Monday, June 28, 2010

Creative Names For An Eating Disorder

If we aspire to create the Soul fully understand what the master cells ...
The master cell is to be represented by the sacred geometry of the regular hexagon, which is the base architecture of intelligent carbon atom consists of 6 electrons.

These 6 electrons are the living representation of the 6 parts of Being autonomous implicit Cell Master, without which the essence could become Consciousness.

the center of the hexagon, the point WU. An empty spot where the parties converge in equilibrium autonomous, and at the same center of consciousness will be born, rather, is a cause, to begin their metamorphosis igneous and its mutation in Sophia.

If the initiate does not embody these 6 electrons, if not stabilized and balanced in the center of his own divine creation, it would be impossible to awaken their consciousness to the creation of white soul, remember that reflection he says; " being born what they are doing ... "

These 6 electrons are closely related to intimate that the following must be qualified to be aware of the science that governs us;

1-single, 2 - Discernment, 3-Genius, 4-Balance, 5-Wisdom, 6-Will.

Each of these parties be autonomous from its rivals have, for each are 2 and represent the extremes to which these values \u200b\u200bare lost. Since each independent part that there are 2 rival or extreme in which the initiate must not fall, we found a total of 12 elements against the Christic esotericism called the 12 Nidanas, which are partly the background of the curse in the Zodiacal that is the essence subject to Samsara.

Thus, the individuals representing the first electron Sacred Soul 2 should be achieved by freeing ourselves from rivals are: Anarchy and the Imitation.

discernment which is the second electron should be achieved by ridding ourselves of Dualism and Nihilism.

The GENIUS, 3rd. Electron with the independence of the Robot and the Puppet.

The 4th. Alma electron that is the balance is won when we have emancipated from the Equalization yl Lilantropía.
The 5th is the WISDOM, is conquered by ridding ourselves of the Trust and Malice, and finally the

6th. Alma called sacred electron WILL be achieved when we overcome indecision and doubt.

Nidanas In short the 12 are represented by these 6 pairs are: Imitation / Anarchy, Dualism / Nihilism, robot / puppet, leveling / Lilantropía, Trust / Malice, Undecided / Duda.

Each match from the end to which the initiate can not conquer its 6 electrons are sacred to launching a new awareness of bipolarity emancipated mental and existential Astrological Karma.

When these sacred Alma 6 electrons are aligned and integrated from the center of the master cell consciousness arises naturally and free of subjective conditioning of the ego. These 6 electrons 6 sacred Being autonomous parts are perfect for the hexagon becomes Consciousness Soul.



Sunday, June 27, 2010

Franklin Mint Porcelain Bird Collection

The Cell Master ENS ENS DEI

HP Blavatsky says: "Karma infallible which adjusts effect to cause on physical, mental and spiritual being, and none to the smallest, from the cosmic disturbance, to the movement of our hands, and just as like produces like, well karma is that law also unseen and unknown that adjusts wise, intelligent and fairly, each effect to its cause by tracing it to its producer. "

karma is paid in the physical world, and is also paid in the inner worlds, but the karma in the physical world is as serious as it is, much sweeter than the corresponding Astral.

currently in the "Avitchi" of the black moon, millions of human beings who are paying terrible karmas. The mind of the magician horrified to behold the fiery Lucifer submerged in sulfur.

magician's mind at the sight horrifies the famous medieval inquisitors supporting the others did fire support, and exhaling the same plaintive moans that others did exhale.

magician's soul is convulsed by horror at the sight of the great tyrants of the "war" purging their terrible karmas in the black moon.

There we see Hitler and Mussolini suffering martyrdom of fire, which broke out on defenseless cities. There Abadden look at the Angel of the Abyss, suffering itself the chains and bonds with others who martyred. They show Mariela, the great magician, embraced in the fire of your own iniquities. They show Javhe and Caiaphas the High Priest, receiving the punishment Cross to condemn the Master. There we see the "Imperator", founder of AMORC School of California, clinging to the "loop" or black magic rope that tied his disciples naive.

When the human soul is one with the privacy, and no karma to pay, because when an inferior law is transcended by a higher law, higher law washes away the inferior law.

The worst kind of diseases are those generated by karma. Smallpox is the result of hatred, Diphtheria is the result of the immorality of past lives. Cancer is also the result of fornication.

Tuberculosis or white plague, is the result atheism and materialism in past lives. Cruelty begets blindness from birth. Rickets is the son of materialism. Malaria comes from selfishness, etc. Hundreds of other diseases have their origin in the misdeeds of our past lives.

Inside every man lives "a law" and that "law" is the "Gloria" from which emanated the same INTIMATE. The soul is only the shadow of our real self, the "glory."

The Gloria is a breath of all, profoundly unknowable to itself. The glory is not spirit nor matter, neither good nor bad, neither light nor darkness, neither cold nor heat. The glory is the law within us, I is real and true. When the intimacy and soul obey the law is "the law", the result is joy, happiness and perfect health.
day will come when we free ourselves from the Universe and the Gods, and this will happen when we merge with the "Gloria", which is the law within us.

Soul Touch her laboriously climbing the seven levels of light, moving beyond light and darkness. Fifty gates must pass to join her glory. From a Gnostic Ritual, copy the following:
"Up at the height of the unknown is a palace, the floor of that palac Io is gold, lapis lazuli and jasper, but in the midst of a breath of death blows. Woe to thee, O warrior! Oh fighter!, If your server is sinking! But there are remedies and cures! "I know these remedies, because the yellow and blue surround you is seen by me." "Loving me is best, is the most sublime and delicious nectar.

This passage from the Gnostic Ritual Huiracocha, profaned by Israel Rojas R., holds great esoteric truths. He

magnificent palace of the fifty gates is beautiful and sweet gardens, which blows a breath of death. In their classrooms will be loved by our most beloved disciples, which will leave us before we were applauded and admired, and at last alone, but deep down really no "solos" or "unaccompanied", but in perfect fullness.

Man becomes a "law" when a "law." There

own powers and powers inherited.

"Ganserbo" great "witch", he told me how he inherited the hidden powers of his grandmother, a English elderly. Ganserbo and said:
"My grandmother had instructed me to have respect in his death bed, she told me I would the heir of his power, and in a way that did away from home an Ciana entered in agony and could not die, and asked my family called me. When I got home, I understood everything and I understood that was the supreme moment, I turned my pants to the knee to withstand the bitter cold of the handover of power. I went alone to his chamber of death, my hand shook the hand of my grandmother, and immediately went out the fire that lit up the gloomy room, he threw a glass with water and poured water, the old woman breathed his last breath and let my hand between a huge spider terribly frost and cold. That spider was immersed into the pores of my hand, so I inherited the power of my grandmother. "

This story, as I heard from the lips of "Ganserbo" the magician, shows us clearly inherited powers. Further investigations regarding the case of Ganserbo led us to the conclusion that it was black magic powers. The spider in question is a black magician who has lived attached to the Astral body of all the ancestors of Ganserbo. A black magician that likes to take this horrible spider figure, as the Astral body is plastic and can assume any animal figure.

Ganserbo is a great guess and nothing you can hide, but deep down really is not but a Medium unconscious, and although he knows the secrets of the world, this is due only to "internal reports" that the magician gets attached to your Astral black , as was formerly attached to the Astral grandmother.

