Sunday, February 27, 2011

Churh Anniverday Progrms

What does the body? Message of each disease in order alfabético.I part

Acne: No self-acceptance. Not like each other.

Addiction: Escape from yourself. Fear. Not knowing love.

Thrush: Anger by making wrong decisions.

Alcoholism: What I use ...? Sense of futility, guilt and failure. Self-rejection.

Allergies: Allergic to whom? Denial of power itself.

bad breath: Rabies and ideas of revenge. Experiences that support them.

Tonsillitis: fear, repressed emotions. Creativity stifled.

Joints: These represent changes in the orientation of life and the ease or difficulty with which they are made.

Arthritis: A feeling of being unloved. Critical attitude. Resentment.

-A. rheumatoid: Strong criticism of authority. Feeling of being exploited.

Asthma: Suffocation of love. Inability to breathe alone. Shortness of breath. Repressed tears.

-A. in children and infants: Fear of life. Desire not to be here.


Spleen: Obsessions. Tendency to obsess.

bile stones (cholelithiasis): Bitterness. Rigid thoughts. Sentencing judgments. Pride.

Boca: It represents the incorporation of new ideas and support. I draw on love.

-Problems: Reviews rigid. Minded. Inability to accept new ideas.

Bronchitis: friendly atmosphere of conflict. Fights and screams. Sometimes, silence.


Hips: They carry the body in perfect balance. Main thrust forward.

-Problems: Fear of making important decisions. No where to move.

cramps, tension and fear. Grasping, holding.

Baldness: Fear and tension. Attempt to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

Cancer: Deep wound. Rancor that persists for a long time. Deep secret or grief eating away. Loading hatred. Believing that everything is useless.

Colon irritable: Fear relax. Insecurity.

Heart: Represents the center of love and security.

-Attack (myocardial infarction): For making money or position has torn all the joy of the heart.

-Problems: Old unresolved emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Delivery to the effort and stress.

Body, right side: It represents the broadcast, the donation, the male energy, man, the father.

body, left side: Represents receptivity, understanding, Feminine energy, the woman, the mother.


Fingers: They represent the details of life.

-Thumb: The intellect and worry.

-Index: The self and fear.

-Media: The anger and sexuality.

-Unsubscribe: Unions and distress.

-Little: The family and falsehood.

Dementia: Refusal to face the world as it is. Hopelessness and anger. (Alzheimer's disease, senility)

Depression: Anger that you do not believe with the right feel. Hopelessness.

Diabetes (hyperglycemia): Nostalgia for what might have been. Great need to control. Deep sadness.


Chronic: Refusal to change. Fear of the future. Sense of insecurity.

Enuresis: Fear of a parent, especially the father.

Back: Represents the support of life.

-Top, problems: Lack of emotional support. Feeling of being unloved. Brake on the expression of love.

-party media, problems: Blame. Binding in the past. Sense of burden.

-Bottom, problems: Fear of money. Lack of financial support.

-E. inclined: Carries the burdens of life. Helplessness and hopelessness.

Constipation: Refusal to abandon old ideas. Stagnation in the past. Sometimes, pettiness, meanness.


fibroids and cysts: Growing resentment he feels against her boyfriend or husband. Blow for female self.

Cystic Fibrosis: firm belief that life will not work. 'Poor me. "

Frigidity: Fear. Denial of pleasure. Believing that sex is bad. Insensitive sexual partners.


G Argant: Channel expression and creativity.

-Pain, irritation: Suppression of anger. Feeling unable to express themselves.

-knot in the throat: Fear. Distrust of the process of life.

-Problems: Inability to be enforced. Repressed anger and swallowed. Creativity stifled. Refusal to change.

Gastritis Prolonged uncertainty. Fatalistic sense.

Gout need to master. Impatience, anger.


Hemorrhoids: Fear of the deadlines. Anger about the past. Fear to loose. Sense of burden.

Hepatitis: Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.

Hernia: Broken relationships. Tensions, loads. Incorrect creative expression.

-H. Disk: Feeling of not receiving any support of life. Indecision.

Liver: Seat of anger and primitive actions.

-Problems: The habit of complaining. Justification of critical self-delusion. Feeling bad.

Hyperactivity: Fear. Feeling depressed and frantic.

Hypertension: Old emotional problem not solved.

Hyperthyroidism: Rabies being shelved.

Hypothyroidism: The waiver of any attempt. Hopelessness, feeling of blockage.

Fungi infections: Beliefs stagnant. Clinging to the past. Denial of one's own needs. Lack of support for self


I mpotencia: Pressure, stress and sexual guilt. Social conventions. Spite against a previous partner. Fear of the mother.

Insomnia Fear. Distrust of the process of life. Fault.


Laryngitis: Fury that impedes speech. Afraid to be enforced. Resentment against authority.

nodes,: Notice that we have to re-focus the mind on the essentials of life: love and joy.

sores, irritations: Express anger without being installed.


Breasts: They represent motherhood, care and support.

-Problems: Refusal to take care of herself. Always postponed for others.

-cysts, lumps, inflammation (mastitis): Maternal Care exaggerated. Overprotection. Authoritarian attitude.

Migraine: Aversion to be managed. Resistance to the flow of life. Sexual fears.


Nephritis: Overreacting to disappointment and failure .

Kidney: A feeling of being like a child who can not do things, a disability, a disaster. Confusion. Nerves represent communication. Are responsive reporting.

nervously crisis: Egocentrism. Blocking channels of communication.
Publication made possible through the collaboration of Aurora Nanini


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