Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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The Science of Prana or Life itself: Part IV

By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (V:. M:. Huiracocha)
Most of the serious student of Hatha Yoga and apply it to practice the profession, saying that a vegetarian diet is essential. While in some cases I accept, others allow a mixed diet, but in any case I am an enemy of the excess meat and, especially, alcohol and exciting that they are true hindrances and enemies of humanity: wherever they we turn our eyes we see the evil action of exciting materials served: an incentive to the exaggerated vices and criminal organizations that draw our youth, in a repulsive, the asylum, prisons and sometimes premature death and disaster.
At every step we see in the picture adults relaxed fateful love, no passion, no spirit, which are merely intended to satisfy bestial of matter and prostitutes which lowers the moral level of the wife who becomes a woman destined carnal only as an ap Arato necessary to satisfy the appetites brutal.
Most immoral readings, performances of gender insignificant and bacchanalian songs from the famous singers, ETC. have been conceived after copious libations and culinary excesses. But not only what we eat, but how you eat is of utmost importance.
a very wise thing in the ancient religions, like Catholicism, are fasting; is known that man does not live by what you eat but what we assimilate; when our stomach is sick calls must be granted rest and , a fast day all, has cured chronic diseases that body as if by magic, the starving claim our sympathy, but nobody remembers the thousands and thousands die. every day by overeating.
At the head of a patient hear every day: Sir, the patient does not eat what we do?, what would you give to procure appetite? If attention is called to the family that this is a sign of nature, the vital force of healing is concerned that if you have already served their purpose, the hunger will start one, do not believe us.
many mothers unwittingly kill his creatures, giving the chest at any moment, without giving the rest stomach!

Hydrotherapy, or the application of the water bath is another healing factor never outdone by chemicals produced by the small man's ingenuity.
water, gentlemen, that begins as an atom invisible air and steam, then form into droplets and eventually an ocean and cover the widest area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, is a telltale sign for the practitioner, the water is susceptible to a wide variety of applications either in steam on how cold or hot showers, belts, wraps general, or, taken by the digestive tract. In a recently published work by one of the most famous physicians of the Hotel Dieu, Paris, reads:
"wraps cold water is the only remedy against typhoid mathematician, with this method that fits cruel disease nothing more than the name, and the doctor does not apply water, is responsible for the failures. "
But in all applications hydrotherapy should not forget that water operates encouraging the life force, causing natural reactions, but can be counterproductive in reckless applications.
Another curious factor that physiotherapy are used dustbathing : there is a cure establishment of Fulke, in Germany, which only manages that environment.
Much hilarity was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bthe priest, but as in Medicine is a very absurd no new system ever proselytes, the practice was taught that Fulke miracle cures and its establishment was painting of patients who came from all directions.
With the discovery of Radium and lengthy study of radio-activity of certain substances earthy, Professor Jaeger gave a brushstroke that scientific empirical treatment, and today 60% of doctors in Germany use it. They use up to cancer, I've experienced in chronic wounds in the legs, and never failed me.
The Incas of Peru knew a disease which, by the description we have left the Dominicans, were very similar, if not the same syphilis. For physicians of the rule of Manco Capac sand baths used to cure.
Important is also the massage and gymnastic movement.
Modern civilization, with all its progress, brings the spirit and the intellect, every day growing demands, while leaving almost all the muscles. With the procession of amenities, trains, trams, cars, automobiles and machinery for all, we have increased our diseases.
No doubt due to this cause greatly harming the health and took puny. Take away the cause and effects disappear, and he who is sick, got into his chair behind the desk, or lack of movement, must appeal to massage and gymnastics.
When circulation is sluggish, the nerve centers are hampered, the value of that environment is incalculable, but where it fills a real gap is in the intestinal conditions, the inertia, sluggish bodies have in massage specific treatment.
Electrotherapy is a very important factor for physiotherapists. Come to them with confidence that you suffer from atherosclerosis and other diseases, it is your only salvation.
Under various influences our arteries lose their elasticity, stiffen, and for that reason can not fulfill their role as distributors of blood in the human body.
Because of this hardening, the blood is badly distributed, and heart, the essential tool for this work, is fatigue. Then the small arterial branches become brittle and may break. When is cerebral hemorrhage, death is almost inevitable.
A seemingly healthy man makes an effort either, the pressure increases, the artery tears and concludes. These patients live in constant danger, have a remedy in the ordinary sublime D'Arsonval.
But however varied and effective that can be applied electricity, electrotherapeutic happens that claim to cure everything and are often superficial at diagnosis.
few days ago a man told me the miraculous healing of the people who had made his son a herbalist, where a director of an institute electroterápico had labored in vain.
It is a sort of attacks that the doctor had identified as epileptic; by bromides and application of electric baths had tried to fight it, but in vain, the attacks had ceased.
Each month the poor had paid 80 pesos and told me what one does for their children?
In this, a neighbor recommended him to a healer of the district Peralvillo, empirical doctor not knowing anything at all prescribed purgative, not matter the nature of the disease.
The good man proceeded in the office, the healer. After a cursory examination, the empirical stated that damage was done by a blonde woman who had haunted her son for love affairs.
- "I took a laxative, it is the only remedy to use." "I threw a laugh. "Do not laugh, sir, was the truth, sir, I Decursed, because from that day my son is completely healthy.
As I was listening to my man with compassionate smile credulity, he insisted:
-" Yes, sir, is pure and true net, and to tell you more, the next day my son threw a stool in the animal very long and very ugly. "
Ah there is the mother of the lamb, I thought. The young man had and a tapeworm attacks originated from it.
The doctor had not noticed that, but you also would have a cathartic, and now the healer who has obtained a cure, as the donkey in the story that played the flute, is recommended by your customer.

often due to accidents like these empirical cures damage to the intelligent physician, but by his own fault or lightness in their diagnoses.
... Just a word to the surgeons: The surgery has made amazing progress, but I think it works too, many things have been sacrificed by an operation.
Paris A famous surgeon was asked by one of his assistants: "Cree You doctor is really necessary surgery? And the interested physician answers: An operation that produces 2.000 francs, that is not asking Him, always necessary.
enough in this area.
My medical friends tell me that while my philosophy is pretty tight and accepts that both defending or spreading enthusiasm, I must separate from the medical leave, on the other hand, occultists warn that, while my healing method is the most rational and abet me in my medical studies, saying that I separated from my philosophy.
I am, or at least want to be, even in the medical philosopher, and doctor up in my philosophy, reaching self slaughter necessary.
In summary, gentlemen, at the fourth conference have heard, I have tried to show that there is a divine force, called God, Kether with the Jews, Yo-tion with the Greeks, based on intra-ionic energy to me, the name does not do. He is the glove that covers the hand is the idea, is the truth, and as the sun illuminates the world.
I have shown its flashes when speaking of psychic phenomena studied by Baraduc, which I have identified as cosmic force that describes so beautifully Flammarion: and that is the same element that have been shaken in the past and future generations, is who electrifies the brain of Edison, who flooded with light heads and Meschingkoff Eucausse is the force that moved the language of Castelar and led the pen of Victor Hugo.
As its most palpable, I have pointed out the sun with its powerful rays. The science of the future will start inventing the Vril secrets Bowler puts in the laboratories of the upcoming race and whose wonders banished to the shadow of the insignificance of our Radium.
This force can act in the brain of each, but we must develop it to abandon the peg latent in the brain, and to achieve this we have the Hatha-Yoga, but it requires the body purification (ie, abstention from drugs); and mental health, (be good, independent scholar.) Listen
lessons left to us in their great teacher, the maximum Levi Abate:
"Believe that man is a corporation of ideas and that his physical body is an instrument that facilitates contact with matter to subjugate it, that was not intended to be used with indecent intentions.
You should not be praise or scorn.
not let something that takes effect in your physical body, in your comfort or the circumstances around you mess with your sanity, like alcohol, drugs, sexual excess, etc..
Do not long for anything in the material plane, higher living to that level without losing your power over him.
never wait for other people, but you must always be ready to help with everything within your ability and be in accordance with the law. Nothing matters as much as to offend the moral law and not experience.
never expect a reward and not experience disappointment.
Never expect love, affection and gratitude of one: but you should always be willing to give them to others.
Learn to distinguish the true and false, and act in accordance with your highest ideal of virtue.
white Magnetism is the sympathy black magnetism is aversion.
Good love each other, the wicked do not hate each other because known.
Pain and death are beautiful, because they are working to debug and transfiguration emancipated.
Fearing God is unknown: the error only to be expected. Man can
all you want, when you just want to Justo.
God reveals Himself to man, by man and man.
His true worship is love. The dogmas and rituals change and succeed: love never changes, his power is eternal.
Nobody, not even God, is entitled to the despotic and arbitrary power.
Nobody is absolute master of none.
The pastor is not the owner of the dog. The law of intelligent world, is the protection, those who must obey obey only for your good is your target audience will not subjugated.
both on earth as in heaven, there is one true power: Good. What a fair
want. God approves, what a just writes or speaks. God punishes.
This is the secret of eternal life:
The main idea I tried to resuscitate to record nerve in your brain and your conscience, be observed in the sequence of all the conferences that have had the honor of presenting.
They come to illustrate and enhance the intellect, the rise in parentheses pleasant routine of life arid land to the high spheres of life. Heal the wounds that bleed the soul in the social and sweetens the penalties, as ominous ghosts haunt us, and when the spirit is purified, when the idea is polished and watermarks of thought meander around us, nature covered by the thick veil Isis is discovered and presented to our eyes great seers.
The study in which I tried to initiate you gives us a happy prospect: in it, becomes the most pessimistic optimist, life is beautiful. When studying the esoteric, nature presents us with its grand spectacle overpowers and overwhelms the poet in his lucubrations, the spirit sags and reversing the stanza of the Necromancer Mexican knees exclaims:
Mother Nature, planting flowers.
Por do my faltering step forward
was born without hope or fear;
I return to you without fear, with hope! ...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

