full botanical names of each of the remedies responds as follows:
1. Agrimonia Agrimonia eupatoria
2. Ceratostigma Ceratostigma willmottiana
3. Chicory. Cichorium intybus
4. Clematis. Clematis erecta
flora 5. Cotyledon. Cotyledon umbilicus
6. Centaury. Centaurium Erytrea
7. Impatience. Impatiens glandulifera
8. Mímulo. Mimulus guttatus
9. Scleranthus. Scleranthus annuus
10. Arvensis. Sonchus arvensis
11. Verbena. Verbena officinalis
Agrimonia The Inquisitor
This guy is not always easy to diagnose because these people hide their difficulties. They often have seemingly carefree, they are awesome, totally interested in life and definitely are nice people. Often, they drink a lot, but not clearly in excess. It can happen that are drug addicts, and have the desire to experience life exciting and full. It is for this reason that they keep their condition for themselves.
that is detected after the surface lies a tragedy, although they very rarely even recognize it in front of his best friends. Inside suffer feelings excited: a great fear to the present and especially about the future that may even lead to suicide. Do not hesitate to any danger and are thoughtless in all aspects. Do not know peace. They are active, restless, always moving and need little sleep
calm only very late.
usually have a great interest in the occult and magic. In fact, they are tormented souls who are tired of suffering, death coming to prefer the best alternative, even if externally strive hard and show every day a happy mood.
often, we see that are troubled by someone else, although responsible for his torment can be found at another level.
This remedy gives peace, away his domestic disturbance, stimulating their demand subsides and gives you peace of mind. Ceratostigma
El Loco
For those who want advance but which, however, are confused and are unable to distinguish right from wrong. Lack of knowledge makes them getting worried at the choice of friends, at work, pleasure and leaves influences entering their lives. They are those whose intentions are good, but whose intelligence and wisdom are negatively marked.
They focus too much on the details of life, ignoring fundamental principles. Conventions and pettiness that have more important issues. A often miss opportunities because of negligible influence. Are able to pull the work of his life because a family member or friend has spoken negatively about it. Vastly exaggerate their obligations towards other people submitting themselves to a dominant personality when in fact they should do is to also serve many other people.
are weak and apologize for his torture in the same way that a woman defends her drunken husband also beats her. Are internally unfortunate because unconsciously, they realize they are wasting their time. Are quietly unhappy with their own efforts. That only they could be persuaded to understand the reality of their stupidity, they could change for the better. This personality type is the victim of the selfish and destructive.
This remedy brings wisdom to understand the truth, the trial capacity to distinguish between good and evil, and grant strength and ability to stay on track once it has recognized.
CHICORY The Egoist.
These people like to use others for their own purposes. They are possessive, exactly the opposite of loving and sacrificing mother. They are eloquent and speak quickly and without interruption, tired to the others with their chatter. Are bad listeners, who always turned the conversation to topics of their own interest. Because of trivia, the other cause alarm and concern. Seem not to grant any other peace or tranquility. Are egocentric hard and only look after their own affairs. His vivacity, perhaps the principle can be entertaining and engaging, tiring quickly to their peers. They love
found in society and hate being alone. In fact, fear of loneliness because they are dependent on others and that gives them their vitality. Through stories full of self-pity and its diseases, achieve understanding and attention. They put a lot of noise about their problems and simulate conditions when they believe that in this way, they get attention from others.
When the other important issues are not what they want, they become hateful, vengeful, spiteful and cruel. They are very stubborn and calculating when it comes to achieving the goal.
As a family member or friend, are demanding and, although not always recognized, they absorb a lot of vitality of others.
often are thin and pale with oily skin and are sensitive to cold. Suffer from chronic headaches, digestive disorders, constipation, flu, colds and nervousness. The concerns will alter much, frequently leads to poor welfare or stomach pains. They have a great appetite.
