HP Blavatsky says: "Karma infallible which adjusts effect to cause on physical, mental and spiritual being, and none to the smallest, from the cosmic disturbance, to the movement of our hands, and just as like produces like, well karma is that law also unseen and unknown that adjusts wise, intelligent and fairly, each effect to its cause by tracing it to its producer. "
karma is paid in the physical world, and is also paid in the inner worlds, but the karma in the physical world is as serious as it is, much sweeter than the corresponding Astral.
currently in the "Avitchi" of the black moon, millions of human beings who are paying terrible karmas. The mind of the magician
horrified to behold the fiery Lucifer submerged in sulfur.
magician's mind at the sight horrifies the famous medieval inquisitors supporting the others did fire support, and exhaling the same plaintive moans that others did exhale.
magician's soul is convulsed by horror at the sight of the great tyrants of the "war" purging their terrible karmas in the black moon.
There we see Hitler and Mussolini suffering martyrdom of fire, which broke out on defenseless cities. There Abadden look at the Angel of the Abyss, suffering itself the chains and bonds with others who martyred. They show Mariela, the great magician, embraced in the fire of your own iniquities. They show Javhe and Caiaphas the High Priest, receiving the punishment Cross to condemn the Master. There we see the "Imperator", founder of AMORC School of California, clinging to the "loop" or black magic rope that tied his disciples naive.
When the human soul is one with the privacy, and no karma to pay, because when an inferior law is transcended by a higher law, higher law washes away the inferior law.
The worst kind of diseases are those generated by karma. Smallpox is the result of hatred, Diphtheria is the result of the immorality of past lives. Cancer is also the result of fornication.
Tuberculosis or white plague, is the result atheism and materialism in past lives. Cruelty begets blindness from birth. Rickets is the son of materialism. Malaria comes from selfishness, etc. Hundreds of other diseases have their origin in the misdeeds of our past lives.
Inside every man lives "a law" and that "law" is the "Gloria" from which emanated the same INTIMATE. The soul is only the shadow of our real self, the "glory."
The Gloria is a breath of all, profoundly unknowable to itself. The glory is not spirit nor matter, neither good nor bad, neither light nor darkness, neither cold nor heat. The glory is the law within us, I is real and true. When the intimacy and soul obey the law is "the law", the result is joy, happiness and perfect health.
day will come when we free ourselves from the Universe and the Gods, and this will happen when we merge with the "Gloria", which is the law within us.
Soul Touch her laboriously climbing the seven levels of light, moving beyond light and darkness. Fifty gates must pass to join her glory. From a Gnostic Ritual, copy the following:
"Up at the height of the unknown is a palace, the floor of that palac Io is gold, lapis lazuli and jasper, but in the midst of a breath of death blows. Woe to thee, O warrior! Oh fighter!, If your server is sinking! But there are remedies and cures! "I know these remedies, because the yellow and blue surround you is seen by me." "Loving me is best, is the most sublime and delicious nectar.
This passage from the Gnostic Ritual Huiracocha, profaned by Israel Rojas R., holds great esoteric truths. He
magnificent palace of the fifty gates is beautiful and sweet gardens, which blows a breath of death. In their classrooms will be loved by our most beloved disciples, which will leave us before we were applauded and admired, and at last alone, but deep down really no "solos" or "unaccompanied", but in perfect fullness.
Man becomes a "law" when a "law." There
own powers and powers inherited.
"Ganserbo" great "witch", he told me how he inherited the hidden powers of his grandmother, a English elderly. Ganserbo and said:
"My grandmother had instructed me to have respect in his death bed, she told me I would the heir of his power, and in a way that did away from home an
Ciana entered in agony and could not die, and asked my family called me. When I got home, I understood everything and I understood that was the supreme moment, I turned my pants to the knee to withstand the bitter cold of the handover of power. I went alone to his chamber of death, my hand shook the hand of my grandmother, and immediately went out the fire that lit up the gloomy room, he threw a glass with water and poured water, the old woman breathed his last breath and let my hand between a huge spider terribly frost and cold. That spider was immersed into the pores of my hand, so I inherited the power of my grandmother. "
This story, as I heard from the lips of "Ganserbo" the magician, shows us clearly inherited powers. Further investigations regarding the case of Ganserbo led us to the conclusion that it was black magic powers. The spider in question is a black magician who has lived attached to the Astral body of all the ancestors of Ganserbo. A black magician that likes to take this horrible spider figure, as the Astral body is plastic and can assume any animal figure.
