As there are five kinds of diseases, and how each disease should be treated with reference or its cause, we can distinguish five different methods of treatment, which, however, should not be confused with five different systems that one can pick and choose, because each of these methods requires the possession of certain distinct natural qualities, the highest of which are now very rare. While you can quite easily teach or any person having an ordinary degree of intelligence, the science of inferior methods, such as prescription drugs, use cold or hot water, or application any other physical force, the true art of medicine requires higher skills and talents that can not be purchased but
conforming or the law of spiritual evolution, or development through the top of the inner man. The physician who possesses the powers conferred by wisdom, can also acquire knowledge of the views and technicalities that make up the team of doctors less, but a lower class doctor can not practice the art of the upper class without being initiated in that class through the development of the power that this requires.
From this it is clear that the quality is as important as the same physician practice system. Paracelsus distinguishes five types of physicians: the three lower classes looking for resources on the material plane, the two upper classes employ remedies that belong to the plane suprasensual. But he says that, due or the unity of nature, any of these kinds of doctors can perform recoveries in any of the five fields, and that no physician should be changing a system by another, but each one must remain attached or " sect "or which naturally belongs. Paracelsus
describes these five kinds of doctors as follows:
1. .- The natural remedies served physicists who work as opposites, ie physical and chemical means, such as heat from the cold, etc., etc. (Allopathic).
2. Specivici .- Those who use certain remedies which, as experience has shown, act as spifica (Empirical, Homeopaths).
3. Characterales .- Those who serve the powers of the mind, acting upon the will and imagination of the patient (mental healing, mesmerism, etc.)..
4. Spiritual ones .- Those who have spiritual powers and use power of his will and magical thinking (Magic, Psychometrics, Hypnotism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft).
5. Fideles .- Those through which works are carried out "miracle" in the power of true faith (Adept).
Any of these five sects or powers belonging a doctor should be well versed and experienced in your department, possessing a deep knowledge of right and not a superficial knowledge.
"In any right that one wishes to acquire a degree and achieve success should not only consider the soul, and the patient's diseased body, strive to have a perfect knowledge of the department and be taught more by their own reason and intuition that I can tell the patient. Should be able to recognize the cause and origin of treating disease, and their knowledge should be firm and not subject or question. "(" Param "I, Preface).
There is, therefore, in each of these classes three degrees, or namely 1) those with all requirements of his art, 2) those who have achieved only mediocre, 3) the dunces, charlatans and liars, or whose degree belongs to the vast crowd of charlatans with or without qualifications, those who profit from ignorance and gullibility of the people, and their poisons and drugs kill more people annually than war, famine and pestilence combined " . But none of these five kinds of doctors should consider its own system as the only true, and reject or others and see them as useless, since each is complete and perfect power to cure all diseases from any of the five causes and each will be successful if such is the will of the Act
To this class belongs the vast army of what today is often called "regular doctors", ie those who follow the old routine of official medical science, from the doctor more or less progressive to the seller drug. The remedies used belong or the three kingdoms of nature and according to the elements they represent, can be divided as follows:
1. Earth. - This includes all mineral substances, plants and animals that are required to objects medicine, drugs, herbs and preparations, chemicals, etc.
2. Water. - To this belongs hydrotherapy, hot and cold baths, and everything that relates to it.
3. Air. - The therapeutic results can be obtained by inhalation of certain gases and vapors, are now comparatively little known, except that for these purposes are often used or changes in climate. The use of such things as fresh air, sunlight, etc.., Is much too simple to be duly appreciated by a generation whose thinking is too complicated for them in ability to perceive the simple truths and, Therefore, it is considered as belonging or "health" rather than either the "therapeutic."
4. Fire. - Among the agents who belong or this description may include any kind of energy, heat and cold, light and the actions of its rays of different colors (1), electricity, physics, mineral magnetism, etc., All of which, until far have received little attention from modern medicine, while the former made use of such remedies to cure many diseases (2).
5. Ether. - Until now, the unique element and their actions are just theoretically supported by modern science, and practically are almost unknown. Very recently there has been a big step in this direction with the discovery of the therapeutic action of solar ether, and through the use of an apparatus for the use of their radiation (3).