The remedy soothes the symptoms of patients waking up, also his compassion for others. Thus, their attention is diverted over themselves, ending this way, aggression, caused by compassion for their victims. This way they can serve those who had previously stolen his energy. The lesson is to become disinterested through giving to others. CENTAUR
The Autocrat In their quest for power, these people have lost their sense for accurate measurement of their relative position and its meaning in this world.
Your speech and his movements are high. Require attention, are impatient, especially with regard to the details of their own desires and well-being. They are arrogant and are totally dedicated to their own performance.
They are usually tall and have a facial tone pink. Are likely to have high blood pressure, with the corresponding inconvenience resulting therefrom.
The remedy to these characters provides softness and tolerance, thereby reducing the stress on spiritual and corporal. FORWARD
The Enthusiast
This remedy acts in cases of severe pain, regardless of the cause that has resulted. The indication is the intensity of pain. In many cases provides relief after morphine has failed.
also indicated for acute spiritual ailments. Similarly, the intensity is crucial here.
is useful for those (regardless of the apparent position with), make great efforts to overcome des any negative quality. Hence the intensity of the disease when they fear failure.
addition, this choice brings peace and acts decisively, bringing the spirit of the patient, as usual, is well aware.
This type of personality you have fatigue, exhaustion and tire easily. These people have enormous fears, fear of the unknown, which in turn makes them nervous. Poor sleep, and sleep does not add comfort or recovery.
I reject noise, and the talk fact that they ask questions, feeling completely exhausted by it. They want to be alone and be quiet.
often interested in spiritualism and are available to act as a medium.
Their exhaustion and lack of strength has nothing to do with a body source.
Often we find this state after a cold. The remedy restores tranquility away, besides, the fear of the patient. Arouses compassion in this personality type, which represents the necessary lesson. Scleranthus
The Veleta
The key to this type of personality is the lack of stability and lack of confidence. They have no such confidence, so always seek the advice of another, and when there are differences of opinions among his friends, do not know what lean. Are incapable of making decisions, being victims, as a result, victims of spiritual torment.
are nervous, they never feel safe, they fear the responsibilities and avoid people, except when they need help. His mistake is that fully rely on the intellect and not let themselves be carried away by intuition. They find it hard to concentrate intellectually, as his spirit wanders from one topic to another.
These are extreme examples: first, depression, then joy at a time are optimistic and the next moment, pessimistic. Untrusted, and unsafe because continually changing its position. One day they are a good friend, another day they are grumpy. Sometimes they are affectionate and quirky, others stingy and mean.
Symptoms, temperament, etc.., Come and go, rise and fall in rapid oscillations following the example of the spiritual state.
The remedy provides clarity of spiritual vision and gives them the ability to take quick sions, as well as to preserve the order and tranquility in the face of difficulties. It develops the qualities of the character of Colonel efficient, as the cotyledon highlights the qualities of a good soldier. Arvensis
These people are deep in the dark desconsolación. No light, no joy without success. Are externally unfortunate, which can recognize and in their faces. They
darkness to the others. They have a color
off in the face with a yellowish or orange-brown tint.
always see the negative side of things and are discouraged. They refuse to become aware of opportunities, to have satisfaction. Always looking for the dark side of life. Wallow in all that is morbid, and spread to all desconsolación deeply depressed.
The choice brings sunshine into your life and helps them to encourage others. VERBENA
The Puritan This remedy is designed for those with high ideals and who aspire to lead a high life but who, however, fail at some point.
may be that the patient is too rigid, is too fixed in his principles and is too narrow in its attitude towards life, trying to shape the world of overly similar to their own ideals.
This person lives by the highest principles and is intolerant of the mistakes of others. Is too demanding of himself and his resignation too exaggerated, it all joy away of his life. Fails generosity, kindness and gentleness.
In tough times can these people get away from their measurement standards. This remedy smooths
nature, broadens horizons, strengthen the generosity and patience, perseverance and support as it relates to difficult tests.
The lesson of this personality type is as follows: Tolerance, patience and generosity.
so far have been described certain personality types, but there are other remedies that are needed to complete this list and are found and published in due course.
In medicine, we explore the great principles of life, if we are helpful to our fellows.