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Science of Prana or Life Itself: III part

By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller , V:. M:. Huiracocha
Everywhere in the world has been entrusted to care for our health to doctors, which are divided into different schools that are fighting each other, and as a natural result the passion leads to extremes, accepting each only own sympathies and fighting anything that does not agree with these sympathy. As in general we should not confuse people with the idea, not to be confused with medical doctors. I argue: "the doctor is born, not made."
The medicine should be a priest and not a business, in addition, it should be less scholarly and more popular, that every patient can hear and adjudicate any disease and direct healing only the medium that creates more logical. is, gentlemen, that we prepare people for each one is a Samaritan.
The practical study of medicine should be part of education, in order to remove the air of mystery and hidden which makes it the exclusive property of a privileged class comparable to a priestly caste.
Any practice that is not based on ideas accessible to the public, it seems entirely irrational.
is therefore necessary thing to spread, to analyze and discuss all that is new in the art of healing and above all hygienic principles into the reach of the masses, to invite all world attention to the study of Nature, that heard his speech, sometimes simple, sometimes veiled, what that source is accepted as the most suitable and rich in information, and also, to the extent possible, be removed in medical education popular Latin-Greek terms whenever there are expressions that can translate Castilian.
come to the world since our bodies are full of drugs, even before taking milk for the first time. Indeed, since the brain contain phosphates; lecithin, and other products, the blood contains iron, the liver glycogen, bone phosphates, carbonates, and the stomach pepsin, hydrochloric acid and others, the pancreas, pancreatin, diastase and salivary glands in most of the rest of the body are salts of lime, soda, magnesia, iron and parts to arsenic, phosphorus and other thousand.
This proves that the human body is a large chemical laboratory that will do that without ingesting those drugs are developed food.
why I support the implementation of food chemistry and no chemotherapy.
In normal life constantly ingest drugs:
the air that we breathe the oxygen in the cafe took the caffeine in chocolate, theobromine, in chile, capsaicin, in mustard, sinapicina; in milk, lactose and other drugs in the water itself chlorides and other salts which are essential for living, in fruit, organic acids (citric, malic, tácnico), etc., in tomatoes, oxalic acid. So
chemical processes, inspired by the life or Prana, made all these food substances but when you notice the lack of them impose replace them with those made by a pharmacist and that, once processed chemically and physiologically by the gastric juice is not treated as people think.
Certainly there are drugs that deserve respect, who can deny? For example, morphine in man after an accident is inevitably doomed to die, is there something bigger than a shot of morphine to ease the unbearable pain and take away their troubles in the last hours of life?
But that does not mean that even a small asthma attack to inject the poison and constructed so addicted to morphine, and the use of some drugs are not allowed to degenerate humanity abusing mercury injections, in cases exaggerated, are a thousand times worse than the disease to be cured.
Neither the success of a specific, which components are not known, but can be simple and harmless, is reason for authorization to bring to market thousands of junk with which exploits ignorance. Unfortunately
is a fact that the mysterious seductive glare is a kind of mental that gives charm to Medicine, and people seem to like that fool you.
as extensive use of patent medicines and minerals, vegetables, herbs unfamiliar, little pill, is truly amazing. I visited a factory in Germany where he had a warehouse full of some tablets and the employee said, is for English America. I stood amazed, surprised, Oh I said is an excellent market. I believe him, I answered.
But anyway, if only they were those big factories, but in the neighborhoods there are many drug manufacturers or inventors. The public purchase without consulting the doctor, do not care itself that sells such drugs in question are entirely ignorant of anatomy and physiology, or do not know anything about the body's needs, enough to guarantee him a cure, merely fact take a number of knobs, packages or boxes.
worst thing there is a number of doctors who have no qualms in giving testimony to the specific manufacturers, and those they name in print.
In this case urges reform, urges humanity revolt against the cruel injustice of scientific appearances, supported by the sensuality of our species, degraded by vice and folly covered by the voluntary and ever.
Believe it, gentlemen, our system of drug to cure our descendants will laugh in a hundred years, as we scoff of Chinese refractory or ridicule indentation and other therapeutic methods of the Middle Ages.
"The medical profession has the legal father's love man by man and science, she can not be fought with all ambition bastard who prostitute makes her take as low as one in which the regions today are idolaters, who have made the cult and dogmas of the vilest from shops to devote the man who still retains the attributes of reason voice of conscience saving.
Medicine, or the art of curing disease and tend to the moral perfection of man, is incompatible with any feeling, inspiration, which does not harmonize with altruism, because you can not love this science without feeling love for men , since its purpose is to soothe their pain and wipe away the tears of those to whom the threat inexorable Fate starting a loved one.
Men under a degree, do not adjust their conduct to the principles that leave exposed, are the gender of those who are dressed in sheepskins and inwardly are ravening wolves.
Among doctors, the case becomes less unfortunately, are physical therapists or those which instead of using chemical agents, make use of natural or physical means to cure (1).
Physiotherapy, gentlemen, as all scientific methods of healing has its cradle and therefore suffer from the disorder and natural appeal of the ignorant, or the propagators of other schools, but after test time, it shines and looks today teaching our instincts, not as an essentially empirical, but real, deep, scientific and highly practical results.
It is, today, physical therapy, a method so effective, it is not acquired merely with the desire, not improvised at clinics. Certainly under such laws and liberal Democrats like Germany and Mexico, have entered the name of hydropathist, etc., Encyclopaedically ignorant individuals who exploit the public under the title of specialists maintain a bombastic force notices.
The therapist called formal education has and we have the intimate conviction that we represent the unknown field of rational medicine and the results are obvious. Our
factors include physical agents such as light, air, water, heat, cold, movement and rest, electricity, magnetism, diet, massage, etc., And all the factors that nature gives us, and not pretend to cure those a single disease.
For us, nature is the only physician, which only help to achieve its purpose, and hereby surprised the world with miraculous cures. Our flag is
hygiene; us about our system, in terms of propaganda and its results, as the sailors: when they go to sea, Captain does not know when and how to arrive at the port, but knows that the rudder is due, that the compass points and when he takes his hand to his chest is a manly heart, who is not afraid.
Previously, allopathic medical school we watched in horror today no longer: hundreds of them are with us, one of the bravest was the court physician of Germany and Bismarck's personal physician of . Schweninger , was one of our most courageous apostles, and many others have posted their opinions. Dr. Stevens, Professor, School of Medicine and Surgery in New York, notes that all physicians in general, as the years of practice that are, increasingly turn to drugs and rely more on the efforts of Nature, and it's really something noticed by everyone that the young doctor prescribed more than the graying in the profession. According
says Professor Rush, Philadelphia at all times and places most eminent physicians are those who have best freed from the tyranny of official surveys.
Building on its long experience and in their mature reflection, that there would be fewer patients and mortality is lower in the world if we did not have drugs, confesses Hecker, and all widely recognized, many drugs we know today as deadly, had to be very effective.
could go on citing a few more, but they are very harsh in their judgments and I do not want to hurt anyone more sorry, my notes record books even a paragraph from Dr. Chauvet former doctor at the Hospital de Bourgueil, which reads: "A little less of what we call science, but it is not, and a little more than restore the medical philosophy on its true basis, the chemical and drugstore have killed the art of healing, it will be necessary to revive it , simple return to the good old days, and bow to the empiricism. "
agree that this is humiliating ... but what you want! required by the suffering humanity.
A good newspaper is of genuine popular medicine would be harmful as helpful as are all science journals disoriented, which floods every day to Paris and the departments. We need many reforms, but with calm and prudence will get everything, and how eloquent are the words of Schopenhauer :
"When following an investigation by a false path, (leaving, therefore, true) can not be at the end rather than later disappointments. " Let
value! Let us seek the truth, without being misled by biases chimeric; take to nature for guidance!
And then the same Schopenhauer said:''There are errors we maintain a lifetime and keep us to peer ever, only because we fear, in spite of ourselves, to discover that we have faith in a lie and we have often stated for a long time. " Finsen
in Scandinavia, to their great priests of the "lupus" using sunlight and the smallpox, with the red light.
The colorful radiation condensation in the water, makes getting to the therapeutic properties; this is like water, exposed for 6 hours to radiation, have emetic effect and the same item, if you received a concentration of amber rays, produces, when ingested, laxative effects, and mixing the light beams two colors identified certain dramatic effect. While in the former
Lutecia an eminent popularizer, Dr. Fovea of \u200b\u200bCommells , advocated ultraviolet light in Fabes, Professor Kellogg of Michigan, announced the surprising results achieved in curing obesity through baths radiant heat lamp.
The end of the Quimiátrica nearby. Every day is greater skepticism, both the provider group and the general public about the value of the ag chemical entities (physical states) used in therapy. infidelity of these, their affinities and the alterations they encounter in their journey through the body, many medications have made waste. Physical therapy will
extraordinary development and emerged from empiricism and to enter fully into the scientific period, using precision equipment and accurate measurements, through which it is easy to investigate, relatively, that kind of intimate reactions aroused by physical agents in various areas of the body; operation more recoil, more active energy, nutrition and more complex.
The uncertainties of medicine, the contradictions of the most illustrious teachers, errors of dogmatism, is sufficient to ensure the success of physiotherapy.
physiotherapy treatments are giving us every day truly wonderful results, only the ignorant, stubborn, and men of bad faith, harmlessness can deny, on par with its amazing effectiveness.
The improvement of equipment and procedures, the use of physical agents will respond fully to the therapy of the future by the disideratum a good recovery, he had long coveted Celsus : Cito, Tuto in incunde (soon soft and durable.)