The missing word is another power that gives her student teacher at the time of death. The lost word of the Magi black type "MATRHEM" and pronounced "MAZREM." The Lost Word of the Magi White is hidden within the luminous and spermatic Fiat of the first instant, and only knows the Initiate. "Nobody spoke, nobody act, but one who has incarnated. "

Hanz Steam


Nerves are vital for the fluid so the wires for electricity.

cerebro-spinal nervous system is the seat of privacy, and the sympathetic system is the seat of the astral body of man.

"The heart sends all its spirit, the whole body, as the sun sends its power to all the planets and earth, the moon (the intelligence of the brain) goes to the heart and returns to the brain. Fire (heat) has its origin in the activity (chemistry) of organs (the lungs), but pervades the entire body. liquor vital (vital essence) is universally distributed and moving (circulating in the body). This smoke contains many different moods and occurs in the "metals" (strengths and weaknesses) of various species. " (Paramirum L. 3 - Paracelsus). Many doctors

official science will exclaim with these statements: Where are the internal bodies? How do we distinguish and perceive? "We only accept what can be analyzed in the laboratory and submit the study of the systems we have developed." In other words, the maximum capacity is related to equipment who have perfected. This position is placed to deny everything that they can not understand and drive to put opinion of his "five" senses, is preposterous. If you develop clairvoyance, which is the "sixth" sense, they would realize the truth of these assertions.

should not forget that the "lights" at the time of Pasteur mocked him when he said the famous theories that have become famous. Did not happen the same and worse with Copernicus and Galileo, victims of what is believed contrary to the truth known or disclosed? Were not the "wise men" who covered the insults to Columbus for announcing the existence a new world beyond Cape Finisterre, the end of the earth then?

can awaken the sixth sense with this procedure: Sit at a table, gaze at the water contained in a vessel, for ten minutes every day. After some time of practice will awaken clairvoyance. The vowel "I" pronounced daily for one hour produces the same result. Awakened clairvoyance, can be seen the inner bodies and to study their anatomy.

When the etheric body of man is weak, the sick physical body by reflex action. The etheric body has its center in the spleen. Through Spleen enter the solar energy agency, which are the vital principle of all existence. The etheric body is an exact duplicate of the physical body and is made of Tatweer. Each atom etheric

penetrates every physical atom, producing an intense vibration. All processes of organic chemistry are developed based on the etheric body or second body.

Any body of the physical body when its etheric counterpart ill gotten sick, and vice versa: it heals the physical body when the ether is cured.

The disciples who can not remember their astral experiences, etheric body must submit to a surgical operation, performed by Nirvanakayas in the first room of Nirvana (the first subplane of the plane nirvana in Theosophical language). After this operation, the student may take their ethers astral travel you need to bring your memories. The etheric body consists of four ethers: chemical ether, life ether, ether and ether light reflector. The chemical and life ethers, used as a means of expression to forces working in biochemical and physiological processes in all matters relating to the reproduction of the race.
Light, heat, color and sound are identified with ether light and reflector. In these ethers is expressed Soul wise, which is the beloved Maiden of our memories. View clairvoyantly this girl looks like a beautiful lady in the etheric body.

the disciple must learn to take on outings to the Maiden astral dear memories to bring the memory of what he sees and hears in the inner worlds, as she mediates between the physical brain and senses the Astral body ultrasensitive senses. Comes to be, if it fits the concept, as the repository of memory.

In bed, at bedtime, invoke the INTIMATE as follows: Father, you who are my true self, suplícote with all your heart and with all your soul, bring out my etheric body Maiden of my memories, so do not forget anything when I return to my body. Then pronounced the mantra LAAA SSSSSSS RAAA, and numb.

Take the letter "S" a sharp whistling sound similar to that produced by air brakes. When the disciple is found between wakefulness and sleep, get out of bed and leave the room en route to the Gnostic Church. This order should be taken as is, with confidence and faith, it is real and not fictitious in that no mental or suggestions. Roll out of bed careful not to wake up and leave the room walking naturally as it does every day to go to work. Before leaving take a jump with the intention of floating, and if flotare go to the Gnostic Church of the sick or the house that needs healing. But if to take the leap flotare not go back to your bed and repeat the experiment.

not you worry about the physical body during this practice. Let Nature who act, and feel free because you lose the effect.

brain has a very fine fabric, which is the physical vehicle of the astral memories. When this tissue is damaged is impossible memories, and you can only undo the damage in the temple of Alden, by healing Teachers.

seminiferous channels are atoms that typify our past reincarnations. They are also the legacy carriers and diseases suffered in past lives and those of our ancestors.

germ cell spermatozoon is sevenfold in its internal constitution and with it receive the biological heritage and soul of our fathers. The character and talent of the current sepáranse own atavistic, because they are the exclusive property of the Ego.

In the heart of the Sun there is a hospital or nursing home where assistance is provided timely many disembodied started to heal their internal bodies. The aura of an innocent child is a panacea for the mental patients. People who suffer from mental illness find relief by sleeping an innocent child. Also highly recommended are the incense of roasted corn. The patient should keep the stomach emptied of gas to prevent ascend to the brain and cause major disruptions. Castor oil is highly recommended for these patients of mind in everyday applications to the head.

Vaccines should be outlawed in all cases, they damage the Astral body of people. If you want help from the Masters Paracelsus, Hippocrates, Galen, Hermes, etc., Write to the temple and ask Alden care. The

Tatwas intensely vibrate and throb with the pulse of populations of elementary and influences of the stars. The basic Tatwas and plants are the basis of occult medicine.

purulent tumors in the fingers, usually cured by immersing the affected part alternately in hot and cold water. The action of heat and cold (Tatwas Texas and Apas) to establish organic balance, restore normalcy.

Everyone loads an ancestral atmosphere atoms have their farms in the knees. There, on his knees, and not elsewhere, is located on self-preservation and heritage race. For this exclusive cause trembling knees before a grave danger.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Are The Bad Effects Of Jewelry Dip Cleaner?

Spiritual Ens

The strange story told then happened in a village on the Atlantic coast of Colombia known Dibulla. Its residents, mostly blacks, living carefree and indolent. One day, a few years ago, natives of this town Arhuacos Indians robbed the sacred relics of their ancestors. The "Mama" Miguel sent a commission to Dibulla with this message:
"The" Mama "and the basin has been known that in this town are the remains of our ancestors, if not entregáis on the full moon, the "Mama" sent the "animators" and burn the people. " This request caused mof
and laughter among dibulleros.

Upon arrival of the full moon, with no known cause, a fire erupted in the village. When the neighbors came off, new fires broke out, especially in homes where the relics stolen.

seemed as if the fire power they had conspired against the people powerless to turn it into ashes. In vain the priests sang his exorcisms and the people wept bitterly. All was confusion, and lost all hope to contain the fire, decided to return to the Arhuacos dibulleros sacred relics. Immediately as if by magic, ceased fire.

what means he used the "Mama" to produce the fire? In
doubtful, fire elementals, contained in plants, herbs and roots of the signs of fire. These skills are ignored not only by modern scientists, but by the sects which claim to be possessors of occult teachings ...

nge Speaking SPIRITUAL we must be clear and accurate expression of meaning, because it is complex SPIRITUAL ENS in its essence and in their accidents.