But the field of natural health care activity is not limited or extension of the purely physical plane. If you climb one more step, you can use not only the products of life, but the activity of life itself in a higher form (4). The sources from which it receives physical remedies are the physical products of nature, which springs out of living powers, are living organisms. In this department belongs to the use of "animal magnetism," the transmission of life (Mumia) transplantation of the disease (5) and the like perfectly described by Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa and others, but that does not exist for our official medical science.
Even those who use the principles of coarse materials, also used without being conscious of it, the higher principles that are in them, since any physical substance, regardless of the realm to which it belongs, is an expression not only one of the four elements, but of the four, and contains all the higher principles. For example, it has been shown that the action of certain drugs properly or the color they produce in the solar spectrum (6), each state of matter corresponds also or a certain state of voltage, each test particle to be nutritious food in it is vital to the principle, every poisonous drug that acts upon the mind, so the first test of mind she is in a state of high activity. In the universe there is "dead matter" everything is a representation of a state of consciousness in nature, even though this state of consciousness differs from ours, and is therefore outside the scope of our perception, each thing is a manifestation of the "Mind", but no smart features, or what we can recognize as such.
is completely impossible to understand this from point of view taken by modern natural science, because philosophical knowledge needed to constitute the first pillar in the temple of medicine. Modern medical science still has a vast field to explore, and if not now know some of the oldest known science, not because there have been no such science, but because they have ceased to be within reason or materialistic trends present time.
This class includes all physicians employed in certain circumstances certain remedies, as they know by experience, have been successful in identical circumstances. In this system, therefore, can be called "empiricism", and is the most modern therapy, because so little is currently known reference or physiological and therapeutic actions of drugs, it is after all merely the result of observation, and no knowledge of the fundamental laws of nature by which drugs act as they do.
Heat is a specific remedy for the cold, and humidity for drying, but even the opposite remedies have the same specific effect. Thus, for example, pain caused by inflammation, and inflammation itself can be cured through both cold applications as hot or swollen part, because in one case the veins constrict, which decreases the amount of blood rushes into them, while in other cases these vessels dilate making the flow of blood with ease and without pain .
specific action of chemicals, is due or their affinities (harmonies) chemical. For example, the bracing action that results from breathing fresh air, is caused by the affinity of oxygen for carbon in the blood, and the vital principle of the air on the vital principle of the body. In this way the tubercle bacilli in the lungs can be destroyed by the specific action of certain gases, which, when inhaled, are certain chemical compounds with certain elements contained in these micro-organisms, and thus cause their destruction (7). In the universe everything happens for some reason and has a certain specific action that depends on certain conditions. If you know the laws, or experience is a science, but if our science is blind, the experience can guide us.
I like know or like. The physical senses know only the physical things, but all visible things are an expression of the soul, and what we know about the soul of things, if you do not know our own soul? There can be no motion without emotion it produces, either directly or indirectly. All movements are manifestations of energy, energy is a manifestation of consciousness, consciousness is a state of mind, the mind is a vehicle for the manifestation of the spirit, the spirit is the "Breath" by which the world was created .
Looking at the colors of nature Tattwas and would open a new field or medical science. Then they could explain why a madman calms down when locked in a room full of blue light, and a melancholic person in a room upholstered improvement with red or yellow canvas: Why is enraged bull or red light, and a crowd becomes rabid or sight of blood. When laws are not known why certain effects occur, we can only record the facts.
If we recognize a truth by experience we can use it, leaving skeptical science or move towards the same leaning on crutches outside observation and inference.
These inferences are drawn from false premises frequently, the effects are taken for reasons, drugs are administered when the sources of the disease exist in conditions in which no drug effect, etc., etc. The application of specific remedies needed, therefore, not only the knowledge that this or that remedy has made such and such cures, but also the knowledge of the circumstances in which return or produce such effects. Arcanum is the true understanding of the relationship between cause and effect. For those doctors are not myopic in each disease nothing but the manifestation of a purely chemical or physical cause, and for whom the terms "mind," soul "and" spirit "have no meaning or denote purely physiological functions unconscious matter, the Arcana of such cures will forever remain incomprehensible mysteries, because they can not be known but those who understand the inner nature of man. The phenomena for life are incomprehensible as life is considered as a product of lifeless forms, but one who is able to see in everything a manifestation of the One Life pervading all nature, that is a function of the universal will has entered the domain of that higher science can not explain by words, but is known to the heart.
this class belongs or the doctor whose very presence inspires confidence in the patient and firm hope restored. Consciously and unconsciously like doctor acts on two major powers of the constitution of the patient, or knowledge, will and imagination. That who can restore confidence inspiring tranquility of the soul, creates the conditions necessary to cure the disorder of the elements that produce the discrepancy.
