Paracelsus says : "The stars in the sky are not the man. The man comes from two principles: the "Ens Seminis (male sperm) and the" Ens virtutis "(the Innermost). Therefore has two natures: a bodily and a spiritual and each of them requires digestion (matrix and nutrition). "

"As the mother's womb is the world surrounding the child and which the fetus receives its nutrition, as nature itself, which the earthly body of man is influenced to act in your body, the "Ens Astrale" is something that we do not see but which contains us and all that lives and has a sensation. Is what's in the air and they live all together and represent them with "M" (mysterium) " . (Paramirum Lib. 1).
here clearly speaks great Teofastro astral light of the Kabbalists, the nitrogen and magnesium of the ancient alchemists, the flying dragon of Medea, the INRI of Christians and the Tarot of the Bohemians.
The time has come that the "Biocenosis" study in depth the great universal agent of life, the astral light and "solve et coagula" represented in the goat of Mendez.
astral light is the basis of all diseases and the source of all life. All disease, all epidemic has its astral larvae, which, clot in the human body, cause the disease.
In the Temple of Alden, the teachers feel their patients in a chair under light yellow, blue and red. These three primary colors used to make visible in the astral body the larvae of the disease.
After the Masters larvae extracted astral body of the patient, treat the body with numerous medications.
Sano and the astral body, heal the physical body mathematically, because before they fall ill physical atoms of a body, sick atoms "inside" the body itself. Cured the cause, heal the effect.
sick Everyone can write a letter to the temple of Alden, and receive medical assistance from the Gnostics. The letter must be written by the person, and then burned himself, having scented with incense, in the act.
The chart or soul of the burn card, go to the temple of Alden. The Masters of Wisdom will read the letter and attending the sick.
We have our homes cleaned, both physical and astral. Garbage bins are always full of infective larvae. Odoriferous substances are burned or thrown larvae outside the home. The frailejón is a plant used by Indians Arhuacos to disinfect their homes. You can also make the disinfection with belladonna, camphor and saffron.
Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, sterilize microbes patient's room with some alchemical element that radiates through special system. This prevents them from reproducing.
Minerva also has a concave lens, which uses the patient's body, thus providing a perennial source of magnetic healing occurs.
We avoid dealing with evil people, because those people are centers astral infection.
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