Speaking of Tatweer, which are elemental creatures of the plant, we note that can be used by black magicians to cause damage to your enemies. Each plant is an excerpt tatwico.

What is Tatwas? This has been talked about enough, but not well understood. Tatweer is vibration of the ether. Everything comes from the ether and everything returns to the ether. Rama Prasad, the great Indian philosopher, spoke of Tatweer, but not taught to handle not knowing fully the wisdom of the Tatwas. Also HP Blavatsky, in his book "The Secret Doctrine spoke of Tatweer, but she did not know the technical esoteric concerns the practical use of Tatwas.

whole universe is made from Akasa etheric matter, a term used by the Hindus. The ether is decomposed in seven different ways, to "condense" give rise to all creation.

The sound is the embodiment of Tatwa Akasa. The sense of touch is the embodiment of Vayu Tatwa. The fire and light that we perceive with our eyes is the embodiment of Texas Tatwa. The sense of taste is simply condensation Tatwa Apas. Smell is the realization of Pritvi Tatwa. Two other Tatwas that only knows how to handle the magician. Are Ado Tatwa Tatwa and Samadhi.

Akasa is the primary cause of all existence. Vayu is the cause of air and movement. Texas is encouraging fire ether flame. Pritvi is the ether of the earth element accumulated in the rocks. APAS is the ether of water entering Pritvi action before, because before there was land had water.

The four elements of nature: earth, fire, water and air are a condensation of four kinds of ether. These four varieties ether are densely populated by numerous basic creatures of nature.

Salamanders live in fire (Tatwa Texas). The sprites and mermaids in the waters (Tatwa Apas). Sylph in the clouds (Tatwa Vayu). Gnomes and Pygmies in the land (Tat
Pritvi wa).

The physical bodies of the salamanders are plants, herbs and roots of plants, influenced by the signs of fire.

physical bodies of the elemental sprites are influenced plant by the zodiacal signs of water.

The physical bodies of the Sylphs are elementals of the plants with air signs.

physical bodies Gnomes are elementals of plants under the influence of the zodiacal signs of land.

When "Mama" Miguel fire to Dibulla used Tatwas Texas. The instrument to operate this Tatwa are fire elementals (salamanders) embodied in the plants, trees, herbs and roots of the fire signs.

By manipulating the hidden power of water plants, can operate with Apas and unleash the storms or to calm the waters.

elementary enclosed air on the plants of this sign (Vayu) can trigger or calm winds and hurricanes.

Managing the hidden power of herbs of the earth signs can transmute lead into gold, but we need also Texas.

prehistoric traditions of pre-Columbian America assure us that the Indians worked the gold as if it were soft clay. This is getting to the elementals of plants, which are etheric element the tattwas.

Black magicians use basic plants and distance tatwas to harm their peers.

When astral Sylphs through space, waving to Vayu and Vayu moves air masses and wind occurs.

When a magician waves his power to fire elementals, who in turn act on Texas, and then the fire devours what the magician wants.

big burst in the sea battles between the elements. Launch undines ether waters against elves, and these strike back against sending ethereal waves undines. In the hectic combination of water and air the storm broke. The roar of the sea and the whistling
hurricane are the war cries of these elementary.

The basic nature when the appropriate elementary wave is excited, enthusiastic and intensely moving.

By manipulating plant elemental, we become masters of their Tatwas and the powers they contain.

The etheric body of man is made of Tatweer, and we know that this body is the basis on which it operates organic chemistry.

The same science officer in his treatises on physics, can no longer deny that the ether permeates all physical elements.

Damaging the etheric body is damaged mathematically the physical body. Using the basic plant and ethereal waves can cause damage to the etheric body away evil entities. The consequences are very serious.

Physicians India Wizards of the race of the Department of Bolivar (Colombia) prove one another their knowledge and power with guasimo elementary tree, as follows: Make a circle around the guasimo, bless him, what worship and beg him to attack the medical service rival. After this ritual, with a new knife several inches up the shell of the tree and placed under a piece of beef (bofe). Then order the guasimo elemental tree. Thus, fought a terrible fight between these Arb
oles, until one of the doctors death.

The elemental is a genius of fire, which launches rushing against the victim. Presciently seen, this basic layer uses to toe and is endowed with great powers.

Black magicians practicing some ritual to the tree nursery (which I naturally keep it secret so as not to give weapons to evil), achieving in this way injure or kill people away who want to do harm. To cure a patient attacked by this procedure, the white magician using another nursery. The first thing is to draw the figure of the sick in the trunk, making a magic circle around the tree and the basic order to heal the sick. As the incision heals on the tree, also improved the patient is feeling, and when the stem scar disappears complete cure has been verified.

two phenomena occur: the transmission of life (mummy), because life's elemental the tree heals the sick and the transplantation
disease because the disease is transmitted to plant aggressive and black magician, who are sick as the patient heals. With this procedure, the seedbed can be cured at a distance many diseases.

are sorcerers who use certain plants, mixed with food, to fill the body of the victims of deadly worms, which have to cause disease and death.

inocualan gonorrhea
Other artificial or animal substances are dangerous to drink to produce certain effects. Elsewhere in this book, readers will learn carefully about these things.

Black magicians know inject poisons into the astral body of its victims, which inevitably get sick. Astral body is a body a little less dense material than the physical. Teachers give an emetic Astral body of the patient, in such cases, to dispose of substances injected.

The other internal bodies are also material, and as such have their illnesses, medications and their physicians. Are not uncommon in the temple of Alden surgical operations.
A serious mental harm on the body, to transmit reflect in the physical brain, produces insanity. The disconnect between the Astral and Mental bodies, causing furious madness. If no match between the astral and etheric, necessarily, is an idiot or moron.

In the Temple of Alden, where dwell the great masters of medicine, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Galen, Hermes and others, there is an alchemy lab high importance. This temple is in the Astral, living in the bowels of the great nature.

internal bodies eat, drink, assimilate, digest and excrete exactly the same as the physical body, they are material bodies varying degrees of subtlety only.

feel and feedback in all these bodies use the tattwas. The Tatwas are the foundation of all existence, and likewise can be vehicles of love or hate.

regret to dissent from the opinion of the Master Tatwico Huiracocha on schedule. In his Tatwametro he says, that each Tatwa vibrates for 24 minutes every two hours, in the following order:
Akas, Vayu, Tejas, Pritvi, Apas. Ensures
Huiracocha vibration that starts Tatwas daily sunrise. This is in disagreement with the facts and observations. The best time is tatwico Nature.

When the weather is cold, wet and rainy, the sky overcast with dense clouds, it means that they are caused by the same water ether (APAS). When this occurs, the ethereal waves of water are subject to strong cosmic vibration that usually coincides with a position of the moon.

in hours or days of hurricane and wind, we can ensure that the ethereal waves of air (Vayu) are shaking and vibration.

Afternoon sun-filled, tell us clearly that the ether of Fire (Texas) is vibrating intensely.

Dry weather, sultry, leads us Akas vibrations.

hours full of joy, full of light are produced Pritvi.

Tatwico The best time is that of Nature. When the waves of heat wave, creating floods of light and heat.

If the aqueous ether vibrates, moving the water and everything was wet.

When the ethereal waves of the earth element, humming and vibrating, all nature rejoices.

stations can be determined at the beginning each year. The tradition of cabañuelas is very old but already has forgotten and disfigured. Taken on the night of January first, 12 dry lumps of rock salt. Are separated into two groups of six, and assigned to each cube one month of the year. The next day the lumps are observed: the dry summer will be wet and will winter months.

