By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (V:. M:. Huiracocha)
Most of the serious student of Hatha Yoga and apply it to practice the profession, saying that a vegetarian diet is essential. While in some cases I accept, others allow a mixed diet, but in any case I am an enemy of the excess meat and, especially, alcohol and exciting that they are true hindrances and enemies of humanity: wherever they we turn our eyes we see the evil action of exciting materials served: an incentive to the exaggerated vices and criminal organizations that draw our youth, in a repulsive, the asylum, prisons and sometimes premature death and disaster.
At every step we see in the picture adults relaxed fateful love, no passion, no spirit, which are merely intended to satisfy bestial of matter and prostitutes which lowers the moral level of the wife who becomes a woman destined carnal only as an ap
Arato necessary to satisfy the appetites brutal.
Most immoral readings, performances of gender insignificant and bacchanalian songs from the famous singers, ETC. have been conceived after copious libations and culinary excesses. But not only what we eat, but how you eat is of utmost importance.
a very wise thing in the ancient religions, like Catholicism, are fasting; is known that man does not live by what you eat but what we assimilate; when our stomach is sick calls must be granted rest and , a fast day all, has cured chronic diseases that body as if by magic, the starving claim our sympathy, but nobody remembers the thousands and thousands die. every day by overeating.
At the head of a patient hear every day: Sir, the patient does not eat what we do?, what would you give to procure appetite? If attention is called to the family that this is a sign of nature, the vital force of healing is concerned that if you have already served their purpose, the hunger will start one, do not believe us.
many mothers unwittingly kill his creatures, giving the chest at any moment, without giving the rest stomach!
Hydrotherapy, or the application of the water bath is another healing factor never outdone by chemicals produced by the small man's ingenuity.
water, gentlemen, that begins as an atom invisible air and steam, then form into droplets and eventually an ocean and cover the widest area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, is a telltale sign for the practitioner, the water is susceptible to a wide variety of applications either in steam on how cold or hot showers, belts, wraps general, or, taken by the digestive tract. In a recently published work by one of the most famous physicians of the Hotel Dieu, Paris, reads:
"wraps cold water is the only remedy against typhoid mathematician, with this method that fits cruel disease nothing more than the name, and the doctor does not apply water, is responsible for the failures. "
But in all applications hydrotherapy should not forget that water operates encouraging the life force, causing natural reactions, but can be counterproductive in reckless applications.
Another curious factor that physiotherapy are used dustbathing : there is a cure establishment of Fulke, in Germany, which only manages that environment.
Much hilarity was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bthe priest, but as in Medicine is a very absurd no new system ever proselytes, the practice was taught that Fulke miracle cures and its establishment was painting of patients who came from all directions.
With the discovery of Radium and lengthy study of radio-activity of certain substances earthy, Professor Jaeger gave a brushstroke that scientific empirical treatment, and today 60% of doctors in Germany use it. They use up to cancer, I've experienced in chronic wounds in the legs, and never failed me.
The Incas of Peru knew a disease which, by the description we have left the Dominicans, were very similar, if not the same syphilis. For physicians of the rule of Manco Capac sand baths used to cure.
Important is also the massage and gymnastic movement.
Modern civilization, with all its progress, brings the spirit and the intellect, every day growing demands, while leaving almost all the muscles. With the procession of amenities, trains, trams, cars, automobiles and machinery for all, we have increased our diseases.
No doubt due to this cause greatly harming the health and took puny. Take away the cause and effects disappear, and he who is sick, got into his chair behind the desk, or lack of movement, must appeal to massage and gymnastics.
When circulation is sluggish, the nerve centers are hampered, the value of that environment is incalculable, but where it fills a real gap is in the intestinal conditions, the inertia, sluggish bodies have in massage specific treatment.
Electrotherapy is a very important factor for physiotherapists. Come to them with confidence that you suffer from atherosclerosis and other diseases, it is your only salvation.