All processes taking place in the physical body originate in the conscious or unconscious action of the will and imagination, or which is necessary to add the power of memory, because the existence of old prints, and conscious and unconsciously, produces certain states in the imagination, or turn to determine the direction of the will. The regular doctor or often used these powers without knowing it, the doctor of the upper class can use them wisely. Sudden strong emotion at a time can heal a paralytic affection long time, a sudden danger will awake or unconscious. It is likely that in most cases, making the cure is not what takes the patient, but imagine what he has to heal, and without this power of imagination very few drugs have beneficial results.
also belong to this division called "hypnotism" and "suggestion", two old things with new names described. Concerning or actions of the spiritual will Paracelsus says: "It's like an ordered or another run, and run. This is done through word and the power of the word, this being character. " ("Param", Prologue III).
The so-called "hypnotism" is the subject of a weak will and a stronger one. The physician's superior will dominate or will the patient and makes him or act in a certain direction. It is an art that is practiced continuously and consistently for half the human race over the other half from the will power of a general who commanded his army to influence unconscious mind exerts over another, without knowing it and without note this source, the evil thoughts that arise in an individual creates for other pulses, and if he truly knows the unconscious action of will and agency relationships that cause sympathetic minds, it is likely that free will and human responsibility appear in a different light. Similar
or this is what is called "suggestion" and that Paracelsus called the virtue of imagination. It is the imagination of a mind grasping or mind of another and creating in her imagination for it is very real to the patient, because it is in fact his own creation made unconsciously by himself.
"The Visible Man has his laboratory (physical body), and the invisible man working there. The sun has its rays, which can not fuck with his hands, and that however, are quite strong (if they meet through a lens) to set fire to buildings. The imagination of man is like a sun, work within your world wherever you look. Man is what he thinks. If you think fire is burning, if you think war is at war. By the power of thought, the imagination becomes a sun. " ("De virtute imaginative", V).
The imagination is strengthened by the will and the will becomes strong by the imagination. Each of the two is the life of another, and if they join and are identified, they are a living spirit which nothing less resistant. In the ignorant and suspicious, in which no know their own mind and doubt of success - and, therefore, in most of the experiments done in order to satisfy a scientific curiosity or some other selfish outlook - the will and imagination are not one, but held by two different directions. If we look with an eye to the sky and the other, or the land, if we look at each patient's recovery and the other or the benefits, knowledge or fame that we can bring healing, there is no reason or purpose unit , and therefore lack the main condition for success. The doctor willing to employ such means must therefore be a noble character that no consideration selfish to be able to affect it, and have no other intention but to comply with its duty in accordance with the commandments of God's love.
Only that which comes from the heart goes to the heart: the power that comes only from the brain does not have magical effects or unless one with which comes from the heart. It seems cold or light of the moon and inefficient, but it becomes a great power to unite with the light that radiates from the sun or the heart center.
"This is imagination or be a spirit. His vehicle is the body, and it generates the seeds that produce good and bad fruit. " ("De virtute imaginative", III).
4. Spiritual:
So far we have dealt with forces which, although not fully recognized by modern science, or at least support them. Now we go or deal with the action of a spiritual power, as they have consciously only a few people, is almost completely unknown. This is the power exerted on the self-conscious spirit unintelligent forces of nature, and belongs or the "Magic", a word whose meaning only very few understand.
