should be like the Father, so that the Father is recognized in his son. We have to dominate or nature, not nature or us. This is said in the cherubic man (Buddhi) in which we live and through which we see that God is all our actions and stop acting, all our wisdom, all our art. " ("De Basis of Wisdom, II").
All this, however, will be incomprehensible to him, or who Paracelsus rightly called "dumb Scientist", which the censor's absurd, because the wisdom of Paracelsus speaks here is not the intellect of the terrestrial mind, but the understanding of heavenly mind. That power is rare spiritual self can not be taught in words, but is the result of internal development of the faculties of the soul. The real doctor is not a product of scientific schools, and he came through and be the light of divine wisdom itself.
"Man has two minds: reason and the reason angelic animal. Understanding angel is eternal is God and God remains. The animal intellect has its origin in God and in ourselves, but not eternal, as the animal body perishes and dies with him his reason. No animal power remains after death, but death is just dying animal that is not what is eternal. " ("De Basis Sapientiae", II.).
The word "wisdom" (wisdom) (4) is derived from vid, view, and Sun, trial. It thus refers, or what is seen and understood, not theories or opinions or inference derived from or based on the assertions of others. It is not the product of observation and speculation, memory or calculation, but resulting from internal growth, all growth is nutrition. And expands the intellect through intellectual acquisitions, so the divine wisdom in man grows by absorbing the nourishment it receives from the Divine Wisdom.
"Everything is of the same nature as that of which it has proceeded. The animal in man is fed by the feed, the angel in him by the food of angels. The animal spirit belongs the animal mind, animal and human mind are the potential that different kinds of animals have separately. It can develop in a man the character of a dog, a monkey, a snake, or any other animal, for in his animal nature is nothing more than an animal and animals are their instructors and exceed it in many ways, the birds singing, fish swimming, etc. He who knows many arts animals is not yet more than an animal or a menagerie, his virtues, as well as its vices, owned or animal nature. Whether you have the dog's loyalty, affection, marriage of the dove, the gentleness of the lamb, the ability of the beaver, the brutality of the ox, the voracity of the bear, the greed of the wolf, etc.., All owned or animal nature but it is a higher nature of angelic nature and animals do not have this angelic being required the food that comes from above and corresponds or nature. Hidden animal by the spirit of nature, growing animal intellect, for the mysterious angelic spirit man grows above - land, because the man has a father who is forever and he has to live. This father has put him in an animal body, not only alive and stay in it, but it or to master to live in it. " ("De Fundam.Sap." III.).
The human mind, full of presumption and pride in their possessions fleeting, is utterly incapable of conceiving the nature of the angelic mind, or get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe extent of its powers can not understand the true meaning of language that deals with things that belong to or superior nature, and believes that is only illusion and dream.
"The vanity of scholars does not come from heaven, but they learn from each other, and on this basis build their church." ("De Fundam, Sap." Fragm.)
"Faith without works is dead" and as we talk about spiritual things, the "work" requires that true faith is spiritual in nature, ie, action, spiritual growth and development. A faith without substacialidad is just a delusion, a science without true knowledge is an illusion, a mere sentimental desire, without any active exercise to reach the truth, it is useless. Those who live in such delusions and fantasies about the ideal that never tries to perform, only dream of treasures that do not possess. It is like one who wasted time studying the map of a country that could travel, but never sets on the road. A purely religious ideal that is never done and not substantially feeds the soul, is just imaginary and only serves to entertain, a science that is used practically nothing more than a theory fails, or serving as to satisfy the curious animal.
Faith The work requires a continuous sacrifice of Himself, which means a continuous effort to dominate the selfish animal nature, and this victory of less than what is made by what is low, but can not take place only through the power of divine love, that is by recognizing the superior nature in man and its practical application in everyday life. This kind of love speaks the great mystic of the seventeenth century, John Scheffler, who says:
"Very noisy is faith without love, sounds more like the barrel if it is empty."
no practical application, all virtues are not are more than madness, and not become a substantial powers, or used as such.
Shakespeare says: "Good theologian is that who practices what he teaches. "(" The Merchant of Venice ").