Both black and white magicians, used for their respective purposes the tattwas of Nature.

are excerpts Tatwicos the white magician takes to "close." To fend off the forces of evil, closes its atomic atmosphere and then no evil influence, or poison magic or sorcery work may affect or damage.

In the department of Magdalena (Colombia) there is a tree called "tomasuco", who use it to "closed."
This operation starts at noon on Good Friday. Draw a circle around the tree, and pray to bendícenlo elementary atoms with shields "closure" personal atmosphere, creating a protective wall to defend them from the dark powers. Made the request, come close to the tree, walking south to north, and with a new knife cut a tree of veins and bathe naked body with the liquid. This liquid is very bitter to drink three glasses. This extract Tatwico protects us from many ills. To those who have "closed" in this way, they can not damage or poison or spells. If he has at hand any liquid or poisonous substance, you will feel a shock. The genius of the tree will revolve around the white magician preventing access to the powers of evil.

A feast, Master Zanoni drank poisoned wine and lifting the cup said: "Here's to you, Prince, even if this cup, the poison will not harm the Master. Also the story is that Rasputin drank poisoned wine before their enemies and laughed at them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

2010 Best Thermal Compound

Dr. John Virap telling the truth about the pharmaceutical

Dr. John Virap worked for 35 years of his life in the pharmaceutical industry and now out of the dirty business he decided to speak, to tell the truth behind the real mafia.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

When To Take Baby To Dr For Banging Head

Ens Veneri

"If a woman leaves her husband, then is not free of him, nor he with her, as a marital union, once established, remains for all eternity. " (From "Homunculis" Paracelsus) .

really is contained in the semen of human personality, because the semen is the astral fluid of man and sexual union is for this reason inseparable.

The man who has sex with a married woman for this reason is connected to part of the karma of her husband. Fluidics, the two women's husbands are connected by "sex."

When the semen falls outside the womb, their salts Formans corruption against certain parasites, which attach to the astral body from whom the father, thus absorbing the life of his father.

Masturbators Men beget "succubi" and women masturbating breed "incubator." These larvae encourage their parents to constantly repeat the act that gave them life. They have the same color of the air and therefore not seen with the naked eye. Effective remedy to get rid of them is carrying flowers of sulfur between the shoes. Ether fumes of sulfur disintegrate.

Upon leaving the physical body the soul because of death, takes all values \u200b\u200bof conscience. To reincarnate into a new physical body brings all these values \u200b\u200bof conscience, both good and bad. These values \u200b\u200bare positive and negative energies.

Every human being has in his current crop of larvae astral atmosphere in ways so strange that the mind can not conceive.

Positive values \u200b\u200bbring health and happiness. Negative values materialize in sickness and bitterness. Smallpox is the result of hatred. Cancer of fornication. Lying distorts the human figure monstrous childbearing. Extreme selfishness produces leprosy. It is blind from birth for past cruelties. Tuberculosis is the daughter of atheism. Every human failing, then, is a poison to the body.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Can I Convert Sdhc To Sd

The Ens Astrale

Paracelsus says : "The stars in the sky are not the man. The man comes from two principles: the "Ens Seminis (male sperm) and the" Ens virtutis "(the Innermost). Therefore has two natures: a bodily and a spiritual and each of them requires digestion (matrix and nutrition). "

"As the mother's womb is the world surrounding the child and which the fetus receives its nutrition, as nature itself, which the earthly body of man is influenced to act in your body, the "Ens Astrale" is something that we do not see but which contains us and all that lives and has a sensation. Is what's in the air and they live all together and represent them with "M" (mysterium) " . (Paramirum Lib. 1).

here clearly speaks great Teofastro astral light of the Kabbalists, the nitrogen and magnesium of the ancient alchemists, the flying dragon of Medea, the INRI of Christians and the Tarot of the Bohemians.

The time has come that the "Biocenosis" study in depth the great universal agent of life, the astral light and "solve et coagula" represented in the goat of Mendez.

astral light is the basis of all diseases and the source of all life. All disease, all epidemic has its astral larvae, which, clot in the human body, cause the disease.

In the Temple of Alden, the teachers feel their patients in a chair under light yellow, blue and red. These three primary colors used to make visible in the astral body the larvae of the disease.

After the Masters larvae extracted astral body of the patient, treat the body with numerous medications.

Sano and the astral body, heal the physical body mathematically, because before they fall ill physical atoms of a body, sick atoms "inside" the body itself. Cured the cause, heal the effect.

sick Everyone can write a letter to the temple of Alden, and receive medical assistance from the Gnostics. The letter must be written by the person, and then burned himself, having scented with incense, in the act.

The chart or soul of the burn card, go to the temple of Alden. The Masters of Wisdom will read the letter and attending the sick.

We have our homes cleaned, both physical and astral. Garbage bins are always full of infective larvae. Odoriferous substances are burned or thrown larvae outside the home. The frailejón is a plant used by Indians Arhuacos to disinfect their homes. You can also make the disinfection with belladonna, camphor and saffron.

Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, sterilize microbes patient's room with some alchemical element that radiates through special system. This prevents them from reproducing.

Minerva also has a concave lens, which uses the patient's body, thus providing a perennial source of magnetic healing occurs.

We avoid dealing with evil people, because those people are centers astral infection.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Homemade Straightening Cream

The top five causes of disease

Five are the causes of diseases, namely:
1 - Del Ens Astrale. 2 - From Ens Veneri. 3 - The Spiritual Ens. 4 - From Ens Naturae. 5 - From Ens Dei.

Teacher Says Paracelsus: "All diseases have their beginning in one of three substances: salt, sulfur and mercury, which means that they can have their origin in the world of art (symbolized by salt ), in the realm of the soul (symbolized by sulfur), or in the realm of the mind (symbolized by mercury) ". If you want to understand this aphorism Master Paracelsus, should be considered the internal constitution of man. (See "The Perfect Marriage" and "The Revolution of Bel").

If the body, soul and mind are in perfect harmony with each other, there is no danger of damaging disagreements, but if it creates a cause of discord in one of three planes, the disharmony is communicated to others .

SER is not the physical body is not the vital body is the basis for organic chemistry, nor is the body Sidereal root of our desires, nor the mind, body beautiful physical instrument which is the brain. The SER is not the body Consciousness, in which all our experiences are based volitional, mental or emotional. The SER is much more hidden.

What is the SER, rare human beings have understood.

The glory is the lightning, which, by touching their "bell" comes to the physical world. The glory is the law and is the root of the mystery man. The glory is the being of being. The glory is the law within us.

When man obeys the law, can not get sick, the disease comes to the disobedience of the law. When the seven bodies, seven I's as if they want to act separately, the result the disease.

physical and vital bodies must obey the soul, the soul must obey the privacy and the privacy must obey the Gloria. Body, soul and spirit, must be a purist and perfect universe through which to express the majesty of the glory.

Here is a simple concrete example: If we throw stones into the water, waves occur necessarily. These waves are the reaction of water against the rocks.

If somebody throws an offensive word, we feel anger. That anger is a reaction against the offending word, and the consequence can be a indisgestión or a headache, or simply loss of energy, because of illness in the future.

