Reza's Guide 12 in its presentation Pecascortadas_2
"The True science teaches, above all,
to doubt and be ignorant. "
(Miguel de Unamuno)
Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy care.
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre.
6 th edition. P. 10.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Dresses For Your Boobs

plant my tree and clouds leaves
hurts me
River Rolls - Royce
the sound of your song singing
thrown out the window of your trip
River Rolls - Royce
flowing river river
wealthy know that hurts me
the sound of your song singing
quenching constant flight of my branches.
all dream
all crave water your body
a million gardeners
a million gardeners
hiring practices
stereotyping girls staring
expert masseurs
Shanghai born and unborn
English and French.
But I've decided.
you choose me I will open
your body
let me cut the ribbon and scissors
bring scissors and
my soul.
Marie Young
whose nails are
butterfly whose eyes are
metal stag
vogue approaches Kierkegaard.
The humble employee
His trembling nostrils
as small graves removed
desecrated by a new sensation.
(and more poems from counterpoetry , poets Antilogía reversed. If a woman breaks your heart, look for glue on the lips of another woman , Peter Casariego Córdoba. Another gem the publisher that is revolutionizing contemporary English poetry already said Casimiro Parker )
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Who Panadol Can Kill You
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Nys Unemployment Certify Weekly Benefits
With grace in the foreskin (MIR question not canceled) Afternoon
Point correct in relation to circumcision and the prevention of transmission of HIV infection:
1. Africa has been effective in preventing transmission from women to men.
2. Reduces transmission after homosexual relations between men.
3. increases HIV transmission from men to women.
4. The cost-benefit balance is unfavorable in developing countries.
5. generalize the procedure is recommended to reduce transmission rates worldwide.
Time's up. Question
absolutely CRIMINAL, one of the gems that are already part of the history of the MIR exam. The correct choice, the one, is based on a meta-analysis showed that premise. The foundation is the presence of a high concentration Langerhans cells in the inner foreskin acting as antigen presenting cells.
I put in the drill 4. Super
. I always wanted to be R1 Family in Ceuta.
Point correct in relation to circumcision and the prevention of transmission of HIV infection:
1. Africa has been effective in preventing transmission from women to men.
2. Reduces transmission after homosexual relations between men.
3. increases HIV transmission from men to women.
4. The cost-benefit balance is unfavorable in developing countries.
5. generalize the procedure is recommended to reduce transmission rates worldwide.
Time's up. Question
absolutely CRIMINAL, one of the gems that are already part of the history of the MIR exam. The correct choice, the one, is based on a meta-analysis showed that premise. The foundation is the presence of a high concentration Langerhans cells in the inner foreskin acting as antigen presenting cells.
I put in the drill 4. Super
. I always wanted to be R1 Family in Ceuta.
How To Put Up A Bob Hairstyle
"The crisis of modernity is very deep and goes far beyond economics. For years now we want to standardize the soul to make it fertile ground for any authoritarianism. Impera a brutal social Darwinism and arrogant. The so-called genocide globalization drives slower than that of the crematoria, but no less barbaric: it's called hunger. The poetry itself up against the spiritual impoverishment that all this entails. Poetry is no more because there is resistance. "
(the story of Juan Gelman This invisible reality, today ElPais. Read more: / elpepuculbab/20110122elpbabpor_8/Tes. Mariajo thank you very much.)

(the story of Juan Gelman This invisible reality, today ElPais. Read more: / elpepuculbab/20110122elpbabpor_8/Tes. Mariajo thank you very much.)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Swelling Around Toe After Pedicure
Pecascortadas_1 gift
The MIR exam preparation and course of 6 ° have not been able to me.
With the blog ... be seen.
becomes at least, even after 10 days of legal abandonment and misinformed, and come back with something worthwhile.
already put his verses here smoldering.
Let's see now if you can with this.
My lips
as docile
noisy red mowers
calling neigh
gasoline because
kiss cut grass is grass
grass grass smell smell
grass freshly cut.
My body
hotbed of grass frost
to teach anatomy and botany
and my body
herb that contains no grass
wind steps
grass becomes sole
thousand empty shoes.
your bed cold and stony
is the bed of a river: You
river river
you cry
wood under my arms
wood wood flora
who can not penetrate
river river overflows are
are river and
my lips on my lips lead.