(1) Here, now, concise statement of principles or fundamental truths on which rests the physiatry or "true science of healing", sent by the Naturist Society of Buenos Aires, and signed by the famous Antonio B. hygienist Massioti, the Latin-American Medical Congress met some years ago in the Capital Argentina.
1. "The universe is a harmonious whole coeternal encouraged by two factors: force and motion, not having any detectable substance that escapes this fundamental law.
2. -All material phenomena, organic and inorganic, obey the same principle of pre-existing reality (substance resulting motion animated its innermost quality: strength.)
3. "The material existence, in any form, tends to conserve its energy (preponderance of force).
4. "The energy is manifested in two diametrically opposed, that is, positive and negative,
5. "In the inorganic life, the first direction of the force together (cohesion, affinity), the second scattering (disintegration, global expansion, molecular and atomic).
6. "In organic life, the principle of conservation of energy (5th power) is transformed, but is fundamentally the same, ie that makes the resultant of the two directions of force (the positive and negative).
7. "For the first (positive direction of the force), the self tends to be preserved (assimilation, nutrition), for the second, is becoming (dissimilation, wear, decay).
is so undeniable that the power of assimilation and dissimilation is the same, positive and negative-transformed to determine the state of inorganic bodies, which at the borders of both types are mixed kingdom, being supporters of evolutionary theory , article of faith, the insensitivity of the passage of inorganic bodies organized beings, as is also, plants animals, and why, when we speak of organized bodies, we refer to the two kingdoms.
8. "The overriding determinant of force-the positive or negative, what are the natural agents that standardizes the environment, light, heat, liquid substances, solid and gaseous.
9. "The energy lifetime of organic beings, animals and plants, have a maximum of aggressive-growth-escensión, after which the decline begins.
10. "In the first period dominates. energy the positive direction, the second negative power, strength.
11 - In a harmonious relationship be-animal or plant, with its atmosphere of vitality, normal-state determines their health, "the abnormal state of disharmony-the disease.
12. "In the fullness of life and health-maximum growth. the balance of forces, both positive and negative-assimilation and wear, is perfect.
13. "The organized beings have to serve the two forces-rather, a sense of power-specific organs function: some tend to the conservation of energy, others for processing.
14. "The normal organ activity, positive and negative. is set by the environment - light, heat, electricity, environment, food,
15. "Normal activity" disharmony, can be total or partial, in the first case the result is death violently against his life essentially, in the second, disease.
16 ^-La-sickness in animals and the planet-does not end after the start, yeah. Disharmony prevails impartial between the self and its environment.
17. -For the purpose, healthy and unhealthy-normal and abnormal, or harmonic and inharmonic, of being with their environment, " no hay diferencia esencial, ninguna, entre vegetales y animales.
18. —Todo organismo, como todo cuerpo, que ha perdido la dirección normal o la evolución de su determinante coexistente, la recupera con mayor o menor lentitud —si no está esencialmente destruido—, colocado 'en armonía con su medio vital— luz, calórico, substancias sólidas, líquidas o gaseosas, indispensables a su vitalidad.
19. —Cuando un organismo—, como cualquier otro cuerpo del universo—, colocado en condiciones de desarrollar su fuerza positiva, no lo hace por sí no hay artificio capaz de conseguir el predominio del sentido negativo de la fuerza
20. —La vida orgánica is a form of universal motion, subject to the same principles of harmony that govern the matter.
21. "The emotion, such as motility, are themselves, rather transformations of the initial force that underlies the great theory of the unity and correlation of the physical elements that organic beings can not and should avoid.
22.-The principles of harmony of man with his own half-life as any other animal or plant, "the determined, with perfect clarity, his natural state, related to their physical-chemical environment;
as that of inorganic bodies are determined by the actual action of the agents who act on them.
23. "All the science of health, applies and explains the nature, from man to infusoria, knowing, as such, both the infusoria-it-as Hippocrates and Virchow.
24. -Physiatry is a part of the Great Theory anity and correlation of physical forces, and aims to explain the phenomena of organic life, in relationships and health eating by motion sickness
you can not object to this definition scientifically where we set the basis for the New Science, because to do so, you have to start by denying the fundamentals of light corollary of Newton's universal gravitation of matter, and on which rests the whole rational and irrefutable theory that explains, as the phenomena of gravity, the heat, light, electromagnetic. etc., etc., in the same way as those of interplanetary and intermolecular activity that fall under the domain of your senses. ,
And if you can not deny that great revelation, fundamental to human knowledge, how can you subtract the miserable events occurring in organized beings from the tiny planet we inhabit, the influence factor, essential to the grand conception of genius? Is it because among organized beings is included the mentioned King of Creation, with its picturesque flow theological and medical-surgical? ...
Only at one point you could challenge the grandiose conception, founded on the laws of Kepler and Newton corollary, and is the childish way to explain the action of the sun and other stars and planets visible universe, in relation to our nervous system . The sun, the main star of a planetary system, permanently ignited to heat and light the miserable beings on Earth! The colossal stars radiating light that invests thousands of years to reach Earth, to the delight of the human eye! No, that's absurd. Do not end the human mind. to find more rational than the Sun impress, I act, physically, on or in Earth's atmosphere, producing the phenomena heat, light and electro-magnetic, which vitalize the organisms on this planet? Does the moon and the stars do not conduct themselves in a similar manner in: relationship to the light phenomena that impress our miserable retina?
25.-The maximum healing resources can aspire to the human creature, in case of illness, natural-tone resuscitation. reconfortíficación-bodies of the balance of forces opposed to the positive development of the organism and able to restore the dominance of one-health-to the extent possible, within its life cycle.
26.-The new science of healing has already identified, more or less precisely, the general rules to follow to arrive at this result, all related to the environment.
However, these are the foundations of our new science of healing without doctors or medicines, or operations, or miracles, or necromancy, or holy hand.
For Physiatry are unquestionable principles, essential and easy to check, in respect of human beings have physical therapy and horn extraordinary development of all organisms, animals and plants-the following, and that you, congressional scholars, I corresponding reply, but never do it, because you can not do, because they are within the natural sciences. as axiomatic mathematics to them, that underlie all of science par excellence, the science of number and calculation:
"The whole is greater than its part".
"Two things equal to one third, are equal" ,
"The shortest distance between two points is a straight line." Axioms of Physiatry

a. "The body is a harmonic function;
b." All disease is an effect of functional impairment of the whole , particularized in a particular individual organic;
c. "The main cause of the abnormalities unhealthy organic generation is inadequate food, or made in proportions and conditions other than those determined by the harmony of being helped by instinct and the natural order;
d. "All disease affects the digestive system, root of life, if not start there. E.
"The wounds, bruises, etc.., Are not diseases, but the nervous action initiated by his immediate reflection on the digestive system. F.
"Any healthy relationship starts normalizing the digestive functions;
g. "While the injury is not deep, digestive remade by their own means of defensive action;
h. "The organic standards final cure or the complement skin and lung conditions placed on natural hygiene-
Official Medicine and Hygiene Machine have been and remain deeply wrong, about how to act outside actors, especially atmosphere, on the body. In conjunction with the atmospheric environment, there is no reason, fundamental, which allows to differentiate the man from any plant from which they arise and grow in the open air, aided by the direct action of heat and sunlight. And as any plant in conditions of normal living environment is sick from the atmospheric influence, not man is sick animal or one of the Creation. I.
"There is more than a disease in humans, as in the rest of organized beings, animals and plants-and cured in the same way: fortifying their own media, natural, following the life and placing the whole being in the best hygienic conditions with their natural environment, "light, heat, air and food substances or nutrients;
j. "The only disease of man, like all organized beings, animals and plants-is manifested in two ways: with undetermined effect malaise, or with a fixed effect-illness-specific property, pain, nervous shock, circulatory, ventral, cancer, tuber, etc.., etc .- The first is chronic, general, latent, and the second acute local. There may be a premium without the second, but never the latter without the former;
k. "The patients are not cured conditions placed on their natural food hygiene and environment, does not cure anything or anyone
1. "It is wrong to have incurable disease: just irrecomponibles agencies, for the destruction of vital organs to the overall life of each, animals or plants.
In this case those that do not succumb, not because they prevent the drugs, but because the agency offers increased resistance resulting from the "negative force" of the disease, remedies and operations;
m. "From a natural way, ie business and rightly placing the body in direct relation to their natural physical agents, light, heat, electro-magnetic environment," can cause stronger reactions, healing crises, or efforts exponential phase dead quick fermenting substances, "to all cases of illness, absolutely all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Maximus Ii Formula Q9550 Overclock