Under various influences our arteries lose their elasticity, stiffen, and for that reason can not fulfill their role as distributors of blood in the human body.
Because of this hardening, the blood is badly distributed, and heart, the essential tool for this work, is fatigue. Then the small arterial branches become brittle and may break. When is cerebral hemorrhage, death is almost inevitable.
A seemingly healthy man makes an effort either, the pressure increases, the artery tears and concludes. These patients live in constant danger, have a remedy in the ordinary sublime D'Arsonval.
But however varied and effective that can be applied electricity, electrotherapeutic happens that claim to cure everything and are often superficial at diagnosis.
few days ago a man told me the miraculous healing of the people who had made his son a herbalist, where a director of an institute electroterápico had labored in vain.
It is a sort of attacks that the doctor had identified as epileptic; by bromides and application of electric baths had tried to fight it, but in vain, the attacks had ceased.
Each month the poor had paid 80 pesos and told me what one does for their children?
In this, a neighbor recommended him to a healer of the district Peralvillo, empirical doctor not knowing anything at all prescribed purgative, not matter the nature of the disease.
The good man proceeded in the office, the healer. After a cursory examination, the empirical stated that damage was done by a blonde woman who had haunted her son for love affairs.
- "I took a laxative, it is the only remedy to use." "I threw a laugh. "Do not laugh, sir, was the truth, sir, I Decursed, because from that day my son is completely healthy.
As I was listening to my man with compassionate smile credulity, he insisted:
-" Yes, sir, is pure and true net, and to tell you more, the next day my son threw a stool in the animal very long and very ugly. "
Ah there is the mother of the lamb, I thought. The young man had and a tapeworm attacks originated from it.
The doctor had not noticed that, but you also would have a cathartic, and now the healer who has obtained a cure, as the donkey in the story that played the flute, is recommended by your customer.
often due to accidents like these empirical cures damage to the intelligent physician, but by his own fault or lightness in their diagnoses.
... Just a word to the surgeons: The surgery has made amazing progress, but I think it works too, many things have been sacrificed by an operation.
Paris A famous surgeon was asked by one of his assistants: "Cree You doctor is really necessary surgery? And the interested physician answers: An operation that produces 2.000 francs, that is not asking Him, always necessary.
enough in this area.
My medical friends tell me that while my philosophy is pretty tight and accepts that both defending or spreading enthusiasm, I must separate from the medical leave, on the other hand, occultists warn that, while my healing method is the most rational and abet me in my medical studies, saying that I separated from my philosophy.
I am, or at least want to be, even in the medical philosopher, and doctor up in my philosophy, reaching self slaughter necessary.
In summary, gentlemen, at the fourth conference have heard, I have tried to show that there is a divine force, called God, Kether with the Jews, Yo-tion with the Greeks, based on intra-ionic energy to me, the name does not do. He is the glove that covers the hand is the idea, is the truth, and as the sun illuminates the world.
I have shown its flashes when speaking of psychic phenomena studied by Baraduc, which I have identified as cosmic force that describes so beautifully Flammarion: and that is the same element that have been shaken in the past and future generations, is who electrifies the brain of Edison, who flooded with light heads and Meschingkoff Eucausse is the
force that moved the language of Castelar and led the pen of Victor Hugo.
As its most palpable, I have pointed out the sun with its powerful rays. The science of the future will start inventing the Vril secrets Bowler puts in the laboratories of the upcoming race and whose wonders banished to the shadow of the insignificance of our Radium.
This force can act in the brain of each, but we must develop it to abandon the peg latent in the brain, and to achieve this we have the Hatha-Yoga, but it requires the body purification (ie, abstention from drugs); and mental health, (be good, independent scholar.) Listen
lessons left to us in their great teacher, the maximum Levi Abate:
"Believe that man is a corporation of ideas and that his physical body is an instrument that facilitates contact with matter to subjugate it, that was not intended to be used with indecent intentions.