(poems from counterpoetry, poets Antilogía reversed. If a woman breaks your the heart, looking glue on the lips of another woman , Peter Casariego Córdoba. Another gem from the publisher that is revolutionizing contemporary English poetry already said Casimiro Parker )
The MIR exam preparation and course of 6 ° have not been able to me.
With the blog ... be seen.
becomes at least, even after 10 days of legal abandonment and misinformed, and come back with something worthwhile.
already put his verses here smoldering.
Let's see now if you can with this.

My lips
as docile
noisy red mowers
calling neigh
gasoline because
kiss cut grass is grass
grass grass smell smell
grass freshly cut.
My body
hotbed of grass frost
to teach anatomy and botany
and my body
herb that contains no grass
wind steps
grass becomes sole
thousand empty shoes.
your bed cold and stony
is the bed of a river: You
river river
you cry
wood under my arms
wood wood flora
who can not penetrate
river river overflows are
are river and
my lips on my lips lead.
(poems from counterpoetry, poets Antilogía reversed. If a woman breaks your the heart, looking glue on the lips of another woman , Peter Casariego Córdoba. Another gem from the publisher that is revolutionizing contemporary English poetry already said Casimiro Parker )
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Biggest Chelsea Charms
Questions No MIR void 3 and 4
regard to the hairy, point to the FALSE statement:
1. Patients usually have splenomegaly and there is little palpable peripheral lymphadenopathy.
2. cytopenia is rare to find.
3. There characteristically positive for staining acid phosphatase is not inhibited by tartrate.
4. Initial treatment is usually splenectomy.
5. The most used drug of choice today are the purine analogues (2CDA, DCF), but not all cases are treated.
is normal to have tied up with this question, it was actually canceled. The hairy, or hairy cell leukemia, is a special type of LLC. There are few data that you have to stay with her, but very important because they are very typical: large splenomegaly without lymphadenopathy almost (Option 1 true) + pancytopenia unlike of other leukemias often present with increased blood cells (Option 2 false) + sucked dry of bone marrow (myelofibrosis secondary). Other features of this particular data are tricoleucocitos leukemia or hairy cell (named after the strange-shaped cytoplasmic projections hairs) positivity for CD-25 and Fatra (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) as option 3 is true. Although the standard treatment was splenectomy and the spleen was the organ where he lived most of the tumor mass, the current treatment of choice is cladribine or 2 - chlorodeoxyadenosine (2CDA). Pentostatin or deoxycoformycin (DCF) is also used sometimes induce complete remissions, both are analogs of purines (option 5 true). Today splenectomy is indicated if greater than 10 cm splenomegaly and moderate infiltration of the bone marrow (option 4 is false as well.) Therefore, the correct options could be both the 2 and 4, so it was canceled.
Which of the following antibiotic therapy alone is not sufficient in the management of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with febrile neutropenia?:
1. Cefepime.
2. Ceftazidime.
3. Meropenem.
4. Imipenem.
5. Piperacillin-tazobactam .
Very difficult. Know the management of patients with febrile neutropenia. The first is to cover S. aureus and Pseudomonas, which is why choosing a beta-lactam, broad-spectrum (cefepime, carbapenems, piperacillin-tazobactam). However, if covering Psedomona ceztazidima is not first choice because it has low anti-staphylococcal activity. In any case this question was finally canceled.
(questions 121 and 137, drill 1, AMIR)

regard to the hairy, point to the FALSE statement:
1. Patients usually have splenomegaly and there is little palpable peripheral lymphadenopathy.
2. cytopenia is rare to find.
3. There characteristically positive for staining acid phosphatase is not inhibited by tartrate.
4. Initial treatment is usually splenectomy.
5. The most used drug of choice today are the purine analogues (2CDA, DCF), but not all cases are treated.
is normal to have tied up with this question, it was actually canceled. The hairy, or hairy cell leukemia, is a special type of LLC. There are few data that you have to stay with her, but very important because they are very typical: large splenomegaly without lymphadenopathy almost (Option 1 true) + pancytopenia unlike of other leukemias often present with increased blood cells (Option 2 false) + sucked dry of bone marrow (myelofibrosis secondary). Other features of this particular data are tricoleucocitos leukemia or hairy cell (named after the strange-shaped cytoplasmic projections hairs) positivity for CD-25 and Fatra (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) as option 3 is true. Although the standard treatment was splenectomy and the spleen was the organ where he lived most of the tumor mass, the current treatment of choice is cladribine or 2 - chlorodeoxyadenosine (2CDA). Pentostatin or deoxycoformycin (DCF) is also used sometimes induce complete remissions, both are analogs of purines (option 5 true). Today splenectomy is indicated if greater than 10 cm splenomegaly and moderate infiltration of the bone marrow (option 4 is false as well.) Therefore, the correct options could be both the 2 and 4, so it was canceled.
