"If a woman leaves her husband, then is not free of him, nor he with her, as a marital union, once established, remains for all eternity. " (From "Homunculis" Paracelsus) .
really is contained in the semen of human personality, because the semen is the astral fluid of man and sexual union is for this reason inseparable.
The man who has sex with a married woman for this reason is connected to part of the karma of her husband. Fluidics, the two women's husbands are connected by "sex."
When the semen falls outside the womb, their salts Formans corruption against certain parasites, which attach to the astral body from whom the father, thus absorbing the life of his father.
Masturbators Men beget "succubi" and women masturbating breed "incubator." These larvae encourage their parents to constantly repeat the act that gave them life. They have the same color of the air and therefore not seen with the naked eye. Effective remedy to get rid of them is carrying flowers of sulfur between the shoes. Ether fumes of sulfur disintegrate.
Upon leaving the physical body the soul because of death, takes all values \u200b\u200bof conscience. To reincarnate into a new physical body brings all these values \u200b\u200bof conscience, both good and bad. These values \u200b\u200bare positive and negative energies.
Every human being has in his current crop of larvae astral atmosphere in ways so strange that the mind can not conceive.
Positive values \u200b\u200bbring health and happiness. Negative values materialize in sickness and bitterness. Smallpox is the result of hatred. Cancer of fornication. Lying distorts the human figure monstrous childbearing. Extreme selfishness produces leprosy. It is blind from birth for past cruelties. Tuberculosis is the daughter of atheism. Every human failing, then, is a poison to the body.
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