The Science of Prana or Life Itself: II The part

We have tried to the Sun's influence on life but does that star is the only influence Health and organic life? Obviously not, but is the principal.
Astrologers we specify the influence of each in relation to its position, would lead us too far into these details, but I do not even notice the influence of the moon.
You have all heard of the lunatic fringe, a kind of sick humor change their character or full moon, or even of sleepwalkers who walk roofs in the state of the moon. We know the influence of the satellite at certain events in the lives of women, etc. You know
men's field, pruned during the new moon, they say so out better outbreaks, because the same happens with the hair is an ornament of women, as well tab it long and curly, because instead of increasing the promontory with the hair of corpses, with the latest fashions are scarce in hospitals in Europe, cut the tip of the hair and eyelashes, for some time, new moon, and see what results.
I will say that I am wrong claim (the author is bald). Returning to the subject seriously and leaving established that the life force emanating from the stars we can use this, we must find a way to achieve this,
The planet Mercury is far from the Sun 14,300.000 leagues, the mercury has a specific gravity of 14.3. The aphelion note
69.4 million miles, and Mercury, as metal is 6.94 times heavier than air. If we take as unity the diameter of Earth, the planet Mercury corresponds to 0.38 and the metal freezes at 0.38 degrees.
planet density is 1.37 same as the liquid mercury 1.37. in other words, try to get in touch with her and that we do by way of breathing.
So the bridge between universal life and individual life is breathing, and the main points where they contact these elements are on the free surface of the vesicles lung and gastrointestinal mucosa.
We have repeated that the atom is a huge capacitor amount of energy, therefore the oxygen atoms contained in the air, penetrated by osmosis through the lung epithelium to introduce into the body is not only a particle or chemical material, but a certain proportion of the force that holds.
The atmosphere and the ether, we are immersed are, as we understood, a vast ocean of cosmic forces which took the ratio required by the breath.
This breathing life brings us closest to the laboratories of the body to form the protoplasm, which analyze and that is the basis of the organic cell, and as this cell has the inherent strength- to develop the germ of another cell with equal rights to own, is that the secret of prolonging life, is to put the cells in such conditions, to produce the like under the same conditions. This secret reveals
India with Hatha Yoga or the science of breathing. The Hatha-Yoga is a branch of science Yoga, known as the Raja-Yoga, Karma-Yoga and Yoga Gnani, but they will be the subject of another conference, since the margin of this is small for such an important issue.
travelers who have visited India are in line to have seen fakirs and yogis and amazing evidence by authorities, that Westerners are inexplicable, are paralyzed by the moments they want, the pulsation of the heart, and I myself have considered one in Paris, coming up at will push up to 120 per minute. It is very fashionable
novel Nostradamus, real character and not just fictional, who lived in the court of Catherine de Medici and, as his son Michael, has left written works.
For this character, or same as Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, in his old age kept the look of a man at age 40, his secrets were based on respiration, which is taught in the ancient initiations. There are now a variety of secret methods of breath, I know several, and I is given only to provide the public, are largely pointing Ramacharaka Yogi in his work.
have copied all would be a reading of four hours, would not be for the benefit of my beloved listeners, and practice has taught me that, as Yogi us involved, should not and can follow them around the world. Either to cure diseases or to develop the powers latent in man, it is necessary to take into account the constitution of each person, their background and status, living environment, etc. One of the breaths that he can use around the world, and that no-exception will result, is the purifying, which consists of inhaling through the nose slowly in three stages, focusing first on the bass: belly soon after the diaphragm and the lung retain air for a few seconds and then expel it through your mouth slowly, putting the lips in the act of whistling. This exercise ventilate and clean the lungs, mathematically stimulating cells, tones the respiratory system by stimulating the entire body. Another breath, is the same, combined with gymnastic exercises, tones the nerves and is excellent for intellectual men, but the basis of all is the one published by Mr. Capdevila and Dr. Rama Prasad Indian, which I have experienced for ten years.
Everything that exists in the universe is composed of five Tattwas. The human body or microcosm as well as the macrocosm, in our body alternately them influence, and perfectly regular time intervals.
Therefore, the health of body and spirit of the game depends entirely on the regular and harmonious, the more or less stable balance of these five forces. One of the overt signs of the presence of any of them, in this or that place the body, is its color, the seer or the sensitive looks, with eyes closed, and perceives it in the space environment.
the Prithvi Tattva, is yellow, it's exciting, enardeciente by nature, his specialty in the human body is working in the nutrition of the muscles in the food substance nervous.
Prithvi is one which is the cell in general to be played in perfect condition, works mainly in the lungs in the act of breathing, the digestion of air, which requires 60 hours to be carried out, during which the lungs work in shifts.
experiencing breathing five changes, ie that certain events take place for some time, in such a place of organs and for another period of time, at such other place. Occultists call
solar breath that drives on the right nostril and breathing lunar which is made by the left nostril.
the right side, Hindus have called sun is positive side, representing the male principle or active.
The left side is called the moon and Shakti, which represents the female principle, female or passive. The five Tattwas work alternately in the two sides.
dive into details:
in perfect health, the breath or breathing follows the movements of the moon. The lunar month as we know is 30 days.
For 15 days and our nights are illuminated for a further 15 are in the shade. During these two fortnights the moon through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and remains then, 60 hours each.
When the moon enters the sign Aries, breathe through your right nostril, and the same is true for each odd sign of the Zodiac.
When the moon enters a sign pair, respiration is carried out by the left nostril.
During the 60 hours that the moon remains in the sign, the breath changes 31 times. 60, divided by 31, 1 hour, 56 minutes, 7 seconds, 7 alternative work times for each lung.
If the sun rises, we notice one or other breathing (breathing lunar, left nostril, solar breathing, right nostril), we are confident that for three days we will have the same breath as the sun rises.
is necessary, then, suppose you just breathe the day before a period of 3 days.
According to the estimate made within 24 hours during which they are made 12 changes and 2 / 5 one is always true that the 13 ° change will be like the first, then comes the sign change, and with it, the change of respiration. If we are in a period of 15 days of clear nights in the first, second and third day we found that we have sunrise lunar breathing, left side.
's count one hour 56 minutes, 7 seconds and see what the rest of the day the alternate breathing during that time, either right or left.
I. "The first, second and third days, breathing lunar sunrise.
II.-The fourth, fifth and sixth days, breathing solar output sun.
III.-Seventh, eighth and ninth days, lunar time.
IV.-The tenth, eleventh and twelfth days, back to the site.
V. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days, becomes the moon.
During the dark nights, we have:
I. "First, second and third days, solar breath sunrise.
II: Fourth, fifth and sixth days, lunar breath, and continues alternating so that the thirteenth is like the first.
This exercise is performed by closing the hole with a finger right or left, depending on the case, forcing the breathing to be free from the pit. This method
Breathing is a secret initiation that I knew many years ago saved my life when I was a victim of the Black Death. Now I've seen posted already, so I have no objection to offer to my listeners.
Ensayadlo those who want to live long and die not from disease, physical exhaustion Syrian and you can judge success in this important matter.
Almost all the old men speak in an evening of it. Well
Ennemoser says the sage, the various symbolic myths that give us the tradition or the old books, previously considered as mere meaningless fictions, are now being more resourceful, and the same time the most profound expressions of a strict and scientifically defined truth of nature, for example
Scripture or the Bible is one book, for anyone who understands its meaning hidden or esoteric, more important than known, we are told in Genesis, Chapter II, verse 7. "for the Lord God formed the man of dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was the man living soul."
it is seen that the Bible identifies as the principle of life, the breath coming in through the nose.
The Bhagavad Gita and the Bible have other appointments curious in this regard, that you can search. Carbonel
hygienist believes that the vital force is the cause and no effect of organic functionalism, and being active force, differs from the latent force be polarized or bisexual, gender not being anything but a particular manifestation of polarity.
A neutral state power is unmanifested, to sensitize operating a phenomenon of disintegration.
Life is the one resulting from their mutual influence by closing a circuit energy in every living being. Health is the balance of both energies, and the disease, its imbalance. Taken biological material respect these energies are entificadas in microbes or host cells, units life that can be bio-bio-positive or negative. The latter
modern science called bacilli, infectious microbes and all fluid resuscitation and treatment of toxic aspire only to destruction.

