Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Much To Charge For Designing A Press Kit

healing prayer

By Arnold Krumm Heller-V :. M:. Huiracocha
In the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas have curative factors that today employs intelligent priest, but forgets that all disease is a lack of internal freedom and nobody can teach the way of freedom, who is not free, who is in shackles of dogmatism. To be a priest doctor requires absolute freedom of action and that can not be the monk, as long as monk, never learn to use the true power of prayer.

Christ gave His apostles and their successors them the key to managing the cosmic forces as a healing agent. Catholic priests lost it by departing from the Gnosis but possess the Rosa Cruces and why we are called to transform medicine therapy materialistic spirituality, psychotherapy saving.

Prayer is one of the most powerful means of attracting vibration and sublime forces. Regurgitate Prayer is not prayer and that's why Rosa Cruces recommend the following to be spread among the sick and afflicted, but always based pronounce it with all fervor, intensity and concentration, raising his arms.

We recommend that you do today just as sinking into it the inside look to boot from as depths of our being, the miracle that there exists sap. Do not forget that, in the words of a famous occultist, please God himself ...

With arms raised as if he expects to receive by that means a holy influence, it must be said:

Universal and Cosmic Force, mysterious power, within

fruitful where everything starts. You, Solar Logos, fiery emanation Christ

in substance and in conscience, powerful life for which all proceeds.

and penétrame Come to me, light me, bathe, and thrust me

I awake in my ineffable all these substances are both

part of you and myself.

Universal and Cosmic Force, mysterious energy. I will

spell. Come to me. Remedia my affliction, heal me of this evil and

Keep me away from this suffering for me to have harmony, peace and health.

I ask this in your Holy Name, that the Mysteries and

Gnostic Church have taught me to make me vibrate

all the mysteries of this plane and higher planes and that these

united forces to achieve the miracle of my healing. So be it.

Every reader will make a good spreading their prayer similar to the patients we consult and reach them the benefit of our vibrations and medicine.

We have a large variety of plants with which we experience, but relatively few with their keys, as evidence that these plants were always considered as sacred.

not claim that the cures are made only with our prayers, no, the fervent Catholic, the Protestant conviction, the Muslim, Buddhist, all have their sentences and may use them with equal success. What we want is to return humanity to be religious and pious, not recurrence of such horrific events cruel persecution of human beings, only for his ideas.
Art. Daniel Diaz M artin


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