In this world we are all in the same way. We are fellow travelers on the road to perfection. Finally, we must accumulate all the knowledge and experiences that can be learned on Earth. We totally transform our selfishness into altruism and develop all the virtues to external purity.
The particular lesson of this is the key to our personality type. We lived from our birth between the luxury of a palace to overcome the difficulties boldly des of life. Nor have we come to the world as beggars to learn the intelligent management welfare. The circumstances, the environment and the people among whom we live should serve the intelligent medical indication to know the struggle that the patient must face. Our mistakes and failures are the opposite of the virtues to which we aspire. To overcome our anxieties, we raise we, if possible, in a family where drinking is common. To overcome our hatred, we will we raise, if possible, between people who are cruel. In fact, often are these negative qualities we inherited we have to address with particular interest. And, if we do not learn our lesson on the intellectual level, we suffer the consequences of our failure until that error has been totally cured ourselves.
is for this reason that our shortcomings and our companions and negative life circumstances represent the opposite of the virtues we're trying to do ours.
In treatment, it is vital to diagnose the type of personality and virtues that the patient strives to perfect. Until the moment we are in a position to provide spiritual healing, we must prescribe the remedy that has the strength to support the patient in their struggle.
Therefore, we consider the errors and sins of the negative circumstances of a patient as an indication of how much he strives to develop. On the contrary, we should look strongly positive real. We find a virtue, especially one outstanding virtue that holds our patient, when he pulls himself the best and I prescribe the remedy that will strengthen this virtue, so it apart from the errors of this being.
Our job as physicians lies in seeking the best through direct methods or investigating the errors that must be overcome. And we must develop and showcase the best with all forces available to us. Our efforts should be to help our patients stay on their highest level
means are at our disposal, thus enabling them to move forward.
And now, my ladies and gentlemen, there is a simple and even more perfect to enhance the remedies we have used so far.
Do not be disillusioned by the simplicity of this method, since, as their investigation continues, will see ever more the simplicity of all creation.
These remedies (with the exception of impatience, mímulo and cotyledon, which were previously developed through its reduction to powder), which are described in this article, were prepared as follows.
A glass container as thin as possible was filled almost to the brim with water, preferably pure water from a natural source (spring). The following are introduced in the container a lot of the flowers of the plant in question until the water surface was completely covered. It must choose a clear day to gather flowers, then the sun would have been going for about two hours. The glass container is then placed in the sun and, from time to time, it was changing position so that the sun shines directly over the mouth of the container and the content being bathed by the sun.
After three, four and seven hours, about a quarter of extracted liquid was added to each amount of fluid removed about 20% pure alcohol. These preparations may then be used directly as the third, fourth and seventh power.
At this point, mention is made that the four elements are involved in this process: the Earth to provide nourishment to the plants, the air, where they take their food principles, the Sun or Fire, empowering them and strength, and Water, to make charitable and magnetic forces of medicinal plants, being so concentrated.
There are two types of error: error of carelessness and mistake we actively.
If we have a virtue that we do not develop, it becomes a sin of omission. It's the same case of a person who hides his talents, and this error is intimately linked with latent disease, a disease that looms over us like a cloud but, however, never catch us if we recognize our error time and develop the necessary virtue.
actively erred is linked to a manifestation of a disease. This occurs if you do things against our conscience knowing that they are in contradiction with the laws of unity and brotherhood of people.
is why the work of the true physician is to be in a position to help their patients, showing them the virtues latent in them and do not develop, or the negative qualities that are opposed to the commands of your best self and do perform. And it is up to us to prescribe those medicines that, by nature, are so beneficial to have the strength to help men to acquire in this life a harmonious behavior, so that is acceptable to the divine being from which everything originates good.
Finally, we must keep in mind during our work that the disease is thought that the man expires, and it will mankind under divine guidance to overcome all the negative if we are truly to it, since love and truth of our Creator is all powerful and, ultimately, good will complete victory.