Here is where the method differs Yoga and Physiotherapy of the allopathic school, as the natural means of restoring health is through encouraging the positive bio-organic elements, strengthening the body and stimulates vital energy.
let's call this life force or physical force is no longer a myth since the eminent physician, Dr. Joiro, has invented a device to specify and measure, with the advancement of science enters the life force the domain of experimental science positive and accurate.
The instrument designed and built by Joiro is placed on a pedestal whose summit is a disc divided as the unit-Paraduc Fortin, at 360 degrees. In the center of the base unit there was found a shaft of glass.
a needle, usually made of straw, refers to the degrees on the disc, this indicator is pierced with a wire tip down to the bottom.
One arm of the needle, shorter than the other, is loaded with a slight counterweight, is almost always used cotton, which hangs down.
The plate forming the bottom is trimmed by a glass wall to protect the needle influences air.
The subject with which it purports to measure the life force, your arm should rest on a cushion placed near the needle without touching it.
a few minutes to check that is drawn 15, 20, to 50 degrees. In the submission by Joiro is proven beyond all doubt that the results can not be attributed in any manner to sound, heat, light or electricity.
Experiments have been made so far, usually in hospitals in France and Joiro reads: "Des manífesíations that suddenly forced her exteriorisée nerveiuse relativement a l'état de santé des sujets" and indeed find that a patient while will worsen, the indicator drops, and the progress of convalescence up. The strange thing is that the neurasthenic, and especially those who suffer from stomach, do not leave the unit, then a colleague, a great diffuser of Hatha-Yoga and physical therapy, does follow a regimen, and only the breathing exercises acting on the instrument. So (I am writing to you endless phalanx of neurasthenic) and you have a magic bullet, but it has a serious drawback for you: not sold in the pharmacy, and the neurotic need to spend, what is so abundant, so cheap how will you serve? but try it and let you doctor and pharmacy, start exercising breathing and see how wonderful you derive healing yourselves.
you have already heard the on the secret of breathing, but that is not enough when we are sick.
Let us explain in a way that is quite popular disease and causes of the disease. Health, we know, is, in general terms, the proper functioning of each and every one of the parts that compose our bodies. Nature has endowed us with its own organs for the assimilation of both solid food, liquid, and gaseous. Therefore, all those scholars who have compared the human body with a chemical laboratory, told a the great truths that can include all the intelligences.
However, when any cause such as temperature or improper food, is run either side of the body with an abnormal work, the effort to produce this baby body to conduct an unusual task results in fatigue , pain or other disorder, which breaks the regularity of its physiological actions used, and this is what is called disease.

Overall, it is clear that when the residue of food has not been expelled, having assimilated and today the body what it needs for your regular life, internal disorders and silt occur in the process of waste natural, so indisputable, results in disease.
died some time ago a wise French doctor who had written many medical works: When you open your will to see who left his manuscripts and publishing rights, which could produce large amounts found the following clause: "Burn, of all the I have written, keeping only the top of my works and make print what I have written to reverse it. Eager to see what was there, they seek cover and here's what he said:''
keep your head cool, free belly, warm feet and flee for drugs " .
! Tableau They said the heirs, but this statement is very wise: the first concept is achieved through the breath and pointed out, the second is true trying to avoid at all costs, silt, or agglomeration or slag left in our body assimilation and combustion. To expel four major lines of relief that our body or are: kidneys and skin for liquids, solids intestines and mouth to the gas.
In most diseases it is reduced simply to help them work.
Many who hear me expect something higher, more scientific, then I'm sorry, if this is not scientific, it is true. Tried to follow, the sick, and get health.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tvs To Go Down In Price