Ganserbo is a great guess and nothing you can hide, but deep down really is not but a Medium unconscious, and although he knows the secrets of the world, this is due only to "internal reports" that the magician gets attached to your Astral black , as was formerly attached to the Astral grandmother.
The missing word is another power that gives her student teacher at the time of death. The lost word of the Magi black type "MATRHEM" and pronounced "MAZREM." The Lost Word of the Magi White is hidden within the luminous and spermatic Fiat of the first instant, and only knows the Initiate. "Nobody spoke, nobody act, but one who has incarnated. "
karma is paid in the physical world, and is also paid in the inner worlds, but the karma in the physical world is as serious as it is, much sweeter than the corresponding Astral.
currently in the "Avitchi" of the black moon, millions of human beings who are paying terrible karmas. The mind of the magician
magician's mind at the sight horrifies the famous medieval inquisitors supporting the others did fire support, and exhaling the same plaintive moans that others did exhale.
magician's soul is convulsed by horror at the sight of the great tyrants of the "war" purging their terrible karmas in the black moon.
There we see Hitler and Mussolini suffering martyrdom of fire, which broke out on defenseless cities. There Abadden look at the Angel of the Abyss, suffering itself the chains and bonds with others who martyred. They show Mariela, the great magician, embraced in the fire of your own iniquities. They show Javhe and Caiaphas the High Priest, receiving the punishment Cross to condemn the Master. There we see the "Imperator", founder of AMORC School of California, clinging to the "loop" or black magic rope that tied his disciples naive.
When the human soul is one with the privacy, and no karma to pay, because when an inferior law is transcended by a higher law, higher law washes away the inferior law.
The worst kind of diseases are those generated by karma. Smallpox is the result of hatred, Diphtheria is the result of the immorality of past lives. Cancer is also the result of fornication.
Tuberculosis or white plague, is the result atheism and materialism in past lives. Cruelty begets blindness from birth. Rickets is the son of materialism. Malaria comes from selfishness, etc. Hundreds of other diseases have their origin in the misdeeds of our past lives.
Inside every man lives "a law" and that "law" is the "Gloria" from which emanated the same INTIMATE. The soul is only the shadow of our real self, the "glory."
The Gloria is a breath of all, profoundly unknowable to itself. The glory is not spirit nor matter, neither good nor bad, neither light nor darkness, neither cold nor heat. The glory is the law within us, I is real and true. When the intimacy and soul obey the law is "the law", the result is joy, happiness and perfect health.
day will come when we free ourselves from the Universe and the Gods, and this will happen when we merge with the "Gloria", which is the law within us.
Soul Touch her laboriously climbing the seven levels of light, moving beyond light and darkness. Fifty gates must pass to join her glory. From a Gnostic Ritual, copy the following:
"Up at the height of the unknown is a palace, the floor of that palac Io is gold, lapis lazuli and jasper, but in the midst of a breath of death blows. Woe to thee, O warrior! Oh fighter!, If your server is sinking! But there are remedies and cures! "I know these remedies, because the yellow and blue surround you is seen by me." "Loving me is best, is the most sublime and delicious nectar.
This passage from the Gnostic Ritual Huiracocha, profaned by Israel Rojas R., holds great esoteric truths. He
magnificent palace of the fifty gates is beautiful and sweet gardens, which blows a breath of death. In their classrooms will be loved by our most beloved disciples, which will leave us before we were applauded and admired, and at last alone, but deep down really no "solos" or "unaccompanied", but in perfect fullness.
Man becomes a "law" when a "law." There
own powers and powers inherited.
"Ganserbo" great "witch", he told me how he inherited the hidden powers of his grandmother, a English elderly. Ganserbo and said:
"My grandmother had instructed me to have respect in his death bed, she told me I would the heir of his power, and in a way that did away from home an
This story, as I heard from the lips of "Ganserbo" the magician, shows us clearly inherited powers. Further investigations regarding the case of Ganserbo led us to the conclusion that it was black magic powers. The spider in question is a black magician who has lived attached to the Astral body of all the ancestors of Ganserbo. A black magician that likes to take this horrible spider figure, as the Astral body is plastic and can assume any animal figure.
Ganserbo is a great guess and nothing you can hide, but deep down really is not but a Medium unconscious, and although he knows the secrets of the world, this is due only to "internal reports" that the magician gets attached to your Astral black , as was formerly attached to the Astral grandmother.
The missing word is another power that gives her student teacher at the time of death. The lost word of the Magi black type "MATRHEM" and pronounced "MAZREM." The Lost Word of the Magi White is hidden within the luminous and spermatic Fiat of the first instant, and only knows the Initiate. "Nobody spoke, nobody act, but one who has incarnated. "
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