If we really recognize this truth in all its sufficiency, we can achieve at this time as far as possible, the victory over the disease.
1. Agrimonia Agrimonia eupatoria
2. Ceratostigma Ceratostigma willmottiana
3. Chicory. Cichorium intybus
4. Clematis. Clematis erecta
flora 5. Cotyledon. Cotyledon umbilicus
6. Centaury. Centaurium Erytrea
7. Impatience. Impatiens glandulifera
8. Mímulo. Mimulus guttatus
9. Scleranthus. Scleranthus annuus
10. Arvensis. Sonchus arvensis
11. Verbena. Verbena officinalis
Agrimonia The Inquisitor
This guy is not always easy to diagnose because these people hide their difficulties. They often have seemingly carefree, they are awesome, totally interested in life and definitely are nice people. Often, they drink a lot, but not clearly in excess. It can happen that are drug addicts, and have the desire to experience life exciting and full. It is for this reason that they keep their condition for themselves.
that is detected after the surface lies a tragedy, although they very rarely even recognize it in front of his best friends. Inside suffer feelings excited: a great fear to the present and especially about the future that may even lead to suicide. Do not hesitate to any danger and are thoughtless in all aspects. Do not know peace. They are active, restless, always moving and need little sleep

usually have a great interest in the occult and magic. In fact, they are tormented souls who are tired of suffering, death coming to prefer the best alternative, even if externally strive hard and show every day a happy mood.
often, we see that are troubled by someone else, although responsible for his torment can be found at another level.
This remedy gives peace, away his domestic disturbance, stimulating their demand subsides and gives you peace of mind. Ceratostigma
El Loco
For those who want advance but which, however, are confused and are unable to distinguish right from wrong. Lack of knowledge makes them getting worried at the choice of friends, at work, pleasure and leaves influences entering their lives. They are those whose intentions are good, but whose intelligence and wisdom are negatively marked.
They focus too much on the details of life, ignoring fundamental principles. Conventions and pettiness that have more important issues. A often miss opportunities because of negligible influence. Are able to pull the work of his life because a family member or friend has spoken negatively about it. Vastly exaggerate their obligations towards other people submitting themselves to a dominant personality when in fact they should do is to also serve many other people.
are weak and apologize for his torture in the same way that a woman defends her drunken husband also beats her. Are internally unfortunate because unconsciously, they realize they are wasting their time. Are quietly unhappy with their own efforts. That only they could be persuaded to understand the reality of their stupidity, they could change for the better. This personality type is the victim of the selfish and destructive.
This remedy brings wisdom to understand the truth, the trial capacity to distinguish between good and evil, and grant strength and ability to stay on track once it has recognized.
CHICORY The Egoist.
These people like to use others for their own purposes. They are possessive, exactly the opposite of loving and sacrificing mother. They are eloquent and speak quickly and without interruption, tired to the others with their chatter. Are bad listeners, who always turned the conversation to topics of their own interest. Because of trivia, the other cause alarm and concern. Seem not to grant any other peace or tranquility. Are egocentric hard and only look after their own affairs. His vivacity, perhaps the principle can be entertaining and engaging, tiring quickly to their peers. They love
found in society and hate being alone. In fact, fear of loneliness because they are dependent on others and that gives them their vitality. Through stories full of self-pity and its diseases, achieve understanding and attention. They put a lot of noise about their problems and simulate conditions when they believe that in this way, they get attention from others.
When the other important issues are not what they want, they become hateful, vengeful, spiteful and cruel. They are very stubborn and calculating when it comes to achieving the goal.
As a family member or friend, are demanding and, although not always recognized, they absorb a lot of vitality of others.
often are thin and pale with oily skin and are sensitive to cold. Suffer from chronic headaches, digestive disorders, constipation, flu, colds and nervousness. The concerns will alter much, frequently leads to poor welfare or stomach pains. They have a great appetite.