Science of Prana or Life itself: I part

By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (V:. M:. Huiracocha)
What is life?
Answering that question would reveal the riddle of the Sphinx, to give a final and accurate sujo this problem so intractable: it would mean the cancellation of all the sciences known to date, with a view speculative and the overthrow of all mysteries of religion.
What they have done all schools so far and what we can do the same co n our limited senses and intelligence, is to study the manifestations of that life in its various aspects and, beyond doubt, if this study interesting and helpful in the aspect or cosmic sense, much more should be interested in the vital work in the human body is in its organic sense.
Science, in general, defines life as follows: "Being all manifestations in the body and also the constant change between elements of the organism and the environment."
''Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in his "School pneumatic" (pneuma, the Greek root meaning breath), gives precisely the foundation to his theories, life took its origin in the breath, or breathing. Later see how far the ancient sage was right.
After him, Galen, two centuries after Christ with an emphasis on the same theories, establishing a school that says life in a more metaphysical. In the seventeenth century took shape the idea of \u200b\u200blife was the result of physiological functions and chemical theory that prevails in much of today under the banner of the positivist school or in the form in the eighteenth century the French introduced saying vitalism, life force or force hipérmecánica is the result of physical and chemical action of organic substances.
On the other hand, it has become fashionable, search turns to the appearance of wisdom, flatly deny this same life force.
Biology teaches us that life is the functioning of protoplasm or as the chemical and physical processes in the same protoplasm.
Let us explain first what is the protoplasm. I need not go into great detail, the intelligent public can not hear me listening for the first time this term, we know that plasma or sarcode is what they say physical basis of life, its structure is very varied and Hyaloplasma first noted in as transparent, foam spongioplasma when, after Ectoplasm differ when divided by the peripheral structure of the endoplasm. Chemical constituents are: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, phosphate, sodium, iron, etc. Just open an encyclopedia
last year to ascertain how even men of science, discuss the formation of this enigma, but his existence is a fact, just need to clarify and agree on the privacy of their chemical and physical processes.
The science that deals with this difficult task is Biology, and Biology that shows the components identified and intends to see in themselves, life.
I said, gentlemen, that the "Biology teaches us," but unfortunately as you see, in Biology passed as in other sciences: Dark, assumptions and if some biologists accept the above, others say different things : Vernow says the liquid protoplasm consists of a mixture of chemicals that are characterized him, having rejected the idea of \u200b\u200ban orderly arrangement of its constituent elements. These chemicals, albumin alive Von Pfluger distinguished from ours, and called "biogenic", destroying and rebuilding on nutrition, give rise to all the energies of life. In the modern age
Bacon, Gasendi, Buffon, Youfíroy, Ahreus, Peiss, Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Leveque, Bonchut, Garran, Laisset, Ubaghs, Gunter, Baitz and, in a special way, the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, and particularly the famous Barthez, dean of the same, followed the doctrines of Hippocrates and also argued that the soul exists in man a vital principle distinct from it, and time, of matter whose principle operations produce sensitive and vegetative life.
In the present state of our knowledge, "said Barthez, the various movements that take place in the living body, must refer to two different principles" whose action is not mechanical, and whose nature is hidden, one of which is the soul that thinks and the other is the principle of life.
Claude Bernard says "plasma is a kind of chaos of life, which has not yet been modeled, and which is all confused, disorganized and faculty to organize, ability to react in the interests of moving.
In total respect to this issue, science is divided into two main schools: organic and vital.
For organismic, as well said Farrell, the mere suspicion that proves amorphous protoplasm and therefore, that the organismic mechanistic explanation of life would defeated in its strongest bastions, has caused many researchers who feel horror organigénica force, feed the chimerical hope of finding the chemical composition of protoplasm, the primary cause of life to be, in this case, a simple diversion structure.
But let's cheaper than the chemistry and biology come to see that the component of the activity resides protoplasm and hence derive all the other manifestations of organic life, do we give to that key background who presided at the formation of the same? A wise acquaintance, which I deserve deep respect in their biology gives us the following mechanical law.
atoms in the ether compare to areas of wood of different sizes immersed in a liquid. The largest
formed by sinking a vortex that attracts smaller, just as a boat dive boats attracts are close.
chemical atoms composing the protoplasm, rush upon each other under the formation of ethereal ramps, which are those that can be compared with the liquid vortices just talk, but do we meet that definition of organismic biologists? I say, No. What is life itself, is so far a hypothesis, beside the biological hypothesis that life is change between elements of the organism and the environment or chemical and physiological processes in the protoplasm occultists argue that life is the inner essence and the cause of this change indicated or that chemical or physical process.
But these are two hypotheses. Consider what is more valuable or more justified.
Eliphas Levi says: "there are several kinds of hypotheses: the hypothesis necessary, reasonable assumptions, the dubious and absurd." For my dear listeners can understand me I will give a graphic example:
I listen to this conference and say that I've written, this is a reasonable hypothesis, then you can deduce from criticizing it, study it, you can say that I inspired by this or that work which I have copied data from this or that author, or already said Papus, etc., etc., everything is a logical consequence of a reasonable hypothesis, but you can also say that it was not me but another person who I wrote, but suddenly you are wrong because it is not the first time I talk, and often improvised, and you make a dubious assumption, and assuming the case, since it is possible to hide behind a secretary me incognito lacking moral strength to appear in person, or a master astral, you must always agree that someone, either I or another, has made it, right? That is a necessary assumption, inevitably, but it seems you say this paper and the ink is the conference, and also that these ideas are combined together, alone or all of this I fell from the sky, you make the same assumption as absurd as biologists say the protoplasm (ink and paper) is life.
And so natural and logical as we impose the assumption that someone wrote this, is that of the occult: believe and try to analyze a force, which animates and directs the composition and functioning of protoplasm.
Now, admitting the law alluded Professor Mechanical and knowing that any mechanical law does not apply but a manifestation of cosmic force, and that force, cosmic energy is said, and this energy is divine wave that you can call God or god, the protoplasm problem would be solved in these terms. Some atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, calcium, were conglomerates that wave pulse or wave of divine life, says Papus, or as I say later, the intra-ionic strength in acting in physical plane, and then formuláis the same reasonable assumptions which assume that someone or something, made the conference.
trying to Hatha-Yoga, we must consider the following principle, or Prana, which I defined as a magnetic body, the vegetative soul, which according to our school, move the physical body and encourages or directs chemical and physiological processes, as well, in order to further this principle we should repeat something about the atom, we saw that is composed of ions and decomposable in Asniones and Cateónos, these ions are linked together by a force called cohesion.
Faraday, the famous English physicist, says, " atoms never touch one another, each one of them is the center of a molecule on ethereal and their sizes are separated from each other as the distance between the stars of heaven itself " . The same happens between the ions, so that not only can speak of interatomic force, but force or intra-ionic energy, so that for us the force of cohesion and repulsion or rather, the balance resulting from this phenomenon we call intra-ion energy and this term, if not define life itself, at least, more intimate expression that could be reached.
But let us keep even the atom. When, through mathematical calculation interatomic force is investigated, is that each atom is a huge collector or accumulator of these forces or energies.
If for some physical or chemical could dissociate cohesion, only a few atoms, we would release a number of forces such that would stir the continents, and even the planet.
In small, the experiences made with the explosive materials give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthis. Pyroxylin, one of the weakest explosives that are known to transform from the combustion of solid to gas, 500 times its volume increases, developing an expansive force proportional to the square of the increase, and it is to be noted that in these experiments have not been detached or a single atom, we can say that it is an experiment microscopic comparison of force that would be obtained if we could release the interatomic energy.
atom These studies have enriched by the remarks of Dr. Spring, of Liege.
That teacher, preparing a dilution of fluorescein 0.0023 grams in 230 grams of water and noting that even the daylight was a remarkable phosphorescence, continued to increase the dilution to 0,, 003gr. that disappeared with hydrogen, we have the weight of a positive electron is 0,, 000.018, or are 1.000 million million million electrons are gram negative.
So here comes the calculation of Spring, which probably is still far from the truth. Now, that atom is composed of a positive electron and a negative, that is a million times smaller still, it's easy to imagine how many forces we inhale with each breath, and breathing in this phenomenon we find the secret of life.
Well, we have seen that in the end, these electrons are the vortices of force that act on the visible matter, these forces are those that create, encourage and guide the Macrocosm or universe, and its role in our body or the Microcosmos called Hindus, Prana and the first, Jiva. We have studied and related to psychic phenomena, psychic force, with the cosmos, cosmic force, and in the human body we know as physical strength, we have also said that science will prove that heat, light, electricity, thought, will, are but one thing that comes to the vibrations of the ether, we must also believe that psychic force, cosmic, or physical things are different: no are but different names for the same thing, we noted differently according to the middle of the plane where they work or as the relationship in the study.
Speaking of the second principle of Bessant septenary have quoted Paracelsus defining the ethereal substance, astral, consisting of ether emanating from the sun and the stars, called stellar strength and Jiva occultists, and to act on our body, Prana, so that the problem of life would first draw the breath through everything we can to make Jiva and Prana, this first analysis is subtlety in us forming the living body. The ancient sages recognized
to the sun, when every morning feeling bathe our hemisphere with their streams of light and life, as the personification of a huge universal magnetizer, like Flammarion in his book "The End of the world," says "Life on earth depends on sunlight, again, is only a transformation of heat from the sun."
This placement keeps the water in liquid and air in a gaseous state without him everything would be solid and dead, it vaporizes the water in the sea, lakes, rivers, moist soil, it is he who forms the cloud, giving rise to the winds, rains directs, governs the circulation of irrigation fertility it is, thanks to that light and warmth, that plants assimilate carbon in the carbon dioxide from the air to separate oxygen and retain, the plants, with that, made a huge job.
The freshness of the forests, in combination with the shade of its leaves, which form a receptacle each heat, gives us the wood product that warms our rooms, and then does nothing to make us the heat that has captured the Sun: when we burn gas or coal, we release the trapped rays for millions of years in the forests of the time or primary period.
The same power is only a transformation of solar power. The sun is the source of all, it is he who whispers in the stream, blowing in the wind, who moans in the storm, which blooms in the rose and the nightingale sings, he shines and sparkles in the beam, which produced the storm and finally, it is the origin of man and of peoples, singing throughout the symphony of nature.
And our incomparable poet in his Faust, who holds the key to the high mysteries, but that only the initiated find, referring to the Sun says:
Sounds in the harmony
old pace in the celestial sphere the sun serene,
and precisely follow the prescribed path with powerful impetus
the angel gives her flare
force but can not penetrate it:
as Smiley leaving nothing
God's work is still sublime and beautiful.
And the land of beauty explendente
tour with inconceivable rapidity, and light
dark night soon bartered, cycle expires.
And in his sparkling bedrock
stir crazy deep sea waters,
and the eternal circle
incessant rolling waters go to the couple and rock.
the storm from the sea to the land runs
land and sea roaring back;
and fatal orbit
world holds with fierce desire and chained noise. Grief and desolation
announce the lightning forecast gloomy
but your faithful messenger, oh God, loves the sweet
up in your beautiful day.

Who agrees not to attribute to the sun throughout the paternity of the earth and all that is in it?, Hence some people, like the Incas of Peru, brought their zealotry, quite justified, to greet him prayer and worship as the primary manifestation of God.
Yes, gentlemen, pays tribute to the sun from the snow on the mountain to the metal hidden in the bowels of the earth, from the great whale to the tiny polyp of the seas, from the humble to the leafy oak moss adorning the vegetation, and from the huge elephant to the smallest ant on the earth Because
the sun is the center around which the planets and the response is animated: the sun is life, is the regenerator of all that exists!
If we admit the universal life and if we think, given this wonderful harmony, a universal consciousness, why should we deny it to manifest in people encouraged to call conscious life aware, capable, and that leads us from cure of our diseases?
If we admit to the old one on top of which prevails septenary Atina, which is the particle of God that is within us, around which revolve the chemical, physiological and radiating cosmic whole, we expect, as the colleague Carbonel the day that science knows all the properties of sunlight, and empirically not tell us that life is a particular production of each agency, or that is an intrinsic property of the organic cell, but necessarily have to accept that Light is living and, in short, the solar influence and vital force are fully convertible terms.
has said repeatedly that the book more interesting, sometimes hard to read, but sometimes we talk to one syllable clearly, is the great book of nature: let us note on your page regarding the microcosm or the human body.
One patient abandoned there in the field, without resources-physicians, as are the happy animals healthy disease itself: who can heal? The nature of the life force or consciousness, healing and body's own . Walking down the street
we introduce a foreign body irritates the nose and the mucosa occurs instantly and expels a sneeze.
A piece of coal takes us into the eye immediately gland EYE tear floods to wash and to throw out the foreign body that bothers you. A chip inserted into a finger is thrown by the pus. A boy who smokes
first receives his punishment in the form of vomiting and dizziness, for the stomach to receive nicotine is not tolerated is thrown away. Balas
received in the field of battle, through surgical operations could not be learned, have been found, after many years, wrapped by a capsule of fibrous tissue in prison, completely harmless, but the best of our amazement at its height and where we see a clearly evident and vital reaction force is on site of phagocytosis, we noted name property with white blood cells to destroy large numbers of microbes, such as streptococcus Auria and albus and a huge variety of germs. Those things seem aware, because as an army touch attack to launch a fierce battle, as driven by a cry: win or die, and are winners or losers, depending on the power of life or chemo-táxico Cell. Read
Gentlemen, anatomical and physiological notions of my illustrious friend, Dr. John N. Arriaga, to see what a wonderful city is the human body, this correlation so sublime and wonderful that we could be showcased to promote universal solidarity damaged organs or disabled are helped by others of the same or similar functions: the lung that is responsible for introducing the oxygen in the blood and expel carbon dioxide and nitrogen, when for any cause the blood does not get that element of azo materials for roads digestive, lung delivers.
A kidney's work is replaced by another, in order the agency seeking all appropriate means of defense and healing reaction. This is seen in all animated beings and the animals are provided with such means, much more so must be the man, as he imposes his privilege, but is it preferred? No, unfortunately. If rigorous
rise in the zoological scale we look for in proportion to the duration of life and the age at which reaches its highest development, we found that this ratio is as 1 to 10, for example:
The cat reaches its highest development a year and lives 15, the horse at 4 and 30 lives, the sheep live at 2 and 20, the parrot at 2 and live more than 100 years, so that animals are 10 times more than the time they have needed for their development. Deductible under this background, man, king of creation or intellectual animal should live 200 years, since its improvement is purchased at age 20.
Hippocrates lived 109 years, José Surrigton, as cited Ballestero, who died in Bergen in 1798 at the age of 160 years, full of mental and physical vigor, leaving a number of children of whom the eldest, alive, had 103 and the lower 9 years. The English Are lived 152; a Frenchwoman, Marie Piou, who died in 1837, reached 158 years, Cristian Graukeuber 146. A few years ago the French chemist Crevreul died at 103 years with their intellectual and physical faculties all good.
In the Church of Cairo, Glasgow County, a headstone that reads: "Here lie the remains of William Edwards, a native of Cairo, who died at the age of 168 years." My countryman, German Thomas Cams, lived to the age of 207 years, and I met a Peruvian monastery lay 110 years and looks more like 80. Sage Heler
collected data from more than 1,000 people who spent 110 years, of whom 29 died at 120, 19 to 130, 6 to 140 and some 140 to 150, plus the daily "The Fair" a few days ago, we noticed a man who lives in one of the states of North and reaches the 139 years. Perchance
laws of nature, prior to the longevity of these people can not be repeated, and if we study the manifestations of life at its most intimate and methodize rules if imposed, can not generalized?
probably yes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pic16f877 Rf Transmitter Receiver