You should not be praise or scorn.
not let something that takes effect in your physical body, in your comfort or the circumstances around you mess with your sanity, like alcohol, drugs, sexual excess, etc..
Do not long for anything in the material plane, higher living to that level without losing your power over him.
never wait for other people, but you must always be ready to help with everything within your ability and be in accordance with the law. Nothing matters as much as to offend the moral law and not experience.
never expect a reward and not experience disappointment.
Never expect love, affection and gratitude of one: but you should always be willing to give them to others.
Learn to distinguish the true and false, and act in accordance with your highest ideal of virtue.
white Magnetism is the sympathy black magnetism is aversion.
Good love each other, the wicked do not hate each other because known.
Pain and death are beautiful, because they are working to debug and transfiguration emancipated.
Fearing God is unknown: the error only to be expected. Man can
all you want, when you just want to Justo.
God reveals Himself to man, by man and man.
His true worship is love. The dogmas and rituals change and succeed: love never changes, his power is eternal.
Nobody, not even God, is entitled to the despotic and arbitrary power.
Nobody is absolute master of none.
The pastor is not the owner of the dog. The law of intelligent world, is the protection, those who must obey obey only for your good is your target audience will not subjugated.
both on earth as in heaven, there is one true power: Good. What a fair
want. God approves, what a just writes or speaks. God punishes.
This is the secret of eternal life:
The main idea I tried to resuscitate to record nerve in your brain and your conscience, be observed in the sequence of all the conferences that have had the honor of presenting.
They come to illustrate and enhance the intellect, the rise in parentheses pleasant routine of life arid land to the high spheres of life. Heal the wounds that bleed the soul in the social and sweetens the penalties, as ominous ghosts haunt us, and when the spirit is purified, when the idea is polished and watermarks of thought meander around us, nature covered by the thick veil Isis is discovered and presented to our eyes great seers.
The study in which I tried to initiate you gives us a happy prospect: in it, becomes the most pessimistic optimist, life is beautiful. When studying the esoteric, nature presents us with its grand spectacle overpowers and overwhelms the poet in his lucubrations, the spirit sags and reversing the stanza of the Necromancer Mexican knees exclaims:
Mother Nature, planting flowers.
Por do my faltering step forward
was born without hope or fear;
I return to you without fear, with hope! ...
At every step we see in the picture adults relaxed fateful love, no passion, no spirit, which are merely intended to satisfy bestial of matter and prostitutes which lowers the moral level of the wife who becomes a woman destined carnal only as an ap

Most immoral readings, performances of gender insignificant and bacchanalian songs from the famous singers, ETC. have been conceived after copious libations and culinary excesses. But not only what we eat, but how you eat is of utmost importance.
a very wise thing in the ancient religions, like Catholicism, are fasting; is known that man does not live by what you eat but what we assimilate; when our stomach is sick calls must be granted rest and , a fast day all, has cured chronic diseases that body as if by magic, the starving claim our sympathy, but nobody remembers the thousands and thousands die. every day by overeating.
At the head of a patient hear every day: Sir, the patient does not eat what we do?, what would you give to procure appetite? If attention is called to the family that this is a sign of nature, the vital force of healing is concerned that if you have already served their purpose, the hunger will start one, do not believe us.
many mothers unwittingly kill his creatures, giving the chest at any moment, without giving the rest stomach!
Hydrotherapy, or the application of the water bath is another healing factor never outdone by chemicals produced by the small man's ingenuity.
water, gentlemen, that begins as an atom invisible air and steam, then form into droplets and eventually an ocean and cover the widest area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, is a telltale sign for the practitioner, the water is susceptible to a wide variety of applications either in steam on how cold or hot showers, belts, wraps general, or, taken by the digestive tract. In a recently published work by one of the most famous physicians of the Hotel Dieu, Paris, reads:
"wraps cold water is the only remedy against typhoid mathematician, with this method that fits cruel disease nothing more than the name, and the doctor does not apply water, is responsible for the failures. "
But in all applications hydrotherapy should not forget that water operates encouraging the life force, causing natural reactions, but can be counterproductive in reckless applications.
