BREAD Bread is in the West that the East is rice. The oldest grain used for making bread is wheat. Wheat, like other cereal is a grain that is placed on the earth by water flows and grows under the action of air and light. With the heat of the sun are the fruit and new seeds. In bread making repeated intervention by the four elements: the grain is ground and its volume is increased by the addition of water in the dough which is then incorporates air through the fermentation leaving a structure fluffy. Finally, the heat involved in cooking. The four elements (air, water, earth and fire) are, in turn, component parts of the body and this analogy explains why the bread is the typical food of human beings. It is advisable to use grains grown organically or biological dynamics, as they are consistent with the current state of consciousness.
WINE Wine is the product of fermentation of the fruit of the vine, the grape. In the traditional symbolism rarely has to do with drunkenness, but represents a spiritual drink a liquid filled with vital fire. In ancient Greece developed the cultivation of the vine and the wine was used in the rituals of the Mysteries of Dionysus that resulted after the Roman Bacchanalia. The vine is known for its woody stem and winding that requires a guardian to rise (usually medieval symbolism to illustrate the parable that Christ is the vine and the branches represent the disciples.)
Its leaves are broad and cover the fruit that grows in their shade. It is interesting to compare the expression of the grape with the grain that grows upright and attached to the stem leaves acintadas ending in the plume where the grains are ripened in the sun on prolonged exposure.
Heavy consumption of wine disturbs the three basic human qualities as being espirirtual: the balance that allows you to walk upright, the talk sense and clear thinking.
Zarathustra gives teaching his disciples, saying,

those receiving the sun's rays;
lives sublime spiritual being. From the Cosmos,
from the outside does get to
the sun's rays
strength sublime spiritual being in the fruits of the field
You let you reach the spiritual forces of the Sun!
As the sun rises in you when you eat fruits the field.
Do it in a particularly solemn
Take in a particularly solemn moment as prepared with the fruits of the field. Meditate on
bit of bread is the sun, meditate until that piece of bread becomes radiant,
When I eat ...
be conscious that from the vastness of the universe
the Spirit of Sun entered you and came to live in you.
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