"Magic" - a mag, a priest - to say the great power of wisdom, an attribute of the spirit self - conscious, holy or evil as the object to which it applies. Therefore, it is a power that no intellectual man belongs to earth but the spiritual man, and may be exercised by him without the external man knows which is the source of this power that works in it. For this reason we see or that some remedy is often very effective in the hands of a doctor, and completely useless in the hands of an equally educated and intellectual. Paracelsus says:
"A fellow doctors called spiritual, because they send or the spirits of herbs and roots and force them or release or sick or who have been imprisoned. Similarly, if a judge makes, or a prisoner in the stocks, the judge is the doctor the prisoner, because having the keys can open the locks when you want. To this class belonged physicians Hippocrates and others. " ("Param", Prologue III).
Such an assertion seems incredible that just as nothing is known about the constitution of matter, but if we call to our aid occult science and with her help we realize that all things in the world are certain states a universal consciousness, and that the foundation of all existence is the Spirit not only comes from or be understandable, but you
patent which is the self-conscious spirit of a person can move and hold products imagination of nature in accordance with its action in them, and can truly say that in such cases is the spirit of the physician who works through the spirit of the remedies used, and this is the solution of the secret of the wonderful cures leprosy, etc., made by Theophrastus Paracelsus, which historically have been tested, but not incomprehensible if they are examined under the point of view of materials science.
The investigation of this matter would take us to the realm of black and white magic, sorcery and witchcraft, which could not be explained more fully now, both as premature as to be impossible within the limits of this.
The word "fidelity" - fido, trust - means faith, confidence, conviction that comes from the perception of truth, knowledge, which is one that results from experience, and the kind of medical or referenced herein or those who remained true or divine nature, have the divine powers that have been allocated or Christ, the apostles I saints.
"Return the health through the power of faith, for he who believes in the truth, heal through the power of it." ("Param" I., Preface 3).
In most cases, the "Faith" is illusory, and consists only of a belief accepted or proposed in the accuracy of certain opinions or theories. The high man's true faith is a spiritual and divine living power resulting from the certainty of spiritual perception of the eternal law of cause and effect. Just as we are fully convinced that the day follows or night, night and day, and also the Adept - doctor, knowing the causes spiritual, moral and physical disease, and appreciating the power of evolution and progress, knows the effects of such causes and directing means for healing. No one can destroy the effects by the law of divine justice. If one prevents the manifestation of divine law in a way, be manifested in another way, this is the action of the divine law in nature, but those who live in the truth and manifest the divine truth, is high over nature, as it comes into that of which nature has done. This saves power rises and all, is the true faith in man, which can cure all diseases.
"There is neither good nor bad luck, but the whole effect is due or a cause. Each one is rewarded or under way and their doings. God has done and all men of a single substance, has given me all the same power for living, for which all human beings are equal in God. The sun and rain, winter and summer are the same for everyone, but not everyone watches the sun with the same eyes. God loves all mankind and in the same way, but not all men love or God with the same love. Each of the children of God have the same heritage, but a wasted, while another remains. What God has done the same, render it inequitable actions of men. Every man who carries his cross, it is rewarded. Every misfortune is a fortune, because the divine goodness and gives each what he most needs for its future development, the pain begins only when you see the discontent, which comes from ignorance of the eternal law. The higher the obstacle to the fight, the greater will be the victory. " ("Philosophie", V.).
The art of medicine has been established to contravene or the laws of God, but in order to help or restore harmony, the disruption causes the disease, and this restoration is effected by means of obedience or the law . There is no "forgiveness of sin disease" and there is no forgiveness of sins moral. Healing takes place in or come back in harmony with the laws of nature, which after all, are the laws of God manifested in the natural realm. Nor heals, or forgive sins, so that the man with less fear of punishment or sin again repeatedly, but, after beating the effects of mismatches, back or have the power to sin or to have new opportunities to master the temptations, and reach or be master of himself during his life on earth. One who is master of himself is his own law and not subject or any disharmony. This is what Paracelsus said in its favorite motto:
"Non sit that suus esse potest alterius," which can be translated as follows: "He who is master of himself does not belong to anything but itself" because the self that dominates the "I" is God Will of the Divine Wisdom, the Lord of All.
(1) The power soothing blue, stimulatory effects of red, yellow fortifying effects, etc., Deserve much more attention than they pay now. The reason why the "cure for the blue light has only a fleeting excitement is that it has been used interchangeably and that you do not understand its laws.