If someone thwarts a plan that we plan, we are filled with deep concern of mind. That concern is the reaction of our mental body against foreign incitement.

no doubt that a strong concern mental illness brings to mind. We must govern the emotions with the thought, and thought with the will and the will to consciousness.

And we open our awareness and opens a temple to officiate at his altar the priest (the Innermost), in the presence of God (the glory).
We must control our seven vehicles and cultivate serenity, so that through us to express the sublime and ineffable majesty of the glory.

When all the acts of our daily lives, even the most insignificant, are the living expression of glory in us, then it will not become sick.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Write A Commertial Offer

Does prayer benefit health?

Some scientists believe there is growing evidence that maintaining separate spirituality in clinical practice is irresponsible.
a Saturday afternoon, Ming He, a medical student in Dallas, was found dying in a VA Hospital. The man, an Orthodox Jew who suffered from a rare cancer, was connected to an oxygen tank, I could hardly breathe. There were no friends or family at his side. When the young student went to his room, the man looked and said, "Now that I'm dying, I realize I never really learned how to live."
Ming He, 26, did not know how to respond: "I thought, my God, the chaplain does not work weekends. What do I do?". She said the man's hand in silence for a few minutes, two days later he died. And as soon as he could, he enrolled in the course "Spirituality and Medicine" in the Southwestern Medical School at the University of Texas, a course that teaches students to talk to patients about faith and illness.
More than half of U.S. medical schools offer these courses, only a decade ago were three-mainly because patients are demanding more spiritual care. According to a Newsweek poll, 72 percent of Americans say they would welcome a conversation about faith with their doctors, the same number said they believe that praying to God can heal someone even though science says that no possibilities.
in Beliefnet, a popular website frequented by people of different religions, three quarters of more than 35,000 online prayer chains are related to health: patients' loved ones and strangers can come together and send prayers via the electronic ether, hoping to cure cancers, chronic illnesses and addictions.
What happens in the mind
popular practices such as these, and the growing belief among the medical community that what happens in the mind of people (and possibly the soul) can be as important for health as what happens at the cellular level, are leading doctors to benefit from the God who banished clinical practice for scientific progress.
"There has been a tremendous change in the fairness of the medical profession to these issues," said Andrew Newberg, a neurologist at the University of Pennsylvania who is studying the biological effects of meditation and prayer on the brain.
Modern medicine, of course, still needs to be scientifically proven beyond anecdotal evidence. In the past decade, researchers have done hundreds of studies to try to scientifically measure the effects of faith and spirituality on health.
While research results have been mixed, studies are inevitably faced with the difficulty of using scientific methods to answer what are, essentially, existential questions: Can a person's prayer be stronger and more effective than another? Can we ignore that people who attend church tend to smoke less and enjoy better health?
The debate
For those who criticize the possibility of a connection between health and religion, this is the problem. In 1999, Richard Sloan, a professor at Columbia University and an opponent of such thinking, wrote an article attacking the Lancet study on faith and healing, by the weakness of their methodologies and the simplicity of his thought. Along with a second article published a year later in The New England Journal of Medicine, these attacks ignited media campaigns divided the academic and medical.
As Sloan, some scientists believe that religion has no place in medicine and to guide patients toward spiritual practices can do more harm than good. Others, such as Harold Koenig of Duke University, a pioneer in research on faith and medicine, believe that there is increasing evidence showing the positive effects of religion on health and spirituality to keep separate from clinical practice is irresponsible.
To clarify the confusion caused by information, the National Institute of Health authorized, earlier this year, the publication a series of articles in which scientists tried to assess the state of research on faith and health. Lynda H.
Powell, an epidemiologist at the Medical Center at Rush University in Chicago, reviewed about 150 articles, dozens of them throwing errors. In a sense, their findings were not surprising: while faith comforts in times of sickness, do not stop the cancer growth or speed recovery from acute illnesses. One aspect, however, greatly surprised. People who frequently attend church, have a 25 percent lower mortality than those who do not.
In an effort to understand health differences between believers and nonbelievers, scientists are beginning to analyze the individual components of religious experience. Using brain scans, researchers have discovered that meditation can change brain activity and improve immune response, other studies have shown it can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, which reduce the body's response to stress.
Even intangibles, such as the impact of forgiveness, can improve health as well. In a study of 1,500 people released this year, Neal Krause, a researcher at the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan, found that people who forgive easily tend to enjoy greater psychological well-being and less depression than those who hold grudges. "Not to forgive eats away at us," says Herbert Benson, director of the Institute of Mind-Body Health.
Vale pray

The controversial research topic is perhaps the use of prayer for health. In the Newsweek poll, 84 percent of Americans said they pray for others can have a positive effect on recovery, and 74 percent said it may be true even if they know the patient.
But what does science say?

> At a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, Mitchell Krucoff, a researcher at Duke University showed preliminary data from a national sample of 750 patients scheduled to undergo cardiac catheterization or angioplasty. A group of patients for whom they prayed was not better than a second group received routine care or a third party, which was given a special program of music, massage therapy and guided visualization.
But there was a curious finding: a fourth group "turbo charged", which received both prayers and the program music, presented a mortality rate 30 percent lower than other groups.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dog's Tongue Is Too Big

The bread and wine

BREAD Bread is in the West that the East is rice. The oldest grain used for making bread is wheat. Wheat, like other cereal is a grain that is placed on the earth by water flows and grows under the action of air and light. With the heat of the sun are the fruit and new seeds. In bread making repeated intervention by the four elements: the grain is ground and its volume is increased by the addition of water in the dough which is then incorporates air through the fermentation leaving a structure fluffy. Finally, the heat involved in cooking. The four elements (air, water, earth and fire) are, in turn, component parts of the body and this analogy explains why the bread is the typical food of human beings. It is advisable to use grains grown organically or biological dynamics, as they are consistent with the current state of consciousness.

WINE Wine is the product of fermentation of the fruit of the vine, the grape. In the traditional symbolism rarely has to do with drunkenness, but represents a spiritual drink a liquid filled with vital fire. In ancient Greece developed the cultivation of the vine and the wine was used in the rituals of the Mysteries of Dionysus that resulted after the Roman Bacchanalia. The vine is known for its woody stem and winding that requires a guardian to rise (usually medieval symbolism to illustrate the parable that Christ is the vine and the branches represent the disciples.)
Its leaves are broad and cover the fruit that grows in their shade. It is interesting to compare the expression of the grape with the grain that grows upright and attached to the stem leaves acintadas ending in the plume where the grains are ripened in the sun on prolonged exposure.
Heavy consumption of wine disturbs the three basic human qualities as being espirirtual: the balance that allows you to walk upright, the talk sense and clear thinking.

Zarathustra gives teaching his disciples, saying,
"You eat the fruits of the field

those receiving the sun's rays;

lives sublime spiritual being. From the Cosmos,

from the outside does get to

the sun's rays

strength sublime spiritual being in the fruits of the field

You let you reach the spiritual forces of the Sun!

As the sun rises in you when you eat fruits the field.