Another curious factor that physiotherapy are used dustbathing : there is a cure establishment of Fulke, in Germany, which only manages that environment.
Much hilarity was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bthe priest, but as in Medicine is a very absurd no new system ever proselytes, the practice was taught that Fulke miracle cures and its establishment was painting of patients who came from all directions.
With the discovery of Radium and lengthy study of radio-activity of certain substances earthy, Professor Jaeger gave a brushstroke that scientific empirical treatment, and today 60% of doctors in Germany use it. They use up to cancer, I've experienced in chronic wounds in the legs, and never failed me.
The Incas of Peru knew a disease which, by the description we have left the Dominicans, were very similar, if not the same syphilis. For physicians of the rule of Manco Capac sand baths used to cure.
Important is also the massage and gymnastic movement.
Modern civilization, with all its progress, brings the spirit and the intellect, every day growing demands, while leaving almost all the muscles. With the procession of amenities, trains, trams, cars, automobiles and machinery for all, we have increased our diseases.
No doubt due to this cause greatly harming the health and took puny. Take away the cause and effects disappear, and he who is sick, got into his chair behind the desk, or lack of movement, must appeal to massage and gymnastics.
When circulation is sluggish, the nerve centers are hampered, the value of that environment is incalculable, but where it fills a real gap is in the intestinal conditions, the inertia, sluggish bodies have in massage specific treatment.
Electrotherapy is a very important factor for physiotherapists. Come to them with confidence that you suffer from atherosclerosis and other diseases, it is your only salvation.
Under various influences our arteries lose their elasticity, stiffen, and for that reason can not fulfill their role as distributors of blood in the human body.
Because of this hardening, the blood is badly distributed, and heart, the essential tool for this work, is fatigue. Then the small arterial branches become brittle and may break. When is cerebral hemorrhage, death is almost inevitable.
A seemingly healthy man makes an effort either, the pressure increases, the artery tears and concludes. These patients live in constant danger, have a remedy in the ordinary sublime D'Arsonval.
But however varied and effective that can be applied electricity, electrotherapeutic happens that claim to cure everything and are often superficial at diagnosis.
few days ago a man told me the miraculous healing of the people who had made his son a herbalist, where a director of an institute electroterápico had labored in vain.
It is a sort of attacks that the doctor had identified as epileptic; by bromides and application of electric baths had tried to fight it, but in vain, the attacks had ceased.
Each month the poor had paid 80 pesos and told me what one does for their children?
In this, a neighbor recommended him to a healer of the district Peralvillo, empirical doctor not knowing anything at all prescribed purgative, not matter the nature of the disease.
The good man proceeded in the office, the healer. After a cursory examination, the empirical stated that damage was done by a blonde woman who had haunted her son for love affairs.
- "I took a laxative, it is the only remedy to use." "I threw a laugh. "Do not laugh, sir, was the truth, sir, I Decursed, because from that day my son is completely healthy.
As I was listening to my man with compassionate smile credulity, he insisted:
-" Yes, sir, is pure and true net, and to tell you more, the next day my son threw a stool in the animal very long and very ugly. "
Ah there is the mother of the lamb, I thought. The young man had and a tapeworm attacks originated from it.
The doctor had not noticed that, but you also would have a cathartic, and now the healer who has obtained a cure, as the donkey in the story that played the flute, is recommended by your customer.
often due to accidents like these empirical cures damage to the intelligent physician, but by his own fault or lightness in their diagnoses.
... Just a word to the surgeons: The surgery has made amazing progress, but I think it works too, many things have been sacrificed by an operation.
Paris A famous surgeon was asked by one of his assistants: "Cree You doctor is really necessary surgery? And the interested physician answers: An operation that produces 2.000 francs, that is not asking Him, always necessary.
enough in this area.