(2) "Paracelsus", p. 141.
(3) Professor O. Leipzig Korschelt has invented an instrument for this purpose.
(4) See "Paracelsus", pág.138.
(5) All forces can manifest in a triple. There are "magnets" universal, animal and spiritual, a physical power, a vital power, a spiritual electricity, etc., Etc.
(6) "Principles of Light and Colour" by Dr.Babbitt.
(7) "Eine neue Heilmethode" (New Healing Method), by F. W. Hartmann Friedrich, Leipzig.1893.

From this it is clear that the quality is as important as the same physician practice system. Paracelsus distinguishes five types of physicians: the three lower classes looking for resources on the material plane, the two upper classes employ remedies that belong to the plane suprasensual. But he says that, due or the unity of nature, any of these kinds of doctors can perform recoveries in any of the five fields, and that no physician should be changing a system by another, but each one must remain attached or " sect "or which naturally belongs. Paracelsus
describes these five kinds of doctors as follows:
1. .- The natural remedies served physicists who work as opposites, ie physical and chemical means, such as heat from the cold, etc., etc. (Allopathic).
2. Specivici .- Those who use certain remedies which, as experience has shown, act as spifica (Empirical, Homeopaths).
3. Characterales .- Those who serve the powers of the mind, acting upon the will and imagination of the patient (mental healing, mesmerism, etc.)..
4. Spiritual ones .- Those who have spiritual powers and use power of his will and magical thinking (Magic, Psychometrics, Hypnotism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft).
5. Fideles .- Those through which works are carried out "miracle" in the power of true faith (Adept).
Any of these five sects or powers belonging a doctor should be well versed and experienced in your department, possessing a deep knowledge of right and not a superficial knowledge.
"In any right that one wishes to acquire a degree and achieve success should not only consider the soul, and the patient's diseased body, strive to have a perfect knowledge of the department and be taught more by their own reason and intuition that I can tell the patient. Should be able to recognize the cause and origin of treating disease, and their knowledge should be firm and not subject or question. "(" Param "I, Preface).
There is, therefore, in each of these classes three degrees, or namely 1) those with all requirements of his art, 2) those who have achieved only mediocre, 3) the dunces, charlatans and liars, or whose degree belongs to the vast crowd of charlatans with or without qualifications, those who profit from ignorance and gullibility of the people, and their poisons and drugs kill more people annually than war, famine and pestilence combined " . But none of these five kinds of doctors should consider its own system as the only true, and reject or others and see them as useless, since each is complete and perfect power to cure all diseases from any of the five causes and each will be successful if such is the will of the Act
To this class belongs the vast army of what today is often called "regular doctors", ie those who follow the old routine of official medical science, from the doctor more or less progressive to the seller drug. The remedies used belong or the three kingdoms of nature and according to the elements they represent, can be divided as follows:
1. Earth. - This includes all mineral substances, plants and animals that are required to objects medicine, drugs, herbs and preparations, chemicals, etc.
2. Water. - To this belongs hydrotherapy, hot and cold baths, and everything that relates to it.
3. Air. - The therapeutic results can be obtained by inhalation of certain gases and vapors, are now comparatively little known, except that for these purposes are often used or changes in climate. The use of such things as fresh air, sunlight, etc.., Is much too simple to be duly appreciated by a generation whose thinking is too complicated for them in ability to perceive the simple truths and, Therefore, it is considered as belonging or "health" rather than either the "therapeutic."
4. Fire. - Among the agents who belong or this description may include any kind of energy, heat and cold, light and the actions of its rays of different colors (1), electricity, physics, mineral magnetism, etc., All of which, until far have received little attention from modern medicine, while the former made use of such remedies to cure many diseases (2).
5. Ether. - Until now, the unique element and their actions are just theoretically supported by modern science, and practically are almost unknown. Very recently there has been a big step in this direction with the discovery of the therapeutic action of solar ether, and through the use of an apparatus for the use of their radiation (3).