But today such people are rare, because the world now live only in delusions. There are "theologians" who know nothing about God, "doctors" who are ignorant of medicine, "anthropologists" who are unaware of the nature of man, "lawyers" who have no sense of justice, "philanthropists" who reduce their employees or begging; "Christians" who do not know or Christ.
In every sphere of life is taken by the external internal, the illusion of reality to the passage of reality remains unrealized and therefore unknown.
A surface science can not address more than the superficial causes and effects, by penetrating deeper into the details of such superficialities. The mysterious powers of nature, forces intelligent men, are now almost entirely unknown, and no other means to penetrate the deepest secrets of nature by developing the higher nature of man.
In ancient times the doctor was considered sacred and belonged to the priesthood - a priesthood or not established only by men but a priesthood or consecrated by strong and true God. The doctor of the future will also be a king and a priest, because only one which is divine in name only, but may in fact possess divine powers. It consists of the triangular pyramid science, religion and art, culminating in a point, called Self - knowledge or Divine Wisdom, which identifies the man in that light and superior intelligence - the real you, your Real Self - beam whose personality is the vehicle, image and symbol.
Before humanity can reach, or the summit of perfection, has to travel a long and heavy, and the goal is so remote that few are able to see it, while for others it will be a seemingly impossible to achieve ideal , like a mountain that top inconceivable lost in the clouds, but there is ideal and the clouds are preventing us from seeing our own mistakes and misconceptions. To us to dispel.
For the degree of perception that we have already received and the amount of truth which we have taken is in our power to dominate the dark and open our minds or the light itself, we can not create or manufacture it, not the product of our calculations, influence and theories. The truth itself exists and is eternal, it can be seen, but can not be done.
The reason why so few understand the meaning of "self" is that the knowledge gained in our schools is entirely artificial. Read what other men have believed and known, and we imagine that we know. We fill the mind with thoughts of others and we need time to think for ourselves. We try to reach or convince us of the existence of this or that object by argument and inference, as we refuse to open their eyes and see for ourselves that thing about whose existence we argue. Therefore, under a theosophical point of view, we look or a higher being, as a nation of people who, with his eyes closed arguyesen about the existence of the sun and could not or do not wish to see for themselves.
There is only one way to get to self-knowledge, and is the Experience. Reached by external experience awareness of external circumstances, for the experience of inner powers reach the inner awareness of them. BE REALLY DOES KNOW. To become materials learn the laws governing the matter, to become spiritual learn the laws of the spirit, our will is free to guide us toward one or the other direction. We can not know the truth other than becoming truth or wisdom, but by becoming wise.
We are aware of any internal or external power, either heat or light, love or justice, only through experiencing the effects of its action on one's self or within it.
In its present condition, man's life is like or a dream, and dreams of humanity as a whole, not less than those of each individual, are repeated again and again.
Van and come and go, perhaps appearing in different forms, such as when moving clouds in the sky take different forms, but representing the old illusions, while above them, unseen and unknown, shine the light of eternal truth é immutable, whose presence can be felt, as well as the hot rays of the sun penetrates the clouds, but we must see it to know. The temple of nature is open and anyone may enter it, its light is free to anyone who could see, all things are manifestations of truth, but to perceive it is necessary to be present in us. What prevents us from entering the temple of nature, to see the light and see the truth, are the shadows that we ourselves have created. The real purpose of the lights on science, not revealing the truth - which need not be any artificial light, with its own light quite sufficient for this purpose - but to destroy the darkness that prevents us from seeing the truth. No one would ever consider the sun to light a candle, but the candle can guide us in the dark labyrinth of the matter to the door that opens on the surface, where, seeing the sunlight, no longer needed any artificial aid. But just mod

For bright lights are all scientific which is not reflected in the light of eternal truth, are only so many false lights to mislead travelers. All scientific theories and hypotheses that are not based on the recognition of the inner constitution of men and deny their origin supraterrestrial, are grounded in a misconception of the truth. Such views are continually subject or change, and today there is no new theory of this kind that has not existed before in a similar manner. But truth itself is independent of these views, has always existed and has always been some who were able to recognize it, and others who, unwilling or unable to see it, based their knowledge on misconceptions and superstitious beliefs based on assertions other men.