The remedy soothes the symptoms of patients waking up, also his compassion for others. Thus, their attention is diverted over themselves, ending this way, aggression, caused by compassion for their victims. This way they can serve those who had previously stolen his energy. The lesson is to become disinterested through giving to others. CENTAUR
The Autocrat In their quest for power, these people have lost their sense for accurate measurement of their relative position and its meaning in this world.
Your speech and his movements are high. Require attention, are impatient, especially with regard to the details of their own desires and well-being. They are arrogant and are totally dedicated to their own performance.
They are usually tall and have a facial tone pink. Are likely to have high blood pressure, with the corresponding inconvenience resulting therefrom.
The remedy to these characters provides softness and tolerance, thereby reducing the stress on spiritual and corporal. FORWARD
The Enthusiast
This remedy acts in cases of severe pain, regardless of the cause that has resulted. The indication is the intensity of pain. In many cases provides relief after morphine has failed.
also indicated for acute spiritual ailments. Similarly, the intensity is crucial here.
is useful for those (regardless of the apparent position with), make great efforts to overcome des any negative quality. Hence the intensity of the disease when they fear failure.
addition, this choice brings peace and acts decisively, bringing the spirit of the patient, as usual, is well aware.
This type of personality you have fatigue, exhaustion and tire easily. These people have enormous fears, fear of the unknown, which in turn makes them nervous. Poor sleep, and sleep does not add comfort or recovery.
I reject noise, and the talk fact that they ask questions, feeling completely exhausted by it. They want to be alone and be quiet.
often interested in spiritualism and are available to act as a medium.
Their exhaustion and lack of strength has nothing to do with a body source.
Often we find this state after a cold. The remedy restores tranquility away, besides, the fear of the patient. Arouses compassion in this personality type, which represents the necessary lesson. Scleranthus
The Veleta

The key to this type of personality is the lack of stability and lack of confidence. They have no such confidence, so always seek the advice of another, and when there are differences of opinions among his friends, do not know what lean. Are incapable of making decisions, being victims, as a result, victims of spiritual torment.
are nervous, they never feel safe, they fear the responsibilities and avoid people, except when they need help. His mistake is that fully rely on the intellect and not let themselves be carried away by intuition. They find it hard to concentrate intellectually, as his spirit wanders from one topic to another.
These are extreme examples: first, depression, then joy at a time are optimistic and the next moment, pessimistic. Untrusted, and unsafe because continually changing its position. One day they are a good friend, another day they are grumpy. Sometimes they are affectionate and quirky, others stingy and mean.
Symptoms, temperament, etc.., Come and go, rise and fall in rapid oscillations following the example of the spiritual state.
The remedy provides clarity of spiritual vision and gives them the ability to take quick sions, as well as to preserve the order and tranquility in the face of difficulties. It develops the qualities of the character of Colonel efficient, as the cotyledon highlights the qualities of a good soldier. Arvensis
These people are deep in the dark desconsolación. No light, no joy without success. Are externally unfortunate, which can recognize and in their faces. They
darkness to the others. They have a color
off in the face with a yellowish or orange-brown tint.
always see the negative side of things and are discouraged. They refuse to become aware of opportunities, to have satisfaction. Always looking for the dark side of life. Wallow in all that is morbid, and spread to all desconsolación deeply depressed.
The choice brings sunshine into your life and helps them to encourage others. VERBENA
The Puritan This remedy is designed for those with high ideals and who aspire to lead a high life but who, however, fail at some point.
may be that the patient is too rigid, is too fixed in his principles and is too narrow in its attitude towards life, trying to shape the world of overly similar to their own ideals.
This person lives by the highest principles and is intolerant of the mistakes of others. Is too demanding of himself and his resignation too exaggerated, it all joy away of his life. Fails generosity, kindness and gentleness.
In tough times can these people get away from their measurement standards. This remedy smooths
nature, broadens horizons, strengthen the generosity and patience, perseverance and support as it relates to difficult tests.
The lesson of this personality type is as follows: Tolerance, patience and generosity.
so far have been described certain personality types, but there are other remedies that are needed to complete this list and are found and published in due course.
In medicine, we explore the great principles of life, if we are helpful to our fellows.