Do it in a particularly solemn

Take in a particularly solemn moment as prepared with the fruits of the field. Meditate on


bit of bread is the sun, meditate until that piece of bread becomes radiant,

When I eat ...

be conscious that from the vastness of the universe

the Spirit of Sun entered you and came to live in you.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Terrible Rash On Inner Thigh


full botanical names of each of the remedies responds as follows:

1. Agrimonia Agrimonia eupatoria
2. Ceratostigma Ceratostigma willmottiana
3. Chicory. Cichorium intybus
4. Clematis. Clematis erecta
flora 5. Cotyledon. Cotyledon umbilicus
6. Centaury. Centaurium Erytrea
7. Impatience. Impatiens glandulifera
8. Mímulo. Mimulus guttatus
9. Scleranthus. Scleranthus annuus
10. Arvensis. Sonchus arvensis
11. Verbena. Verbena officinalis

Agrimonia The Inquisitor

This guy is not always easy to diagnose because these people hide their difficulties. They often have seemingly carefree, they are awesome, totally interested in life and definitely are nice people. Often, they drink a lot, but not clearly in excess. It can happen that are drug addicts, and have the desire to experience life exciting and full. It is for this reason that they keep their condition for themselves.
that is detected after the surface lies a tragedy, although they very rarely even recognize it in front of his best friends. Inside suffer feelings excited: a great fear to the present and especially about the future that may even lead to suicide. Do not hesitate to any danger and are thoughtless in all aspects. Do not know peace. They are active, restless, always moving and need little sleep calm only very late.
usually have a great interest in the occult and magic. In fact, they are tormented souls who are tired of suffering, death coming to prefer the best alternative, even if externally strive hard and show every day a happy mood.
often, we see that are troubled by someone else, although responsible for his torment can be found at another level.
This remedy gives peace, away his domestic disturbance, stimulating their demand subsides and gives you peace of mind. Ceratostigma

El Loco
For those who want advance but which, however, are confused and are unable to distinguish right from wrong. Lack of knowledge makes them getting worried at the choice of friends, at work, pleasure and leaves influences entering their lives. They are those whose intentions are good, but whose intelligence and wisdom are negatively marked.
They focus too much on the details of life, ignoring fundamental principles. Conventions and pettiness that have more important issues. A often miss opportunities because of negligible influence. Are able to pull the work of his life because a family member or friend has spoken negatively about it. Vastly exaggerate their obligations towards other people submitting themselves to a dominant personality when in fact they should do is to also serve many other people.
are weak and apologize for his torture in the same way that a woman defends her drunken husband also beats her. Are internally unfortunate because unconsciously, they realize they are wasting their time. Are quietly unhappy with their own efforts. That only they could be persuaded to understand the reality of their stupidity, they could change for the better. This personality type is the victim of the selfish and destructive.
This remedy brings wisdom to understand the truth, the trial capacity to distinguish between good and evil, and grant strength and ability to stay on track once it has recognized.

CHICORY The Egoist.
These people like to use others for their own purposes. They are possessive, exactly the opposite of loving and sacrificing mother. They are eloquent and speak quickly and without interruption, tired to the others with their chatter. Are bad listeners, who always turned the conversation to topics of their own interest. Because of trivia, the other cause alarm and concern. Seem not to grant any other peace or tranquility. Are egocentric hard and only look after their own affairs. His vivacity, perhaps the principle can be entertaining and engaging, tiring quickly to their peers. They love
found in society and hate being alone. In fact, fear of loneliness because they are dependent on others and that gives them their vitality. Through stories full of self-pity and its diseases, achieve understanding and attention. They put a lot of noise about their problems and simulate conditions when they believe that in this way, they get attention from others.
When the other important issues are not what they want, they become hateful, vengeful, spiteful and cruel. They are very stubborn and calculating when it comes to achieving the goal.
As a family member or friend, are demanding and, although not always recognized, they absorb a lot of vitality of others.
often are thin and pale with oily skin and are sensitive to cold. Suffer from chronic headaches, digestive disorders, constipation, flu, colds and nervousness. The concerns will alter much, frequently leads to poor welfare or stomach pains. They have a great appetite.
The remedy soothes the symptoms of patients waking up, also his compassion for others. Thus, their attention is diverted over themselves, ending this way, aggression, caused by compassion for their victims. This way they can serve those who had previously stolen his energy. The lesson is to become disinterested through giving to others. CENTAUR

The Autocrat
In their quest for power, these people have lost their sense for accurate measurement of their relative position and its meaning in this world.
Your speech and his movements are high. Require attention, are impatient, especially with regard to the details of their own desires and well-being. They are arrogant and are totally dedicated to their own performance.
They are usually tall and have a facial tone pink. Are likely to have high blood pressure, with the corresponding inconvenience resulting therefrom.
The remedy to these characters provides softness and tolerance, thereby reducing the stress on spiritual and corporal. FORWARD

The Enthusiast
This remedy acts in cases of severe pain, regardless of the cause that has resulted. The indication is the intensity of pain. In many cases provides relief after morphine has failed.
also indicated for acute spiritual ailments. Similarly, the intensity is crucial here.
is useful for those (regardless of the apparent position with), make great efforts to overcome des any negative quality. Hence the intensity of the disease when they fear failure.
addition, this choice brings peace and acts decisively, bringing the spirit of the patient, as usual, is well aware.

This type of personality you have fatigue, exhaustion and tire easily. These people have enormous fears, fear of the unknown, which in turn makes them nervous. Poor sleep, and sleep does not add comfort or recovery.
I reject noise, and the talk fact that they ask questions, feeling completely exhausted by it. They want to be alone and be quiet.
often interested in spiritualism and are available to act as a medium.
Their exhaustion and lack of strength has nothing to do with a body source.
Often we find this state after a cold. The remedy restores tranquility away, besides, the fear of the patient. Arouses compassion in this personality type, which represents the necessary lesson. Scleranthus

The Veleta
The key to this type of personality is the lack of stability and lack of confidence. They have no such confidence, so always seek the advice of another, and when there are differences of opinions among his friends, do not know what lean. Are incapable of making decisions, being victims, as a result, victims of spiritual torment.
are nervous, they never feel safe, they fear the responsibilities and avoid people, except when they need help. His mistake is that fully rely on the intellect and not let themselves be carried away by intuition. They find it hard to concentrate intellectually, as his spirit wanders from one topic to another.
These are extreme examples: first, depression, then joy at a time are optimistic and the next moment, pessimistic. Untrusted, and unsafe because continually changing its position. One day they are a good friend, another day they are grumpy. Sometimes they are affectionate and quirky, others stingy and mean.
Symptoms, temperament, etc.., Come and go, rise and fall in rapid oscillations following the example of the spiritual state.
The remedy provides clarity of spiritual vision and gives them the ability to take quick sions, as well as to preserve the order and tranquility in the face of difficulties. It develops the qualities of the character of Colonel efficient, as the cotyledon highlights the qualities of a good soldier. Arvensis

These people are deep in the dark desconsolación. No light, no joy without success. Are externally unfortunate, which can recognize and in their faces. They
darkness to the others. They have a color
off in the face with a yellowish or orange-brown tint.
always see the negative side of things and are discouraged. They refuse to become aware of opportunities, to have satisfaction. Always looking for the dark side of life. Wallow in all that is morbid, and spread to all desconsolación deeply depressed.
The choice brings sunshine into your life and helps them to encourage others. VERBENA