My medical friends tell me that while my philosophy is pretty tight and accepts that both defending or spreading enthusiasm, I must separate from the medical leave, on the other hand, occultists warn that, while my healing method is the most rational and abet me in my medical studies, saying that I separated from my philosophy.
I am, or at least want to be, even in the medical philosopher, and doctor up in my philosophy, reaching self slaughter necessary.
In summary, gentlemen, at the fourth conference have heard, I have tried to show that there is a divine force, called God, Kether with the Jews, Yo-tion with the Greeks, based on intra-ionic energy to me, the name does not do. He is the glove that covers the hand is the idea, is the truth, and as the sun illuminates the world.
I have shown its flashes when speaking of psychic phenomena studied by Baraduc, which I have identified as cosmic force that describes so beautifully Flammarion: and that is the same element that have been shaken in the past and future generations, is who electrifies the brain of Edison, who flooded with light heads and Meschingkoff Eucausse is the

As its most palpable, I have pointed out the sun with its powerful rays. The science of the future will start inventing the Vril secrets Bowler puts in the laboratories of the upcoming race and whose wonders banished to the shadow of the insignificance of our Radium.
This force can act in the brain of each, but we must develop it to abandon the peg latent in the brain, and to achieve this we have the Hatha-Yoga, but it requires the body purification (ie, abstention from drugs); and mental health, (be good, independent scholar.) Listen
lessons left to us in their great teacher, the maximum Levi Abate:
"Believe that man is a corporation of ideas and that his physical body is an instrument that facilitates contact with matter to subjugate it, that was not intended to be used with indecent intentions.
You should not be praise or scorn.
not let something that takes effect in your physical body, in your comfort or the circumstances around you mess with your sanity, like alcohol, drugs, sexual excess, etc..
Do not long for anything in the material plane, higher living to that level without losing your power over him.
never wait for other people, but you must always be ready to help with everything within your ability and be in accordance with the law. Nothing matters as much as to offend the moral law and not experience.
never expect a reward and not experience disappointment.
Never expect love, affection and gratitude of one: but you should always be willing to give them to others.
Learn to distinguish the true and false, and act in accordance with your highest ideal of virtue.
white Magnetism is the sympathy black magnetism is aversion.
Good love each other, the wicked do not hate each other because known.
Pain and death are beautiful, because they are working to debug and transfiguration emancipated.
Fearing God is unknown: the error only to be expected. Man can
all you want, when you just want to Justo.
God reveals Himself to man, by man and man.
His true worship is love. The dogmas and rituals change and succeed: love never changes, his power is eternal.
Nobody, not even God, is entitled to the despotic and arbitrary power.
Nobody is absolute master of none.
The pastor is not the owner of the dog. The law of intelligent world, is the protection, those who must obey obey only for your good is your target audience will not subjugated.
both on earth as in heaven, there is one true power: Good. What a fair
want. God approves, what a just writes or speaks. God punishes.
This is the secret of eternal life:
The main idea I tried to resuscitate to record nerve in your brain and your conscience, be observed in the sequence of all the conferences that have had the honor of presenting.
They come to illustrate and enhance the intellect, the rise in parentheses pleasant routine of life arid land to the high spheres of life. Heal the wounds that bleed the soul in the social and sweetens the penalties, as ominous ghosts haunt us, and when the spirit is purified, when the idea is polished and watermarks of thought meander around us, nature covered by the thick veil Isis is discovered and presented to our eyes great seers.
The study in which I tried to initiate you gives us a happy prospect: in it, becomes the most pessimistic optimist, life is beautiful. When studying the esoteric, nature presents us with its grand spectacle overpowers and overwhelms the poet in his lucubrations, the spirit sags and reversing the stanza of the Necromancer Mexican knees exclaims:
Mother Nature, planting flowers.
Por do my faltering step forward
was born without hope or fear;
I return to you without fear, with hope! ...