In this world we are all in the same way. We are fellow travelers on the road to perfection. Finally, we must accumulate all the knowledge and experiences that can be learned on Earth. We totally transform our selfishness into altruism and develop all the virtues to external purity.
The particular lesson of this is the key to our personality type. We lived from our birth between the luxury of a palace to overcome the difficulties boldly des of life. Nor have we come to the world as beggars to learn the intelligent management welfare. The circumstances, the environment and the people among whom we live should serve the intelligent medical indication to know the struggle that the patient must face. Our mistakes and failures are the opposite of the virtues to which we aspire. To overcome our anxieties, we raise we, if possible, in a family where drinking is common. To overcome our hatred, we will we raise, if possible, between people who are cruel. In fact, often are these negative qualities we inherited we have to address with particular interest. And, if we do not learn our lesson on the intellectual level, we suffer the consequences of our failure until that error has been totally cured ourselves.
is for this reason that our shortcomings and our companions and negative life circumstances represent the opposite of the virtues we're trying to do ours.
In treatment, it is vital to diagnose the type of personality and virtues that the patient strives to perfect. Until the moment we are in a position to provide spiritual healing, we must prescribe the remedy that has the strength to support the patient in their struggle.
Therefore, we consider the errors and sins of the negative circumstances of a patient as an indication of how much he strives to develop. On the contrary, we should look strongly positive real. We find a virtue, especially one outstanding virtue that holds our patient, when he pulls himself the best and I prescribe the remedy that will strengthen this virtue, so it apart from the errors of this being.
Our job as physicians lies in seeking the best through direct methods or investigating the errors that must be overcome. And we must develop and showcase the best with all forces available to us. Our efforts should be to help our patients stay on their highest level

And now, my ladies and gentlemen, there is a simple and even more perfect to enhance the remedies we have used so far.
Do not be disillusioned by the simplicity of this method, since, as their investigation continues, will see ever more the simplicity of all creation.
These remedies (with the exception of impatience, mímulo and cotyledon, which were previously developed through its reduction to powder), which are described in this article, were prepared as follows.
A glass container as thin as possible was filled almost to the brim with water, preferably pure water from a natural source (spring). The following are introduced in the container a lot of the flowers of the plant in question until the water surface was completely covered. It must choose a clear day to gather flowers, then the sun would have been going for about two hours. The glass container is then placed in the sun and, from time to time, it was changing position so that the sun shines directly over the mouth of the container and the content being bathed by the sun.
After three, four and seven hours, about a quarter of extracted liquid was added to each amount of fluid removed about 20% pure alcohol. These preparations may then be used directly as the third, fourth and seventh power.
At this point, mention is made that the four elements are involved in this process: the Earth to provide nourishment to the plants, the air, where they take their food principles, the Sun or Fire, empowering them and strength, and Water, to make charitable and magnetic forces of medicinal plants, being so concentrated.
There are two types of error: error of carelessness and mistake we actively.
If we have a virtue that we do not develop, it becomes a sin of omission. It's the same case of a person who hides his talents, and this error is intimately linked with latent disease, a disease that looms over us like a cloud but, however, never catch us if we recognize our error time and develop the necessary virtue.
actively erred is linked to a manifestation of a disease. This occurs if you do things against our conscience knowing that they are in contradiction with the laws of unity and brotherhood of people.
is why the work of the true physician is to be in a position to help their patients, showing them the virtues latent in them and do not develop, or the negative qualities that are opposed to the commands of your best self and do perform. And it is up to us to prescribe those medicines that, by nature, are so beneficial to have the strength to help men to acquire in this life a harmonious behavior, so that is acceptable to the divine being from which everything originates good.
Finally, we must keep in mind during our work that the disease is thought that the man expires, and it will mankind under divine guidance to overcome all the negative if we are truly to it, since love and truth of our Creator is all powerful and, ultimately, good will complete victory.
If we really recognize this truth in all its sufficiency, we can achieve at this time as far as possible, the victory over the disease.