Which of the following antibiotic therapy alone is not sufficient in the management of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with febrile neutropenia?:
1. Cefepime.
2. Ceftazidime.
3. Meropenem.
4. Imipenem.
5. Piperacillin-tazobactam .
Very difficult. Know the management of patients with febrile neutropenia. The first is to cover S. aureus and Pseudomonas, which is why choosing a beta-lactam, broad-spectrum (cefepime, carbapenems, piperacillin-tazobactam). However, if covering Psedomona ceztazidima is not first choice because it has low anti-staphylococcal activity. In any case this question was finally canceled.
(questions 121 and 137, drill 1, AMIR)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Cruise Spots In Vegas
More uprooting, exile, pain ... MIR
Balada ... and suddenly I realized he was talking about Matthew but never mentioned the name and Seville had no idea that I knew, but I was revealing for the smallest details, was tortured in prison Matías unimaginable limits, miraculously recovered to win her freedom miraculously least one item, the stage was over virile, never again. And it was Patricia, but did not mention the name but it was deducted, Patricia tortured, raped, destroyed, and beautifully restored to leave, but with a wonderfully exception, also for her sex was over, the impossible, what duo che, born not to love, say the magazines del cuore, fucking life, the bitch that bore him, were unknown but were found in Spain and everyone knew the other, hell the other, and decided not to be ashamed, why, and talk about until exhausted and spoke three days and three nights, I walked and stark in its infinite possibilities, and without insolence or malice or hypocrisy or blasphemy but with an unusual realism and hope brooding and furtive an ordeal, they decided to pool their impossible and live, or at least try to live, and they are doing.
The Silence of the Sea
The silence of the sea bream
infinite trial
more concentrated than that of a pitcher
more ruthless than two drops
and near the horizon or give us death
blue jellyfish
our suspicions will not let
the sea sounds like a dull
is insensitive as a god and survives
never know what to expect from him or what
spell leaves
my ankles but when the eyes are fed up and tiled
expected between the plains and hills
or streets that are closed more streets
then yes I feel shipwrecked
and only sea \u200b\u200bcan be saved.
(again Geographies of Mario Benedetti. And not the last.)

Balada ... and suddenly I realized he was talking about Matthew but never mentioned the name and Seville had no idea that I knew, but I was revealing for the smallest details, was tortured in prison Matías unimaginable limits, miraculously recovered to win her freedom miraculously least one item, the stage was over virile, never again. And it was Patricia, but did not mention the name but it was deducted, Patricia tortured, raped, destroyed, and beautifully restored to leave, but with a wonderfully exception, also for her sex was over, the impossible, what duo che, born not to love, say the magazines del cuore, fucking life, the bitch that bore him, were unknown but were found in Spain and everyone knew the other, hell the other, and decided not to be ashamed, why, and talk about until exhausted and spoke three days and three nights, I walked and stark in its infinite possibilities, and without insolence or malice or hypocrisy or blasphemy but with an unusual realism and hope brooding and furtive an ordeal, they decided to pool their impossible and live, or at least try to live, and they are doing.
The Silence of the Sea
The silence of the sea bream
infinite trial
more concentrated than that of a pitcher
more ruthless than two drops
and near the horizon or give us death
blue jellyfish
our suspicions will not let
the sea sounds like a dull
is insensitive as a god and survives
never know what to expect from him or what
spell leaves
my ankles but when the eyes are fed up and tiled
expected between the plains and hills
or streets that are closed more streets
then yes I feel shipwrecked
and only sea \u200b\u200bcan be saved.
(again Geographies of Mario Benedetti. And not the last.)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Diaper Manual Intructions
Question No. 2
A 28 year old man with an intravenous drug addiction is brought to the emergency department with dyspnea, agitation, sweating, cold extremities and pink sputum productive cough. There had fever and chills the last two days, but suddenly starts 1 hour before dyspnea. Vital signs are BP 105/40, BP 126 per min., 38 breaths per min., Oxygen saturation 88%, temperature 39.7 º C. The carotid pulse is full and collapsing (Corringe pulse) and presents an early diastolic murmur. Pulmonary auscultation revealed widespread bilateral moist rales. Besides the urgent intubation and intravenous administration of furosemide, which of the following immediate actions is the most important:
1. naloxone and nitrites.