Josep Pamies: medicinal plants, The Green Pharmacy

Friday, April 9, 2010

Danielle Brisebois Just Missed The Train

Esoteric Composition of man and his

The Great Initiates of the East and West-depth knowledge of human anatomy. A formal anatomy texts lack the anatomy of the inner bodies of man, which is sevenfold in its organic constitution. Each organ is, therefore, sevenfold in its internal constitution. Here are the seven bodies of man

1 - Physical body.
2 - 3
vital body - astral body.
4 - mental body.
5 - Body of the will.
6 - Main of consciousness.
7 - SPIRITUS (the Innermost).

The celebrated master Paracelsus are determined as follows:

1 - Limbus.
2 - The "Mumia."
3 - Archeous.
4 - Sidereal Body.
5 - Adech (the inner man or mental body, made from the flesh of Adam.)
6 - Aluech.
7 - Intimate Body.

These are seven agencies in various subjects or degrees of subtlety, that any professor of medicine would be entitled if the foresight to develop procedures that take place within Gnostic Medical Science.

A study of anatomy to be complete must include all in all the seven bodies of man in all his relationships.

Emmanuel Kant, the great German philosopher, he admits that "Nissus formativus" astral body "Lingam Sarir" to the Theosophists.

These various internal bodies of men, acting upon our glands and our endogenous hormones. And you can not be a doctor without knowing fully that "Nisus formativus" that Kant speaks. Dr. Krisch

concluded that the smell, sight, hearing and other senses of man, work by electromagnetic oscillations.

Lakosky, the great Russian scientist, founder of the theory emanationist, concluded that everything shines and everything is energy.

is absolutely impossible to be a doctor in the fullest sense without being clairvoyant and without having studied anatomy, biology and pathology of all the seven bodies of humans.

Master Paracelsus says: "There are two kinds of meat, Adam (the physical body) is ground meat, gross. Meat that is not derived from Adam is a subtle kind. It is not made of gross matter, and goes on all the walls without doors or holes, however, both species of meat have their blood and bones and they differ also the spirit. " (Paracelsus - Of Nymphis).

These internal energy bodies of man are material bodies, the doctor must know thoroughly for diseases without fail, without making blunders.

is useless to know the official chemical unless you know the "occult chemistry." There would be little known outside biology if you do not know the internal biology of the seven bodies of man. The same would happen to know only the Anatomy "external" if unknown Anatomy "internal." Vacant be the theoretical study of the bacteriology laboratory with a microscope.

is absurd to study medicine without have developed a positive vision, allowing us to see and feel the seven bodies of man.

media diagnosis of official science are inadequate and for this reason, the majority of patients die and nobody knows what disease. Jerome
The Indian placed a glass ball at the nape of the patient, and through her body looked better than X-rays And when they needed to diagnose a patient away, moisten the area Bastabales glass with rum and wrap it in clothes of the sick. In this singular way he knew the disease and diagnosed with certainty.

Once, two skeptics I took the hat of a dead Jerome the Indian Say to whom it belonged. He took his hat in his hands and invited the two skeptics to come into his office. Then with loud voice said, "Here is the owner of the hat." The two men fell faint to see sitting in a chair at the same late in the experiment.

Lamáico copy of a prayer the following prayer, mentioned by Krum Heller: "Flores sublime strings of flowers chosen, ointments music and delicious fragrance, glittering lights and the best perfumes I bring to the victors (the Buddhas), superb robes and superfine perfumes, bags filled with joss sticks parties equal in number to the mountains of "Miru" and all the most beautiful creations, to bring victory. "

Frhr. Von Perckammer painted a picture referred to by Dr. Krumm Heller, which appears in the courtyard of Lama Kung Yungho in the temple of eternal peace, heralding with a censer.

Lama in the monastery of a hundred thousand images of "Maitreya" never missing perfumes. Dr. Rudolf Steiner argues that the use of perfumes for the cure of disease had a very remote past and a splendid future. Leadbater says our sins and faults affect the astral body and can be removed by the action of certain perfumes. Each service has its larvae which adhere to the Astral body, and only those larvae breaking through certain perfumes achieved complete healing of such defects.

Buddha statues made of fragrant wood of sandalwood, are in Beijing, Tibet and the Mongolian faculty Erdoni "Dsu." These statues are called Dscho "(written" je ") by an abbreviation of" rubber "this is the Lord or Master. The capital is in Tibet Lassa.

"Tsschima-Purma" is the name of a certain ball of cloth filled with herbs that Tibetans and Mongolians hang from the ceilings of their temples for healing purposes.

Krumm Heller tells us in one of his books Rintschen Lama, who practiced in Berlin. Tibet brought their essences and never even bought a drug. Its mission was to ensure the health of the Mongols resident, tells us Huiracocha.

The severe medical studies Himalayas and Trans-Himalaya, including ELEMENTOTERAPIA, osmotherapy, the anatomy of the seven bodies and astrology and occult chemistry. All physicians Lama is clairvoyant and can not really be a doctor without being clairvoyant. Hear him official drug lords.

diagnosis by percussion and auscultation, and gait and a blind move, they are similar. Be able to use touch to guide a diagnosis, is quite insecure and childish. Arhuacos doctors and lamas do not need to anything about these outdated methods of official medical diagnosis, typical for the blind. They have developed a sixth sense, clairvoyance, and can see directly the causes of the disease and its effects on the inner bodies.

deep in the jungles of the Amazon is an underground city where they dwell some Western Yogis. In this mysterious city zealously await sacred treasures of the submerged Atlantis. These medical wise Yogis are the jealous guardians of ancient wisdom care.

thick forests in California, there is another mysterious city, which may not ever be discovered by the civilized twentieth century. Here dwells a race old survivor of Lemuria. This race is the oldest depository of the precious treasure of medical wisdom.

In Central America the same way there are several shrines of medicine, based on the "royal art" of Nature. And no shortage in the world secret places where they study and cultivate medical wisdom, the man who once met while still acting outside the foul air of urban life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Low Property Areahouston

Remedies and cure disease

To understand the disease, its purpose, its essence and healing, we must understand partially the reason for our being and the laws of our Creator in relation to us.
is very important to recognize that the human being has two aspects: a spiritual and a physical being of both the physical which is infinitely less important.
Under the direction of our Real Inner Self, our immortal life, man is born to accumulate knowledge and experience and refined as a physical being.
The physical body alone, without connection to the spiritual dimension is an empty shell, a cork on water. But when it is unified with the spiritual, then life is a joy, an adventure that fully captures our interest, a journey that brings us luck, health and knowledge.
Our evolution begins as newborns without the knowledge, whose interests are directed toward oneself. Our needs are limited to our welfare, food and heat. With the adult appears then the desire for power and, therefore, remain for a while yet submitted ourselves, considering our own benefit and terrestrial targets.
Then comes the turning point: the birth of the desire to be of service to our neighbors, starting from the time the fight, because in the course of our continued development we must transform our selfishness to altruism, the separation unit and gather all the knowledge and experiences that we can teach the world, must transform all human qualities in their opposite virtues.
However, we learn slowly, always a lesson only once, but we must learn the lesson that our own particular spiritual self imposed on us if we are lucky and stay healthy.
not we all learn the same lesson at the same time. One overcomes his pride, the other fear, your hate somewhere else, etc., but essential to the health factor is that we learn the lesson that is determined us.
our progress Stadium plays no role. In connection with our health, it is irrelevant that we are at the level of a newborn or young. But it has great importance as living in harmony with our soul. Whether it is to achieve well-being or lead the life of a martyr sacrificed, health depends on whether we follow the orders of our Real Inner Self, and whether we live in harmony with them.
our soul puts us in situations and gives us life-work is already shining shoes or lord, prince or beggar, which is most suitable for our evolution and we can best learn the necessary lesson.
No matter the position we have always had, the only lies need to meet the particular work assigned to us and everything will become good.
disease is the result of a personality conflict when he refuses to obey the commandments of the soul, where there is disharmony, disease, between the higher and spiritual self and personality, the lower, we call ourselves.
None of us are going to entrust something we can not perform, nor are we going to require more than what we have in our possession.