Medical science, with all their assistance and modern equipment, has achieved only achieve a more detailed understanding of some phenomena of less importance in the realm of matter, while they have forgotten many more important things the ancients knew. As the power of the soul over the body, whose vital importance is undeniable, no one knows almost nothing about him, because they are asleep or unconscious souls of those who live entirely in the realm of speculation evolved in their brains. A conscious soul, like an unconscious body, can not exercise any power, their movements are, or more, instinctive, because they lack the light of intelligence. IS WITH MUCH MORE IMPORTANT FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE TRUE THAT THE SOUL WAKE UP AND RECOGNIZE YOUR own higher nature, not that the treasures of science that deals with illusions of life are enriched with any new theory that there is no recognition of the sole basis of truth. All you can do either well-founded theory or any book worthy of trust, is to remove a false theory that prevents man from seeing correctly, but the truth itself can not be taught or disclosed by any man or any theory, it can be seen only by through the eye of true understanding, when it reveals its own light.
has been said that it is not possible or science into the domain of noumena underlying all phenomena, and by which they manifest themselves, but without recognition of noumena from which all phenomena so impossible a true science (from scio, know) as it would be a system of mathematics at the neglect of the existence of number one, from whom all other numbers, without which there is no number. The soul in us is essentially identical with the One from whom all phenomena. The soul is, can know what is, to step on us that which merely seems, belongs to the realm of appearances, and only has to do with himself.
The acquisition of this superior science thus requires the awakening of the soul, rather than the efforts of the speculative powers of the brain, it gets less from an evolution of thinking of various kinds, that development of the inner man is the thinker and causes the evolution of thoughts, because if what that man is capable of knowing, not known or himself, all thoughts and ideas that are in the mind man, will not the rightful owner, but there will exist only as reflections of the thoughts of others gathered around an illusion that is called the personal self. The more looks
one thought and into the smallest details, the more easily lose sight of the whole, the more is divided into many parts of man's attention, the more out of his unit and becomes complicated. Only a great and strong spirit can stay within your own consciousness, and as the sun that is reflected in many things without being absorbed by them, can he examine the smallest details of events, without losing sight of the truth that includes everything. The simple truths are often the most difficult to understand for the scholars, because the perception of a simple truth requires a simple mind. In the kaleidoscope of ever-changing phenomena, can not be seen on the surface the truth which is its base. As the intellect goes deeply into the subject closes the eye of the spirit, Hans now forgotten truths that were formerly self-evident, and even the meaning of terms that represent spiritual powers have been steadily losing the human race to make use of these powers. Because or the assumption of our age of selfishness, which seeks to drag the spiritual truths to the level of the scientific conception of animal rationalism within reach, instead of rising to the level of these truths, it reveals the character of popular science modern in the degree of skill with which personal interests are protected and illusory, believed that "faith", the saving power of spiritual knowledge is superstitious, "benevolence" madness "love" means selfish desires, the "Hope" is now greed, "life" the creation of a mechanical process, the "soul" a term without meaning, the "spirit" a nothing "matter" a thing that nothing is known, and so on.
All the above has been written in vain, if we have failed to demonstrate that real progress in knowledge of human nature, is possible only through a higher development of the inner nature of the doctor himself. No one can reach no true knowledge of man's higher status, or less than, come to this state for purity of motive and nobility of character.
Only by recognizing your body as a vehicle for the development and manifestation of an intelligence higher, you can understand the words of Carlyle, which tells us that men in their intimate nature is a divine being, and that he who puts his hand on a human form, the whole sky.
Wisdom must be the master, the servant of science. Science is the handmaid of wisdom, wisdom the queen. Science is a product of man's imagination, wisdom spiritual knowledge of truth. Material science is a product of essentially selfish desire to know, wisdom does not recognize any separation of interests is self-recognition of the universal and eternal truth of man. Science, guided by wisdom, can penetrate the deepest mysteries of universal life into the Oneness of All, but if science attempts to use the knowledge to satisfy curiosity or other selfish ends, is opposed to wisdom and becomes insane. So a favorite motto of the ancient Rosicrucians (which was one Paracelsus), but that only few understand, said: "I know nothing, no desire, no love, no joy in heaven or on earth, but I Him crucified Jesus. " This does not, resolving to remain ignorant, or lost in pious ramblings and dreams of past events, as Paracelsus also said: "God wants us to be ignorant and dumb stupid dunces" - But it does mean that he had abandoned the illusion of self with all his knowledge, desires, attractions and pleasures necessarily illusory, and entered the consciousness of that divine intelligence in this life is as it were, crucified man, and with reach the higher spiritual state, had become one with Him who is Truth in man and the source of all knowledge in heaven and on earth.