The Puritan
This remedy is designed for those with high ideals and who aspire to lead a high life but who, however, fail at some point.
may be that the patient is too rigid, is too fixed in his principles and is too narrow in its attitude towards life, trying to shape the world of overly similar to their own ideals.
This person lives by the highest principles and is intolerant of the mistakes of others. Is too demanding of himself and his resignation too exaggerated, it all joy away of his life. Fails generosity, kindness and gentleness.
In tough times can these people get away from their measurement standards. This remedy smooths
nature, broadens horizons, strengthen the generosity and patience, perseverance and support as it relates to difficult tests.
The lesson of this personality type is as follows: Tolerance, patience and generosity.

so far have been described certain personality types, but there are other remedies that are needed to complete this list and are found and published in due course.
In medicine, we explore the great principles of life, if we are helpful to our fellows.
In this world we are all in the same way. We are fellow travelers on the road to perfection. Finally, we must accumulate all the knowledge and experiences that can be learned on Earth. We totally transform our selfishness into altruism and develop all the virtues to external purity.
The particular lesson of this is the key to our personality type. We lived from our birth between the luxury of a palace to overcome the difficulties boldly des of life. Nor have we come to the world as beggars to learn the intelligent management welfare. The circumstances, the environment and the people among whom we live should serve the intelligent medical indication to know the struggle that the patient must face. Our mistakes and failures are the opposite of the virtues to which we aspire. To overcome our anxieties, we raise we, if possible, in a family where drinking is common. To overcome our hatred, we will we raise, if possible, between people who are cruel. In fact, often are these negative qualities we inherited we have to address with particular interest. And, if we do not learn our lesson on the intellectual level, we suffer the consequences of our failure until that error has been totally cured ourselves.
is for this reason that our shortcomings and our companions and negative life circumstances represent the opposite of the virtues we're trying to do ours.
In treatment, it is vital to diagnose the type of personality and virtues that the patient strives to perfect. Until the moment we are in a position to provide spiritual healing, we must prescribe the remedy that has the strength to support the patient in their struggle.
Therefore, we consider the errors and sins of the negative circumstances of a patient as an indication of how much he strives to develop. On the contrary, we should look strongly positive real. We find a virtue, especially one outstanding virtue that holds our patient, when he pulls himself the best and I prescribe the remedy that will strengthen this virtue, so it apart from the errors of this being.
Our job as physicians lies in seeking the best through direct methods or investigating the errors that must be overcome. And we must develop and showcase the best with all forces available to us. Our efforts should be to help our patients stay on their highest level means are at our disposal, thus enabling them to move forward.
And now, my ladies and gentlemen, there is a simple and even more perfect to enhance the remedies we have used so far.
Do not be disillusioned by the simplicity of this method, since, as their investigation continues, will see ever more the simplicity of all creation.
These remedies (with the exception of impatience, mímulo and cotyledon, which were previously developed through its reduction to powder), which are described in this article, were prepared as follows.
A glass container as thin as possible was filled almost to the brim with water, preferably pure water from a natural source (spring). The following are introduced in the container a lot of the flowers of the plant in question until the water surface was completely covered. It must choose a clear day to gather flowers, then the sun would have been going for about two hours. The glass container is then placed in the sun and, from time to time, it was changing position so that the sun shines directly over the mouth of the container and the content being bathed by the sun.
After three, four and seven hours, about a quarter of extracted liquid was added to each amount of fluid removed about 20% pure alcohol. These preparations may then be used directly as the third, fourth and seventh power.
At this point, mention is made that the four elements are involved in this process: the Earth to provide nourishment to the plants, the air, where they take their food principles, the Sun or Fire, empowering them and strength, and Water, to make charitable and magnetic forces of medicinal plants, being so concentrated.
There are two types of error: error of carelessness and mistake we actively.
If we have a virtue that we do not develop, it becomes a sin of omission. It's the same case of a person who hides his talents, and this error is intimately linked with latent disease, a disease that looms over us like a cloud but, however, never catch us if we recognize our error time and develop the necessary virtue.
actively erred is linked to a manifestation of a disease. This occurs if you do things against our conscience knowing that they are in contradiction with the laws of unity and brotherhood of people.
is why the work of the true physician is to be in a position to help their patients, showing them the virtues latent in them and do not develop, or the negative qualities that are opposed to the commands of your best self and do perform. And it is up to us to prescribe those medicines that, by nature, are so beneficial to have the strength to help men to acquire in this life a harmonious behavior, so that is acceptable to the divine being from which everything originates good.
Finally, we must keep in mind during our work that the disease is thought that the man expires, and it will mankind under divine guidance to overcome all the negative if we are truly to it, since love and truth of our Creator is all powerful and, ultimately, good will complete victory.
If we really recognize this truth in all its sufficiency, we can achieve at this time as far as possible, the victory over the disease.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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The Science of Prana or Life itself: Part IV

By: Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (V:. M:. Huiracocha)
Most of the serious student of Hatha Yoga and apply it to practice the profession, saying that a vegetarian diet is essential. While in some cases I accept, others allow a mixed diet, but in any case I am an enemy of the excess meat and, especially, alcohol and exciting that they are true hindrances and enemies of humanity: wherever they we turn our eyes we see the evil action of exciting materials served: an incentive to the exaggerated vices and criminal organizations that draw our youth, in a repulsive, the asylum, prisons and sometimes premature death and disaster.
At every step we see in the picture adults relaxed fateful love, no passion, no spirit, which are merely intended to satisfy bestial of matter and prostitutes which lowers the moral level of the wife who becomes a woman destined carnal only as an ap Arato necessary to satisfy the appetites brutal.
Most immoral readings, performances of gender insignificant and bacchanalian songs from the famous singers, ETC. have been conceived after copious libations and culinary excesses. But not only what we eat, but how you eat is of utmost importance.
a very wise thing in the ancient religions, like Catholicism, are fasting; is known that man does not live by what you eat but what we assimilate; when our stomach is sick calls must be granted rest and , a fast day all, has cured chronic diseases that body as if by magic, the starving claim our sympathy, but nobody remembers the thousands and thousands die. every day by overeating.
At the head of a patient hear every day: Sir, the patient does not eat what we do?, what would you give to procure appetite? If attention is called to the family that this is a sign of nature, the vital force of healing is concerned that if you have already served their purpose, the hunger will start one, do not believe us.
many mothers unwittingly kill his creatures, giving the chest at any moment, without giving the rest stomach!