But the field of natural health care activity is not limited or extension of the purely physical plane. If you climb one more step, you can use not only the products of life, but the activity of life itself in a higher form (4). The sources from which it receives physical remedies are the physical products of nature, which springs out of living powers, are living organisms. In this department belongs to the use of "animal magnetism," the transmission of life (Mumia) transplantation of the disease (5) and the like perfectly described by Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa and others, but that does not exist for our official medical science.
Even those who use the principles of coarse materials, also used without being conscious of it, the higher principles that are in them, since any physical substance, regardless of the realm to which it belongs, is an expression not only one of the four elements, but of the four, and contains all the higher principles. For example, it has been shown that the action of certain drugs properly or the color they produce in the solar spectrum (6), each state of matter corresponds also or a certain state of voltage, each test particle to be nutritious food in it is vital to the principle, every poisonous drug that acts upon the mind, so the first test of mind she is in a state of high activity. In the universe there is "dead matter" everything is a representation of a state of consciousness in nature, even though this state of consciousness differs from ours, and is therefore outside the scope of our perception, each thing is a manifestation of the "Mind", but no smart features, or what we can recognize as such.
is completely impossible to understand this from point of view taken by modern natural science, because philosophical knowledge needed to constitute the first pillar in the temple of medicine. Modern medical science still has a vast field to explore, and if not now know some of the oldest known science, not because there have been no such science, but because they have ceased to be within reason or materialistic trends present time.
This class includes all physicians employed in certain circumstances certain remedies, as they know by experience, have been successful in identical circumstances. In this system, therefore, can be called "empiricism", and is the most modern therapy, because so little is currently known reference or physiological and therapeutic actions of drugs, it is after all merely the result of observation, and no knowledge of the fundamental laws of nature by which drugs act as they do.
Heat is a specific remedy for the cold, and humidity for drying, but even the opposite remedies have the same specific effect. Thus, for example, pain caused by inflammation, and inflammation itself can be cured through both cold applications as hot or swollen part, because in one case the veins constrict, which decreases the amount of blood rushes into them, while in other cases these vessels dilate making the flow of blood with ease and without pain .
specific action of chemicals, is due or their affinities (harmonies) chemical. For example, the bracing action that results from breathing fresh air, is caused by the affinity of oxygen for carbon in the blood, and the vital principle of the air on the vital principle of the body. In this way the tubercle bacilli in the lungs can be destroyed by the specific action of certain gases, which, when inhaled, are certain chemical compounds with certain elements contained in these micro-organisms, and thus cause their destruction (7). In the universe everything happens for some reason and has a certain specific action that depends on certain conditions. If you know the laws, or experience is a science, but if our science is blind, the experience can guide us.
I like know or like. The physical senses know only the physical things, but all visible things are an expression of the soul, and what we know about the soul of things, if you do not know our own soul? There can be no motion without emotion it produces, either directly or indirectly. All movements are manifestations of energy, energy is a manifestation of consciousness, consciousness is a state of mind, the mind is a vehicle for the manifestation of the spirit, the spirit is the "Breath" by which the world was created .
Looking at the colors of nature Tattwas and would open a new field or medical science. Then they could explain why a madman calms down when locked in a room full of blue light, and a melancholic person in a room upholstered improvement with red or yellow canvas: Why is enraged bull or red light, and a crowd becomes rabid or sight of blood. When laws are not known why certain effects occur, we can only record the facts.
If we recognize a truth by experience we can use it, leaving skeptical science or move towards the same leaning on crutches outside observation and inference.
These inferences are drawn from false premises frequently, the effects are taken for reasons, drugs are administered when the sources of the disease exist in conditions in which no drug effect, etc., etc. The application of specific remedies needed, therefore, not only the knowledge that this or that remedy has made such and such cures, but also the knowledge of the circumstances in which return or produce such effects. Arcanum is the true understanding of the relationship between cause and effect. For those doctors are not myopic in each disease nothing but the manifestation of a purely chemical or physical cause, and for whom the terms "mind," soul "and" spirit "have no meaning or denote purely physiological functions unconscious matter, the Arcana of such cures will forever remain incomprehensible mysteries, because they can not be known but those who understand the inner nature of man. The phenomena for life are incomprehensible as life is considered as a product of lifeless forms, but one who is able to see in everything a manifestation of the One Life pervading all nature, that is a function of the universal will has entered the domain of that higher science can not explain by words, but is known to the heart.
this class belongs or the doctor whose very presence inspires confidence in the patient and firm hope restored. Consciously and unconsciously like doctor acts on two major powers of the constitution of the patient, or knowledge, will and imagination. That who can restore confidence inspiring tranquility of the soul, creates the conditions necessary to cure the disorder of the elements that produce the discrepancy.
