Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cirrhosis Of The Liver Life Expectancy

Tour Copenhagen

Yesterday was very entertaining. At noon, Josema, Sam, Fer and I took the bikes and headed to Copenhagen. I guess that you will have lost track of my bike. I will make a brief flashback of what happened to her. Yuuuummmmm ...
My bike was engaged in Christiania, and I had lost the key to the lock. I was afraid to take her in case anyone thought that was stealing and hit me or beat me throwing a hand grenade. One day, however, I jumped and grabbed her and took her to Trekroner. On the way I got the ride of stupidity of the lock as believing that reompería. It was, as I say, stupid. The chain is caught in the sprocket and the spokes are twisted. I left my bike next to the station and there still poor, useless, serving multiple spiders accommodation until the rust consume.
Yuuuuuummm. I pedaled the bike of Jesus, a very nice Australian girl. Halfway up to Ålholm (put my name because I like to write that A rare), we stayed with the girls. Sam turned to Trekroner and Josema, Per and I were craving something to eat. We went to the supermarket with the humble intention to buy some chips. I do not know what happened to us, suddenly we entered a consumerist lust uncontrollable and just buy Toblerone, Cokes, candy, cookies, bananas, grapes, and even a cucumber. We left, and two sips of Coke after discovered that we were inflated and had been in a state of total insanity. They
Eva and Blanche, and to resume the road. We arrived safely at the town hall square in Copenhagen, and we turned toward the beach Amager. Suddenly, as we cross the bridge Langebro (which occupy the top 11 on my list), suna an alarm. We stand in the way a fence with intermittent lights. We stopped, confused. Begins to build a squad of cyclists and cars. Then, before our astonished eyes, the bridge starts to rise before us, to be almost perpendicular to the ground. Falls off all dust. And a piece of boat crosses the bridge the gap left. Then Gently, the pavement regains its flat, raise the fence, and traffic began flowing again. We stayed a little longer on the bridge, watching the horizon Knippelsbro how the bridge (as 5) is opened to let the freighter. Then continue the adventure. We stayed with Rocío
at the door of a Fakta in Amagerbro (the neighborhood of the University). As we waited and ate Doritos, I saw a guy who was very familiar. I followed him. Started walking in the opposite direction, and then approached him and asked if he had acted in "The Boss of It All", one of von Trier's films. The guy I mumbled yes. I say that the film is very good, but he passed me and leaves. Then it happens again, but not looking at me. Then back again. What guy rarer, male, I thought. There were also a couple of guys with earphones and microphones. With the fly behind the ear, we look around us, until we saw on a balcony on a film camera. Everything fell into place. The actor in question, Jens Albinus, one of the actors who usually hire Lars von Trier, was in the middle of a recording, hence the brevity and for its brown clothing. How exciting.
order not to prevent more shooting, we went to our destination: the beach. We take chocolate chip cookies, bananas and grapes, and then went outside the airport to watch planes land. There's a place you see them pass a stone's throw over your head.
bike yet, we returned to Christiania, where we chatted a while. Without incident to report, I returned to Korallen and with a severe stomach pain caused by my diet messy, I fell asleep. Celia
dreamed I would fall off the roof of Black Diamond, do not ask me why. Goodbye.


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