During our journey in search of perfection is different stages. The transformation from selfishness to altruism, discontent in satisfaction of the division in unity, can not happen in a short time, but through a gradual and constant evolution, must overcome one step after another as we go. Some steps are the easiest to overcome, others extremely difficult, and, then, might appear the disease, because at that time we failed to follow our spirit, and the conflict appears to cause the disease again.
Similar to the development phase where we commit the errors is performed on a physical level a mindset that has its own effect on both the patient and also in people who are related to him. It is this particular provision of encouragement from the doctor discovers the true and fundamental cause of the problem and providing a key to successful treatment.
From here you can see the effort that the patient should do when you get lost, thus able to infer the correct treatment for their welfare.
Hahnemann taught that just as it heals well. This is correct to a certain extent, but the word priest driving a little error. More correct would be: same as expelled.
disease itself: it is as healthy as, or better, as well as rejects.
The cause of the disease intended to cause us to end up with an erroneous how to proceed.
is the most effective method to put our personality into harmony with our soul. Without the pain, how could we know then that cruelty hurts? If you never suffered a loss, how could we ever recognize the suffering that occurs with the theft? In fact, we should learn our lessons on a spiritual level to, well, save the suffering body, but many of us it would be impossible. It is for this reason that we have been given the disease to accelerate our evolution. Although superficially considering the disease, it may seem cruel, it is essentially beneficial. Is the method used by our own souls to lead the way fraternal understanding.
addition, we must remember that the condition (although we should be so smart to avoid it), is a privilege that indicates that personality has reached a certain stage of development, where correction is needed. Small babies are rarely punished.
It follows quickly how to avoid disease. If we could hear only the voice of our inner being Real, if only we remained in harmony with our soul, then it would take a lesson so hard and live without disease
For this reason, the physician's work lies in helping patients to achieve this goal by connecting you to support spiritual, intellectual and physical.
Hahnemann's genius recognized the nature and causes of disease, used similar remedies that by strengthening the disease temporarily, accelerated that goal. He used poisons like to remove poisons from the body.
But now after we have reflected on where his genius has brought us, we go one step further and discover that there is a new and even better way.
When a patient makes a mistake spiritual, this triggered a conflict between the spiritual self and physical The final result disease. The error can be corrected, the poison can be removed from the body, but remains a gap, there remains a disruptive force, but where the force was located remains a dead space.
The perfect way away is not so much bad influence, but much longer to own a virtue that opposes it, and can correct errors through these virtues. That is the law of opposites, positive and negative.
Consider the following example: A patient has pain because her being there is cruelty. He can delete that constantly sets conditions: No Want To Be Cruel, but that is a long and exhausting struggle, and if they succeed in eliminating cruelty, would remain a pond, a dead space. If, however, the patient should concentrate on the positive side, ie to develop compassion and to endorse this virtue, cruelty is replaced without additional effort becomes impossible (for that person).
Therefore, the perfect science of healing teaches and helps the patient develop the virtue that will, once and for all, immune to harmful qualities. This form of cure is not under the maxim "should not", but "You are blessed."
also bear in mind another great principle arose from the genius of Hahnemann, ie the teaching of healing from the inside. First
spirit must be healed, then the body will follow . Healing the body and spirit can not have serious consequences for the patient, as the body gains at the expense of the soul. It would be better to lose a body to miss the lesson.
For this reason, the physician's work consists of two aspects: helping the patient to correct their mistakes spiritual and prescribe those medicines that act on a physical level, so that the spirit, now more healthy, encourage recovery of the body .
For the latter, it is vital that remedies chosen are revitalizing and constructive vibrations being carriers have a uplifting effect.
In the election of that remedy, we must consider the evolutionary state of the same in relation to the person.
metals are at a level below the man. The use of animal cruelty and would, in the divine art of healing, not allowed to display a trace of cruelty. It is for this reason that we have only the plant kingdom.
The first group is, as far as evolution is concerned, at a level slightly lower than that of humans. Among these are the primitive types, cactus, seagrasses, the Cuscat, etc. This group also have been used for wrong purposes, some of which are poisonous henbane, belladonna and orchids are some examples.
A second category, which is in the same level as humans and are harmless, can be used as food.
But there is still a third group that is evolving at a relatively high or higher than the average human. Between these plants is that we must choose our remedies as they have the power to heal and bring the blessing.
addition, these plants do not need cruelty, because, to reside in them the desire to be useful to human nature, are b Endeca while serving men.
Because the first group of plants decreases body vibration, make the body is not suitable as a residence of the spiritual self can lead, for this reason, death.
But the last group has the power to raise our vibrations, giving, therefore, the spiritual force that purifies and heals the body and spirit.
Therefore our work as physicians can be represented roughly as follows: study human nature so that we are in a position to help our patients gain knowledge about themselves and advise on how to align your personality with your soul, prescribe, beneficial remedies that raise the vibrations of personality. This will develop the virtue necessary to restore harmony between self higher and the lower, which results in full health.
Now, we consider the practical aspects regarding the diagnosis and treatment. First, There are seven major subdivisions in which we classify our patient.
According to the special lesson to be learned, a person can be wrong in one of the following principles: 1. Power. 2. Knowledge. 3. Love 4. Balance. 5. Service. 6. Wisdom. 7. Spiritual perfection.
Before proceeding, we must again draw attention to the fact that the existence of disease is an indication that the personality is in conflict with the soul.
qualities and virtues are relative. One man is a virtue may be for other defects. Aspiring to be powerful may be right for a young soul without having why trigger a conflict between the personality and spiritual self. But what is right in this case does not fit into a more developed stage of youth, resulting, therefore, wrong when the soul has decided to personality to give rather than take.
is for this reason that a quality in itself can not be judged right or wrong regardless of the developmental level of the individual. What we call evil is simply a good thing that is not in the right place.
But the existence of disease indicates that there is anchored in the personality qualities that the soul strives to remove because such qualities are found below the developmental level of that person.
addition, the patient strongly refused to hear the voice of conscience, to gather experiences on a spiritual level, so there is the need for a more difficult lesson, which is given to it disease.
We recognize, through the minds of our patients, the error that has made the character fails to maintain fails to keep pace with the evolving standard that the soul desires.
Of the mistakes made in each of the seven principles are the following types:

1. Power: tyrant, autocrat, a desire for notoriety.
2. Intellect: magician, destroyer, satyr.
3. Love: Inquisitor, hate, anger.
4. Balance: static vane, hysterical.
5. Service: vain, selfish, flirt.
6. Wisdom: agnostic, crazy clown.
7. Spiritual perfection: enthusiastic, puritanical monk.

not play any important role in our patient suffering from disease. Much more important is to understand which of the above types belongs.
However, it is expected that personality traits are always so clearly manifest, as in many cases with which we are only a small remnant of the harmful qualities. However, it is essential to accurately understand the basic mistake to ensure successful treatment.
addition, the personality of many patients who consult us is usually marked by the influence of a family member or dominant friend, resulting in many cases easier to diagnose the dominant person, and it will belong to the same group as the patient. Also here applies the principle of like repelling like, and here we are with those who possess our own faults, but in a much clearer, so that we can recognize the condition that triggers harmful attitude.
Before considering in detail the types described above, and in that research has found and the remedies associated with them, we mention the methods of dosing.
Here again, it is still Hahnemann law, that is, need not be repeated while producing an improvement in the patient.
remedies described below are, in their ways, beneficial and not cause deterioration or no reaction, because its function is to raise. These are prepared in the third, fourth and seventh power.
the start of treatment can be administered a dose of the third power two or three times a day until there is a noticeable improvement, then stops. While progress has been achieved, it becomes to provide the remedy. But as soon as the patient revealed a decline are prescribed three or four more doses. Every time should be required a smaller dose. Only be done use of power to the fourth or the seventh when the lowest power does not yield any positive effect.
If you have a friend who had suffered a great loss in the first place you have visited often to encourage and comfort him but once he had recovered again, probably reduce the number of visits.
In the same way we use that power. These represent a blessing for a friend who suffers, but as Hahnemann anticipated, the patient even has to carry only the weight of the fight and should not be dependent on certain beneficial remedies. When the patient is better off, we must continue the fight alone, as far as possible, without asking for new aid until it is really necessary.
course, the more you want the patient to correct errors that hide behind their disease, the more they give the same power.
Now we come to a description of some of the types linked to diseases and remedies that were given to cure those ills.