The strange story told then happened in a village on the Atlantic coast of Colombia known Dibulla. Its residents, mostly blacks, living carefree and indolent. One day, a few years ago, natives of this town Arhuacos Indians robbed the sacred relics of their ancestors. The "Mama" Miguel sent a commission to Dibulla with this message:
"The" Mama "and the basin has been known that in this town are the remains of our ancestors, if not entregáis on the full moon, the "Mama" sent the "animators" and burn the people. " This request caused mof
and laughter among dibulleros.
Upon arrival of the full moon, with no known cause, a fire erupted in the village. When the neighbors came off, new fires broke out, especially in homes where the relics stolen.
seemed as if the fire power they had conspired against the people powerless to turn it into ashes. In vain the priests sang his exorcisms and the people wept bitterly. All was confusion, and lost all hope to contain the fire, decided to return to the Arhuacos dibulleros sacred relics. Immediately as if by magic, ceased fire.
what means he used the "Mama" to produce the fire? In
doubtful, fire elementals, contained in plants, herbs and roots of the signs of fire. These skills are ignored not only by modern scientists, but by the sects which claim to be possessors of occult teachings ...
nge Speaking SPIRITUAL we must be clear and accurate expression of meaning, because it is complex SPIRITUAL ENS in its essence and in their accidents.
Speaking of Tatweer, which are elemental creatures of the plant, we note that can be used by black magicians to cause damage to your enemies. Each plant is an excerpt tatwico.
What is Tatwas? This has been talked about enough, but not well understood. Tatweer is vibration of the ether. Everything comes from the ether and everything returns to the ether. Rama Prasad, the great Indian philosopher, spoke of Tatweer, but not taught to handle not knowing fully the wisdom of the Tatwas. Also HP Blavatsky, in his book "The Secret Doctrine spoke of Tatweer, but she did not know the technical esoteric concerns the practical use of Tatwas.
whole universe is made from Akasa etheric matter, a term used by the Hindus. The ether is decomposed in seven different ways, to "condense" give rise to all creation.
The sound is the embodiment of Tatwa Akasa. The sense of touch is the embodiment of Vayu Tatwa. The fire and light that we perceive with our eyes is the embodiment of Texas Tatwa. The sense of taste is simply condensation Tatwa Apas. Smell is the realization of Pritvi Tatwa. Two other Tatwas that only knows how to handle the magician. Are Ado Tatwa Tatwa and Samadhi.
Akasa is the primary cause of all existence. Vayu is the cause of air and movement. Texas is encouraging fire ether flame. Pritvi is the ether of the earth element accumulated in the rocks. APAS is the ether of water entering Pritvi action before, because before there was land had water.
The four elements of nature: earth, fire, water and air are a condensation of four kinds of ether. These four varieties ether are densely populated by numerous basic creatures of nature.
Salamanders live in fire (Tatwa Texas). The sprites and mermaids in the waters (Tatwa Apas). Sylph in the clouds (Tatwa Vayu). Gnomes and Pygmies in the land (Tat
Pritvi wa).
The physical bodies of the salamanders are plants, herbs and roots of plants, influenced by the signs of fire.
physical bodies of the elemental sprites are influenced plant by the zodiacal signs of water.
The physical bodies of the Sylphs are elementals of the plants with air signs.
physical bodies Gnomes are elementals of plants under the influence of the zodiacal signs of land.
When "Mama" Miguel fire to Dibulla used Tatwas Texas. The instrument to operate this Tatwa are fire elementals (salamanders) embodied in the plants, trees, herbs and roots of the fire signs.
By manipulating the hidden power of water plants, can operate with Apas and unleash the storms or to calm the waters.
elementary enclosed air on the plants of this sign (Vayu) can trigger or calm winds and hurricanes.
Managing the hidden power of herbs of the earth signs can transmute lead into gold, but we need also Texas.
prehistoric traditions of pre-Columbian America assure us that the Indians worked the gold as if it were soft clay. This is getting to the elementals of plants, which are etheric element the tattwas.
Black magicians use basic plants and distance tatwas to harm their peers.
When astral Sylphs through space, waving to Vayu and Vayu moves air masses and wind occurs.
When a magician waves his power to fire elementals, who in turn act on Texas, and then the fire devours what the magician wants.
big burst in the sea battles between the elements. Launch undines ether waters against elves, and these strike back against sending ethereal waves undines. In the hectic combination of water and air the storm broke. The roar of the sea and the whistling
hurricane are the war cries of these elementary.
The basic nature when the appropriate elementary wave is excited, enthusiastic and intensely moving.
By manipulating plant elemental, we become masters of their Tatwas and the powers they contain.
The etheric body of man is made of Tatweer, and we know that this body is the basis on which it operates organic chemistry.
The same science officer in his treatises on physics, can no longer deny that the ether permeates all physical elements.
Damaging the etheric body is damaged mathematically the physical body. Using the basic plant and ethereal waves can cause damage to the etheric body away evil entities. The consequences are very serious.