All processes taking place in the physical body originate in the conscious or unconscious action of the will and imagination, or which is necessary to add the power of memory, because the existence of old prints, and conscious and unconsciously, produces certain states in the imagination, or turn to determine the direction of the will. The regular doctor or often used these powers without knowing it, the doctor of the upper class can use them wisely. Sudden strong emotion at a time can heal a paralytic affection long time, a sudden danger will awake or unconscious. It is likely that in most cases, making the cure is not what takes the patient, but imagine what he has to heal, and without this power of imagination very few drugs have beneficial results.
also belong to this division called "hypnotism" and "suggestion", two old things with new names described. Concerning or actions of the spiritual will Paracelsus says: "It's like an ordered or another run, and run. This is done through word and the power of the word, this being character. " ("Param", Prologue III).
The so-called "hypnotism" is the subject of a weak will and a stronger one. The physician's superior will dominate or will the patient and makes him or act in a certain direction. It is an art that is practiced continuously and consistently for half the human race over the other half from the will power of a general who commanded his army to influence unconscious mind exerts over another, without knowing it and without note this source, the evil thoughts that arise in an individual creates for other pulses, and if he truly knows the unconscious action of will and agency relationships that cause sympathetic minds, it is likely that free will and human responsibility appear in a different light. Similar
or this is what is called "suggestion" and that Paracelsus called the virtue of imagination. It is the imagination of a mind grasping or mind of another and creating in her imagination for it is very real to the patient, because it is in fact his own creation made unconsciously by himself.
"The Visible Man has his laboratory (physical body), and the invisible man working there. The sun has its rays, which can not fuck with his hands, and that however, are quite strong (if they meet through a lens) to set fire to buildings. The imagination of man is like a sun, work within your world wherever you look. Man is what he thinks. If you think fire is burning, if you think war is at war. By the power of thought, the imagination becomes a sun. " ("De virtute imaginative", V).
The imagination is strengthened by the will and the will becomes strong by the imagination. Each of the two is the life of another, and if they join and are identified, they are a living spirit which nothing less resistant. In the ignorant and suspicious, in which no know their own mind and doubt of success - and, therefore, in most of the experiments done in order to satisfy a scientific curiosity or some other selfish outlook - the will and imagination are not one, but held by two different directions. If we look with an eye to the sky and the other, or the land, if we look at each patient's recovery and the other or the benefits, knowledge or fame that we can bring healing, there is no reason or purpose unit , and therefore lack the main condition for success. The doctor willing to employ such means must therefore be a noble character that no consideration selfish to be able to affect it, and have no other intention but to comply with its duty in accordance with the commandments of God's love.
Only that which comes from the heart goes to the heart: the power that comes only from the brain does not have magical effects or unless one with which comes from the heart. It seems cold or light of the moon and inefficient, but it becomes a great power to unite with the light that radiates from the sun or the heart center.
"This is imagination or be a spirit. His vehicle is the body, and it generates the seeds that produce good and bad fruit. " ("De virtute imaginative", III).
4. Spiritual:
So far we have dealt with forces which, although not fully recognized by modern science, or at least support them. Now we go or deal with the action of a spiritual power, as they have consciously only a few people, is almost completely unknown. This is the power exerted on the self-conscious spirit unintelligent forces of nature, and belongs or the "Magic", a word whose meaning only very few understand.
"Magic" - a mag, a priest - to say the great power of wisdom, an attribute of the spirit self - conscious, holy or evil as the object to which it applies. Therefore, it is a power that no intellectual man belongs to earth but the spiritual man, and may be exercised by him without the external man knows which is the source of this power that works in it. For this reason we see or that some remedy is often very effective in the hands of a doctor, and completely useless in the hands of an equally educated and intellectual. Paracelsus says:
"A fellow doctors called spiritual, because they send or the spirits of herbs and roots and force them or release or sick or who have been imprisoned. Similarly, if a judge makes, or a prisoner in the stocks, the judge is the doctor the prisoner, because having the keys can open the locks when you want. To this class belonged physicians Hippocrates and others. " ("Param", Prologue III).