2. Call cardiac surgeon.
3. urgent echocardiograms.
4. Remove blood cultures and start intravenous antibiotics.
5. naloxone and intravenous antibiotics and place an intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation.
We describe a typical clinical endocarditis that evolution as sharp, frequency and history of IDU, whether caused by S. aureus. Physical examination and bounding pulse and early diastolic murmur suggests that endocarditis is conditioning a severe aortic insufficiency. The patient is at Acute heart failure with acute pulmonary edema with tachycardia and blood pressure just that soon will lead to a shock if they do not act quickly. In this situation the most important thing is to warn the cardiac surgeon to proceed to replace the diseased valve with a prosthesis. Of course, no surgeon in the world would submit the patient to a median sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass without a diagnostic confirmation of endocarditis by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Despite the sense of the question is addressed to the immediate attitude that would save the life of the patient, and this would only valve replacement. The TEE may be in the ICU waiting to prepare the operating room or in the operating room itself and with the patient intubated. MIR commission gave as correct in the provisional squad for option 2. After the appeals were eventually overturned.
(question No. 60 drill 1, AMIR)

A 28 year old man with an intravenous drug addiction is brought to the emergency department with dyspnea, agitation, sweating, cold extremities and pink sputum productive cough. There had fever and chills the last two days, but suddenly starts 1 hour before dyspnea. Vital signs are BP 105/40, BP 126 per min., 38 breaths per min., Oxygen saturation 88%, temperature 39.7 º C. The carotid pulse is full and collapsing (Corringe pulse) and presents an early diastolic murmur. Pulmonary auscultation revealed widespread bilateral moist rales. Besides the urgent intubation and intravenous administration of furosemide, which of the following immediate actions is the most important:
1. naloxone and nitrites.
2. Call cardiac surgeon.
3. urgent echocardiograms.
4. Remove blood cultures and start intravenous antibiotics.
5. naloxone and intravenous antibiotics and place an intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation.
We describe a typical clinical endocarditis that evolution as sharp, frequency and history of IDU, whether caused by S. aureus. Physical examination and bounding pulse and early diastolic murmur suggests that endocarditis is conditioning a severe aortic insufficiency. The patient is at Acute heart failure with acute pulmonary edema with tachycardia and blood pressure just that soon will lead to a shock if they do not act quickly. In this situation the most important thing is to warn the cardiac surgeon to proceed to replace the diseased valve with a prosthesis. Of course, no surgeon in the world would submit the patient to a median sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass without a diagnostic confirmation of endocarditis by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Despite the sense of the question is addressed to the immediate attitude that would save the life of the patient, and this would only valve replacement. The TEE may be in the ICU waiting to prepare the operating room or in the operating room itself and with the patient intubated. MIR commission gave as correct in the provisional squad for option 2. After the appeals were eventually overturned.
(question No. 60 drill 1, AMIR)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Travel Agency Php Fusion
void The cold
I like to walk through the cold
with watery eyes and a beer can burn your fingers.
not think of anything and let
the city I go blurry and fast on both sides
I like to walk through this indoor weather broken
full of puddles and leaves and
wheel under the amber mist nests involving streetlights.
I like to walk cracking bridges, sidewalks, parks, souvenirs, crack
as veiled sun roofs that boiled yolk.
cartons still parked on the windshield,
poplar branches bare ridges
as imploring hands and blaming
at a time, to the same dull sky. Sordo.
And keep moving, following my own steam,
crack in the ice,
to meet you are unaware of the loss.
winter goodbye and we are. We
I like to walk through the cold
with watery eyes and a beer can burn your fingers.
not think of anything and let
the city I go blurry and fast on both sides
I like to walk through this indoor weather broken
full of puddles and leaves and
wheel under the amber mist nests involving streetlights.
I like to walk cracking bridges, sidewalks, parks, souvenirs, crack
as veiled sun roofs that boiled yolk.
cartons still parked on the windshield,
poplar branches bare ridges
as imploring hands and blaming
at a time, to the same dull sky. Sordo.
And keep moving, following my own steam,
crack in the ice,
to meet you are unaware of the loss.
winter goodbye and we are. We
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