Hydrotherapy, or the application of the water bath is another healing factor never outdone by chemicals produced by the small man's ingenuity.
water, gentlemen, that begins as an atom invisible air and steam, then form into droplets and eventually an ocean and cover the widest area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, is a telltale sign for the practitioner, the water is susceptible to a wide variety of applications either in steam on how cold or hot showers, belts, wraps general, or, taken by the digestive tract. In a recently published work by one of the most famous physicians of the Hotel Dieu, Paris, reads:
"wraps cold water is the only remedy against typhoid mathematician, with this method that fits cruel disease nothing more than the name, and the doctor does not apply water, is responsible for the failures. "
But in all applications hydrotherapy should not forget that water operates encouraging the life force, causing natural reactions, but can be counterproductive in reckless applications.
Another curious factor that physiotherapy are used dustbathing : there is a cure establishment of Fulke, in Germany, which only manages that environment.
Much hilarity was the eccentric idea of \u200b\u200bthe priest, but as in Medicine is a very absurd no new system ever proselytes, the practice was taught that Fulke miracle cures and its establishment was painting of patients who came from all directions.
With the discovery of Radium and lengthy study of radio-activity of certain substances earthy, Professor Jaeger gave a brushstroke that scientific empirical treatment, and today 60% of doctors in Germany use it. They use up to cancer, I've experienced in chronic wounds in the legs, and never failed me.
The Incas of Peru knew a disease which, by the description we have left the Dominicans, were very similar, if not the same syphilis. For physicians of the rule of Manco Capac sand baths used to cure.
Important is also the massage and gymnastic movement.
Modern civilization, with all its progress, brings the spirit and the intellect, every day growing demands, while leaving almost all the muscles. With the procession of amenities, trains, trams, cars, automobiles and machinery for all, we have increased our diseases.
No doubt due to this cause greatly harming the health and took puny. Take away the cause and effects disappear, and he who is sick, got into his chair behind the desk, or lack of movement, must appeal to massage and gymnastics.
When circulation is sluggish, the nerve centers are hampered, the value of that environment is incalculable, but where it fills a real gap is in the intestinal conditions, the inertia, sluggish bodies have in massage specific treatment.
Electrotherapy is a very important factor for physiotherapists. Come to them with confidence that you suffer from atherosclerosis and other diseases, it is your only salvation.
Under various influences our arteries lose their elasticity, stiffen, and for that reason can not fulfill their role as distributors of blood in the human body.
Because of this hardening, the blood is badly distributed, and heart, the essential tool for this work, is fatigue. Then the small arterial branches become brittle and may break. When is cerebral hemorrhage, death is almost inevitable.
A seemingly healthy man makes an effort either, the pressure increases, the artery tears and concludes. These patients live in constant danger, have a remedy in the ordinary sublime D'Arsonval.
But however varied and effective that can be applied electricity, electrotherapeutic happens that claim to cure everything and are often superficial at diagnosis.
few days ago a man told me the miraculous healing of the people who had made his son a herbalist, where a director of an institute electroterápico had labored in vain.
It is a sort of attacks that the doctor had identified as epileptic; by bromides and application of electric baths had tried to fight it, but in vain, the attacks had ceased.
Each month the poor had paid 80 pesos and told me what one does for their children?
In this, a neighbor recommended him to a healer of the district Peralvillo, empirical doctor not knowing anything at all prescribed purgative, not matter the nature of the disease.
The good man proceeded in the office, the healer. After a cursory examination, the empirical stated that damage was done by a blonde woman who had haunted her son for love affairs.
- "I took a laxative, it is the only remedy to use." "I threw a laugh. "Do not laugh, sir, was the truth, sir, I Decursed, because from that day my son is completely healthy.
As I was listening to my man with compassionate smile credulity, he insisted:
-" Yes, sir, is pure and true net, and to tell you more, the next day my son threw a stool in the animal very long and very ugly. "
Ah there is the mother of the lamb, I thought. The young man had and a tapeworm attacks originated from it.
The doctor had not noticed that, but you also would have a cathartic, and now the healer who has obtained a cure, as the donkey in the story that played the flute, is recommended by your customer.

often due to accidents like these empirical cures damage to the intelligent physician, but by his own fault or lightness in their diagnoses.
... Just a word to the surgeons: The surgery has made amazing progress, but I think it works too, many things have been sacrificed by an operation.
Paris A famous surgeon was asked by one of his assistants: "Cree You doctor is really necessary surgery? And the interested physician answers: An operation that produces 2.000 francs, that is not asking Him, always necessary.
enough in this area.
My medical friends tell me that while my philosophy is pretty tight and accepts that both defending or spreading enthusiasm, I must separate from the medical leave, on the other hand, occultists warn that, while my healing method is the most rational and abet me in my medical studies, saying that I separated from my philosophy.
I am, or at least want to be, even in the medical philosopher, and doctor up in my philosophy, reaching self slaughter necessary.
In summary, gentlemen, at the fourth conference have heard, I have tried to show that there is a divine force, called God, Kether with the Jews, Yo-tion with the Greeks, based on intra-ionic energy to me, the name does not do. He is the glove that covers the hand is the idea, is the truth, and as the sun illuminates the world.
I have shown its flashes when speaking of psychic phenomena studied by Baraduc, which I have identified as cosmic force that describes so beautifully Flammarion: and that is the same element that have been shaken in the past and future generations, is who electrifies the brain of Edison, who flooded with light heads and Meschingkoff Eucausse is the force that moved the language of Castelar and led the pen of Victor Hugo.
As its most palpable, I have pointed out the sun with its powerful rays. The science of the future will start inventing the Vril secrets Bowler puts in the laboratories of the upcoming race and whose wonders banished to the shadow of the insignificance of our Radium.
This force can act in the brain of each, but we must develop it to abandon the peg latent in the brain, and to achieve this we have the Hatha-Yoga, but it requires the body purification (ie, abstention from drugs); and mental health, (be good, independent scholar.) Listen
lessons left to us in their great teacher, the maximum Levi Abate:
"Believe that man is a corporation of ideas and that his physical body is an instrument that facilitates contact with matter to subjugate it, that was not intended to be used with indecent intentions.
You should not be praise or scorn.
not let something that takes effect in your physical body, in your comfort or the circumstances around you mess with your sanity, like alcohol, drugs, sexual excess, etc..
Do not long for anything in the material plane, higher living to that level without losing your power over him.
never wait for other people, but you must always be ready to help with everything within your ability and be in accordance with the law. Nothing matters as much as to offend the moral law and not experience.
never expect a reward and not experience disappointment.
Never expect love, affection and gratitude of one: but you should always be willing to give them to others.
Learn to distinguish the true and false, and act in accordance with your highest ideal of virtue.
white Magnetism is the sympathy black magnetism is aversion.
Good love each other, the wicked do not hate each other because known.
Pain and death are beautiful, because they are working to debug and transfiguration emancipated.
Fearing God is unknown: the error only to be expected. Man can
all you want, when you just want to Justo.
God reveals Himself to man, by man and man.
His true worship is love. The dogmas and rituals change and succeed: love never changes, his power is eternal.
Nobody, not even God, is entitled to the despotic and arbitrary power.
Nobody is absolute master of none.
The pastor is not the owner of the dog. The law of intelligent world, is the protection, those who must obey obey only for your good is your target audience will not subjugated.
both on earth as in heaven, there is one true power: Good. What a fair
want. God approves, what a just writes or speaks. God punishes.
This is the secret of eternal life:
The main idea I tried to resuscitate to record nerve in your brain and your conscience, be observed in the sequence of all the conferences that have had the honor of presenting.
They come to illustrate and enhance the intellect, the rise in parentheses pleasant routine of life arid land to the high spheres of life. Heal the wounds that bleed the soul in the social and sweetens the penalties, as ominous ghosts haunt us, and when the spirit is purified, when the idea is polished and watermarks of thought meander around us, nature covered by the thick veil Isis is discovered and presented to our eyes great seers.
The study in which I tried to initiate you gives us a happy prospect: in it, becomes the most pessimistic optimist, life is beautiful. When studying the esoteric, nature presents us with its grand spectacle overpowers and overwhelms the poet in his lucubrations, the spirit sags and reversing the stanza of the Necromancer Mexican knees exclaims:
Mother Nature, planting flowers.
Por do my faltering step forward
was born without hope or fear;
I return to you without fear, with hope! ...