Such an assertion seems incredible that just as nothing is known about the constitution of matter, but if we call to our aid occult science and with her help we realize that all things in the world are certain states a universal consciousness, and that the foundation of all existence is the Spirit not only comes from or be understandable, but you

The investigation of this matter would take us to the realm of black and white magic, sorcery and witchcraft, which could not be explained more fully now, both as premature as to be impossible within the limits of this.
The word "fidelity" - fido, trust - means faith, confidence, conviction that comes from the perception of truth, knowledge, which is one that results from experience, and the kind of medical or referenced herein or those who remained true or divine nature, have the divine powers that have been allocated or Christ, the apostles I saints.
"Return the health through the power of faith, for he who believes in the truth, heal through the power of it." ("Param" I., Preface 3).
In most cases, the "Faith" is illusory, and consists only of a belief accepted or proposed in the accuracy of certain opinions or theories. The high man's true faith is a spiritual and divine living power resulting from the certainty of spiritual perception of the eternal law of cause and effect. Just as we are fully convinced that the day follows or night, night and day, and also the Adept - doctor, knowing the causes spiritual, moral and physical disease, and appreciating the power of evolution and progress, knows the effects of such causes and directing means for healing. No one can destroy the effects by the law of divine justice. If one prevents the manifestation of divine law in a way, be manifested in another way, this is the action of the divine law in nature, but those who live in the truth and manifest the divine truth, is high over nature, as it comes into that of which nature has done. This saves power rises and all, is the true faith in man, which can cure all diseases.
"There is neither good nor bad luck, but the whole effect is due or a cause. Each one is rewarded or under way and their doings. God has done and all men of a single substance, has given me all the same power for living, for which all human beings are equal in God. The sun and rain, winter and summer are the same for everyone, but not everyone watches the sun with the same eyes. God loves all mankind and in the same way, but not all men love or God with the same love. Each of the children of God have the same heritage, but a wasted, while another remains. What God has done the same, render it inequitable actions of men. Every man who carries his cross, it is rewarded. Every misfortune is a fortune, because the divine goodness and gives each what he most needs for its future development, the pain begins only when you see the discontent, which comes from ignorance of the eternal law. The higher the obstacle to the fight, the greater will be the victory. " ("Philosophie", V.).
The art of medicine has been established to contravene or the laws of God, but in order to help or restore harmony, the disruption causes the disease, and this restoration is effected by means of obedience or the law . There is no "forgiveness of sin disease" and there is no forgiveness of sins moral. Healing takes place in or come back in harmony with the laws of nature, which after all, are the laws of God manifested in the natural realm. Nor heals, or forgive sins, so that the man with less fear of punishment or sin again repeatedly, but, after beating the effects of mismatches, back or have the power to sin or to have new opportunities to master the temptations, and reach or be master of himself during his life on earth. One who is master of himself is his own law and not subject or any disharmony. This is what Paracelsus said in its favorite motto:
"Non sit that suus esse potest alterius," which can be translated as follows: "He who is master of himself does not belong to anything but itself" because the self that dominates the "I" is God Will of the Divine Wisdom, the Lord of All.
(1) The power soothing blue, stimulatory effects of red, yellow fortifying effects, etc., Deserve much more attention than they pay now. The reason why the "cure for the blue light has only a fleeting excitement is that it has been used interchangeably and that you do not understand its laws.
(2) "Paracelsus", p. 141.
(3) Professor O. Leipzig Korschelt has invented an instrument for this purpose.
(4) See "Paracelsus", pág.138.
(5) All forces can manifest in a triple. There are "magnets" universal, animal and spiritual, a physical power, a vital power, a spiritual electricity, etc., Etc.
(6) "Principles of Light and Colour" by Dr.Babbitt.
(7) "Eine neue Heilmethode" (New Healing Method), by F. W. Hartmann Friedrich, Leipzig.1893.