The truth shines forever in the eternal kingdom of light, but the mental world that moves our earthly nature, has its laws of astrology, or comparable governing the visible world and are known to astronomy. Just as the earth away from the sun in winter and summer is approaching, so the evolution of man has its periods of enlightenment and mental darkness, and there are short periods in large periods and there are days and nights in the year.
Man is to be considered as representing or all mankind, a nation, a people, a family or individual, or looks like a planet spinning on its axis between the two poles of birth and death. What's up becomes down, and what is underneath or back up or the surface. The truths disappear and are forgotten or appear only to return incorporated in new ways and perhaps better. Civilizations, systems philosophy, science and religion come and go and reappear, the absurdities of fashion that our parents were proud that we have ridiculed and become an object of admiration for our children and the forgotten wisdom of the past will be the wisdom of generations future. Thus, the wheel would revolve forever in a circle, and there would be no progress, no purpose for life, if the presence of the Eternal Sun of Divine Wisdom, acting on the center of the wheel, not attracted to him and so Over the centuries gradually transform the spiral circular motion. At every turn of the big wheel, its axis is about imperceptibly or source of all life, although each period of evolution or start again at the bottom of the scale. The scale at which we are now climbing ground lies perhaps a little higher than that on which rested the ladder by which our ancestors reached, or which climbed ourselves in past lives, but there are many steps that our ancestors have up and that will be achieved. The science of medicine is not an exception or the rule, and we can safely say that the medical system of Theophrastus Paracelsus, for recognizing the fundamental laws of nature, nature is so high, you will need to grow medical science the future to reach or understand, and this progress not be possible without the corresponding development, which will open with a correct concept of man's constitution.
Modern medical science has almost degenerated into a mere traffic flourishes under the protection it receives from governments, while in contrast the medicine of ancient art was a saint who did not need any artificial protection, because relying on its own merit, had its own success. Doctors - followers of the past - made cures, when done today in an exceptional case, often called miraculous, and whose possibility is denied by most scientists, because they have no powers spiritual resources to perform these healings, and therefore can not conceive the existence of such powers. Where is the doctor today who knows the extent of willpower spiritually awakened and work or hundreds of miles away, or will power the human mind can exercise over the imagination of nature? Where is the science teacher can consciously transmit your soul or a distant place through the power of thinking and acting as if it were present there physically? The proof that such things have been done and still do, is so well established as any other fact that it rests on the observation and logic, however, is usually considered "scientific" to deny such facts and treat with contempt the theory that explains. The subtle forces of nature are so unknown to the rude minds and materials, mentioning its existence, causing laughter among those who, not knowing the extent of the hidden powers in the constitution of man, they need a sledgehammer to kill a fly or to shoot a gun or a bird. Over
material science leads the eye down, looking at the guts of the matter is not finding anything other than perishable treasures, the sentimental idealist insubstantial dreams are abandoned. Used or contemplation objective, the idealist does not achieve anything real, because to stay away from the object of his investigation to see it objectively, can not identify with that object or have personal knowledge of what is not himself. Nor can it have real knowledge the materialist who denies the existence of the Spirit of the universe, it just ignores what is real and deals with relationships between phenomena produced by the unknown spirit. All true science must be based on true knowledge, which does not come from mere knowledge, but of becoming. This is what makes this Theosophia o Auto-recognition of truth, which is the star that guides the doctor of the future as guided the doctor in the past.
V:. A:. Franz Hartmann
(1) The original of this work was published in 1893.
(2) II Timothy, III, 7.
(3) Romans, IX, 16.
(4) I have been forced or retain the original word does not correspond to the etymology of "wisdom" or the "wisdom". In "Wisdom" is certainly not the idea or opinion, nor in the Latin root Sapio, but is evident in the Greek root (of course, obvious) which was originally equivalent to (wise).
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