Physicians India Wizards of the race of the Department of Bolivar (Colombia) prove one another their knowledge and power with guasimo elementary tree, as follows: Make a circle around the guasimo, bless him, what worship and beg him to attack the medical service rival. After this ritual, with a new knife several inches up the shell of the tree and placed under a piece of beef (bofe). Then order the guasimo elemental tree. Thus, fought a terrible fight between these Arb
elementary oles, until one of the doctors death.
The elemental is a genius of fire, which launches rushing against the victim. Presciently seen, this basic layer uses to toe and is endowed with great powers.
Black magicians practicing some ritual to the tree nursery (which I naturally keep it secret so as not to give weapons to evil), achieving in this way injure or kill people away who want to do harm. To cure a patient attacked by this procedure, the white magician using another nursery. The first thing is to draw the figure of the sick in the trunk, making a magic circle around the tree and the basic order to heal the sick. As the incision heals on the tree, also improved the patient is feeling, and when the stem scar disappears complete cure has been verified.
two phenomena occur: the transmission of life (mummy), because life's elemental the tree heals the sick and the transplantation
disease because the disease is transmitted to plant aggressive and black magician, who are sick as the patient heals. With this procedure, the seedbed can be cured at a distance many diseases.
are sorcerers who use certain plants, mixed with food, to fill the body of the victims of deadly worms, which have to cause disease and death.
Other artificial or animal substances are dangerous to drink to produce certain effects. Elsewhere in this book, readers will learn carefully about these things.
Black magicians know inject poisons into the astral body of its victims, which inevitably get sick. Astral body is a body a little less dense material than the physical. Teachers give an emetic Astral body of the patient, in such cases, to dispose of substances injected.
The other internal bodies are also material, and as such have their illnesses, medications and their physicians. Are not uncommon in the temple of Alden surgical operations.

A serious mental harm on the body, to transmit reflect in the physical brain, produces insanity. The disconnect between the Astral and Mental bodies, causing furious madness. If no match between the astral and etheric, necessarily, is an idiot or moron.
In the Temple of Alden, where dwell the great masters of medicine, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Galen, Hermes and others, there is an alchemy lab high importance. This temple is in the Astral, living in the bowels of the great nature.
internal bodies eat, drink, assimilate, digest and excrete exactly the same as the physical body, they are material bodies varying degrees of subtlety only.
feel and feedback in all these bodies use the tattwas. The Tatwas are the foundation of all existence, and likewise can be vehicles of love or hate.
regret to dissent from the opinion of the Master Tatwico Huiracocha on schedule. In his Tatwametro he says, that each Tatwa vibrates for 24 minutes every two hours, in the following order:
Akas, Vayu, Tejas, Pritvi, Apas. Ensures
Huiracocha vibration that starts Tatwas daily sunrise. This is in disagreement with the facts and observations. The best time is tatwico Nature.
When the weather is cold, wet and rainy, the sky overcast with dense clouds, it means that they are caused by the same water ether (APAS). When this occurs, the ethereal waves of water are subject to strong cosmic vibration that usually coincides with a position of the moon.
in hours or days of hurricane and wind, we can ensure that the ethereal waves of air (Vayu) are shaking and vibration.
Afternoon sun-filled, tell us clearly that the ether of Fire (Texas) is vibrating intensely.
Dry weather, sultry, leads us Akas vibrations.
hours full of joy, full of light are produced Pritvi.
Tatwico The best time is that of Nature. When the waves of heat wave, creating floods of light and heat.
If the aqueous ether vibrates, moving the water and everything was wet.
When the ethereal waves of the earth element, humming and vibrating, all nature rejoices.
stations can be determined at the beginning each year. The tradition of cabañuelas is very old but already has forgotten and disfigured. Taken on the night of January first, 12 dry lumps of rock salt. Are separated into two groups of six, and assigned to each cube one month of the year. The next day the lumps are observed: the dry summer will be wet and will winter months.
Both black and white magicians, used for their respective purposes the tattwas of Nature.
are excerpts Tatwicos the white magician takes to "close." To fend off the forces of evil, closes its atomic atmosphere and then no evil influence, or poison magic or sorcery work may affect or damage.
In the department of Magdalena (Colombia) there is a tree called "tomasuco", who use it to "closed."
This operation starts at noon on Good Friday. Draw a circle around the tree, and pray to bendícenlo elementary atoms with shields "closure" personal atmosphere, creating a protective wall to defend them from the dark powers. Made the request, come close to the tree, walking south to north, and with a new knife cut a tree of veins and bathe naked body with the liquid. This liquid is very bitter to drink three glasses. This extract Tatwico protects us from many ills. To those who have "closed" in this way, they can not damage or poison or spells. If he has at hand any liquid or poisonous substance, you will feel a shock. The genius of the tree will revolve around the white magician preventing access to the powers of evil.
A feast, Master Zanoni drank poisoned wine and lifting the cup said: "Here's to you, Prince, even if this cup, the poison will not harm the Master. Also the story is that Rasputin drank poisoned wine before their enemies and laughed at them.
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